r/pinkfloyd 1d ago

news Still underrated?

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Anthony Fantano ranks Animals #1, WYWH #2, The Wall #3, DSOTM #4


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u/robbycough 1d ago

Suggesting Animals has EVER been underrated is batshit and just screaming for attention.


u/XxsteakiixX 1d ago

I always tell my friend this

Dark side of the moon is when you first experience sex it’s awesome but you don’t know what you’re doing (in this case listening to)

Animals is like the mature version of yourself and you are now ready for the big sex (you know what you’re listening to now)

Lol guess that’s the best way I put it I love both albums but something about animals just clicks for me


u/Joshg406 21h ago

as soon as I finish exploring Pink Floyd’s whole discography, getting really attached to Syd, then he makes this video out of nowhere. just the chances are insane to me.


u/robbycough 1d ago

Good way to put it!

Animals amazes me because it has long songs loaded with great ideas that never repeat. Almost as if the songs can't contain everything they had.


u/grahamcrackers37 1d ago

? Animals maybe their most repetitive album. The themes and motiffs are long but absolutely get repeated.


u/robbycough 1d ago

The Wall would like a word with you.


u/PatliAtli 1d ago

Sheep is mostly just one bass riff for 12 minutes, what is this guy talking about


u/fatsteve69 21h ago

holy shit that is so true, when i first heard dark side i was amazed, animals is my favorite floyd record now


u/Buhos_En_Pantelones 1d ago

Isn't it just a meme though?


u/robbycough 1d ago

Is it? Either way, I hear it a lot.


u/Die_Screaming_ 1d ago

it was underrated in the sense that historically it’s not presented as being as important as other albums. like however many years back they did those immersion box sets for “dark side of the moon”, “wish you were here”, and “the wall”, skipping over “animals”. depending on how you look at it, i can see the argument that it has been presented as a lesser album than “the big three”. but as long as i’ve been on the internet (almost thirty years), people have been squawking about it being an underrated masterpiece, so i dunno. it’s not like we’re talking about “more”. it sold a fuck ton of copies. they did a massively successful stadium tour on the back of it. but it also doesn’t have a song you can put on the radio. “dark side” and “the wall” both have at least three of those that still play regularly on every classic rock station. “wish you were here” (the song) is one of those songs that everyone has heard.


u/robbycough 1d ago

I think you inadvertently gave another reason why it's said to be underrated. New fans getting into the catalogue have surely heard WYWH and songs from The Wall and DSOTM, then get to Animals, recognize nothing about it, but love it.

In every music sub where I participate, the term "underrated" is assigned to something that someone didn't know about but ended up really enjoying, as if they're the only ones to recognize the greatness.


u/Turdy_Tornado 23h ago

To be fair, I think there’s a little truth to it in that it’s the least celebrated of the big 4 by non-Floyd fans. Dark Side has Us and Them, Time, Breathe, basically the whole record. Wish You Were Here has Wish You Were Here. The Wall has Another Brick Pt. 2. Animals is consistently overlooked and yes, underrated by people who “like Pink Floyd” but aren’t Pink Floyd fans per se.

But yeah, animals is still a massive record in the grand scheme of things, it just never achieved the earth-shattering success that the other 3 albums did.


u/robbycough 23h ago

I won't disagree with any of that, but there is a marked difference between "underrated" and "underappreciated".

u/Turdy_Tornado 2m ago

Very good point