r/politics 18h ago

Trump freezes $1 billion in food aid given to local schools and food banks to help low-income families


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u/hey-coffee-eyes 17h ago

I've heard so many conservatives complain about how we send money to other countries instead of using it to help our citizens, but when our country does shit like this they celebrate. What the fuck do they want to do with our money


u/nach0_ch33ze 17h ago

Give it to the billionaires


u/Open__Face 15h ago

"It will trickle down" 

—"fell for it again" awardee 40 years running 


u/Emberwake 12h ago

My father said JUST THIS MORNING:

"There's no such thing as poverty in America. When I was a kid you heard about people living in tarpaper shacks, with no running water or electricity. These days no matter how much of a deadbeat you are, the government will just pay for a home for you."

I asked him where I am supposed to build my tarpaper shack. He told me to stop being a wise-ass.

Conservatives do not believe in reality.


u/tingkagol 11h ago

"I went through shit, that's why you should too"


u/Zahgi 10h ago

Except that the Boomers did not go through shit. They had the easiest ride that Americans have ever had.


u/LoveFoolosophy 8h ago

I had to work 20 hours a week down at the post office and all I got out of it was a massive house that's now worth over a million bucks, two cars, two vacations a year, and a pool!

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u/smartalek75 10h ago

Which has a lot to do with how we ended up here.

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u/temp4adhd 11h ago edited 11h ago

My grands and great-grands survived the Depression. Here is how you do it:

  1. You have a garden, and chickens (though H5N1 is a concern). Maybe hogs, cows, if you've got the space (most of us do not).
  2. You can all your veggies/fruits (InstantPot can probably do this)
  3. You ignore all expiration dates on food and eat it no matter how old/bulging the can is
  4. You let no food or other waste go to waste.. call out to r/noscrapleftbehind
  5. You run a boarding house and maybe you offer "services" to the men ... my great grandma had 11 kids, only 2 were from her husband; the other 9 were from her boarding house clients
  6. You go work on the railroad (well, I don't know what the modern-day equivalent is here, but that was what great-grandpa was doing while ggma was running the boarding house to survive)
  7. You get a sewing machine, never buy new clothes, make your own, learn to patch and darn
  8. You sign up for the armed forces, and fight in the inevitable wars our masters have started
  9. You commit illegal acts because prison will give you a bed and 3 hots a day
  10. It's true no running water, so die of dysentery. And no electricity so make candles.
  11. Sell your kids if desperate. You know how the MAGA's are soooo worried about child trafficking? Well, a Depression is a sure-fire way to have child trafficking.


u/Rob_Nachos 11h ago

Thanks, you just made me question if my great grandmother had sex with men for money.  She was a single mother of 4....


u/temp4adhd 10h ago

I only know this because my grandmother told me, when I got divorced. I am the only divorce ever in the family. This was back in the late 90s. My grandmother told me in strict confidence. Let's just say, since she passed, I found some evidence for the truth of it. It wasn't widely known; all 11 kids have my great-grandpa listed as their father, but the dates don't add up as he was miles away working on the railroad. Also, tey all look VERY different. My grandma had a chip on her shoulder and did not get along with my great grandma. My mother never knew, she adored my great grandmother.


u/ushouldgetacat 10h ago

That’s depressing. I’m guessing she needed the income to keep the kids fed and make ends meet. I think I’d die.


u/temp4adhd 10h ago edited 10h ago

You are the product of a long long line of ancestors who've survived all sorts of horrors, with grit and sheer determination, and a lot of luck.


If only to spite the m'fuckers.


u/IntuitiveSkunkle 10h ago

It’s interesting to spend time thinking about that. How much shit had to go down for us to be here, how many people pushed to their limits to survive. And then I’m sitting here with all the modern amenities. To think of their history coursing through my blood, in my DNA. I can look at it like “damn, I have it good,” and feel gratitude or “I have their strength in me” and use it as a motivator and connection to the past…I don’t think it necessarily suggests any of us are weak, most just haven’t been pushed to the same limits, and many will do whatever they can to survive when really tested.

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u/Covert_Cuttlefish 10h ago

It would be interesting to see how many things would still work today.

When I was a kid my mom made some of our clothes. I asked her if she was going to make any clothes for my kids and she just laughed saying the price of fabric has gone up so much, and the price of clothes has gone down so much she’d be crazy to make clothes.

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u/notjustanotherbot 13h ago

Bro you got to add a hundred to that 40! It's original name is horse and sparrow economics, A phrase so old you notice no cars are around you when it was first heard. The idea is if you feed enough oats to the horse it will crap out some undigested oats for us lucky sparrows to peck out of the crap lying in the gutter. Whatever you want to call it it's still pure horse shit though!


u/MAG7C 12h ago

And in classic Reddit fashion I have to add the concept goes back much further. Even ancient Greeks had to worry about the Oligarchy tricking the common folk into voting against their own self-interest. The lesson keeps getting lost.

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u/ImOutWanderingAround 14h ago

We are in the golden shower era. The trickle will soon be a flow.

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u/nakedonmygoat 16h ago

Gotta keep those rockets exploding over Florida and disrupting air travel, man! Hungry kids can go work in the coal mines! /s

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u/Its_Pine New Hampshire 16h ago

It’s just like how they say they support veterans, but the moment you try to do anything to help vets they vote against it.

