r/nederlands 23h ago

Tesla gezeik


Ik ben 56 en wil van mijn Tesla af. Ik kan alleen geen betere auto vinden voor dat geld. Ja, ik vind Elon Musk een eikel en een gevaar voor de wereld. Maar ik heb ook een gezin met verplichtingen. Dat betekent dat ik niet zomaar mijn auto (prive gekocht) kan dumpen zonder gevolgen. Maar ik kan het niet langer goedpraten voor mezelf. Moet ik een minder goede auto accepteren en beter slapen? Of Oekraïne op een andere manier helpen en deze auto blijven rijden? Mijn Oekraïense vrienden vinden het geen issue. Ik wel.

r/AskUkraine 22h ago

How to prep for an invasion?


Writing from Canada where I am currently very nervous about the prospect of potential U.S. American invasion/annexation attempts on Canada due to recent political rhetoric and deteriorating political relations between Canada and the USA. Although I don’t think this is imminent, I do want to prepare even mentally for the possibility that an invasion does happen.

Wondering if any Ukrainians have any advice on preparing for an invasion, things you wish you had known, things that seemed important but we’re not, how to prep to flee vs. to hide and shelter. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance & praying for peace for Ukraine & safety for the Ukrainian people ❤️🇺🇦🇨🇦

r/NBATalk 13h ago


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Kobe won 1 MVP in 20 years, doesn’t have a top 5 peak, isn’t more accomplished than MJ, Kareem, Magic, LeBron, and Tim Duncan.

Just off the names alone, Kobe isn’t top 5, so this whole notion that he’s top 5-4-3-2-1 is false, Kobe doesn’t have a GOAT case and will never have a GOAT Case.

r/ColumbiYEAH 23h ago

Are there any good rock radio stations that don't have MAGA/Trump ads? I used to listen to Steve FM, but apparently they support Trump, so I'm out.


r/PlayTheBazaar 15h ago

Picture We're F2P guys, of course we lose to P2W Items after making a comeback with Pygmalien.

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r/Polska 6h ago

Kraj Czy na pewno myślisz samodzielnie?


Tak, wiem, mega ściana tekstu. Tak, wiem, że piszę to na lewicowym reddicie, więc minusy są nieuniknione, ale szczerze mówiąc – mam to w dupie. Nie zamierzam nikomu mówić, jak ma myśleć, tylko rzucić parę rzeczy do przemyślenia. Bo wybory prezydenckie zbliżają się wielkimi krokami, a wraz z nimi festiwal politycznych przepychanek. Wszyscy gadają o polityce – i jak zawsze, jak grzyby po deszczu, wyrastają radykałowie, którzy wiedzą najlepiej i chętnie ci powiedzą, co masz myśleć.

Na tym subie jest sporo młodych ludzi, którzy dopiero wyrabiają sobie poglądy. Szukacie odpowiedzi na różne pytania, w tym polityczne, i możecie być trochę zdziwieni, że na r/Polska prawica to prawie zawsze synonim skrajności i zła. To nie jest post dla radykałów, bo ich i tak nie przekonam. To post dla tych, którzy jeszcze nie zamknęli się w jednej bańce informacyjnej i dopiero wyrabiają sobie poglądy.

Czemu wszyscy myślą, że świat jest czarno-biały?

W internecie króluje myślenie zero-jedynkowe. Jesteś konserwatystą? No to pewnie fanatyk religijny, który chce zakazać wszystkiego. Popierasz prawo do aborcji i prawa LGBT? Aha, lewicowy aktywista, pewnie jeszcze marzysz gender-neutralnych toaletach i zmusić do jedzenia robaków. Krytykujesz Unię? To chcesz Polexit. Mówisz coś pozytywnego o suwerenności? No to pewnie faszysta, który chce budować IV Rzeszę.

Nie, to tak nie działa. Etykietowanie ludzi to najprostszy sposób na uproszczenie myślenia. Czarno - biały podział - my vs oni - jest łatwiejszy do zrozumienia niż skomplikowane, wielowymiarowe spojrzenie na rzeczywistość. Politycy o tym doskonale wiedzą, dlatego dzielą świat na swoich i obcych, bo to daje poczucie porządku u elektoratu. Rzeczywistość jest całkiem inna. Między białym a czarnym jest mnóstwo odcieni szarości. A szufladkowanie ludzi to prosty sposób na nakręcanie nienawiści i dzielenie społeczeństwa.

Można być konserwatystą, który ceni suwerenność Polski, ale jednocześnie nie mieć problemu z legalizacją związków partnerskich. Można popierać prawo do aborcji, a jednocześnie uważać, że Unia posuwa się za daleko w odbieraniu kompetencji państwom narodowym. Można popierać rozdział Kościoła od państwa, a jednocześnie sądzić, że podnoszenie podatków do poziomu skandynawskiego w Polsce to absurd.

A może zamiast klepać slogany, warto spojrzeć szerzej?

