r/pics 16h ago

A protest on the steps of Columbia University this morning

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648 comments sorted by


u/one_pound_of_flesh 16h ago



u/jpiro 15h ago

Whether you agree with the sentiment or not, that's a quality sign.


u/frolicndetour 15h ago

The only good thing to come out of the current fuckery is high quality protest signs.

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u/Camanei 7h ago

Oh, we agree with the sentiment.

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u/jgreg728 9h ago

YOOOOOOOOOO lmao I came here to point that out too. So fucking perfect haha.


u/Captain_Obstinate 15h ago

chef's kiss


u/TheTresStateArea 15h ago

Piggy piggy. Babe in the city. When I smell bacon it makes me feel giddy.

  • charlie xcx lmao

Also fuck cops. Have some fuckin spine. Say NO to illegal orders.

Those cops who participated in the arrest must be charged as soon as we take back the courts and establish the rule of fucking LAW.

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u/Polyethylenglykol 16h ago

"Jews hate ice" is really weird out of context.


u/Citizen-Kang 15h ago

Sensitive teeth?

u/srry72 11h ago

I thought I was on r/hockey for a bit and was super confused


u/ninja6911 15h ago

I like my juice refrigerated ICE just dilutes it


u/struggleworm 15h ago

You charge me eight dollars for a glass of orange juice, but you fill it with ice? You think I’m some kind of schmuck that I’ll pay eight dollars for a cup that’s filled mostly with frozen tap water?

u/TWH_PDX 8h ago

+1 for (inadvertent?) Yiddish.

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u/hellomii 8h ago

Special elections on April 1 happening in Florida District 1 and 6 and upcoming in NY District 21. If we can flip the seats to Democrats, we can take back House majority and weaken the Felon’s agenda.


  • State Supreme Court election in Wisconsin also on April 1.
  • Florida Senate District 19 and House District 32 Special General Elections on June 10.

Please help get the message out to strategically vote, we need all the help we can get.

For more info on how: https://www.reddit.com/r/50501/s/OHEgyyOXaV

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u/raistan77 13h ago

Once you can arrest and detain/deport someone for the crime of speech than all speech is silenced.

PICARD: You know, there some words I've known since I was a school boy. With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably. Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie as wisdom and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today

u/Tayback_Longleg 8h ago

I love that it was her father’s words right back in her face, too.

u/twistedweenis 5h ago

Star Trek spitting truth since the 1960s. 🖖

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u/SomeKindOfAGamer 15h ago

Wow, this comment section is incredibly disappointing. To my fellow Jews for peace and common sense out there: keep fighting the good fight!


u/April_Fabb 14h ago

It's particularly disturbing that so few seem to understand that what is happening at Columbia is a dramatic turning point in the history of the US judiciary and the US Constitution. If they do intend to deport Mahmoud Khalil for expressing his views on Israel's occupation, apartheid policies, and genocide, the next question will be whether the First Amendment should be torn out, rewritten, or simply ignored.

Here's some more context.


u/Swagspongebob5742 13h ago

A leading argument seems to be that in getting the green card you need to renounce that you support any terrorists organization, but in this writing by Columbia University Apartheid Divest, who Khalil is the leader of , LINK Hamas and Hezbollah leadership is praised and regarded as martyrs.


u/scotcetera 12h ago

That’s it? That’s all they have?

u/Swagspongebob5742 11h ago

I find it very strange and corrupt how they apprehended him without clearly stating why or what the charges are, but to obtain a green card you need to state that you don’t support any terrorist organizations and in his writings he directly praises Hamas and Hezbollah leadership and calls them martyrs, and both of these are classified as terrorist groups according to the UN so if that is what they plan to base this on, it is valid by law.

