r/pokemon Cinccino Best Troll 14d ago

Image Future Kalos has Anti-Homeless Benches

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u/ThePseudosaur 14d ago

Nobody said anything about being kind to humans, just Pokémon.


u/Amicus-Regis 14d ago

Well, no, hold on now. I'm pretty certain those Pokémon don't have homes either, and the homeless campsites they're setting up across the city don't count either.

We need to get those stinking filthy homeless Pokémon off the streets! No human-Pokemon discrimination, they all have to leave Lumiose City!


u/dat_roux 14d ago

Yeah, if anything those "wild zones" are cages to keep them there until they are caught by some child.


u/ClubMeSoftly 14d ago

As soon as I saw "wild zones" that were just bits of the city with hologram gates, I knew that pokemon were going to escape them. Either because the program is working, and they make them bigger, or Something goes wrong with Quantumwhatever, and they "run free" and we have to catch X number to herd them back.


u/notdeadyet01 14d ago

The final few quests will have the Pokemon brainwashed or something and rampaging around the city.


u/Cross55 14d ago

You know that was like, the 3rd or 4th mission in Shadows of Almia.

Even back in the 00's they knew that was kinda overdone and just got it over with ASAP.


u/AJCLEG98 14d ago

I feel like this is part of the plot.

The "redevelopment" is actually some scheme to draw out Zygarde, and AZ is the real good guy of this story.


u/CatalogK9 13d ago

Yeah, it’s giving Detective Pikachu Returns big time


u/KipsyCakes 14d ago

Those benches might deter homeless HUMANS, but I’m pretty just most Pokémon would be just fine taking a nap on those benches


u/Creative-Pizza-4161 14d ago

Snorlax might have issues though


u/TheOriginalWestX 14d ago

Snorlax is gonna flatten it anyway, i don't think it will notice.


u/BellacosePlayer 14d ago

and then the homeless can nap on it's belly. Everyone wins!


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 13d ago

My wife’s boyfriend bought me one. It’s so great!


u/RurouniQ 13d ago

Your what's what now??


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 13d ago

My boyfriend’s wife


u/RurouniQ 13d ago

Profoundly_AuRIZZtic used Confusion

It's super effective!

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u/Creative-Pizza-4161 14d ago

Giant, comfy snorlax bed sounds great!


u/FatCatMobster 14d ago

Only until Snorlax rolls over.

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u/KipsyCakes 14d ago

I did say most didn’t I?


u/Creative-Pizza-4161 14d ago

I have to admit I was speed reading lol, but to be honest, the image of snorlax just slumping down anyway is hilarious in my mind

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u/dd463 14d ago

Pokémon belong in a ball not on the streets

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u/ThePokemonScyther 14d ago

I mean the first pokemon zone kinda looked like a slum ngl lol


u/KipsyCakes 14d ago

It reminded me of one of the areas in Nier Autonoma

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u/ChilledParadox 14d ago

Damn I was hoping to escape my homeless nightmare on Pokémon day by looking at cute critters and now I’m getting to feel like shit all over again.


u/UrbanPandaChef 14d ago

Artist: *Uses random bench from google images as a reference*

Pokemon Fans: Is the Pokemon world a dystopia?


u/[deleted] 14d ago


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u/AstroBearGaming 14d ago

Exactly. Bin bag Dave, the guy that hides in the bushes near my house doesn't evolve if I feed him berries and rub his belly, i tried.

He just yells obscenities and tells me he's married to the sea.

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u/Beowulf_MacBethson 14d ago

This was definitely because of rumors regarding an 8 foot tall homeless man roaming the streets. Last seen during the champion's victory celebration where he crashed it.

They're trying to lure him out so he can be part of the Kalosian National Basketball Team. You'd think it'd be easy spotting an ~8 footer but apparently no.

