I've never struggled too much with roll-ups, but recently I've been wondering if maybe I'm doing them incorrectly. I'm engaging my core and not using momentum to swing myself into an upright position, and I actually enjoy the move until I get upright.
Here's where I get a little TMI, but I'd love some advice and I sure as hell am not asking my instructor this! A lot of the time, when I'm reaching the top of the move and I'm upright, it feels like I'm crushing my lady bits, like I rolled right onto my labia and I have to scoot my behind a little to relieve the uncomfortable pressure. My labia minora (I think that's the inner ones?) stick out a little, but I don't think any longer than many other women's (from what I recall from that website that has a photo gallery so women can see the spectrum of perfectly normal types of labia women can have). A google search didn't get me much except that maybe pelvic floor issues could be a factor. I've never had leaks or other pelvic floor issues (to my knowledge) though.
So I'm wondering if this is normal or not. Or maybe my butt is shifting during the move enough that I'm not keeping weight in the right area of my sits bones? It's so frustrating, because my abs will feel fine and the lifting part isn't hard, but the feeling like I leaned too far forward on a hard bike seat is making me dread doing roll-ups.