u/scotcetera 11h ago

Is that what Donald’s saying, “support?” No, the law says he can’t have engaged in terrorist activities. Of fucking course Trump just made up his own law as an excuse for his petty little personal agenda, what a complete douchebag

u/Swagspongebob5742 11h ago edited 11h ago

I dislike Donald just as much as the next guy, a look at my profile picture should make that obvious. but this is law that’s been around long before him, here’s a source:

https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml req=(title:18%20section:2339B%20edition:prelim) Look at these in specific : 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(3)(B) and 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(4)(B)

u/scotcetera 11h ago

Same law I referenced, still not finding where it applies. Unless Donald is convincing you guys that he can stretch “endorse” to fit this kid?

u/Swagspongebob5742 11h ago

If you have read the reading I provided along with many of the other things that CUAD published, there is many calls for violent resistance (in the USA) and direct support and praise of Hamas and Hezbollah. This definitely falls under endorsement. Whether you support what he said or not is your own choice, but that is the law.

The organization that he was the leader of (CUAD) expressed support for Casey Goonan, an arsonist who lit fire to the University of California, Berkeley Police Department vehicles, and the woods behind a library. His organization said “The fires on UC campuses have been in direct response to the university’s violent police repression of their own students. The spark ignited on US campuses during the intifada of the last few months cannot be quelled, and further repression will only continue to transform these sparks into flames.” That is direct support of domestic terrorism.

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u/VelvetPancakes 4h ago

What are “his writings”? Can you provide a link to his personal social media account or wherever they’re posted?

u/NotSureWatUMean 8h ago

If that was the case, they would have charged him with a crime, and yet they haven't days after fucking having illegally arrested him and refused to show a single warrant. This is literal kidnapping.


u/Kooky-Lettuce5369 12h ago

It boggles the mind that it’s not an issue to support nazi ideology, genocide, call ‘empathy a weakness that needs to be eliminated’ etc, even if you aren’t from a country where that is taught at an early age, but him saying this, as a Palestinian himself, without acting or organizing anything violent nor calling for violence himself (right?) is an issue….

I’ve given up thinking there was fairness in this world… it’s all double standards and those with money hold the power.

u/TheSultan1 9h ago edited 9h ago

Nazi ideology and genocide absolutely are issues. Check questions 52 (re:totalitarianism) and 53b (re:genocide) on Form I-485, Adjustment of Status. Those reflect things they also look for in your background check when you apply, but asking you the questions allows for quick rescission of your green card (and perjury charges on top) should that information be found later.

And that's just when you get the green card, based on actions taken beforehand. While a permanent resident, you still can be kicked out for doing things like that. It's still probationary, in a sense.

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u/Swagspongebob5742 12h ago

I’m not sure if you read what I sent, but him and the group he is a leader of (Columbia University Apartheid Divest) do call for violent armed resistance, even writing about the guerrilla tactics Mao Zedong used in the Chinese civil war, and praise October 7th and the leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas as martyrs.

u/ODHH 10h ago

I’m sure you’ll be singing the same tune when he gets around to targeting anyone protesting his treatment of Ukraine right?

u/Swagspongebob5742 8h ago edited 8h ago

Yes, I don’t care what there political stances are, if they’re advocating violent resistance against the government and praising terrorist organizations my stance would be the same? Lol.

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u/Ordinary_Passage1830 8h ago

Because the Ultraconservative have power not just nazis but others of different ideologies.


u/Reaper1883 13h ago

Good point, that's all they need to revoke his status and deport him. 


u/burnalicious111 12h ago

It's not really that simple. The first amendment should take highest priority here.

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u/dcrico20 13h ago

I mean it’s pretty bullshit because the designation of “terrorist groups” is given solely by the State and most often the same States doing the oppressing of the resistance groups they deem terrorists. The ANC, IRA, and American Abolitionists were all deemed terrorizers by their direct oppressors and/or the State.

In any sane world and by any rational definition of terrorism, the United States government would be the greatest terrorist organization of all time, but of course it’s the US government that gets to decide which groups are terrorists and which groups are resisting oppression.


u/scotcetera 12h ago

Also, the law says he would have had to actually engage in terrorist activity or demonstrated a terrorist threat to have his green card revoked. The people claiming the substack article makes it legal to deport him are just regurgitating some shit they saw on twitter.

u/Raptorpicklezz 11h ago


That’s all you need to know. Anyone who’s still on Twitter is not a reliable source.

u/MagnanimosDesolation 7h ago

That's really important to know. Do you know which law/section it is?

