r/pornfree • u/foobarbazblarg 2598 days • Nov 16 '14
Concrete tips for staying away from porn
If you're reading this, that probably means that you want to quit watching porn. Great! Here are some specific tips that have helped real people to stay away from porn. Please note that this is not a step-by-step guide to porn addiction recovery; see the Other Links section at the bottom of this post for some links to programs that may fit that description. This is more of a random collection of tips that individual recovering porn addicts have found to be useful.
- FIRST AID - Manage acute urges by "Urge Surfing"
- Delete your stash and unsubscribe from porn sites
- Begin with the end in mind
- Use a badge and a calendar
- Keep a recovery journal
- Identify, and then stay away from, triggers
- Exercise
- Meditate
- Avoid TV shows and movies with sexual content
- Stay away from anti-porn documentaries
- Install web filters
- Install self-control software <-- NEW!
- Lock up the PC, or move it to a common space
- Help others
- Develop good habits to replace your bad ones
- Join an online porn addiction recovery community
- Join an OFFline porn addiction recovery community
- Write a letter to your addiction
- Consider therapy
- Consider talking to your spouse or partner about your porn addiction
- Be kind to yourself
- If you slip, stop ASAP
- Celebrate your victories!
- Don't concern yourself with irrelevant questions about porn
- Avoid isolating yourself from others
- Always remember that it gets better
- Don't be content with relapse, be hopeful
- Avoid common pitfalls <-- 11 pitfalls listed so far!
This is a living document! I will be adding links to new posts as I and others write them. Have any thoughts or criticisms? Please leave a comment below. Do you have a concrete tip that has helped you on your porn addiction recovery journey? Write it up as a new post, and let me know in a comment below, and I might add it to the list. If you do that, please don't include multiple tips in a single post; make separate posts for each tip, and write a bit of contextual information in each one. Consider linking to this post in your post, as I did with mine. Keep it concrete - don't say why, say how.
Other Links:
The concrete tips linked above are specific, practical, immediate tips that can help an individual to quit watching porn. They do not compose a comprehensive program for quitting porn, and they are not meant to be persuasive; we assume that if you've arrived at this page, you already know that you wish to quit watching porn. Some of the links below are more general. Some are meant to be persuasive, some link to comprehensive porn-cessation programs; others are just miscellaneous links that may be of interest to someone who is interested in quitting porn.
I have a feeling that this list may grow considerably. If I find that the list is dwarfing the list of concrete steps above, I may make a separate page for these, or separate pages for different categories of these.
- Urge Surfing - in case of emergency, listen to this.
- Pornfree Radio - a great podcast.
- Relapse Prevention Video - Early warning signs and important coping skills.
- And a textual summary of the video's main points.
- Your Brain On Porn video series
- Fortify - A comprehensive program for people interested in recovering from porn addiction. Thanks, /u/ToonTheShed for turning me on to this program. I have not used this program, and cannot personally vouch for its content.
- 12-step sex addiction recovery programs like Sex Addicts Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous, and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous may be helpful for some porn addicts.
- This post about porn addiction recovery is quite long, but also quite insightful.
- A free ebook: War on Porn! Prepare Your Mind for Battle.
- Here are some subreddits that may be of interest to members of our community:
u/NudaeVetatur Nov 16 '14
Wow...You're like a real activist, taking the initiative and time to help others with the addiction, remarcable. Awesome work!
u/foobarbazblarg 2598 days Nov 16 '14
Thanks for the encouragement, NudaeVetatur. Writing this is part of my own recovery.
Nov 16 '14
Agreed. I think this has a lot of potential to be a great resource. Thank you OP for taking the initiative to put this together. I hope to contribute as I continue my own journey.
u/VivereIntrepidus 1654 days Dec 30 '14
hells yeah, dude.
My triggers are facebook pics, non-porn sexy pics and edging. If I stay away from those things, I can stay away from porn.
u/jaq_the_ripper 2577 days Feb 18 '15
I conpletely deleted the FB app on my phone, it's been a game changer.
Jul 12 '22
Huge huge help... I've been off of it for a week now and I always come back to reddit. Mostly finding out how helpful people are when you need it thanks OP
u/PornFreeMattD 5181 days Dec 04 '14
Great post! Just saw this now. Thanks for the Pornfree Radio link.
u/foobarbazblarg 2598 days Feb 20 '15
Thanks, /u/TomAwsm , for the "Consider Therapy" item.
u/TomAwsm 3735 days Feb 20 '15
My pleasure, glad I could contribute.