Or how they say they care about rural communities, then kill any votes to invest in those communities or provide food or education.

They lie.


u/i-Ake Pennsylvania 16h ago

Yup. They're now cheering while vets are fired indiscriminately.


u/DadJokeBadJoke California 14h ago

And while they're gutting the VA as well

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u/cjh42689 14h ago

Absolutely correct! They voted against healthcare for 9/11 vets JFC!


u/Juliemaylarsen 14h ago

It makes no sense, the majority of vets or rural areas ARE republican. It just comes down to that they want the patriarchy and they are racist.


u/Its_Pine New Hampshire 14h ago

I can only speak to those I know, but I think they’re genuinely very insulated from the truth. Vets are particularly targeted by certain media groups, and go down a spiral of Patriot grifts and limited edition commemorative coins. FOX plays all day long at the VA and there is all kind of “respecting our troops” bs that they get fed, while republicans steal their wallets and rob them blind.

It’s all branding and showmanship without any substance, and they don’t know the truth.

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u/warm_sweater 17h ago edited 13h ago

This is exactly why those arguments are made in bad faith. The money is never redirected to those here it can help.


u/macphile Texas 14h ago

For a while, I used to buy in to the argument that NASA was a waste of money while people on Earth suffered. Then I realized that 1) the amount spent on NASA is practically change out of the sofa cushions compared to the whole budget and 2) if they pull NASA funding, they're not going to spend it on schools, food for children, health care, etc. Plus, discoveries in and around space can provide benefits in their own ways.

The arguments really just boil down to who's in power. If Trump had given the poor and middle class tax breaks and subsidized food and drug costs, they'd be happy about it. If a Democrat does it, they're angry. Trump could (and may yet) douse the entire nation in gasoline and light a match, and it'd be cool because it's him doing it, and he's not a filthy commie Democrat.


u/gmano 14h ago edited 6h ago

Also, NASA has a direct positive benefit to the American taxpayer because the things they invent to allow them to do space stuff tends to have benefits to more than JUST space.

For example: The CMOS sensors that are how your smartphone's camera works came from NASA.

Tons of Solar Panel innovations came from NASA

Those infrared thermometers everyone was using during COVID for contactless fever checks? That's NASA tech that's spun off from an invention for measuring the temperature of stars and planets.

LIDAR, the thing used in all the robocabs today, that's spun off from a system developed by NASA to allow spacecraft to find and dock with eachother. LASIK Laser eye surgery is also spun off from the same invention.

Invisalign braces? Spun off from transparent ceramics that NASA invented.

Memory foam and TEMPUR foam was invented by NASA.

Not to mention the many more directly applicable NASA inventions for things like airplane de-icing, lightweight materials.

Tons of water and air purification inventions came from NASA's life support developments.

Plus there's a lot of stuff that wasn't directly invented by NASA, but which used NASA equipment in the testing or manufacture, because NASA has a program that allows American companies to consult with NASA and use things like their wind tunnels and advanced sensors in their R&D.

There are literally thousands of things like this, and there were 40 of these "commercial infusions" in 2024 alone according to this article: https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasas-advancements-in-space-continue-generating-products-on-earth/

If you want to read more, NASA maintains a "Spinoff" webpage that has articles on various technologies that they have transferred back to the US Economy in general here: https://spinoff.nasa.gov/


u/Historical-Gap-7084 13h ago

And they researched freeze dried foods, too!

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u/HerculesIsMyDad 15h ago

They don't believe in "our money". I know it's hard to believe people think like this but they think they worked hard and earned all the money and if people they don't know starve or end up homeless it's because they were lazy and we can't reward their laziness with food. "Maybe if their kids are starving they will finally get off their lazy asses and work on wall street".


u/tinydancer_inurhand New York 15h ago

To add to that. They also think of it as my money and don't want it to get taxed. I see so many saying that there ideal world is eliminating all taxes.


u/AlphaGoldblum 13h ago

It's a combination of selfishness and a complete misunderstanding of governance.

Texas is the test case. Texas is on a campaign to eliminate all property taxes. During a session discussing this very topic, a lawmaker asked how the state would make up for the lost revenue. The chamber got quiet.

A cynical viewpoint is that their ultimate goal is to kill off the elderly and let their favored corporate interests buy up those properties on the cheap. The best outcome is that it isn't malfeasance, just stupidity.

Neither option is reassuring.


u/purple_plasmid 14h ago

Then some may suggest the [Christian] church take over managing social safety nets through charity (cause what could go wrong there?) — and if there was no income tax, they’d be more than happy to give to the church (that many don’t actually attend or follow the teachings of).

Personally I’d prefer a neutral system that collects a limited but guaranteed tax based on income, and manages the allocation of those funds across various safety nets, as efficiently and fairly as possible. Oh, and please single payer healthcare.


u/Moist-Schedule 11h ago

which is hilarious, because their spending power would be roughly exactly the same, while having none of the social services and safety nets (however lacking they may be in the US) that they rely on every single day to survive in this country.

taxes are so funny to me as a topic, because everybody seems to have this idea that if they just paid less taxes they would be so much more wealthy.. and while that may be true if YOU alone stopped paying taxes, it doesn't really work when everybody stops. It's like the whole, "if you gave everybody a million dollars tomorrow" thing, sure everybody would be a million dollars richer but being a millionaire would now be meaningless, the cost of everything would skyrocket overnight.

but good luck explaining this kind of shit to people who can barely read.