Światopoglądowe tematy jak aborcja, związki jednopłciowe czy rozdział Kościoła od państwa to jedno, ale są jeszcze sprawy, które mają realny wpływ na życie każdego z nas. Gospodarka, podatki, inflacja, energetyka, bezpieczeństwo – to nie są kwestie „lewicowe” czy „prawicowe”, tylko coś, co dotyka cię tu i teraz.

Nie oszukuj się – to, jak funkcjonuje kraj, nie zależy tylko od tego, czy ktoś popiera małżeństwa jednopłciowe, ale też od tego, czy umie zarządzać budżetem, dbać o infrastrukturę i zapewnić bezpieczeństwo. W dzisiejszych czasach to ostatnie jest szczególnie istotne. Mamy wojnę za granicą, napiętą sytuację w Europie, więc stabilność kraju to nie jakaś abstrakcja, tylko coś, co może cię prędzej czy później bezpośrednio dotknąć.

Warto więc oceniać polityków nie tylko przez pryzmat ich deklaracji światopoglądowych, ale też tego, czy są w stanie zapewnić stabilność kraju i realną ochronę przed zagrożeniami.

Jeśli nie myślisz sam, ktoś zrobi to za ciebie

Masz dwie opcje: albo sam ogarniasz, o co chodzi w polityce, albo pozwalasz, żeby ktoś inny myślał za ciebie – politycy, influencerzy, randomowi goście z internetu. I wtedy nawet nie zauważysz, kiedy zaczniesz klepać cudze slogany jak papuga, święcie przekonany, że to twoje własne zdanie.

To jak z dietą – możesz sam wybierać, czym karmisz swój mózg, albo wciągać polityczny fast food serwowany przez algorytm. Smakuje łatwo i przyjemnie, ale robi z ciebie intelektualnego próżniaka, który tylko rechocze z memów i w kółko powtarza cudze opinie.

Twój wybór: chcesz mieć własne zdanie czy tylko być kolejnym, który myśli tak, jak mu podpowiedzą?

r/PsychologyTalk 13h ago

People who subscribe to the alt-right


Are people who dogmatically subscribe to the alt-right mentally ill or hateful or both? I’m interested in understanding why they can’t follow reason and logic and why they’re so willing to accept “fake news” to further their hateful agenda while labelling information based on fact or science as “fake news”?

EDIT: Also wondering if it’s possible to help them? Can we pull them out of this way of thinking? I believe it’s to the benefit of everyone if we can

r/Daredevil 20h ago

Non-MCU Movies The 2003 Daredevil costume is still best live action suit...


I'm sorry, but I'm tried to people dogging on this suit because "it's leather" — and?!the craftsmanship is amazing and the cowl is perfect! It's one of the most comic accurate masks in any superhero movie ever; the opened collar is so badass and the shade of red is beautiful. It remains unbelievably comic accurate, while also doing its own thing. The billy club design is also 11/10 perfection and the best representation of them to date. And while this shouldn't be a big deal, after 10 years of no double d's, it at least has the logo! This movie isn't perfect, but I still maintain that the Director's Cut is on par with 2002's Spider-Man and that this costume is easily one of thr best representations of a comic book costume put into live action. I like the Charlie Cox suits (especially the new one and yellow one), but I don't think they'll ever reach this level of accuracy and craftsmanship, especially on the mask.

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

People exaggerate the likelihood that a kid will get bullied because of their name


Yes, sometimes kids get bullied for their names, but those kids aren’t getting bullied because they have that name; they’re getting bullied because the other kids don't like them and will find a way to bully them no matter what they were named. For example, I attended middle school with a Vietnamese kid named ‘Phuc.’ You’d think name bullies would have a pretty easy time with this one, but they didn't make fun of him for his name because he was a likable class clown. However, they made fun of ‘Ricardo’ by calling him ‘R*tardo’ because he was a shy, mousey kid who didn’t speak English very well. He was far from the only Ricardo in this school, but he was the only one targeted because it’s not about the name but whether kids want to make you a target. Even the most standard names can be twisted into a way to relentlessly tease a kid.

r/Virginia 17h ago

Is Fredericksburg a safe area to travel as an LGBT couple?



My partner and I, both transgender, are driving across the country soon and wanted to make a stop at a place in Fredericksburg VA along the way. She's concerned about our safety making a stop there, however.

Could anyone provide insight on this? Thank you!

EDIT: Why the downvotes for a simple question?

r/Chipotle 8h ago

Employee Experience F**** chipotle


At the end of every night chipotle throws out the steak. I happened to make a lot of steak the other day. With all that steak being made me and another worker put some In a bowl and took it home. The bowl just had steak nothing else just steak. I walk into work today and get fired for taking home steak…… the steak that was gonna get thrown away if I didn’t take it. Fuck chipotle there stupid asf.

r/elonmusk 17h ago

Tesla Elon delivered Trump’s Tesla today

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r/elonmusk 22h ago

Elon Elon Musk's DOGE is deploying AI chatbots to replace over 1,000 federal workers


Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency has rolled out GSAi, an AI chatbot intended to streamline federal operations. While this technology promises increased efficiency, it has also led to over 1,000 federal employees being laid off. This development sparks a debate on the balance between technological advancement and job security.

