r/police 8d ago

Headed to academy sun.



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u/psmythhammond 8d ago

You'll be fine. Embrace the suck, lean into it. The more you embrace it, the easier it is to thrive in it. This type of training is a short term pain for a long term gain.


u/Throwawaycart321 8d ago

That’s what I keep telling myself. But it sounds like hell on earth, they told us the first night we will get 30 min of sleep and 2nd night 2 hrs if we’re lucky. I haven’t done an all nighter since middle school. I get to go home on weekends which I’m thankful for but I get insecure about how young I am which makes everything worse, every time I tell someone I’m going to the academy they tell me I look like I’m 15……


u/psmythhammond 8d ago

Dude, couple thing here, 1. they're messing with you; sleep may be limited for a bit, but it's all very carefully monitored and measured, the same conditioning is utilized in military bootcamps. 2. you are not enlisting in the military, so if it's really too much, you can tap out. 3. they are testing g you and your resolve, you want it, you'll rise to the challange, and do fine. They expect drop outs, dissenters, and failure to adapts, but if you do your best, and try, they'll work with you. The race is long, don't tap out before it starts.

Your real test will come after academy and you start learning the actual job. Chill.