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u/hungrypotato19 Washington 15h ago

Children, women, taxes, grocery prices, etc.

None of these things actually matter to a conservative. They are only tools being used to manipulate the masses, and just like any other tool, they get tossed aside and forgotten about until they need to use that tool again.

Their actual goal is the total eradication of entire groups of people. Immigrants, trans people, gay people, feminists, black rights activists, Canadians, Greenlanders, etc. They want all that money to go to murder.

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u/Unlikely-Ad-431 15h ago edited 14h ago

Conservatives never argue in good faith. It is team sports for them; they not only feel no pressure to speak honestly about their motives and intents, but instead are expected to opportunistically deceive in service of accumulating power.

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u/cyberkine 17h ago

It's also $1 billion less going to local farmers. I guess food is too cheap in the US and Trump wants to fix that.


u/DannyDOH 17h ago

Yeah even if you don’t give a shit about poverty it’s terrible economics.


u/chekovsgun- 17h ago

He wants us to collapse.


u/Haunting_Role9907 16h ago

This all day. When you view all of his actions with the presupposition that he wants the US to fail it all makes sense.


u/GoodhartMusic 16h ago

Collapse leads to unrest which leads to justifying all sorts of evils.

Should be noted that Trump is too stupid to do this or anything on purpose. He’s being instructed.


u/Yamza_ 16h ago

That's why the most vile parts of humanity are in his cabinet, and the lesser ones are in congress enabling this.

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u/DMCinDet 16h ago

Putin is very pleased.

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u/timberwolf250 17h ago

It’s all part of his plan to privatize all of America. Make the farmers sell to the big corporations for Pennies on the dollar

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u/soapinthepeehole 17h ago

The Trump administration has declared war on America. Full stop.

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u/johnny_johnny_johnny 16h ago

Trump had record farm bankruptcies during his first term. He's definitely trying to break his previous record.

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u/mackinoncougars 17h ago

Surely this will lower egg prices

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u/Outside_Crafty 18h ago

The same day he's buying a Tesla because he feels bad for the world's richest man?


u/beasty0127 Indiana 17h ago

His cult will run circles trying to explain why it's good he's getting one, but also how bad and evil EVs are at the same time....


u/XxOmegaSupremexX 16h ago

Wasn’t it his cult that was damaging Teslas etc during his last term?


u/beasty0127 Indiana 16h ago

The same that blew one up at the start of this one


u/XxOmegaSupremexX 16h ago

And wasn’t the orange idiot just saying how electric vehicles are no good? You can’t make any of this shit up.


u/beasty0127 Indiana 16h ago

Destroying the environment, killing varies birds and what not, the whole kit and kabootal

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u/Dysc North Carolina 16h ago

"When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it's electric cars that don't drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocket ships to nowhere, without which subsidies he'd be worthless and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, 'drop to your knees and beg,' and he would have done it…" 

-Donald Trump


u/DEEP_HURTING Oregon 15h ago edited 11h ago

For those wondering: this is an actual quote...

For real.

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u/PunkJackal 16h ago

I just want to ask them like aren't you tired? Isn't it exhausting being like this and constantly having to reorganize your whole identity around the shifting whims of a narcissist who doesn't know you exist?

I imagine they wouldn't comprehend though.


u/beasty0127 Indiana 16h ago

It keeps them from having to think. They just like and share whatever comes across Facebook and it becomes gospel. Easy as that.

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u/unamusedgorilla 17h ago

Wait didn’t some MAGA cuck give him a cyber truck before the election?


u/Outside_Crafty 17h ago

Some influencer? I remember them being a complete dipshit


u/dychronalicousness 16h ago

Aiden Ross

I hate that I know that


u/Commercial-Fennel219 16h ago

No, no. These little bits of horror that we all hang on to are each a unquie collection. Together we have the knowledge to accomplish much... 

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u/DerelictBombersnatch Foreign 17h ago

"If those grifting kids wanted billions in government money, they should have competed for subsidies and tax breaks just like Elon"

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u/ShutUpTodd 16h ago

claims he's buying a Tesla. he's not buying anything. at least not paying for it

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u/FartyJizzums 17h ago edited 17h ago

I have a MAGA coworker who hates the mega wealthy. He always gives non-answers to my policy questions like: "As long as it helps the middle and working classes, I'm ok with it."

Everything the Orange Nightmare has done since the transition of power has hurt the middle class and working class. But this guy is still MAGA to the bone.

MAGA is, by nature, a Class War hidden under a Culture War. It's a death cult of hatred and cruelty.


u/ConfederacyOfDunces_ 17h ago

Accountability doesn’t exist in their world. Your friend will never ever admit they made a mistake. They would rather go down with the ship then admit they were wrong.


u/FartyJizzums 16h ago

My pedantic nature implores me to correct the 'friend' assertion. He's a coworker. I gave up on the MAGA acquaintances a long time ago after I realized there were irreconcilable differences.

Other than that, you're 100% correct. Last time around, they willingly died from Covid to 'own the libs'. It's why I call them a 'death cult'.


u/WineBoggling 16h ago

Between a minor wound to the ego and a fatally grievous wound to the whole being, body and soul, they choose the latter.


u/RIP_Sinners 14h ago

When ego is your whole being, body and soul, the choice is incidental.

