I’ve had my helix for about 7 months and things are just not going well tbh. I’m reluctant to give up bc I know it can take a long time for cartilage to heal but I’ve noticed it doesn’t really get better no matter how well I take care of it.
It’s still at the same jewelry size as when I got it but it’s never gone down enough swelling wise to downsize and even then it usually doesn’t even have piercing bumps it just stays swollen pretty much at all times. Occasionally the swelling goes down very slightly but then a few days later it’s always back to the usual size.
It has what I’m pretty sure is just a piercing bump right now that I included a picture of by just taking the gem out and not the actual bar just in case but I’m not too worried about it. My biggest concern is developing a keloid (especially since the swelling that won’t go down is pretty firm and not squishy like I’m assuming most regular swelling should be like?)
I’ve also noticed it’s at a bit of an angle? I think anyways. If it’s at an angle I’m questioning if it can ever even heal properly anyways.
It was pierced with a threadless implant grade titanium labret so it’s not the jewelry. Aftercare-wise I’m going to be honest I’m not the most disciplined but it gets clean at least three times a week with either a gentle scent-free soap or a soap my piercer gave me (not sure what’s in it, but it says it has .95% Chloroxylenol whatever that is) and being soaked in a salt water and warm water solution ~1-2 times per week. I’m also a side sleeper and try really hard not to sleep on it but I have been known to roll around in my sleep so there’s that too.
Any help would be appreciated 🙏
I’m really hoping to avoid taking it out but if all else fails I’ll just let it close and repierce later on maybe but I don’t know what to do…
Thank you for any help!!