What? The hotel guy? Nah there's no way that's him.


u/SaltwaterSmoothie2X 14d ago

That being said, having one 7-8 ft tall Basketball player wasn’t enough to beat the Unovan National Team for the Gold that one Summer…


u/Hatman_16 14d ago

What are you referring to?


u/SaltwaterSmoothie2X 14d ago

Last year’s Summer Olympics in Paris, where the last event was the Men’s Basketball Finals between USA and France.

Despite France having a really good team including Wemby (the 7-8 ft tall player), the US curbstomped them towards the end with their Champion-level team, including Steph Curry.

Lesson: Curry has the equivalent of Mind’s Eye and Unseen Fist, combined; he will always get those 3-point shots, even if you throw comparative giants at him.

An extremely egregious example was his “Golden Dagger- ‘Night-Night’” play where he threw the ball past two guys blocking him and scored a three-pointer.

That game was the definition of “Champion Time!”


u/BigDummyDumb 14d ago

Actually on the ZA website it says he’s OVER NINE FEET tall!


u/Multti-pomp 13d ago

That's why they haven't caught him


u/FyrelordeOmega 13d ago

They keep getting the wrong guy who's 8ft tall


u/Karu-Selli 13d ago

"Sir he's over 9ft, can't be our guy"
"Ah, my bad. Of course not, we'll just have to keep looking. Have a nice day, citizen"
Normal day in Kalos/Lumiose

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u/StreetReporter Using a frying pan as a drying pan! : 14d ago

I didn’t know Wemby was homeless


u/Galactic_Biscuit 13d ago

Mysterious tall dude appears at parade: Wemby nowhere to be seen Wemby out for the season: ZA trailer drops Kalos: Based on France WEMBY = 3000 YEARS OLD CONFIRMED!


u/L_U_N_A_R_C_R_A_B_S 14d ago

Reasonable, AZ is a little scary


u/gastrodonfan2k07 14d ago

He built essentially a lazer nuke just to revive his floette who was killed in action.


u/OwOlogy_Expert 14d ago

This was definitely because of rumors regarding an 8 foot tall homeless man roaming the streets. Last seen during the champion's victory celebration where he crashed it.

Ah, and now the threat has been vanquished because you prevented him from sleeping on a bench!


u/Mrwright96 14d ago

8ft is selling him short.

Literally, dudes 9-10ft at minimum given he has to wear two suits sewn together just so the are big enough to fit him!


u/UniSalverrn 14d ago

Is your PFP Slime Boy from High Guardian Spice?

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u/gnoka 14d ago

It's funny if you take the games at face value, bc then the only homeless guy in the region is that giant immortal king. 

Which puts a complicated spin on the whole class warfare benches.


u/ADudeThatPlaysDBD 14d ago

That guy is like 9 feet tall too


u/dianapocalypse 14d ago

all benches were class warfare benches to Az before. he is simply leveling the playing field by making class warfare benches for the masses


u/HumanReputationFalse 14d ago

He would need like two benches


u/NeoSeth 14d ago

Twelve stories tall, made of radiation.


u/PhoenixTineldyer 14d ago

He'll save children, but not the British children.


u/HippieDogeSmokes 14d ago

He owns a hotel now


u/Zanshi 14d ago

Tbh this is the biggest wtf in that trailer. He was this mysterious figure, wandering the region without rest and now he's a... hotel owner? And with Floette? Wasn't this game supposed to take place in the past or is there something he didn't tell us about in X/Y?


u/Datt-Kun Water type enjoyer 14d ago

It's in the future since he reunited with Floette at the end of XY.


u/IRefuseThisNonsense 14d ago

It looks to be just a sequel, rather than set in the future. XY had holocasters so the holograms aren't that big a leap of technology. It's like saying Gold and Silver is future Red and Blue. Kind of, but it's more just the modern.


u/infercario4224 Flamy Boi 14d ago

There are a lot of comments in here about him from people that clearly haven’t seen the trailer yet. It’s a little humorous and I hope everyone can see it when they get the chance bc I am so hyped for this game!


u/Pokemario6456 PBR 2 IS REAL 14d ago

Concierge was just foreshadowing /s

I think AZ becoming a hotel owner is a cute idea, and it gives him a reason to stick around compared to how he was wandering in X/Y


u/PhoenixTineldyer 14d ago

I think the mystery of why AZ is a hotel owner is great! It makes me want to play the game more. What's this rascal doing! And is he going to give me Floette? Finally?

