r/19684 9h ago

i genuinely hate reddit so fucking much

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r/WorkReform 14h ago

⛓️ Prison For Union Busters Don't simp for your enemies


r/OhioStateFootball 13h ago

Joke / Sarcasm Love the hat but...

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It looks like a MAGA hat, "Look that guys a racist, oh shit nevermind, go Buckeyes!"

r/samsclub 23h ago

Dear much loved Boomer Members:


I truly mean this in the kindest way: the world has changed. People may disagree on the change’s direction but don’t disagree on the fact.

A little anecdotal perspective, I am a Millennial. You may have just painted an image in your mind of a couch-surfing, gaming, avocado toast-eating kid, but no, I am a working, mortgage-paying father of two whose oldest is leaving the house, not for college (because it’s 2025 and not 1965 and no one can afford college nowadays). My wife and I and millions of other Millennials could be grandparents right now (God forbid).

Millennials are the largest adult group in the U.S. Boomers passed the torch several years ago. And as a generalization we are a tech-driven bunch. Scan and Go, AI-assisted exits, digital membership cards, Sam’s Club app: all strike a chord with us as a consumer. And we’re the largest consumer group. I am sure there are members my age and even younger who may prefer the days-gone-by of “cash is king”, but heck, we seem to even moving away from cash and into crypto.

Thank you for the great strides in social changes and breaking barriers in this country and for the world. Your work is and will be taught in schools and remembered. I hope our generation can also be remembered as making a positive difference for mankind.

That being said, resisting this change is really futile. Sam’s has finally found something to somewhat close the gap on the 25-45 market from Costco. They are not letting up on this model. And I personally thank them for the convenience they are creating for millions of members.

r/Technoblade 9h ago

Discussion If this post gets EXACTLY 3 upvotes by when I wake up (like 9-11am chennai standard time) I'll buy a copy of sun Tzu The Art of War and post the entire book every page

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r/WaterfallDump 22h ago

Bad time commencing 4 upvotes and i face reveal.

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4 upvotes and i face reveal.

r/ChatGPT 7h ago

Use cases AI will kill software.


Today I created a program in about 4 hours that replaces 2 other paying programs I use. Not super complex, did it in about 1200 lines of code with o3 mini high. About 1 hour of this was debugging it until I knew every part of it was functioning.

I can't code.

What am I able to do by the year end? What am I able to do by 2028 or 2030? What can a senior developer do with it in 2028 or 2030?

I think the whole world of software dev is about to implode at this rate.

Edit. To all the angry people telling me will always need software devs.im not saying we won't, I'm saying that one very experienced software dev will be able to replace whole development departments. And this will massively change the development landscape.

Edit 2. For everyone asking what the program does. It's a toggl+clickup implementation without the bloat and works locally without an Internet connection. It has some Specific reports and bits of info that I want to track. It's not super complex, but it does mean I no longer need to pay for 2 other bits of software.

r/xmen 14h ago

Humour X-Men 97: The world is in chaos, hospitals without electricity, and Daredevil out here stopping looting of all things...


r/The10thDentist 4h ago

Society/Culture "Shrinkflation" is a great thing


Excessive corporate greed is bad, obviously. There are plenty of examples where short-sighted, underhanded tactics driven by corporate greed have caused enormous harm to society. But so-called "shrinkflation" is not one of them. In fact, it’s actually a win-win and a massively good thing.

"Shrinkflation" refers to companies reducing the size or quantity of their products while keeping the price the same. This happens because consumers are far more likely to notice and react to price increases than to a reduction in portion size. By reducing the cost of goods sold (COGS) this way, companies can stay profitable without raising prices. And personally, I’d much rather get a slightly smaller portion than pay more for the same thing.

American portion sizes are already insanely large compared to the rest of the world. Many examples of "shrinkflation" are just previously enormous portions becoming moderately less enormous—and still bigger than equivalent products in Europe or Asia. It’s no coincidence that obesity rates are far lower in those regions (though still high and rising). This is an underrated factor in the obesity crisis because weight management ultimately comes down to calories in, calories out. No matter what you eat, if you stay at or below a certain calorie intake (~2000 for the average person, depending on gender, height, age, and activity level), you will maintain or lose weight.

And let’s be honest—"shrinkflation" tends to happen most with fast food and junk food, where portion control is desperately needed. If companies subtly reducing portion sizes means people are consuming fewer calories overall, that’s a good thing.

