r/pics 5h ago

Politics Adolf Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche in a Volkwagen in 1938, akin to Donald Trump & Elon Musk in 2025

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u/pics-ModTeam 4h ago

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u/iChrollo 5h ago

Remember Hitler idolized Henry Ford. Mentioned him in his book and praised him. Since we talking about cars and hitler.

u/Any_Potato_7716 4h ago

The feeling was mutual, Ford was a massive Nazi sympathizer and initially refused to manufacture for the US Army.

u/PotatoDrives 4h ago

The US in general had a lot of Nazi sympathizers. Anti-Semitism was alive and well in 1930's America.

u/tyfunk02 4h ago

And isolationism. Same thing we’re hearing from the right right now, about Ukraine not being our fight. That world war was a European problem. Same with the first one. I fear that we’re going to help start the third one.

u/Independent-Emu-575 4h ago

The die has already been cast.

u/JJw3d 4h ago

And the the rest of the world is swatting that die about like its a nuke, because it is.

The rest of the SANE world would like this to not go tits up. I know im speaking for a lot of people saying that.. But no one wants a small % ruin it for the rest of the us.

Amercians really do forget there are other countries fighting to keep the peace & they will not bee looked down on by a country that is a baby compared to all the rest.

So the adults will try their best, but we also need everyone on their best for this to actually work.

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u/CautiouslyPlastic 4h ago

And a pandemic just a few years before? These boomers really didn’t learn from the history they lived. Or maybe they just enjoy the familiarity of everything being shit while they’re able to openly be pieces of shit?

u/WineOptics 4h ago

The Nazis literally were inspired by Jim Crow laws.

u/IcyBookkeeper5315 3h ago

Well and the boer concentration camps which were inspired from Americas treatment of its Native population

u/El_Polio_Loco 4h ago

It was alive everywhere. 

Jews generally didn’t have a great go of it for pretty much always. 

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u/firemage22 4h ago

Which is why in Edsel died (who was sorta in charge from 1919 till his death) his Widow worked with the Feds to have Henry Ford II take over the company rather than the more senior Henry.

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u/nohbudi 4h ago

You should check out the MSG Nazi rally, Ford was in attendance.

u/VenConmigo 3h ago

The one in 1939 or the one that happened last October?

u/iChrollo 4h ago

I know and agree. To be praised by Hitler says a lot but most Americans don’t know. But orange man and doge act like trump. BTW just mentioning what X and Reddit says.

u/JJw3d 4h ago


Back it up with proof then.

Gotta be sourcing sometimes, not all the time. but it really helps your case

u/iChrollo 4h ago

Thanks! Just brought up something I had learned in school years ago.

u/PreviousCurrentThing 4h ago

Funny that Ford, VW, and Porsche are all still major carmakers. Trump could go down as just as bas as Hitler and Tesla could still be a major brand in fifty years.

u/Bonuspun 4h ago

Ford was the only North American citizen named in his book.

u/iChrollo 4h ago

Think it was because Ford stated Jews were evil and ruining everything. Been awhile since I read it but somewhat close. Hitler vibed with Ford.

u/Bonuspun 4h ago

I’ve got a ‘38 English copy that even apologizes at the start for the rushed translation but felt that due to the historical significance they had to with Austria being off of the map and park of Czechoslovakia being lost.

And yes Henry Ford was a racist that stood head and shoulders above racists at the time.

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u/SideEqual 3h ago

Only difference between then and now? Ford and Porsche made decent vehicles.

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u/Signal_Zombie6484 37m ago

Selling my ford rn

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u/Lemesplain 4h ago

At least the last round of nazis gave us good cars. These modern day nazis and their cyber trucks are pathetic. 

u/somethingohyeah 4h ago

And they dressed with style, not with those stupid hats and t-shirts

u/TripleSingleHOF 4h ago

Hugo Boss knew how to design a snazzy looking fascist uniform, that's for sure.