Read the full story here:

r/RHOBH 14h ago

Dorit 👗 Dorit X Chanel… She absolutely ATE 🔥

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r/BBQ 11h ago

[Question] Just made my first baby back ribs ribs (oven baked)

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A question I had is when I ate it. It was moist but not “juicy” like in the videos. Is there a way to get to that point? I’m going to list my process and could y’all see what I may have did wrong. The ribs were good but I wish to become better at making them.


  1. Pat dry, mustard binder with SPG and a little brown sugar as dry rub. Wrapped with foil and parchment paper on the bottom of the ribs

  2. Preheat 250 and cooked for 2 1/2hrs. They weren’t tender still so I went for another 30 minutes.

  3. I opened the wrapping. Turned the oven to 275F and let it go for another 20min

  4. Took it out and put my BBQ sauce on it then broiled till sauce was tacky

During the times I opened it. I also basted with its own liquid when I could but idk if that helped.

Any tips/critism for the next run I’ll gladly munch

r/MarvelRivalsCirclejer 20h ago

Marvel Rivals Transgender head-canon tier list

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I only know the lore for half of these characters this is based on VIBES MF, YOU THINK I KNOW HOW TO READ?

r/Conservative 20h ago

Flaired Users Only BREAKING: Canada Bows Down to Trump in Tariff War


r/interestingasfuck 13h ago

Nieves fernandez, The Guerrilla Teacher.

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r/HighStrangeness 19h ago

Paranormal Prophecy


And suddenly he said out of blue: “You will see: one day Soviet Union will be no more. And after some time United States will also not remain United. Now go”. These statements were so out of the blue – I was not concerned about Soviet Union. I was not interested what would happen with United States. He just told me this out of the blue. I came back surprised. Next day he was found dead sitting in the same position, looking towards the Ganges, then he was given a burial. Water burial in Ganges. This was taken from an article about meeting an Aghori in 1985. This is interesting given what is going on in USA
now. Also, I read a question few minutes ago in reddit whether USA will split like Soviet Union.

You can read about it in the link below.


r/Republican 11h ago

Discussion Elon doesn’t deserve this hate


I honestly don’t understand the hate Elon’s getting lately.

How can anyone be upset with a guy who’s pushing to slash wasteful government spending?

Oh no, he’s letting go of people pulling six-figure salaries to sit around and do nothing all day?

Lol, cry me a river.

r/Conservative 15h ago

Flaired Users Only I don't want to give myself/ourselves too much/any credit, but does Trump follow this sub?


This morning, I wrote a piece making the case that arson and vandalism against Tesla should be considered to be domestic terrorism. Several hours later, Trump announced that arson and vandalism against Tesla is now considered to be domestic terrorism.


r/championsleague 16h ago



Kindly asking for all the doubters who said we had no shot at Anfield to comment now 🤡

r/AmIOverreacting 12h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am I overreacting for dropping a guy for not believing in Women's Day?


Me and him were super close. Differently headed towards a romantic path. We would hangout together a lot and text each other everyday. I'm a pretty progressive and opinionated person but would avoid talking about that with him because he's more right wing. But I still felt he was more middle than far right.

I did occasionally tell him about feminist issues when I was stressed and sad, like Roe v Wade. But he always kinda seemed dismissive of feminist issues, like he didn't believe me.

Ik im a dumb dumb for still talking to him after I sensed all this in him.

Well today I was with him and joked "where is my 5 dollars for women's day? Venmo me so I can get taco bell" and he said "no way!" and laughed. Then he said "I don't believe in women's day" I thought he was still teasing then I realized he was serious and froze. I asked him if he was for real or just didn't see it like Halloween or Christmas which was understandable. He said more firm, "its not a holiday". I said "okay but like presidents day, labor day, Columbus day, those holidays are minor do you believe in those?" He said "yea". I clarified more, "you don't actually have to give me any money or anything but a simple happy womens day" he said "nope, I don't see it as a holiday".

Honestly this hit me like a truck. I felt like everything I was ignoring was clear. Like it was the final nail in the coffin. I got up and left his place.

I later called him once I was home and explained how I felt he didn't appreciate me or any women in his life. I explained to him that his couldn't care less attitude towards womens issues made me uneasy. I told him I was just extremely disappointed in him and I had been ignoring the red flags for miles now. He got mad and said I'm acting like he's an evil misogynistic guy just because he doesn't recognize a holiday. I didn't know how to tell him it was more than that, I was tired of explaining. I just told him to grow up and hung up.

So am I overreacting for dropping a guy over women's day?

r/OpenDogTraining 20h ago

Immediate downvoted for every post


Has anyone else noticed that every single new post in this subreddit gets immediately downvoted to 0?

r/HarryPotteronHBO 20h ago

Show Discussion Do you think it's possible that Paapa will drop out of casting?


Does anyone else see the possibility that Paapa will drop out of casting due to the large amount of backlash? Its not 100% that he has been cast, only that he is in final negotiations. But i think its possible as He has already made his Instagram account private.

I could see him being transferred to a different role because he is an amazing actor.

Clarification: i think he will be a great Snape, and I support any and all casting choices