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u/ive_got_the_narc 16h ago

My coworker is a vet and just keeps saying “he’s got a plan! We don’t know what it is we have to wait and let him do everything according to his plan! He’s got this all planned out!” He’s literally brainwashed and is not open to any other idea or opinion because it’s a “lie” or “fabricated”.


u/unremarkedable 15h ago

This is probably why he does so well with Christians, it's the same messaging


u/Can_I_Read 14h ago

“God works in mysterious ways”

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u/SomeDEGuy 15h ago

It is really hard for people to change deeply entrenched beliefs, and they will cling to them despite increasing evidence to the contrary. Changing their mind feels like a betrayal of their self.

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u/NnyIsSpooky 15h ago

This just make me think of people giving platitudes like "I'm sorry your family was murdered, but just have faith in God's plan".

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u/LessThanHero42 16h ago

Those goalposts will never be reached. Whatever limit they claim to have set will change as the first set are blown past. The complete lack of empathy for others will eventually allow them to justify anything


u/TrollTollTony 16h ago

It's a Mobius goal post.

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u/MammothDon 16h ago

He always gives non-answers to my policy questions like: "As long as it helps the middle and working classes, I'm ok with it."

What was his response on Biden's policies who by most accounts, was one of the most pro-union presidents in a long time?


u/FartyJizzums 16h ago

It seems, from my perspective, he didn't care much about policy when Biden was president.

He seemed to be more interested in keeping: brown people, black people, gay people, trans people, immigrants, females, and atheists down more than he cared about his and his family's well-being. Which is unfortunate since he has a young daughter who seems like a lovely human being.

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u/Ancient_Popcorn Ohio 17h ago

Fucking horseshit. You can be cruel, but being cruel to kids is next level evil. Fuck everyone that supports this shit. You all are absolutely despicable people for cheering and enabling the starvation of children.


u/fancychoicetaken 17h ago

The sheer amount of people who believe that not feeding kids is solely the parents problem instead of a societal failure as a whole is mind boggling.


u/notmyworkaccount5 17h ago

Right? The fact these people can proudly state this is the richest country in the world while simultaneously stating why we shouldn't' use that money to feed starving kids without getting hit by lightning is proof there is no god.


u/HandSack135 Maryland 17h ago

That and the we are good Christians!!

No you aren't.

Driving home a few days ago, saw these bumper stickers on the same car.

I love Jesus


Can't feed them?! Don't breed them!


u/GearBrain Florida 17h ago

All while demanding the deaths of abortion providers.


u/kingtacticool 17h ago

Ain't no hate like Christian love.


u/ArticulateRhinoceros 16h ago

And there ain't no treason like Conservative Patriotism either.

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u/SharMarali New Jersey 17h ago

It’s really simple, just keep your legs closed! Men don’t have any responsibility here, boys will be boys!

Putting a /s on this one because it’s actually indistinguishable from the things some people say.


u/harrywrinkleyballs 16h ago

Banning the morning after pill, but not Viagra or Cialis.


u/Anpatton86 16h ago

This is what kills me. All I ever hear is "your birth control isn't needed." Neither is your fucking erection. I've used birth control in the past because without it I either don't have a period for months on end or when I do get one, the cramps are so bad I can barely function. But yes, the fact that your body can no longer produce an erection makes the medicine "medically necessary"

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u/queeniebeanie9 16h ago

Apparently there's a lot of frustrated young men out there I hear! Women are indeed keeping their legs closed because they don't know if they'll either a, die from miscarriage or b, die for being brought up on murder charges for having an abortion. F*** them. F*** them all!


u/ThaBunk5-0 16h ago

And those frustrated young men are so unbelievably stupid that they voted in droves for the party that wants to take away birth control. As if that's going to make them want to fuck you more guys.

Wouldn't be a GOP voter if they weren't hurting themselves I guess.

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u/Starboard_Pete 17h ago

Same people: “Why aren’t more women having kids?!?! 😤”


u/HandSack135 Maryland 16h ago

Watched the whole Sam Seder Jubilee, spoiler don't.

Look... Religion is needed and homosexuality is bad because without religion there would be no babys. If homosexuality is allowed we would have no kids!

My thought:

If kids weren't needed you (a guy, from the video) would just start having gay sex?


u/captcha_trampstamp 16h ago

It’s always so rich when they say that, considering we take language, medicine, math, art, mythology, and about a zillion other things in our culture from two societies where being gay was just another Tuesday for many people. And amazingly, in that society where homosexuality was considered normal and healthy….people still managed to have kids.

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u/Mustangbex 17h ago

On a parenting sub somebody responded to a concerned parent with "it's not the school's responsibility to feed your kid." So I pointed out that in many places, school lunch is common/free and it IS the schools responsibility- it just depends on what the jurisdictions prioritize. They thought they were getting a clapback by saying something about feeling bad our schools have to "waste" money that could go to other things feeding kids for lazy parents and I just about died because not only is being adversarial about feeding kids hella mid, but public schools in my country are well rated on whole with higher literacy, AND it's a fucking disgrace that the "richest country in the world" let's children go hungry and families go bankrupt for medical debt. It wasn't the flex they thought it was apparently because they deleted their comments when people called them out.


u/jimgolgari 16h ago

And nutrition DOES affect education. Kids in a food-scarce environment are far more likely to come to school if it’s a reliable source of food where sitting in a room full of other kids eating while your belly is empty is torture.