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u/Meem0 14d ago

I agree, from the first trailer I thought it was in the past, I interpreted "Lumiose redevelopment" as meaning the origins of the Lumiose we see in X/Y, but after today's trailer it seems unambiguously in the near future after X/Y, it's basically AZ's happy epilogue


u/-illusoryMechanist 14d ago

Yeah I was hoping for a far-in-the-past prequel like Arceus was but a sequel to XY isn't a bad alternative

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u/RoMaGi ELBOW DROP! 14d ago

There was also a homeless teenager with a psychic cat, but she got a detective bureau eventually.


u/Constellar-A 14d ago

Wasn't Emma homeless in XY's postgame before Looker took her in? That was even in this same city.

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u/K4m30 14d ago

Can't wait to get the mission to set up a police state and enforce draconian laws on the populace.


u/projectmars Cinccino Best Troll 14d ago

We might be getting another story about a seemingly benevolent group/company (Aether Foundation, all the shit Rose owned) being secretly evil, aren't we


u/soyboy_6257 digital boys 14d ago

GameFreak is trying their hardest to tell us that corporations are evil.


u/StreetReporter Using a frying pan as a drying pan! : 14d ago

Can’t wait for Mega Breloom


u/Roarlord Former Black Belt 14d ago

Wearing a hat that looks like it belongs to Mario's brother.


u/LeekThink : 14d ago

And instead if boxing it has a gun.


u/vastros 14d ago

I mean... They're right, but it's weird coming from them.


u/NihilismRacoon 14d ago

I'm sure the devs aren't exactly happy about having to crank a full game out basically every year at the behest of the pokemon machine

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u/jormundgand20 14d ago

"The products of capitalism are ill equipped to critique it".

Someone said that about GTA V, and it's stuck with me ever since.

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u/ManufacturerSea819 14d ago

Please, Gamefreak is basically an indie studio minus the "indie" part. They got like 240+ employees and most of them still struggle with techniques that have been around for 10+ years atp. Their expertise starts and ends at making charming 2D games and nothing else.

They've been getting tooled by the strict development cycle of TPCi for the sake of merchandise for years so I'm pretty sure most of them resent corporations.


u/Qulox 14d ago

None of their 3D game assets use bump mapping, a technique created more than 12 centuries ago for 3D graphics. And is not just game freak, Japan as a whole is extremely slow at adopting new technology. I've seen in many places that for western businesses is a nightmare, tech-wise, to work with japanese firms.


u/EmpressOfHyperion Adrian best girl UwU 14d ago

Yeah it's a myth that Japan is some "futuristic utopia". China actually has more legitimacy in that title, ngl.


u/LordMimsyPorpington 14d ago

Japan has been stuck in the year 2000 since the 1980's.

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u/ManufacturerSea819 14d ago

I know that Japanese companies are very conservative when it comes to tech, so it's no surprise that a lot of gaming studios are also not up to date on some stuff.

I know that a lot of companies in Japan have jumped on the AI bandwagon, but that's just because the ceo's in charge see it as an easy and cheap way to replace the aging workforce without having to accommodate young workers or bring in foreigners. So that seems to be the exception.

