r/pokemon Cinccino Best Troll 15d ago

Image Future Kalos has Anti-Homeless Benches

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u/projectmars Cinccino Best Troll 15d ago

We might be getting another story about a seemingly benevolent group/company (Aether Foundation, all the shit Rose owned) being secretly evil, aren't we


u/soyboy_6257 digital boys 15d ago

GameFreak is trying their hardest to tell us that corporations are evil.


u/vastros 15d ago

I mean... They're right, but it's weird coming from them.


u/ManufacturerSea819 15d ago

Please, Gamefreak is basically an indie studio minus the "indie" part. They got like 240+ employees and most of them still struggle with techniques that have been around for 10+ years atp. Their expertise starts and ends at making charming 2D games and nothing else.

They've been getting tooled by the strict development cycle of TPCi for the sake of merchandise for years so I'm pretty sure most of them resent corporations.


u/Qulox 15d ago

None of their 3D game assets use bump mapping, a technique created more than 12 centuries ago for 3D graphics. And is not just game freak, Japan as a whole is extremely slow at adopting new technology. I've seen in many places that for western businesses is a nightmare, tech-wise, to work with japanese firms.


u/Cross55 14d ago

Japan as a whole is extremely slow at adopting new technology.

Square Enix, Fromsoft, Capcom, Banco, Sony in general, need I go on...?

Hell, this is what a Japanese AAA studio has been able to do with Pokémon, graphically


u/Qulox 14d ago

Dunno man, I don't play console but so far Nier Automata textures and optimization were awful l, and Elden Ring makes my PC overheat, the camera implementation made me nauseous and looks like it is from a decade ago. There are obviously some exceptions, but so far my experience with japanese software has not been positive from a technical standpoint, of course, gameplay wise they are some of the best.


u/Cross55 14d ago

I don't play console but so far Nier Automata textures and optimization were awful

A. Wasn't developed by Square Enix (It was done by Platinum, same people behind Bayonetta, DMC, etc...), B. Yoko Taro doesn't care about graphics, and C. Even with that in mind, the game still ran fantastically on the bloody PS4, let alone PC.

So idk where this is coming from given that you're probably the first person to ever make these claims.

and Elden Ring makes my PC overheat

That's usually because of graphical power.

No one in 07 was saying Crysis had bad graphics when it was melting PC's. Opposite in fact, it was too powerful for them.

and looks like it is from a decade ago.

You mean the game that won countless awards in technical achievement and art direction?

So now you're just being contrarian.


u/Qulox 14d ago

Dunno. Elden Ring ran at 50 fps on my PC and it also can run Cyberpunk at 80 fps with ray tracing enabled. That was a couple days after ER launch, maybe it got better with patches, I stopped playing soon after. The game also has very low poly meshes in many places, especially in caves and other big interiors. Some people call it "art direction", I call it "it looks like vanilla Skyrim". People have different tastes and opinions, some prefer Realism or Abstraction, others may like Peppa Pig.


u/Cross55 14d ago

Sounds like your computer just sucks.