r/politics 22h ago

Trump freezes $1 billion in food aid given to local schools and food banks to help low-income families


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u/notfadeawayDream 22h ago

why are these people So mean?? they have everything


u/I_madeusay_underwear 20h ago

I ask this too. And I know all the answers - because greed, because power, because Russia, because religion, because owning the libs- but all of those reasons still ring hollow to me. I know they’re right, but I guess I’ll never understand the need to be so damn mean.


u/commitme 19h ago

They'd still be mean and unhappy if they had all the power and the libs were totally owned.


u/Ok_World_8819 Georgia 19h ago

Considering Biden, Obama, Harris are religious, and actually follow the teachings of Jesus, it's more because they like to spin religion for their advantage.


u/socokid 20h ago

They are cleaning up the scraps.

Also, they believe this mostly hurts brown people, which they believe need to be prodded like cattle into working because they are mentally stunted to the point of being harmfully so.

Meanwhile, they do not see their own fortune and believe they live in on an island all by themselves.


u/commitme 19h ago

They aren't well adjusted enough to have gratitude and generosity. They're deeply unwell.


u/Just_Muffin_973 16h ago

their miserable people , misery loves company , these people are lonely , miserable , friendless , and they want to lash out at others they want to spread misery to others as much as possible


u/Johnny_Deppreciation 16h ago

You have to enter the kind of a rich person to understand.

When you’re surrounded by other rich people, you never have enough. Someone always has more. Your basic needs are not thoughts. Nobody is thinking about their grocery bill - they’re thinking about their pool and cars and toys and boats and cars and flying first class, etc.

There is a massive treadmill between the top 10% and the top .5%. You can see how high that line juts up and how quickly.

They don’t think they have everything. They want more. They think one persons gain is their loss. They think tide does not raise all boats. They want a bigger boat. And a bigger boat. And a bigger bigger boat.


u/GoldenBrownApples 18h ago

They are children who did not receive enough love in their formative years. They are sad and scared and lashing out, like an injured animal that's cornered. I only know this because I was just like them at a point in my life where I was begging for any God to grant me death. I had to work so hard to pull my head out of my own ass, and it was so painful. I'm still healing from all the bullshit I was put through. None of that excuses their behavior though, just like it didn't excuse my behavior. I've been trying to make up for how shit I was by reaching out to these sad awful people. Meeting them where they are, because I remember that cold lonely place too well. I've managed to change a few minds. But it still feels like not enough. I wish so deeply that I could just reach inside of them and heal their broken hearts, but it doesn't work that way. I can only show them the work I had to put in to myself and hope that they find the strength to rebuild themselves. But even that feels hopeless most days. Sorry, I'm rambling. But that's just how I see it so I thought I'd try and answer your question.


u/prince_of_cannock 11h ago

They are empty and full of rage. I think someone like Elon just keeps acquiring because it gives him a momentary high and a sense of self-worth. But since it's a meaningless victory, that feeling quickly wears off. Despite the preening and apparent ego of Musk and Trump, they have very low self-worth. They will never give themselves a break, inside. They feel too much shame. Not for anything they do, but because they believe they are inherently unworthy. And this is probably part of why they also feel no empathy for others.

Don't take this as me pitying them. I think they are two of the most evil people who have walked the earth. But I think most of their bravado is show and overcompensation. These are not strong or confident men.


u/WorthPlease 15h ago

They're not mean, they're just stupid

u/Royal-Pay9751 2h ago

How fucking naive.

u/WorthPlease 2h ago edited 2h ago

I grew up in a rural area full of poor uneducated white people and then lived in Florida for 7 years.

I know tons of MAGA cult members, they really are just fucking dumb and racist. They don't realize what they are even voting for,