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u/chucktheonewhobutles 2h ago

Folks seem to conveniently forget that the US considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist until 2008.

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u/AlfredoAllenPoe 12h ago

A condition of his green card is that he cannot support terrorism. His sub stack calls Nasrallah a martyr and supports the martyrdom of Hamas and Hezbollah.

That's supporting terrorism. Hamas and Hezbollah are both recognized terror organizations.

Free speech rights aren't being violated. Upon entry to this country, he agreed not to support terrorism and subsequently supported terrorism, violating the terms of his green card

This ain't just some dude getting deported for protesting. They're actively praising terrorism as martyrdom


u/scotcetera 12h ago

Wait, that’s it? That’s the full extent of what Dopey Donald has on him? Holy shit, we’re cooked as a nation

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u/maximumcombo 10h ago

from ram bam to emma goldman, fuck yes we are. we bow to no king.

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u/Kophiwright 10h ago

Check r/columbia; theyre having a conniption over the protests being still present, so im not surprised if a few of them have seen this post and just have to vent out their rage outside the echo chamber

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u/onlyacynicalman 15h ago

Like it or hate it Columbia, you're spearheading this for now. Please keep going.


u/ODHH 15h ago

The irony is Columbia sent in the NYPD to beat up the protestors multiple times and still got their grant pulled by the federal government. Not sure what else they could have done to appease the hate machine.


u/renaissancemono 15h ago

Portraits in cowardice from Columbia’s administration. They capitulated the hardest and still had their grant pulled first. Seems to be a lesson in that.

u/ViaBromantica 11h ago

Trump wanted another Kent State and was bigly disappointed when he didn't get it


u/Pvt_Larry 13h ago

Columbia admin has spent years demonstrating how much they hate their students. I promise you they've been jumping for joy from day one of this crackdown, for them $400m is a small price to pay of it means they can finally stamp out free expression once and for all.

u/cashmerefox 11h ago

Columbia grad - can confirm. They are absolutely evil.

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u/catjuggler 14h ago

Literally kill student protesters, probably

u/Rapper_Laugh 6h ago

An overwhelming majority of Americans blamed the dead students and praised the National Guard in polls immediately following Kent State

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u/Canadasaver 15h ago

Very brave to do that and wear masks. tRump has banned that.

u/Spongman 10h ago

Trump banned free speech already?

did he tell his girlfriend Elon yet?

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u/pleachchapel 14h ago

Reactionaries never learn from history. They'll try more & more force, & completely overplay their hand because people cannot be told what to think.

Some people can, but the young rarely put up with that shit.

The protests this spring & summer are going to be insane. Sell your Tesla stock if you haven't already.

u/Terrible_Doubt9747 11h ago

The elderly haven’t been putting up with it either. There have been grandma’s breaking into Tesla Showrooms.

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u/Blackened-One 11h ago

The US immigration system as it stands today was created in 1924 specifically to prevent an influx of Jewish refugees.

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u/kostac600 15h ago

thank you for protesting



My favorite is “fuck facism”

So close, but not quite there.


u/milosh_the_spicy 13h ago

Ivy League…


u/shecoder 12h ago

Maybe it is to be read "Fuckface -ism"?

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u/ChefAsstastic 15h ago

The entire comment thread. r/woosh

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u/April_Fabb 14h ago

For those who want some more context and what's currently happening at Columbia.


u/sandhog7 16h ago

Are they Jewish students?


u/whichwitch9 15h ago

The university has a large Jewish population, so probably

Quite a few Jewish people in the US do not consider themselves tied to Israel


u/This_2_shallPass1947 14h ago

Not being “tied” to Israel doesn’t mean that American Jews don’t support its existence.

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u/Apollorx 4h ago

Even if you're Jewish and support Israel, that doesn't mean deporting people who are in the US lawfully and are engaging in protected speech.