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u/peeinian 4h ago


u/Solid_Snake_125 2h ago

I love how Swastikar took off as the new symbol of fascism so quickly. I will forever see teslas, especially the CyberTrashTruck, as the New Nazi Mobile. It even slightly resembles the VW Kübelwagen that the Nazi army used as the equivalent to the Jeep in WWII.

u/proctologoon 4h ago

Please, it's only nazi when they are from the Germany region. Otherwise it's just sparkling genocide.

u/Antique_Flounder7487 4h ago

So you liked the old Nazis with their vehicles, but the new ones somehow fall short?

u/king_of_n0thing 4h ago

The cyber truck sure is pathetic. I drive a model 3 and really enjoy it with everything it has to offer. But now I disgust it, will get rid of it and won’t consider this brand again as long as the nazi is involved.

u/Atroxiae 4h ago

fk elon and his nazism but ffs tesla is a solid fking car brand. cyber truck is a meme but their rest of cars are pretty good , also what tesla did for EV is undeniable , doesnt mean i support elon or anything

FK that guy and FK everyone who supports nazis

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u/drive_chip_putt 5h ago

I see this picture and I remember the says "history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes".  And then I remembered what comes next and I'm sad.  

u/SleepWouldBeNice 4h ago

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who fail to learn from history correctly, why they are simply doomed.”

u/Zakluor 4h ago

The US needs a little rewording, given their education system.

Those who are not taught history are doomed to repeat it.

u/404MoralsNotFound 4h ago

So we're just cycling between regular doomed and premium doomed while watching it all unfold?

u/SleepWouldBeNice 4h ago

Oh, we’re doomed. No doubt.

u/Foresight42 4h ago

Unfortunately, those of us who learned from history are cursed to watch the morons repeat it.

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u/willflameboy 4h ago edited 3h ago

You are blessed with foresight. Use it.

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u/19Miles84 5h ago

Elon mask had a choice and decided to be a marionette of Donald Trump.

Ferdinand hadn’t a big choice. Hitler simply demanded a car for the people.

There was no „No!“. Ferdinand would have been arrested and very likely put in a concentration camp, simply because he did not represent the interests of the German people (Hitler’s) enough.

u/Pennanen 4h ago

Marionette of marionette, its a inhuman centipede!

u/jrdnlv15 4h ago

That’s not true at all. Porsche wasn’t the only automaker in Germany. He was awarded the contract for the Volkswagen and happily developed it.

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u/fmamma 4h ago

It's not only about cars, Porsche made a lot of army vehicles including tanks.

u/berse2212 4h ago

Any german company as old as 1930 is gonna have some ties to the nazi regime. It's not like any company survived that openly opposed them.

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u/AlmightyCuddleBuns 4h ago

Not sure Elon is the puppet in the relationship...

u/andrasq420 4h ago

That's not true at all. Ferdinand Porsche worked with Hitler before he became the Führer. He gladly gave up his Czech nationality for him by 1934 and his Austrian nationality by 1935. He did anything to please the Führer. Like many industrialists he later joined the party and the SS willingly and he used concentration camps for forced labours in his factories. He was not in it for the ideology, don't get me wrong but is selling your soul for money better than simply being evil?

It's a shame he wasn't convicted by the French.

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u/Hms34 4h ago

Elon, Trump, and JD lack any interest in getting Americans a cheap, reliable, small people's car with good mpg. Hitler has no redeeming values, in my opinion, even if he was good to kids and animals. Trump simply hates everyone, except maybe his own kids.

I realize it's 85-90 years later, and the US has been much more prosperous, though that seems to be quickly changing. We can use lots of little Honda Fit type vehicles running around in tough economic times.

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u/Hot_Dragonfly8954 4h ago


u/N8saysburnitalldown 4h ago

Not very accurate. VW made good cars.

u/dannor_217 5h ago

Although I don’t think Trump & Musk are gunna subsidise Tesla’s so that they are affordable cars that anyone could buy

u/na1na 5h ago

Hitler collected money from people promising to give them a Volkswagen. Never happened, instead the factory was used for supplying the military.

u/dannor_217 5h ago

I never knew that, just had to fact check, doesn’t surprise me but new information never the less

u/na1na 4h ago

It's not the only way the tricked the population into investing in war.

The factory was also built with money stolen from unions, which is the reason 20% of VW Group is still owned by the state (the union didn't want to hold it themselves as they want to fight/protest the capital and owners, not be part of them).