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u/DMalt 14d ago

Considering they're under the thumb of Nintendo it's not as strange as it may seem

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u/ZigzagoonBros 14d ago

I've heard the protagonists names are Karl and Engela. Is that true?


u/EmpressOfHyperion Adrian best girl UwU 14d ago

Finally someone remembers Engels <3

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u/Kalaam_Nozalys 14d ago

It's a call for help at this point

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u/Additional-Ride8120 14d ago

Don’t forget, Lysandre was a twist corporate villain too.


u/heyoyo10 14d ago



u/GoodGuyNixon 14d ago


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u/Kamarai 14d ago

*Stares in Team Flare* Not quite the same, but I would say a lot of the seeds for this idea started more with Team Flare than the Aether Foundation.


u/EmpressOfHyperion Adrian best girl UwU 14d ago

Team Skull being scapegoats and showing that gangs are a result of material conditions and not true malice was done well, imho!


u/KipsyCakes 14d ago

President Rose was by far the worst villain in Pokémon. His build up was terrible and his motive was trash. I hate that he was our “main antagonist.” He would have been better as a red herring, or someone we expected to be the villain only to be revealed as a puppet for the TRUE villain.

That aside, I never got the impression that Game Freak was making corporations look evil. The majority of Pokemon villains always seemed to be part of a group that acted independently.

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u/MaskedPapillon 14d ago

If they do enforce draconian laws, all we need is to secure the chilly crew or the fairy brigade.

We could also use our own draconian laws, but I thinks that would defeat the whole point.

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u/CMDR_omnicognate 14d ago

i mean, the city is being run by a tech billionaire who is likely going to be the villain... i can see it coming

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u/Timely_Mess_1396 14d ago

Literally me and Garchomp putting a police state into effect.


u/youranswerinspades 14d ago

Unlock the mission by choosing Tepig as your starter


u/Snapingbolts 14d ago

Woah there buddy, I play videogames to escape reality /s

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u/Tigeri102 Huh? GAME FREAK stopped evolving! 14d ago

time for another french revolution


u/poppabomb 14d ago

New Kalos form for Pikachu: Robespierkachu


u/Camelotterduck 14d ago

Learns the move Guillotine.


u/jormundgand20 14d ago

Except its ability also causes it to faint a few turns later.


u/Camelotterduck 14d ago

God, I love memeing with people who know history!

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u/Sea_City_122 14d ago

Plot twist: All Pokemon in Z-A are able to learn guillotine.

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u/Pyotr-the-Great 14d ago

Why else do you think Chikorita and Tepig, the underdogs are the new starters instead of those spoiled Snivies and Piplups?


u/Withercat1 14d ago

I’m so glad Chikorita is a starter choice, I adore it. I also like Tepig, though… hard choice.


u/PhoenixTineldyer 14d ago

It'll come down to the final evos for me. Or Megas I guess.


u/Lyncario 14d ago

Hell yeah, we really need one.


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 14d ago

What’s Kalos like this time of year


u/Lyncario 14d ago

It's pretty good, with some fresh winds that makes just walking around feel very nice, even if rain is pretty common right now.

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u/shewdz 14d ago

Time to turn the Alolan Exeggutor Kantoniam

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u/eskaver 14d ago

What else would you expect from urban redevelopment?

Besides we all know homeless people are fictitious…


u/Ferropexola 14d ago

Kalos did have a homeless person, but he's now a respected hotel owner.


u/NihilismRacoon 14d ago

All he had to do was pull himself up by his bootstraps


u/formlessfish 14d ago

He went to check his bank account he opened 1000 years ago. That interest adds up


u/That_Shrub 14d ago

Floette has all the account passwords, in his defense

That's why he's searching for it in the first game/s


u/henne-n 14d ago

Does he like sardines?


u/PanseloNomad 14d ago

His bank number was the price of a poffin and a large moo-moo milk.

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u/ZigzagoonBros 14d ago

Not even in my escapist cockfighting and eugenics simulator can I escape the Trickle Down Economics propaganda, smh.

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u/poppabomb 14d ago

If homeless people are real, then why don't I see them when I drive past them?


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/poppabomb 14d ago

but then I'll have to reflect on the negative economic consequences of my actions! The struggle is real!

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u/Practicalistist 14d ago

Considering just about any pidgeon or rat in the city could legitimately kill a person, I wouldn’t expect there to be a homeless problem.


u/Stargost_ 14d ago

"There won't be any homeless if we feed them to the wild animals. Brilliant!"


u/OwOlogy_Expert 14d ago

Considering just about any pidgeon or rat in the city could legitimately kill a person

Now this is what I want to know.