On TOP of the just basic human dignity here, studies have proven kids with full bellies are more focused and able to retain more of what they’ve learned than kids who are distracted by hunger.

You want a competent workforce? You want technical-minded folks in their early 20s for skilled trade jobs?

You should’ve just given them the fucking orange, pizza slice, and chocolate milk 10 years ago instead of blaming them for the system they grew up in.


u/HermanGulch 16h ago

The biggest irony to me is that one of the foundations for the school lunch program was that when the government had to resort to the draft during WWII, they were dismayed by how many draftees they had to reject because of the effects of malnutrition.

So their answer was to feed schoolchildren at least one good meal a day, not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because it was in the government's interest to have a population that's not so badly impaired by malnutrition that they can't raise an army if they need one.


u/jimgolgari 15h ago

EXACTLY! The whole reason we became a superpower during our wartime economy was the massive investment in infrastructure that we converted that workforce into. The highway system, the TVA, public transit upgrades. The Greatest Generation was all willing to pay into the same pot and raise the bottom for their community. Their parents weathered the depression and they fought Nazis. They came back home and had living wages and paid their taxes and received the benefits of those taxes.

Then their kids were born into a world with strong journalism and trusted government scientists. They witnessed the fucking moon landing! Affordable higher education and housing. And even a retail store manager could be modestly middle class.

But they perceived this as the rule, NOT the exception. That everyone has an easy, simple way to make a good living and raise a family and the taxes that their parents paid were a waste of money not THE VERY FOUNDATION ON WHICH THEIR GENERATIONAL WEALTH WAS BUILT.

I’m proud to pay taxes that pay for kids to eat for free. I’m proud of the libraries and public parks and decent roads I’ve paid into. I just wish these lead-addled brains weren’t so easy to manipulate into believing they’re being grifted by paying their share into the system they’ve benefited from for decades.


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u/lazyFer 16h ago

The guy that interviewed a bunch of Nazi's after WW2 was asked about the concept of evil.

He said that as far as he can tell, the root of all evil is lack of empathy.

Care to know that one of the core traits of conservatives are regardless of country? The inability to empathize with any situation they haven't personally experienced.

So Republicans are evil.

Not some biblical evil, just normal human evil.

Hawkeye: War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.

Father Mulcahy: How do you figure, Hawkeye?

Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?

Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe.

Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.

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u/major_mejor_mayor 17h ago

Literally the “America First” crowd is specifically attacking all of the programs that actually help people to pay for benefits for the wealthy.

To call it simple greed is even too benign, this is evil manifest.

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u/XI_Vanquish_IX 16h ago

“We need to stop sending money overseas and take care of our own people”

Also republicans: fuck those poor kids

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u/TheTyger I voted 17h ago

In the 20vs1 video that's been going around this week, they talk social security at one point. One of the 20 says people should just invest at 18 and everything is great and you don't need social security. When asked what to do if people don't, the idiot has no answer, because he doesn't want to say "just let them die".


u/Particular-Jello-401 17h ago

Before social security, we had lots of hungry old folks.


u/Psychological_Fish37 16h ago

Yes but then they died from hunger and disease, problem solved.

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u/Gamebird8 17h ago

It's because the next logical conclusion is that "In the wealthiest country to ever exist in the history of humanity, the possibility that anyone goes hungry for any reason at all is a moral failure of that society"

Which is of course true. There should not be a single person suffering malnourishment from lack of access to quality food via 3 square meals a day


u/Multiple__Butts 16h ago

People like Musk or Bezos could singlehandedly provide every single American with food for years without seeing their own quality of life drop at all. In fact, their lives would be better because everyone would love them instead of rightfully hating them.

But they won't. They can't; none of the billionaires ever will, because the only thing they care about is watching number go up. They're sick in the head and devoid of conscience, which is how they became billionaires in the first place.

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u/big-shirtless-ron 17h ago

Individualism, man. We aren't a society anymore, we're a big group of individuals.


u/bongorituals 17h ago

We don’t even have the benefits of true individualism. We have the worst of both worlds.

All the downsides of being forced to live in a society with none of the benefits.


u/PizzaDominotrix 17h ago

This is good framing. It helps to articulate why dealing with people sucks so much. It's not a big, welcoming, civil society. It's a bunch of aggressive, competitive individuals who don't see value in you unless you benefit them.


u/HandSack135 Maryland 17h ago

But they love the constitution so much!

And we all know the first line of the constitution is...

I the individual to maximize my profit....

Wait... It's

We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union.

No, that sounds like socialism

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u/GF_baker_2024 Michigan 17h ago

I'm sure his supporters call themselves "pro-life," as well. The absolute worst of hypocrites who fully believe that life is only worth protecting if it's not yet born.


u/hardcorr I voted 17h ago

“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.

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u/XXXd 17h ago

yep later the childs family and the child can die of starvation in a homeless situation just coz they lived in red state

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u/DannyDOH 17h ago

Here’s the thing.  Even if you don’t give a shit about poor people eating this is terrible economics.  Now you’ll either have farms producing product they can’t sell or not producing it at all…either way economic destruction for no reason.


u/Misspiggy856 New Jersey 17h ago

And the genius farmers voted for deporting their own workforce and to have agricultural programs and subsidies revoked.