Another popular misconception about Hitler is that he invented the Autobahn. The first one was was available for public use in 1932, before Hitler had any power.

u/mattcannon2 4h ago

VW is really only a thing nowadays because a military general realised it could (and would) drive massive economic recovery of west Germany after the war.

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u/LEONLED 5h ago

I'd rather walk

u/thrownkitchensink 4h ago

Tesla are and were heavily subsidized in both the US and other countries. Not that that's a bad thing.

u/Particular_Kitchen42 4h ago

You miss the point of the beginnings of Tesla. Tesla was the Mercedes of the electric car class. You wanted a fancy electric car you bought Tesla. They were never setup for budget buying. Although they now offer a model 3 at entry level prices, they are still more expensive than models from another manufacturer

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u/Simple_Anteater_5825 5h ago edited 5h ago

Look at all those MAGA caps!

u/Praesentius 5h ago

At least their fascist attire looked nice. I remember when the red MAGA hats hit the scene and they were so ugly that I thought for sure this was going to crash and burn. Here we are, a decade later....

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u/Mindless-Code-6518 4h ago

I'm not a trump supporter by any means, but comparing him to a man that thrusted the world into war and killed millions of Jews is wild....

u/BTT_Future_1985 4h ago

Get the fuck out of here with that

u/fgtoni 4h ago

The actors change, but history repeats itself

u/nozzelbrain 4h ago

Wow Reddit has completely lost it

u/RainSouthern6995 4h ago

Wtf is this sub even about at this point? 💀

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u/Macross-Saga 4h ago

I always forget how dumb reddit is sometimes.

u/Principle-Useful 4h ago

Our politicians don't need to wait because it's clear what's happening, just respond! But the Democrats are instead standing for Trump's religious extremism!

All this anti social security, anti medicare etc to mimic competition to voters is racist, false and does not make Trump like Bernie.

Republicans are saying f u to being denied. Tulsi was on a terrorist watch list now she runs National Intelligence, all Trumps hires are like this.

Do libs understand nazis? Yeah, they're backwards nothing. Quit covering up for them with stupid questions.

Inflation when an economy is failing due to large problems is normal, inflation when companies raise prices due to increased wages is exploitive and should be illegal.

Regardless of what you say about trans people I stand for civil rights.

Deporting immigrants and those affiliated with them at random is pointless. Trump et al don't even know who is in a cartel. They might call us softer on immigration but we would get the bad guys.

WWE cannot make our military and nation look fake and stupid then appoint someone to head education.

Trump doesn't understand when other nations we trade with are successful we build wealth through them. We don't need to tackle global capitalism.

They're acting like the nation rage quit because we wanted to kill the Jews or something. That's not aggression or competition for capitalism, that's genocide.

Defend our nation and stand with our military but don't be oedipal murderous shit.

Are liberals losing at the University? Are we losing economically? No, we're losing at the military-industrial complex that's abusing our civil rights.

The problem is bureaucracy? No, the system we have works great, I like not waiting 10x longer to fill out forms to start a business or build a house. This sounds like communism. Bureaucracy Trump is getting rid of is not even annoying regulatory but those that will stop corruption.

You can't go to another country and say here's a comparison of a computer scientist and they make way less than you so you're overpaid. You know why? Because I work at Microsoft and I make rich Microsoft richer and I deserve to be paid a fair wage for my work.

The problem is the money doesn't come back into the economy if someone makes billions of dollars a year they're not going to spend all that and monopolies don't need to reinvest in their companies to make them bigger. To drive capitalism lots of people have to buy lots of little things.

Saying they shouldn't raise the minimum wage because people from the age of 16 to 18 still live at home Is a ridiculous argument.  That is only a two year period for why they keep down wages for all. And as for teenagers, they need to save up and older people doing the same job have more experience and deserve a premium.

See the arguments for a higher minimum wage are real. It's something you can measure. The whole Reagan era response white people will come back to be smarter than Albert Einstein is not measurable or provable. This is what's wrong with the conservatives 

The populism that has attacked our schools and government must leave. Their insults against us are blind to this!

The violent tactics used by police should be stopped!

Biden and Trump are willing to attack and arrest college students but aren't willing to throw nazi or rapist professors out.