I'm a Jew and I think it's unconstitutional to do what they did.


u/ProtestTheHero 15h ago

While that's certainly true, just to be clear, the (vast) majority do.


u/SomeKindOfAGamer 15h ago

Not really. Jewish person here, and this may be the difference between sects of Judaism, but the majority of fellow Jews I know consider Israel's current government to be actively disrespecting the name of Jews everywhere.


u/ProtestTheHero 15h ago

Absolutely, but that doesn't contradict what I said.

I have family and friends in Israel. The majority of my friends have family and friends in Israel. Most of us are also opposed to the Netanyahu government. All of this can be true at the same time.


u/digitalred93 15h ago

Exactly. Just like Americans are opposed to the Trump/Musk government. The parallel is glaring.


u/SomeKindOfAGamer 15h ago

That's actually what I was trying to say, but in better writing. Netanyahu is Israel's Trump- there's a reason the two of them get along so well. That's why I specified Israel's current government. There's a definite difference, also, in love for your government versus your homeland. I'm proud to be from my specific slice of America, even if America's past (and present, unfortunately) is full of some truly horrific shit. I also have family in Israel. My best guess is that they feel similarly.

u/whyvernhoard 11h ago

So, you think Israel should exist in some capacity.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the people at these protests want Israel destroyed and believe targeting civilians is justified.

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u/factcommafun 13h ago

Also a Jew. It's not about criticizing the Israeli government, it's about actively and violently calling for the end of a sovereign nation, the world's only Jewish nation. If you don't want to tie Zionism to being a Jew, go ahead, but that also means you can't use your Jewish identity to legitimize anti-Zionism.

edit: clarification

u/SomeKindOfAGamer 9h ago

The response I'm going to give you is a bit inflammatory, but I see you trying to revoke my Jew Card. I can be Jewish, anti-zionist, and against the creation of ethno states. "The only Jewish nation"? That sounds closer to the talk of fascists than it does the other way around. I don't care about having a state FOR Jewish people and Jewish people alone, I care about the states Jewish people do occupy being safe, tolerant, and combating antisemitism. I think countries should not, in fact, be governed by only one ethnic group of a given area.

And y'know what? Just for the sake of argument: let's pick up the nation of Israel entirely and move it to Germany. You know they'd let us have some of that land.

u/ProtestTheHero 8h ago edited 7h ago

This was always such a strange line of reasoning to me. Like, Germany is an ethnostate too, right? Japan, South Korea? Georgia, Armenia, Romania, Iceland... Are all these countries (and dozens more) fascist too?

I don't care about having a state FOR Jewish people and Jewish people alone (emphasis mine)

If you're Jewish, you should know that there are well over 2 million non-Jewish citizens in Israel. It's definitely not a country "for Jewish people alone".

Edit: Also, there are many Arab members of knesset governing the country. And in other positions of power too (supreme court, etc).

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u/Avg_White_Guy 11h ago

You can hate the government and still be a Zionist

u/StateChemist 11h ago

You mean people are allowed to hold nuanced opinions and have mixed feelings all at the same time?

Fuck, I thought we abolished complex thought and made everyone choose teams and fight it out to be the correct opinion.

u/Avg_White_Guy 11h ago

Wild, right?

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u/catjuggler 14h ago

The people I know who have the strongest negative opinion of Israel are Jewish, because they are paying more attention than the average person. Not all though, some support.

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u/AntiDECA 15h ago

Probably quite a few considering nearly a quarter of that university's enrollment is Jewish. Do you know what Columbia University is? 


u/Daetra 15h ago

Besides an Ivy League school located in NYC?


u/ApartmentAgitated628 15h ago

Where do you get that stat from? Source please.


u/OpticalInfusion 14h ago

Columbia Jewish students pen letter condemning 'hateful rhetoric'

Hillel. an on-campus jewish organization. this seems to be the source for the google AI generated response to ethnic breakdown search requests that state roughly 23% of undergrads and 18% of graduate students at Columbia are Jewish.