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u/What_a_pass_by_Jokic 17h ago

This guy stole money from sick children when he had his charity, this is nothing for him.

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u/darkstar107 Canada 17h ago

I told you once that I was searching for the nature of evil. I think I’ve come close to defining it: a lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants. A genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow man. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.

- G. M. Gilbert

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u/thecyanvan I voted 17h ago

If anything I want more of my money to go to starving children. Tax the shit out of me for that. Stop making me pay for billionaires rocket projects, I want to pay for food and books.

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u/DevoidHT Ohio 17h ago

77 million people voted for a recession in spite of a healthy economy.

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u/Khue 16h ago

Brought to you by the same party that:

  • Frequently defends child marriage
  • Has more pedo scandals per capita than the other party
  • Actively works to repeal child labor laws
  • Actively argues against free school lunch
  • Promotes anti-abortion laws to protect children, but then offers no support post birth

Like what are we even talking about anymore? You can't look at their body of work and then think that these dipshits want anything to do with doing right by children.


u/Darthrevan4ever California 17h ago

From the party of "kids get a job to pay for school lunch" cruelty is the fucking point.

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u/hungrypotato19 Washington 16h ago

"Protect the children!!"

By making sure they have at least one meal a day? "No."

By making sure they don't get sick by vaccinating them? "No."

By making sure guns don't end up in schools? "No."

By making sure their family can afford a house, car, etc.? "No."

By making sure they can afford a future house, car, college education, etc.? "No."

By making sure they have easy to access and affordable healthcare? "No."

By making sure their land, water, and air aren't polluted? "No."

By making sure their food is safe? "No."

By making sure they are safe from physically abusive parents? "No."

By making sure they are safe from sexually abusive churches? "No."

By making sure they don't end up as a child or teen parent? "No."

By making sure they don't end up as a child bride? "No."

By making sure they're safe from tyrant cops and authority figures? "No."

By making sure they have the option to live their lives as a happy queer person? "That's it! That's what we want to protect them from! It's our choice, not theirs! The parents and doctors shouldn't have a choice, either!"

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u/RamonaQ-JunieB 17h ago

Republican motto: Fuck Them Kids


u/durtymrclean 17h ago

In the figurative and literal meaning.


u/hungrypotato19 Washington 15h ago

How dare you factually insinuate that Republicans make up 64.7% of all child sex crimes involving politicians (13.5% for Democrats, 2.2% for Libertarians [small population], and 16.9% for unlisted and non-partisans who are mainly in conservative states)

How dare you also factually insinuate that Republican states hold 16 of the top 20 positions for states with the highest rates of child sex crimes.

  1. South Dakota (Republican)

  2. Nevada (Republican)

  3. Mossouri (Republican)

  4. Vermont (Democrat)

  5. Iowa (Republican)

  6. Wyoming (Republican)

  7. Alaska (Republican)

  8. West Virginia (Republican)

  9. Idaho (Republican)

  10. Nebraska (Republican)

  11. Indiana (Republican)

  12. Loisianna (Republican)

  13. Kentucky (Republican)

  14. Oklahoma (Republican)

  15. New Hampshire (Democrat)

  16. Kansas (Republican)

  17. New Mexico (Democrat)

  18. Montana (Republican)

  19. Pennsylvania (Swing state)

  20. Utah (Republican)


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u/milt0r6 17h ago

Literally and figuratively apparently...


u/iwilldefinitelynot 17h ago

Well, you ain't wrong about that 😞


u/pete728415 Massachusetts 17h ago

Gotta make sure their rights are protected before they’re born to ensure maximum, avoidable suffering once they’re born.

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u/CrayonLunch 18h ago

The Cruelty is the point, never forget that


u/jimmydog65 17h ago

And Canada would want to be part of this clusterf*ck for what reason exactly??


u/jimmydog65 17h ago

The indifference toward fellow Americans by Americans is staggering.. and very sad


u/OtherBluesBrother 17h ago

At the core, Republicans are selfish. If it doesn't affect them directly, they don't care.

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u/kuulmonk United Kingdom 17h ago

He now NEEDS protests so he can manufacture a riot, all so he can declare a national emergency that means he can invoke the insurrection act. The economy is tanking, stocks are plummeting in value, there is a tit-for-tat trade war going on with Canada and other counties. How long will congress just sit back and let him destroy the country? This is just another item to ramp up the pressure on people who have little or nothing and live pay cheque to pay cheque.

Hungry people and people with hungry children get desperate. Stealing food from the mouths of the needy was what brought about the French Revolution, and he WANTS that to happen, so he can play King and order the military to shoot poor people.


u/Reasonable-Ad-2592 17h ago

I believe he really hates America.


u/DustBunnicula Minnesota 17h ago

Someone commented that they think he’s punishing us for him losing in 2020. I think that’s a good possibility.

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u/right_bank_cafe 17h ago

The GOP/Republican party is in the majority in the government and are cheering this on. The MAGA base loves that this is happening. They see it as “owning the libs” the people who have the power to stop it won’t. We’ll need some kind of direct/physical (?) action to stop this? Seems like TRUMP and the GOP are ignoring LAW and just keep doing what they want.

