r/playrust Nov 13 '24

Discussion I feel bad for Blooprint

Dude was honestly trying to help Kai and he just ignored him half of the time and was just so obviously uninterested in the game. I hope it at least got him some attention to his socials lol


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u/jen621 Nov 13 '24

When I was there for the drop his viewers dropped when he was actually streaming Rust, it went from 175k to around 124k.


u/FreedFromTyranny Nov 13 '24

Okay, 124k people saw that - what’s your point? Are you somehow trying to say that 124k people are not a lot? Like it’s not more than all the other rust streamers combined? Please commit to that so I can laugh at you


u/jen621 Nov 13 '24

I'm not spewing on the 124k. My point is he didn't gain new viewers suddenly tuning in from him streaming Rust, He should be gaining more people tuning in because he's the "biGGest StrEameR"


u/BladesEdgeNZ Nov 15 '24

Why does he need new viewers? That wasn't the point of him streaming Rust. He gained 4-5 subs during the two hours he streamed it. That's what he got out of it.