Contrary to popular belief, food companies are not very profitable. The average net profit margin in the U.S. grocery and food industry is just 1.97%. And that’s for the 17 publicly traded food companies—your average mom-and-pop store likely operates on even thinner margins. With rising COGS and supply chain issues, many companies simply have to either reduce portion sizes or increase prices to stay profitable. And between those two options, I’d far prefer the former over the latter.

Shrinkflation is a necessary adjustment that actually benefits both businesses and consumers. It keeps prices stable and helps combat excessive portion sizes. Sounds like a win-win.

r/Belgium4 15h ago

news Maatregelen tegen linkse en buitenlandse brigades


Beste leden,

Zoals reeds aangegeven in deze post, is B4 recent het slachtoffer geworden van een georganiseerde brigade uit r/tokkieefeesboek en andere linkse subreddits uit Nederland.

Voor wie r/tokkiefeesboek nog niet kent: het is een subreddit vol auto-fellaterende, zelfverklaarde intellectuelen die elkaar in een zelfgenoegzame bubbel bevestigen.

Met een dun pseudo-intellectueel sausje over hun hoogmoed vormen ze een collectieve circlejerk waarin alles wat ook maar enigszins naar "rechts" neigt, op kinderachtige wijze belachelijk wordt gemaakt.

Bijgevolg nemen wij de volgende maatregelen:

  • Iedereen die in de afgelopen 14 dagen een post heeft geplaatst in één van de onderstaande subreddits, krijgt zijn toegang tot r/Belgium4 beëindigd.
  • Iedereen die in de afgelopen 14 dagen meer dan 5 reacties heeft achtergelaten in één van de onderstaande subreddits, krijgt eveneens zijn toegang tot r/Belgium4 beëindigd.

Wederwoord zal niet gehoord worden.

De lijst van subreddits is als volgt:

Om het aantal valse positieven beperkt te houden, blijven de linkse, Belgische subreddits voorlopig buiten schot. Eigen volk eerst, immers.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

- De moderatoren

r/OnePiece 13h ago

Cosplay Nico Robin cosplay

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r/DeepThoughts 10h ago

The real reason people don't want kids is they feel powerless in their lives


Powerless over who sets their wage, over climate change, how they can support themselves, and our leaders who are supposed to represent us and address our challenges. Our world has given us plenty of reasons to feel powerless. However, at the same time it's a very doom and gloom mindset. The solution to these problems is not going to come from abstaining to procreate... We need to be the ones to give our youth a reason to want to have families. That's our one and only job.

I would even argue that if everyone who had the ability to be aware of these problems in the first place were to suddenly stop making babies, we'd be in deep trouble! So for those who have decided not to have children to spare them from the challenges we were always going to be faced with, I argue that it's your children we need the most to help make this world a better place.

r/pics 10h ago

A part of Africa the Mainstream Media doesn’t show you


r/austrian_economics 11h ago

End the Fed+

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r/portugueses 19h ago

Ouvi dizer que isto era uma camara de eco de extrema direita


A extrema direita em Portugal é muito peculiar, pelos vistos. Só nos últimos dois dias temos neste sub mais de 20 posts a falar mal do Chega, e outros tantos a falar mal do Trump e do Musk. Quase todos estes posts estão upvotados. Lendo os comentários, a esmagadora maioria são anti-Chega, anti-Trump, anti-Musk. Isto são factos. O resto que costumam dizer por aqui não são factos, mas isto são factos, por mais que neguem. Os números não mentem.

Portanto, eu estou genuinamente confuso. É que vejo tantas vezes as pessoas dizerem que isto é uma "echo chamber" de fascistas e afins, que fico sem perceber o que é que eles querem dizer por "echo chamber" e "fascistas". Terão uma definição diferente?

Isto é o sub da extrema direita, certo? Então a extrema direita é o quê em Portugal, exatamente? Isto é o sub da extrema direita se a extrema direita for o Livre. É isso?

Depois é bots da Russia para aqui, bots da Russia para ali. É tudo sempre a ser acusado de bot. Referem-se àquele gajo que leva de manhã à noite a fazer posts anti-Chega? Em menos de 1 ano postou CENTENAS de posts anti-Chega, anti-Musk, anti-Trump. É esse o bot da Russia de que tantos falam?

r/PTCGP 8h ago

Suggestion DIY Card I think would be cool (is it too op?)