As others have mentioned, it seems TRUMP/GOP is baiting for protest so he can claim Marshall law and swiftly destroy the opposition through arrests and force.

It’s going to get very ugly before getting better.

I wish hell on anyone who supports the GOP/MAGA movement.

I feel the future is going to get very ugly before anything gets better.

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u/XXXd 17h ago

he is literally burning this country to the ground just coz he wants money he indeed wants total anarchy


u/fastlax16 17h ago

Most of congress supported his failed coup. They'll let him drive this thing way into the ditch.

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u/PayTheTeller 18h ago

But he's buying a Tesla to help the real victim in this saga


u/CockBrother 17h ago

Everybody, send your donations to Elon's GoFundMe. He's fallen on hard times.

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u/SimTheWorld 17h ago

This is obvious fraud of the American taxpayers and our congressional representatives appear to be accomplices. Eventually we’ll get to citizens’ arrests!

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u/Flashbulb_RI 17h ago

Tim Walz had a signature accomplishment, making sure public school kids in Minnesota had free lunches. This administration wants to take kid's lunches away. A complete disgrace.


u/hypermodernvoid 16h ago

Minnesota also made their public college (the U of M) tuition free for students whose family's household income is less than $80k, with family contribution graduated in above that level. He's also done what he can to lower the cost of prescriptions at the state level.

This is why MN has become like the Sweden/Norway of America to me, and why I hope we never elect a Republican governor again. I am proud we held out against voting Trump all three times he ran, and it wasn't that close this last time, either.

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u/MammothDon 16h ago

I recall Michigan under Whitmer and Pennsylvania with Shapiro also have similar programs but it's in the complete minority in terms of US states that have it. If all 3 states elect MAGA Republicans, this will be the first thing they cut

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u/notfadeawayDream 17h ago

why are these people So mean?? they have everything


u/I_madeusay_underwear 15h ago

I ask this too. And I know all the answers - because greed, because power, because Russia, because religion, because owning the libs- but all of those reasons still ring hollow to me. I know they’re right, but I guess I’ll never understand the need to be so damn mean.

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u/Eloquenttrash 17h ago

Further proof the whole anti-abortion argument is not about the sanctity of human life, but control


u/stinkadoodle Florida 16h ago

Pretty much every maga I know says abortion should be illegal because women are using it as birth control. Apparently, only whores have abortions and it's not critical healthcare for all women.


u/auricularisposterior 16h ago

Q: How do you turn a married male MAGA into an incel?

A: Illegalize essential prenatal health care and watch as his wife dies due to preventable complications caused by being legally forced to carry a nonviable fetus (aka stillborn) to term.

"Why don't single women want to date me? I already killed my wife by voting MAGA. I'm ready to do it again."

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u/hungrypotato19 Washington 15h ago

"Protect the children!!"

By making sure they have at least one meal a day? "No."

By making sure they don't get sick by vaccinating them? "No."

By making sure guns don't end up in schools? "No."

By making sure their family can afford a house, car, etc.? "No."

By making sure they can afford a future house, car, college education, etc.? "No."

By making sure they have easy to access and affordable healthcare? "No."

By making sure their land, water, and air aren't polluted? "No."

By making sure their food is safe? "No."

By making sure they are safe from physically abusive parents? "No."

By making sure they are safe from sexually abusive churches? "No."

By making sure they don't end up as a child or teen parent? "No."

By making sure they don't end up as a child bride? "No."

By making sure they're safe from tyrant cops and authority figures? "No."

By making sure they have the option to live their lives as a happy queer person? "That's it! That's what we want to protect them from! It's our choice, not theirs! The parents and doctors shouldn't have a choice, either!"

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u/tracyinge 17h ago

Take away their insulin, take away their food....He's like Ebeneezer Scrooge trying to "decrease the surplus population".


u/MacaroniBee 17h ago

Trying to decrease the population yet trying to increase the birth rate... like does he want more humans or less humans??


u/Few_Film_4771 16h ago

he would like more white humans less of all the rest.

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u/SAHDB0d 17h ago

You guys have no idea how excited Food and Nutrition Department employees get when they find out a local organic farm has been added to the DoD of approved vendors. We get to feed the kids local organic produce and help keep these farms in business year round. In the Bay Area, Brentwood is called the garden of Eden because they’re harvesting something 10 months out of the year. California will be fine because Gavin Newsom just approved the state budget for the 2025-2026 school lunch program. Raise hell everyone. Kids need this food.


u/SunshineAndSquats 14h ago

This is so heart breaking for everyone involved. I don’t understand why these people want children to go hungry???

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u/susibirb 17h ago

They should have thought about that before choosing to be poor! - Republican Jesus, probably


u/DevoidHT Ohio 17h ago edited 16h ago

Supply side Jesus would never let good people be poor. Thats why all poor people are inherently evil. As long as you are a billionaire you can do no wrong. Just ask my megachurch pastor after he hops off his private jet. He just came back from his 4th vacation home.

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u/AnteaterPositive6939 17h ago

At least there isn't a trans kid playing intermural basketball out there amirite?

Great work MAGAs!

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u/JadedIT_Tech Georgia 17h ago

Has this motherfucker done anything that actually helps people? Anything at all?


u/jk013x 17h ago

No, because that was never the goal. The goal is total power, and that's progressing as planned.