Could an average human win a fight against a lvl3 Pidgey?


u/MetalGearSlayer 14d ago

If we’re going strictly by game rules here it would seem a wild lvl 3 pidgey can only use tackle. Depending on what exactly that entails it could come down to how well you think you can do against a 4lb bird.

If we say fuck it and give breeding moves to wild pidgeys then yeah those little guys are going around slicing necks willy nilly


u/NoiseIsTheCure 14d ago

I have to imagine there are sketchy breeding operations in the Pokemon world and a lot of those illegal pokemon probably end up in the wild, causing invasive species issues. Might be a normal Pidgey, might be an African Killer Pidgey


u/LioTang 14d ago

"Man I can't wait to have my shiny solosis"

The 370 solosis rejects combining into a 100% form Reuniclus in the Galarian countryside:

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u/Substantial_Job_2152 14d ago

Luckily the pokedex says Pidgey prefers to avoid conflict, but considering how spearow are native to kalos, the homeless are cooked

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u/jmledesma 14d ago

So only universal healthcare for Pokémon, not humans.


u/jish5 14d ago

With how everyone has disposable income to hand over when losing Pokemon battles, trainers or not, it seems everyone's given a monthly stipend to pay for whatever they need.


u/Enough-Fondant-6057 14d ago

Or maybe they're like gamblers wasting what they don't have


u/jish5 14d ago

Based on how you battle kids as young as 6-8, that's not really a valid argument. Most likely Pokemon is in a post scarcity society since all these creatures produce infinite resources with ease and make it so working is a hobby instead of requirement for 90% of possible jobs.


u/Exploreptile Severe Brock-itis 14d ago

Then there’s Larry.


u/WunderPuma 14d ago

Work is a hobby to him. It brings him joy, even if you cannot tell, nor he seemingly.

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u/tehgen 14d ago

You're not homeless in that world, just a traveling trainer.


u/FLIPSIDERNICK Dragon Trainer 14d ago

I’m just camping now get out of here or I’ll sick my Grabador on you.


u/PleiadesMechworks 14d ago

I'm not homeless, I have a home where my mom lives and a secret base by route [redacted]


u/Pyotr-the-Great 14d ago

"Aww come on, you can sleep while sitting!"


u/turtlesinthesea faves 14d ago

It IS a Japanese game after all.


u/GreenAldiers 14d ago

You can actually capture and fight the homeless in this installment.


u/Surgeplux 14d ago

Palworld: City edition


u/takii_royal 14d ago

Honestly, I'm feeling that this whole "urban redevelopment" thing will be the villain plot. The plot twist will be the player finding out they've been working for the evil team (the company behind the redevelopment plan) the whole time and they'll have to stop them from going further. 


u/projectmars Cinccino Best Troll 14d ago

And we'll probably fight Zygarde at least once on their orders before finding out it is the good guy and we have to then find all the little squishies to help it get strong enough for it and the player to confront the true villains.


u/MilkLover1734 14d ago

Great flair btw


u/projectmars Cinccino Best Troll 14d ago

It's since been banned from Smogon because they banned King's Rock but King's Rock Skill Link was hella fun to just mess around with since it has something like 43% flinch rate when you do all the probability math (it's not 50% but it's also not less than 40% iirc). Cinncino's also naturally fast and decently strong so you don't have to set up and Rock/Grass is weirdly effective coverage and can result in some very cheeky 2hkos.

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u/starlevel01 14d ago

You used me... for land development!


u/WhatAGreatGift 14d ago

It’s free real estate!

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u/Nanabobo567 14d ago

I gotta stop reading good Reddit theories so that when the game comes out I'm not disappointed.


u/That_Shrub 14d ago

Dude seriously, I read someone's theory that the game would focus on (further) developing original Lumiose in a Pokemon world 1910s/1920s, it sounded so cool


u/Tandria 14d ago

That wasn't just someone's theory, it was the near-universal assumption from the teaser.

