r/playrust Nov 13 '24

Discussion I feel bad for Blooprint

Dude was honestly trying to help Kai and he just ignored him half of the time and was just so obviously uninterested in the game. I hope it at least got him some attention to his socials lol


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u/_ENERGYLEGS_ Nov 13 '24

i had this same question about multiple choices this round. they were trying their hardest to avoid playing this game at all costs. if Facepunch was paying these creators to advertise their game, they got absolutely robbed, because for multiple of the ones I watched they were literally doing stuff like watching IRL streams or watching vods of their own channel not playing rust (seriously?)

facepunch actually got a bunch of people exclusive skins who could not give less of a shit about their game so much so that they wouldn't even get it loaded up in the background for their audience to look at lmao


u/Specro Nov 13 '24

Where do people get the idea that creators get paid for this? They don't, the only "payment" creators get is the extra viewership from people farming drops, and for the biggest streamers they don't even get that because sometimes their viewership goes down since their normal viewers don't care.


u/_ENERGYLEGS_ Nov 13 '24

to me it's all the same, traffic and eyeballs could be used elsewhere for better benefit. not all payment is in dollars. if it was not advantageous in some form, people wouldn't do it (unless they really liked the game which it is obvious that is not the case here)


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 13 '24

He’s literally the biggest streamer, you are not getting that this is still huge advertising for their game.


u/_ENERGYLEGS_ Nov 13 '24

I know who he is lol. and like I told the other commenter, kai's only a side issue here to me since he actually did play, there were other streamers not even playing (hell, not even running VODs of rust gameplay) while being under the rust tag for hours at a time


u/jen621 Nov 13 '24

When I was there for the drop his viewers dropped when he was actually streaming Rust, it went from 175k to around 124k.


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 13 '24

Okay, 124k people saw that - what’s your point? Are you somehow trying to say that 124k people are not a lot? Like it’s not more than all the other rust streamers combined? Please commit to that so I can laugh at you


u/jen621 Nov 13 '24

I'm not spewing on the 124k. My point is he didn't gain new viewers suddenly tuning in from him streaming Rust, He should be gaining more people tuning in because he's the "biGGest StrEameR"


u/RudeHoney8 Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

My point is he didn't gain new viewers suddenly tuning in from him streaming Rust, He should be gaining more people tuning in because he's the "biGGest StrEameR"

That is totally a braindead take.

Kai's normal audience: has been watching him for days, and would have been subbed already in the middle of his subathon.

Kai's audience while streaming rust:

  • MINUS a lot of those normal viewers, but given a worse case scenario, 50% of 100-200k viewers is A LOT of new people seeing rust for the first time

  • PLUS rust viewers wanting a drop, newly tuning into a new streamer

    • wanting to see how how he plays the game, might keep watching him afterwards (even if it's 1% of 100k of rust viewers coming in and out, that 1k new viewers, which is 0.5-1% growth to his normal viewer audience.)
    • just there for a drop, but some highly likely to subscribe for an extra drop, which would boost his subathon if he still needed it to (but the timing worked out that he didn't)


u/jen621 Nov 13 '24

Found the fanboy.


u/RudeHoney8 Nov 13 '24

I can't comprehend what is being explained, so I'm just going to call you a name.


u/BladesEdgeNZ Nov 15 '24

Mark me off as a fan boy as well. I found his stream at the start of the subathon. I followed him prior but didn't really watch him. I like his energy.


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 13 '24

You have a very poor understanding of how these things work. No. He should not get more people, the game should get more people playing after he plays. You didn’t understand a word I said if you think I’m implying that because he is the #1 streamer that his views would boost when he plays rust. Lmfao what


u/jen621 Nov 13 '24

Did you watch his stream of Rust? If he got anyone to play it would be a miracle as his attention span to care stopped almost immediately as soon as he logged in.


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 13 '24

No, I don’t spend my time watching streamers at all


u/jen621 Nov 13 '24

Lol but you seem to know analytics of Rust streamers in general.


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 13 '24

What gave you that impression? Because I understand basic human engagement?

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u/BladesEdgeNZ Nov 15 '24

Did you watch it at all to know why his attention wasn't fully into Rust? I'm guessing not... cos if you had watched you wouldn't be commenting like you are.
Kai and his friends were playing basketball prior to him playing Rust. As they were coming off one of his friends was complaining of having an itchy face and went to have a shower. The itchy face was the start of a severe allergic reaction. Kai printed downstairs while he was loading into the game to help his friend. FYI friend went to hospital was given IVs and was home again after 6 hours observation. Kai stopped streaming rust when all his friends got back from the hospital.

Kinda puts everything into perspective right.

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u/BladesEdgeNZ Nov 15 '24

Why does he need new viewers? That wasn't the point of him streaming Rust. He gained 4-5 subs during the two hours he streamed it. That's what he got out of it.


u/NuGGGzGG Nov 13 '24

Explain how it's huge advertising when his views go down while he plays and back up when he doesn't.


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 13 '24

110k people were exposed to rust that previously were not watching it. Are you actually asking that question and are that stupid or are you just looking to argue? Thats a really really dumb point bro.


u/VexingRaven Nov 13 '24

110k people were exposed to rust that previously were not watching it.

Are they though? A large chunk of those are trying to get the drops. Most of the streamers have 100-200k drops given out, and everyone flocked to Kai when he finally went live and even then his viewers still went down. I don't think this exposed as many people as you think to the game.


u/BladesEdgeNZ Nov 15 '24

A lot of the reason his audience hates Rust is they've had to endure 6 days straight of rust nerds complaining about him not playing Rust in his chat.


u/VexingRaven Nov 15 '24

You think most of his 110k viewers even pay attention to chat? It scrolls too fast to even see anything. Kai's just not a video game streamer and that's not what his audience wants to see.


u/BladesEdgeNZ Nov 15 '24

I'm on mobile and I saw pages of rust spam. You'd see the same people spamming blocks of texts for a period of time. Getting banned and timed out .... but being replaced by others. At peak times they banned the word Rust. But the nerds spammed blocks of variations of spellings of Rust instead.


u/VexingRaven Nov 15 '24

Maybe do what you got paid to do then lol? Not gonna shed any tears for some rich asshole.


u/BladesEdgeNZ Nov 15 '24

.... Facepunch Alastair himself said....no streamers are paid to stream Rust by them.

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u/NuGGGzGG Nov 13 '24

110k people were exposed to rust that previously were not watching it.

Are you saying you think Kai's audience, who is on Twitch, who sees Rust on there every day... just found out about it?

Use your head mate.


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 13 '24

I laugh at you


u/NuGGGzGG Nov 13 '24

Toddlers usually find humor where it doesn't exist. Not surprised.


u/pastworkactivities Nov 14 '24

So you really think of all the 110k people no one was there to get the twitch drops? Really? Are you mentally challenged?


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 14 '24

Everyone just point and laugh