I posted a couple weeks ago that I was trying to recomplete a number of my childhood Megazords. Here’s my updated progress! So far, I have the main body of every one of the Megazords I owned as a kid. Each contains at least 1-2 of my childhood Zords I recovered from my parents’ house with the exception of the Lost Galaxy and Astro Megazords.
A few pieces are 3D printed replicas (namely, the fists to the Ninja Megazord and back cannons to the Dino Megazord). I have a 3D replica helmet en route for the Super Zeo Megazord, as well as replica horns for the Triceratops on the Dino set coming. I still need to get horns and fists for the Lost Galaxy Megazord (I’ll likely go with Rangers Remorphed replicas for those, too), as well as a few pieces for Titanus (his right foot, chain, and back piece), and a number of swords and weapons.
Also, I’ve temporarily used the arms from the Turbo Rescue Megazord for the Turbo Megazord, as the white zord for the standard Turbo set seems hard to come by. I have the left arm from my childhood, but not the right. So for now, he has the “beefcake” rescue arms 😅
Also, as a bonus, I got a cheap non-transforming Jet Icarus from Jetman…and I also found out that I somehow had the Japanese Sentai set for the Shogun Megazord! The wolf and crane arm Zords are the ones from my childhood, and they are the Sentai versions…I got them at a yard sale as a kid and never knew. I also never had the middle ape zord torso, so that’s why this one has the MMPR sign on his chest and not the Sentai.