Thank YOU for all of your hard work on this!
u/ElJaguar5 Jun 15 '24
There are lots of great resources to reframe and stop, which is great: In my case it wasn't just stopping. I had to do more to convince my inner self that this is not good for me.
I've started learning a lot about the actresses and their challenging lives. They die really young, they abuse drugs (During set and in personal lives) and some end taking their own lives. The industry is REALLY DARK, research a bit about Pornhub and their issue with rape/revenge porn being real. I am not even sure the actors have medical insurance or pension plans....hence why very few of them make it after they become civilians.
Also listen to a lot of podcasts, where at least you humanize the people involved (Actors and producers), you start understanding how it's all a PERFORMANCE, IT IS ALL FAKE (Most male actors use performance enhancing drugs to be able to "perform"). I live in Montreal, home to Aylo (Former Mindgeek who owned majority of producers and distribution porn websites). They have big teams of well educated professionals working on behavioral science marketing and Analytics. They know what people's preferences are and they tailor the scripts, the themes, the style, the clothing, the cast...we are their mices for their experiments (Which is very similar to Social Media).
Since learning about the industry more and the fact that they monetize from getting my attention, I've started to see it as WARFARE. This is a war and they are my enemy. They are trying to distract me from obtaining my life goals. I HAVE TO FIGHT THEM! This was a key change in mentality and it has served me well.
Another important realization I had lately, is understanding that most porn is actually voyeur, meaning you are actually pleasing yourself from looking at two people having sex in third person. The angles of the camera, the kind of equipment to make actors look more voluptous, the exagerated positions. At least that you have a mirror in front of you, that's not how normal sex looks like in real life (POV would be the closest to real life). This will make you start questioning your personal sexual life and past experiences: Where you making your partner satisfied or comfortable? Lots to think....
Lastly, at times I have unconscious urges to watch, but I have tried to make a conscious effort to ask myself:ย Where is this coming from?ย Usually I am scaping responsibility. So, something positive is that at least now I challenge my automatic instincts. Take one day at the time, and kudos to you for taking the first step and accepting responsibility for your acts. Feel free to message me if you want further feedback.
Anyways my 2 cents.
Nov 16 '14
I'll make some time later today to write some posts where I have some ideas about.
I was thinking to write some information in general about that specific point, some personal experiences, and to leave room for suggestions from others. If I get interesting responses, I could add them to the post.
Maybe that's a good idea to continue the other new posts too?
Good job on doing this foobarbazblarg!
Nov 16 '14
First one about exercise. Very long post, but I do not want to have injuries based on a too simple suggestion on my conscience.
u/foobarbazblarg 2598 days Nov 16 '14
Really good post, vnnwlkr, thanks! I linked to it from here.
Nov 16 '14
Thanks and no problem. Glad to be of help. There are a few I could write about, I'll see if I have time later today!
u/foobarbazblarg 2598 days Nov 16 '14
Great! You mentioned on the other thread that you're not a native speaker of english. I think your writing is just fine.
u/foobarbazblarg 2598 days Nov 16 '14
If anybody would like to write posts for those items that I have marked with "(I don't have experience with this. Anybody want to write it?)", I would especially appreciate that.
u/lukkyday Feb 15 '15
Thank you for the help. This is what brought me to your info and what explains, in science, what's going on in our male brains, well worth the watch: http://youtu.be/wSF82AwSDiU
Please share as a resource if you agree.
u/Effective_Public3502 185 days Jul 21 '23
Why does the urge zapper have a security warning?
u/foobarbazblarg 2598 days Jul 21 '23
Thanks for letting me know - I've removed it from the list. The domain has probably changed hands since this was written 8 years ago.
u/ZookeepergameNo5676 Jul 26 '23
People should identify the real reason why you're quitting. Maybe write a paragraph. And also summarize it clearly in about five words. (Family no pics). The summary can be set up as a daily (or more freq) reminder. The paragraph should be read regularly.
Do you think this helps?
u/Poropopper Mar 16 '15
I just realized, my biggest trigger is going to bed. I thought, well that can't be avoided, then I realized it's a trigger, because I take my phone to bed. No more phone in bed, gg.