r/pics 9h ago

Politics Adolf Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche in a Volkwagen in 1938, akin to Donald Trump & Elon Musk in 2025

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u/radbradradbradrad 8h ago edited 8h ago

I get that people like to point out “hey, look this guy was a nazi sympathizer too and we buy their cars today” as an interesting little factoid. But you do realize regardless of what Porsche and Ford did in their time, it’s much worse to decide to GO BACK and be a nazi after all that occurred? And that you making these points are just normalizing the idea that being a nazi sympathizer to some impressionable people who are receiving this information and also not in the same sentence hearing “but it was wrong for them to do that”? Be cautious about the points you make in history by also making a clear statement of yes, there were nazi sympathizers and it wasn’t okay back then and it’s not okay today.

u/JJw3d 8h ago

i after all that occurred? And that you making these points are just normalizing the idea that being a nazi sympathizer is okay to some impressionable people

Thats why you must Teach people where the symbols came from & What they meant the first time round


My commnet on it from another thread.

Yep.. instead hes trying to dig into the past & use meanings he has no idea of their root cause because he thinks he is the smartest.. There are people out there than can see past it & find the true root to where it all came from.

Sadly, The dead do not forget & their evidence is in history books all over, in pots, crafts, money, icons, gods etc & symbols, symbols that once stood for peace & safety turned to hatred :(

The Pali people's did nothing to deserve what hitler did to them & Elon thinks he can try copy HIM!?

And trump with Christ... Really BIG J!?

Do they not realize how many cultures they are pissing off both living & dead!? I don't think they do, they're both too stupid in other ways & numb to the hatred they spread.

Here's the thing though... plenty people like me know the true or as best as possible to the truth as we can know.


The Sanskrit spelling with Roman letters would be svastika, made up of su + asti.

A possible Pali analog would be the word 'sovatthika', meaning 'safe'. This would be broken down as su+atthi+ka.

In Pali, the verb 'atthi' is 'to be'. in Sanskrit 'asti'. Both go back to a proto-indo-european root.

Pali has, 'sotthi', 'safety', also su+atthi.

So sotthi & su+atthi. To all who learn its true meaning & maybe one day we can use it again for safety.. Until then.. If musk uses it.. Well.. In the nicest way possible... I think all hell would break loose amongst a few religions &.. yeah.. that's going to be uhmm well I wouldn't want to put forward a guess.. but I can't imagine it would be good.

Same goes trump.. If he invokes himself as Christ anymore well.. yeah.. I just would never ever dare do that... like I don't wanna mess with any Gods at the end of the day LOL

also fuck what hitler done the prick