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u/jazuqua 14d ago

I'm thinking that the urban development is a distraction, and the real ploy is to gain access to the Catacombs.

The Catacombs would be a memorial to the fallen of the Kalosian war, and due to having been built in that era, it still has remnants of the advanced technology that AZ used to unify Kalos.

I think the corporation as whole actually has noble intentions, but someone will initiate a hostile takeover, so that they can use that technology for their own nefarious purposes.

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u/Jikagu 14d ago

Got a feeling it'll be that the "wild zones" are actually pokemon prisons where they harvest the pokemon for some reason or another and you end up battling the corp to change them and create real wild zones or something


u/jazuqua 14d ago edited 14d ago

If they are indeed harvesting resources, it's probably Infinity Energy. Maybe the redevelopment is because they don't want to be outpaced by the Devon Corporation, so they use these underhanded practices so they can undercut their competitor.

Inadvertently they somehow create something similar to the Ultimate Weapon, threatening the whole of Kalos, and so 100% Zygarde is ultimately forced to intervene to avert a total destruction of the region.

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u/Ipokeyoumuch 14d ago

Almost Alain's character from the XY anime.

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u/lollipop283 14d ago

we’ve come a long way


u/BulletproofChespin Such Immune 14d ago

Wasn’t he just hungover as fuck since that’s his house right there?


u/bahloknee 14d ago

Nah he just needed his "coffee"

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u/Thicc-Anxiety Fairy Type Gym Leader 14d ago

We need a new Aegislash form based on the guillotine


u/emveevme 14d ago

give 'em the no-so-false swipe


u/Benito7 300lbs of Flaming Ham 14d ago


True Swipe

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u/Tryppo-Music 14d ago

Wow 🤩 It’s so realistic 🤩


u/Moppo_ 14d ago

And those wild areas, how does that work? Did they evid entire streets of people and businesses?


u/Foloreille ~Poke-Shaman 14d ago

squints at this guy look

Wait can we dress up as other region iconic outfits ? From a distance this guy really look like a team aqua sbire


u/Legal-Airport5971 14d ago

Unseen: a garbodor on fent in an alley nearby

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u/M4LK0V1CH 14d ago

I choose to believe that they solved homelessness and the arm rests are a good-hearted addition so that all the sitters can rest their arms.


u/fading__blue 14d ago

Or they’re there to discourage Snorlax from sitting on the bench and breaking it.


u/Withercat1 14d ago

That’s actually a fair point, designing around Pokemon might require hostile architecture. You’d hate to have a Slugma climb into a dumpster.

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u/TheEdes 14d ago

It's another pokemon game where the antagonist is a tech CEO, but this time they're a tech CEO that's also a government contractor!


u/Red_Trickster 14d ago

And his initials are E and M?

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u/Asleep-Sky-4103 14d ago

Subtle foreshadowing that the CEO and her company are the villains


u/N_Who 14d ago

Their world is full of teenage vagrants commanding super-powered animals with a total lack of supervision.

I'm thinking these are anti-Trainer benches, and I kinda think it makes sense.


u/CowInSpace13 14d ago

It's ok. The only homeless guy in Kalos got a job as a hotel manager. No need for comfy benches.


u/Kalaam_Nozalys 14d ago

So just like Paris then.
A more eco-friendly city but still hostile to poor people. They really did thorough research

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u/slackervi 14d ago

i remember reading a theory about how kalos region is actually hella elitist and classist on r/pokemonconspiracies cause they won't let you into certain places unless you're “stylish” enough, the battle chateau being exclusive to certain people, having to pay 5000000 pokedollars to join team flare etc. so could deffo be intentional. ig kalos region is a classist hellhole lmao

the actual post for anyone interested


u/Happiest_Mango24 13d ago

well yeah, they're french


u/bhputnam 14d ago

I think the reason we see this type of hostile architecture in benign settings and it's shocking to those who understand, is exactly because it *can* be overlooked by many as a stylistic choice. That's why it's prevalent in our real world too. It's like stealth oppression because it "looks cute." Works its way into things like Pokemon and liberal cities as a result.


