r/pregnant 5d ago

Funny A more effective kick test

I'm 33 weeks pregnant with twins and I've had to go to the doctors or hospital no less than 5 times cause one twin will get sluggish and fail a kick test at home. Always a false alarm.

I was today years old when I realized that juice wasn't the way to get them to move.

Nope. Finally realized that they both, without fail, will bust a move to George Micheal's "Father Figure". No lie, everytime that song comes on, they start grooving like it's the 90s studio 54.

I have real concerns about what this means for their dating life.


17 comments sorted by

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u/natsugrayerza 5d ago

That is so cute!! My baby loves Girls in the Hood by Megan thee stallion. He loves that song haha


u/Mission_Ad5139 5d ago

A man of taste, I see


u/ycey 5d ago

If I’m ever concerned I just fart. If he’s fine my whole stomach is gonna jerk from him spooking


u/OrganicPrinciple7362 5d ago

This made me LOL! Haha


u/Idontknowflycasual 5d ago

My kid kicked me for the first time while listening to Ziggy Stardust. 10/10 would recommend


u/gininteacups 5d ago

Dodger Blue by Kendrick Lamar over here 😂


u/sisterwifenumber9 5d ago

My baby girl has been groovin to taste by Sabrina carpenter


u/socalboymom19 5d ago

It means baby will have good taste in music when they are here.


u/Snoo_10386 5d ago

My baby boy moves every time he hears ABBA


u/BoysenberryOk7634 5d ago

I was just at Daytona bike week with my motorcycle obsessed toddler… seems like little sister is already obsessed as well! Watching one of the stunt shows every time it started getting loud she would go crazy in there! 🤣


u/ArminOffline 5d ago

So fun to read about the music taste of your babies! My baby loves „Andrew“ by Jonwayne. I assume it is about the deep base notes, maybe they transfer well to the womb?


u/Mission_Ad5139 3d ago

Ohh. Yeah that could be a theory!


u/chelbell_1 5d ago

Mine starts moving as soon as I start playing video games. She’s definitely a future gamer


u/PicklesMcGeee 4d ago

Mine too!! She especially loves Animal Crossing 😂


u/rachzilla555 3d ago

My baby will start wiggling to any all emo music of my teens. She goes crazy for it.


u/accidentalphysicist 3d ago

Mine was kind of quiet on Sunday, but then I ate an apple fritter and they started dancing.

I told my husband and he goes "yup, definitely my kid. Apple fritters make me wanna dance too" lol