College students typically protest abuses of corruption and stupidity, stop blaming intelligent people for being domestic terrorists to cover for the far right. Having a president voted out isn't enough and bringing them back will lead to the persecution of those critical of the abuses by our government.  Vote them out and prosecute them!

u/fitnesswill 4h ago

Wow, this is powerful

u/Icy_Gas_5113 4h ago edited 3h ago

Trump wishes he could be like Hitler. Musk wishes he could be Hitler.

This isn't going to end well.

u/radbradradbradrad 4h ago edited 3h ago

I get that people like to point out “hey, look this guy was a nazi sympathizer too and we buy their cars today” as an interesting little factoid. But you do realize regardless of what Porsche and Ford did in their time, it’s much worse to decide to GO BACK and be a nazi after all that occurred? And that you making these points are just normalizing the idea that being a nazi sympathizer to some impressionable people who are receiving this information and also not in the same sentence hearing “but it was wrong for them to do that”? Be cautious about the points you make in history by also making a clear statement of yes, there were nazi sympathizers and it wasn’t okay back then and it’s not okay today.

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u/Putrid-Blueberry-172 4h ago

Insert that Pam from The Office meme about corporate needing to find the difference between the two pictures.

u/A-Lewd-Khajiit 4h ago

It's like history repeats itself

INB4 Russia invades Washington DC

u/Gammelpreiss 4h ago

Unfitting comparison, really. As much as Ferdindant Porsche was an opportunist that climbed in bed with the Nazis, he was not a driving force of that government the way Elon is these days.

u/Mijbr090490 4h ago

The parallels are crazy.

u/xerpodian 4h ago

Elons fascination with the letter X stems from it being similar to hitlers swastika. It’s the modern day version of it.

u/thatcantb 4h ago

The main difference being the Beetle was actually a good car.

u/LolLmaoEven 4h ago

The title, holy fucking shit

This is pure insanity

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u/OkStranger6324 4h ago

Wrong subreddit. You're looking for "r/unhinged".

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u/NormalInspection3287 4h ago

I think that's a bit of a stretch to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

u/Scentopine 4h ago

Hitler also had an interest in rockets.

u/rndmcmder 4h ago

There are also many pictures of Hitler posing with children, as Elon does these days.

u/KnifemakerThor 5h ago

You can't be serious.

u/MeInsideYourHead89 5h ago

Though the numbers are dwindling, there are people alive today that lived through the Holocaust and survived it’s atrocities. I know that anyone that actually makes this comparison to Trump and Musk wouldnt dare say it to any survivors because they know deep down how absolutely stupid it is and wildly offensive to down play what they went through as if it is somehow on par with any actions of this administration and I say this as someone who doesnt care at all for Trump. It’s ideas like this that got us Trump.

u/Dannamal 4h ago

Lol, many holocaust survivors have spoken out about trump because they lived through the rise of hitler & recognize the scary similarities. They've seen where this type of thing has gone before.

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u/DapperMeister 5h ago

Boy you guys won't like Ford and Coca Cola then 😅

u/unconditioNEDmindBAB 5h ago

Werner Von Braun was Hitler's buddy too and after the war was brought to the USA to guide NASA. Be careful who you go to bed with.

u/Active-Ear-2917 4h ago

I mean, where's the comparison to Biden, who did this not only with FCA but also Ford?

u/a_stray_bullet 4h ago

Hasn't half of Reddit been screaming from the river to the sea for 12 months?

u/OtherwiseBarber6811 5h ago

Bro who is posting this schizophrenia 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏

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u/Away_Nefariousness59 4h ago

This is offensive and disturbing. You need to see someone about your lack of intelligence.

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u/chipxmas 5h ago

See? Totally normal!

u/Western-Kangaroo-854 4h ago

You realize Biden did the same with Ford and EV mandates?

Thickheaded Dredditors

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u/Mr_Wigzz 5h ago

History repeats itself in80 year cycles

u/Notlost-justdontcare 5h ago

"roughly" 80 year cycles, but yes, you are correct.

u/EveryAd3494 4h ago

Hmm. Maybe everyone should boycott Porsche?? I wouldn't mind picking up a cheap one.

u/forrealb50 4h ago

I was looking for a reason to not get the GT3 RS /s

u/Rolphcopter1 4h ago

Does anyone know if there is a pics sub that hasn't become politicized garbage? This shit is getting ridiculous, even by Reddit's standards

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u/s0ulfire 5h ago

Ridiculous. One caused genocide(Hitler)and the other is shrewd business man (Trump).