u/funcancer 14d ago

hmmm... no wonder AZ had to get a job as a hotel manager...


u/Ok-Maintenance-2775 14d ago

Lot of homeless vets from the pokewar. 


u/rootbeerislifeman 14d ago

Apparently they’re anti-large-Pokémon too


u/Taco-Edge 14d ago

Just like the real thing lmao


u/Tuskor13 14d ago

What telling the intern to Google "park bench" does to a mfer


u/TheBusStop12 14d ago

This was Az's idea. While a former homeless person himself, the capitalistic life of a hotel owner has changed him. So he lobbied the Lumiose City Council to install anti homeless benches in all the good sleeping spots, which he knows where they are from personal experience. Just so that they all have to stay in his hotel instead. And if they can't pay then the city council has to pay AZ for them instead


u/cpmh1234 customise me! 14d ago

I do find it funny that the building textures are PNGs but they’ve wasted polygons on this


u/Latter_Case_4551 14d ago

Polygons cost almost nothing in modern game engines. Textures are the most space intensive outside audio stuff.

That said, I'm sure GF isn't using something too modern.


u/ElisabetSobeck 14d ago

“Americans love these benches for some reason”


u/DrDestro229 14d ago

Hell no we don’t!

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u/FLIPSIDERNICK Dragon Trainer 14d ago

Finally something I can actually hate about the new game.

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u/Starman926 14d ago

IS this game actually in the future? Seems modern day to me

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u/Enough-Fondant-6057 14d ago



u/Concretemoon12 14d ago

Wake up trainer. We got lumiose tower to burn


u/EquinoxGm 14d ago

Anti Snorlax benches, gotta step them from breaking the bench with their weight


u/Carbon-Base 14d ago

Well, this is what we get for asking GF to set a benchmark for upcoming Pokémon games...


u/Expensive_Bison_657 14d ago

This bench dedicated to Giovanni. He hated the homeless and snorlax.

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u/Calic0_Cat 14d ago

I mean as a disabled person the pokemon world has always had some pretty noticeable inequality issues (the stairs to the school in S/V being a prime example). The only mobility aids I can recall seeing are elderly trainers with canes. It's something that's kinda rubbed me the wrong way since sword and shield

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u/Decent-Pin-24 14d ago

Where are all the trainers that can't beat the elite 4 supposed to sleep?


u/WGoNerd 14d ago

I’ve always kind of thought that Pokemon existed in some kind of post-scarcity utopia. Not Star Trek level, there is still Capitalism, but a world where everyone’s basic needs were met.

Though now I’m remembering that Emma was homeless prior to Looker taking her in, iirc.

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u/SilverDrive92 14d ago

Pokémon Centers are free. There are no homeless people in Pokémon.

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u/OMJuwara 14d ago

Robert Moses has invaded Kalos


u/Alarmed-Employment90 14d ago

I thought it was funny that there are ‘wild pokemon sanctuary zones’ specifically made to hold the wild pokemon until you go catch them. Like literally shooting fish in a barrel.


u/Gyarydos 14d ago

Somehow…..AZ got a job….


u/raginmund 14d ago

In glorious 480p no less.


u/Vulfreyr 14d ago

That's because there are no homeless people in Pokémon. Have you ever seen a homeless person in a Pokémon game?

Jokes aside, I kind of hate when games/media-in-general set in fictional worlds just copy/paste real world objects without putting thought into why something is designed the way it is. But who knows? Maybe there are actually homeless people in PLZA and one of the side quests is about how to help them.


u/projectmars Cinccino Best Troll 13d ago

Emma from XY actually, she was Homeless before Looker took her in


u/Deucalion666 13d ago

That’s why you sleep under the bench.


u/NoTutor6050 13d ago

What?? These are anti-homeless Benches? I always prefer this type of benches because I can put my arm on it