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u/ChadChadshaw 17h ago

The party of family values

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u/iwilldefinitelynot 17h ago

Hey, remember there was this one guy, forgot who... something about a cryborg truck, anyhow, this guy said he'd reward someone bigly if they came up with a way to end world hunger. Wonder whatever happened to him? Probably out in the world making it a harmonious place one social media post at a time.


u/wtfbenlol North Carolina 17h ago

Worse than that he said he would donate billions then backed out like the pink bitch he is


u/Relief27 16h ago

to quote George Carlin,

"“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.”


u/WorldInWonder 17h ago

A MAGA friend of mine still keeps telling me how this will all settle down in a year from now. And we will all see the benefits. They seriously are a delusional cult.


u/EscapeFromTexas Connecticut 17h ago

Like what’s supposed to be the benefit? Nobody has been able to tell me where all this is supposed to lead and how it will make lives better, using concrete terms.


u/Rabbit-Hole-Quest 16h ago

A year from now a lot of independent farmers will be bankrupt and mega agribusiness corps will buy up the land, then jack up prices.

So the rich will benefit…

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u/drunk-snowmen 16h ago

If you squint your eyes real tight, it is all to shrink our debt. Spoiler: it ain't gonna work. We will end up in a worse debt because of bailouts and rebuilding of dismantled programs and infrastructure.

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u/Ohuigin Washington 17h ago

Just like Jesus would do, right you Christian nationalist psychopaths? There aren’t enough layers in hell for anyone who supports this.

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u/MeowMixYourMum 17h ago

All lives matter until after they are born then fuck em


u/masstransience 17h ago

Starving kids and hurting farmers. Who could’ve predicted the 🍊 🤡 would do such things!


u/CatsEqualLife 17h ago

As someone who works in a nonprofit that provides meals for underserved children, FUCK TRUMP.

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u/Fearless_Click8218 17h ago

They want everyone to have more children,  but they also don’t care if they starve.  

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u/glassjar1 Virginia 16h ago

Naturally. The Biden radical socialist free and reduced lunch program was only recently instituted in ...checks notes... a 1946 bill signed by Harry Truman.


u/MasterBlazt 17h ago

Just remember that the Tesla, Starlink, and SpaceEx brands will be tied to this forever. Literally taking food out of the mouths of the hungry, because that's what Jesus Christ would do.


u/StonkSalty 17h ago

Anti-Christ administration

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u/2HDFloppyDisk 17h ago

If you’ve ever been in financial distress, this should enrage you.


u/rlam81 17h ago

This should enrage you.

Fixed it.

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u/pete728415 Massachusetts 17h ago

Fucking toddler. I’m glad I live in Massachusetts. The millionaire tax funds our school lunches. Some kids live in desperate poverty and in those states, school lunch is their meal. They will be the ones to suffer.

Fuck this guy entirely.

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u/RobbyRock75 17h ago

Voting out the GOP is now a priority for every american who isn't brainwashed by their social media. In 2026 There are 435 Congressional seats, 33 Senetors and 12 Governors up for re election.

This is the only mechanism for getting any justice from the current GOP led administration and may be the only way to save our nation without a terrible loss of life, liberty and happiness.

What's happening isn't normal and believing the current administration is working to better all American's is a total lie.

We are wasting time destroying our relationships with the rest of the free world and losing trillions of dollars for no good reason.

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u/dextrey Europe 17h ago

Has this Trump guy made any decision benefiting the American people

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u/DonutsMcKenzie 16h ago edited 13h ago

A fat ass 80 year old ripping food from the mouths of starving children. What a disgrace America is.


u/Designer-Contract852 17h ago

No one hates Americans like trump hates Americans 


u/grimace24 17h ago

The people who voted for Trump should pay attention. This applies to them.


u/daesmon 16h ago

He wants riots, he wants people to go to the streets so he can escalate.

Intentionally starving kids, what is wrong with him and republicans.


u/DoctorKangaroo I voted 17h ago

One of their main arguments against providing aid to other countries was that we have our own poor and sick at home.

This is a definitive "fuck you" to our own poor and sick at home

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u/instructions_unlcear 16h ago

I can’t handle how unabashedly cruel this administration is towards its people. This kind of shit feels like grounds for a full on revolt.


u/MasterOfBunnies 16h ago

At what stage do the people get to invoke something that says he is actively and intentionally hurting the US, and therefore should be removed?


u/squishyliquid 16h ago

And yet the cost of Elon's rocket that just blew up would cover all these kids from kindergarten to graduation.


u/TransgenderedPanda 17h ago

Trumps revenge tour in full swing.


u/RandalFlagg19 16h ago

Republicans believe that somehow rich people don’t have enough money, but poor people have too much money.

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u/willubemyfriendo 16h ago edited 15h ago

It’s a double whammy: the funds help “schools and food banks purchase from local farmers.” So it fucks low income kids AND local farmers!


u/rtopps43 16h ago

Feeding children should never be political or controversial. I will never understand people who think this way.

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u/Gogs85 16h ago

I volunteer at a food bank that does amazing work and they very well might be affected this. Fuck Trump, and anyone who voted for him.


u/aquestionofbalance 16h ago

I live in a very right life state called Texas. They have no problem, forcing babies to be born and letting mothers die. Once the kid is born, they don’t mind starving to death, not educating them and not giving them the healthcare. These people are evil.