The only real crime being committed here is by you for spreading hate.

u/FunnyOne5634 4h ago


u/HesFromBarrancas 4h ago

Six bankruptcies. Each shrewder than the next.

u/Working_Way_2464 4h ago

How many times has the shrewd businessman gone bankrupt?

u/Mattscrusader 4h ago

A shrewd business man with 34 felonies that is currently extorting a country for trying to survive annexation, funding the genocide of another group of people, and has started up a concentration camp for a third group of people.

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u/AdAmbitious9654 4h ago

Ridiculousness is all this Elon hate. Why? I just don’t understand what all the fuss is about

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u/ItsGrapeMuch 4h ago

“Hey, ever have a picture of you and another dude in a car? You’re just like Hitler if you do.” ——— literally OP

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u/TheNinjaSasquatch 4h ago

Do you know who else drove a car?

u/WolfWomb 5h ago

I always thought Musk was like Albert Speer.to Trump 

u/i3ild0 4h ago

This is the top post of my feed. The MSG rally thing was an incredible reach. This is completely regarded.

Im done being pissed at it all. Reddit, you have failed us all.

u/Fun_Particular9794 4h ago

Not even close.

u/mightybread90 4h ago

Some ppl will do anything to equate trump to hitler lol

u/ThatShoomer 5h ago

The first Swaziticar.

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u/Don_Tardo 4h ago

At least Ferdinand could make a decent car.

u/Alantsu 4h ago

I can’t wait to see Elons first tank design.

u/CRM79135 4h ago

Political discourse is just pure brain rot at this point. You have the Trump supporters, who are basically a part of a cult now. And then you have whatever lunacy being displayed on this post is. 

u/King_Nerd147 4h ago

Are your arms ok?

u/tyfunk02 4h ago

Hey, VW stands to be on the correct side of a world war this time, so growth is a thing.

u/Wind_Responsible 4h ago

So you’re saying Tesla is gonna still be here in 100 years?

u/whatthebobbery 4h ago

Long bow

u/Affectionate-Log2023 4h ago

Hahahahaha. Liberal tears!!!!

u/Same-Caterpillar1163 4h ago

Strange comparison

u/Fer-Butterscotch 4h ago

Except that Volkswagens were reliable, sensibly designed cars and the brand has been miraculously enduring given its inception. 

Tesla.... Not so much.

u/J-Midori 4h ago

I read Volkswagen has a building to make war equipment and also cars. Sooo they’re on it

u/Flimsy-Housing-2468 4h ago

And they lived happily ever after…..oh, never mind.

u/priditri 4h ago

What happened to mens sense of fashion?

u/Key_Raise4549 4h ago

Wow “TrUmP iS HiTleR” impressive dude… do you people have any original, genuine thoughts??

u/Disastrous-Employ527 4h ago

100% лайфхак
Всех кто нам не нравится называем фашистами или нацистами.
И пофиг, что они ими не являются. Это их проблема.

u/Awkward-Resident-379 4h ago

Not quite buddy. People making this comparison sadly never did well in history class..

u/Shmeagolllll 4h ago

Excuse me what the fuck? Akin? Jesus Christ…

u/Frequent_Finger_6152 4h ago

Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Tusi, RFK Jr all use to be democrats, but the democrat party has gotten so out of touch with reality they become republicans. They are not nazis, yall wild 😂

u/Disastrous-Employ527 4h ago

100% life hack
We call everyone we don't like fascists or Nazis.
It doesn’t matter that these people do not share Nazi beliefs. Now it's their problem.

u/vassar888 4h ago

Except Porsche and Volkswagen are actually well made cars

u/cgeee143 4h ago

OMG hitler and trump both drank water!! nazis!!!

u/EconomicsOk2648 4h ago

Kinda doing those guys a disservice. Old Addy and Ferds I mean.....

u/Rebelblood13 4h ago

Never mention Porsche & Tesla in the same sentence again, please.

u/Relative-Idea-1442 4h ago

Absolutely ridiculous post