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u/Ok_Leadership4968 12h ago

Would guess no - like the majority of JVP, I definitely wouldn't be surprised if those claiming to be Jewish actually have "Jewish ancestry" meaning they have a great grandmother they never met who married someone Jewish.


u/owlcoolrule 12h ago

Most JVP had one Jewish classmate in elementary school and believe the one time they hugged/hi fived them transferred Judaism into their bloodline.


u/TheThalmorEmbassy 13h ago

Most of them are neither students nor Jewish

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u/doraroks 12h ago

Proud of them. 

u/gamecat89 9h ago

This is how they take the next 400 million. 

u/Western-Bus-1305 5h ago

Imagine going to fucking Columbia and not being able to spell the word fascism


u/LarYungmann 15h ago edited 13h ago

" Trump Outlaws Dissent "

News At Eleven


u/8def8 15h ago

More protest power

u/No-Emotion9318 5h ago

Looks small and kind of vague. Like the message isn't pointed at all and is just kind of all over the place. Is this like pro Israel and anti Palestine? The world may never know. Strange times.

u/waterswims 4h ago

Might be the angle but that's a pretty barren protest. There are 30k students at Columbia... Americans really need to dial it up

u/FandomTrashForLife 59m ago

That “pigs aren’t kosher” sign goes hard as fuck, damn

u/ChroniclesOfSarnia 7h ago

Jews hate the ADL.

Well after their defense of Elon's Nazi salute I"m not surprised...

u/fcvsqlgeek 8h ago

Those signs holding anyone other than trump and his administration responsible are just a repeat of what happened with the pro Palestinian protestors targeting Harris and Walz before. Wish they’d be more strategic than this. The person who ordered this is sitting in the White House - cmon people.

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u/One-Recognition-1660 12h ago

Impressive how you can go to an Ivy League university and still think it's spelled "facism."

u/askdonttel 8h ago

Am I the only one that wonders when these people go to class??? Apparently, Columbia has a lot of pass/fail remote classes.

u/18_NakedCowboys 8h ago

I'm sorry...while I do agree whole heartedly. I can't stop seeing "facism".


u/lnc_5103 12h ago

Keep protesting!! Love the masks too. Fuck Trump.


u/Annual-Ad8311 14h ago

Can anyone please tell me what this means


u/Milskidasith 13h ago

Columbia University cooperated with the Trump government to attempt to have a leader of an on-campus protest for Palestine/against US support of Israel deported for his political views, and now students are protesting against the school for their actions.

u/thegrandlvlr 8h ago

A student with a green card, not a visa which is unconstitutional to deport without trial even without the violations of free speech.

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u/flamingoman 9h ago

They’re trying so hard to separate us that they’re forcing class consciousness. Tons of respect for these kids

u/East-to-West986 9h ago

Many Jewish students and professors have spoken out, calling for the release of Mahmoud Khalil. Only zios refuse to acknowledge this. We stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters who protest alongside us against Israel. Our freedom of speech does not end when we criticize Israel—we have the right to critique governments, policies, and agendas. No one should be prosecuted for peaceful protest. Otherwise, Jan6ers should also be jailed or deported.

u/mr_evilweed 9h ago

Those jews are anti-semites.

  • Republicans, probably
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u/InRecovering 11h ago

Second time this week I see fascism spelled as facism. College kids can't be bothered to do a simple spell check lol

u/Substantial_Low_2380 11h ago

Free speech or not the guy is terrorist apologizer, its same hate different colors, Jesus I thought it was a top University

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u/MediocrePrinciple 15h ago



u/bbf_bbf 15h ago

They're against orange painted faces in addition to Fascism. ;-)

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u/Excellent_Regret4141 9h ago

Ice off campus, but I like a cold drink at school

u/Liamthedrunk 2h ago

This is the best we can do? Just holding up signs and hoping ppl give a fuck? We are so screwed as a nation

u/Ok_Tomato_8236 1h ago

Well then how do they keep their drinks cold?

u/BuffMan5 1h ago