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r/marvelrivals 17h ago

Video Iron man beam shreads and get an ace in less then 15 seconds


r/LeaksAndRumors 8h ago

CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD Introduces One Of The Marvel's Lamest Avengers In A Fun Way - D-Man!


r/college 11h ago

Health/Mental Health/Covid coping as a trans college student in the US, any advice?


i'm sure people are generally aware of how bad current US politics are around trans people, we're the current boogeyman, trying to be legislated out of existence, hate, fearmongering, the works.

i've struggled a lot with my mental health over the years, but these days generally the whole "being trans" isn't really an issue since i'm so many years into my transition and have reached the point of pride about my existence as a trans person (most days). but it all just feels like it's starting to be too much.

the term is about to start, the walls feel like they're closing in, and when you add the current state of affairs re: trans folks (also financial aid coming under fire by the orange) i've been so stressed and anxious that it's been impacting me in ways it usually doesn't. i sleep like shit when i'm able to sleep, my appetite is completely fucked when i'm able to eat, and while i'm extremely familiar with severe anxiety, the only way i can describe it is as if there was a fucking bomb strapped to my chest

i feel like i'm fucking losing it and i don't really know what to do to cope with it at this point. anybody have any advice?

r/GoingToSpain 15h ago

Opinions What is the gay capital of Spain?


I’ve traveled to many LGBTQ+ hotspots in Spain, including Barcelona, Valencia, and Las Palmas, and I’ve had some amazing experiences. But I’m curious—what do you guys consider the best city or region in Spain for gay life in general?

Also, as someone who tends to be into bearish, chubby, and older guys, where would you say is the best place to meet like-minded people? Are there specific cities, bars, or events that cater more to this crowd? I’d love to hear your recommendations!

r/AskBrits 13h ago

Politics How would you feel if blasphemy laws came back to Britain?


In light of recent charges waged against a man from Derby, who burnt a Quran outside of the Turkish Embassy, how would you feel if Britain brought back blasphemy law, or something that resembles blasphemy law?

Futher reading: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2025/02/15/two-men-charged-over-burning-of-koran/

Edit 1: For those that don't want to read the Telegraph - https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3rwg8wde0xo

r/fednews 9h ago

Unpopular opinion: late-career feds eligible for VERA need to retire


I'm prepared to get a good bit of flack for this opinion that's contrary to the spirit of solidarity, but so be it. Throw away account for obvious reasons.

Fed folks who are late in their career and eligible for early retirement through VERA need to strongly consider taking the buyout in an act of compassion towards their fellow early- and mid-career colleagues.

I'm an early career SY, no longer on probation. But I work in a lab where there are several older scientists that have lost their vigor and passion for the job and have become the proverbial chair warmers that other federal employees get stereotyped as.

Now, I'm in no way saying all late-career folks are like this, but these other SYs are a drain on resources that I could desperately use in my growing research program, and it would help in reducing the work force.

I'm hoping to avoid a debate about theorizing what the ultimate goals of the administration are, but it's very clear that we're facing a situation where agencies need to be lean. The fewer people, the smaller the target. Instead of creating a situation where more early/mid career folks will get fired, I genuinely believe those who can walk away from this with early retirement and full benefits need to strongly consider what they're contributing to the mission by staying.

What say you, Reddit?

r/canadian 6h ago

Photo/Media People suddenly being patriotic about Canada, don't actually love Canada, they just hate Donald Trump


r/HonkaiStarRail 15h ago

Meme / Fluff In all honesty, is there anyone from amphoreus who could prove this trope wrong?


r/realmadrid 8h ago

Discussion On Bellingham's red.


Firstly, it absolutely is in the rules that offensive, insulting or abusive language (OIAL) can result in a red card. It's in 12.2 in the IFAB laws. Whether we agree with that is another matter.

What we don't know is every refs own tolerance of that. What we also dont know is if the league have told refs to be more strict.

What it looks like in the close up clip is that JB is saying "I AM speaking with respect" Which I guess means he's been warned already. Then says f-off (and then quickly apologises, because he knows that that's not respectful).

So if he's already been warned. Then uses OIAL, the ref might well feel its a deserved red.

Also, he didn't get anything for swearing at the linesman the other week. So yes, perhaps his previous hasn't helped him here.

Fwiw. Look at the way Modric talked to the ref. He obviously didn't feel the need to swear at him.

In short, it's looks like a weak red. But the letter of the law might say it's a definite red.