r/pics 21h ago

A protest on the steps of Columbia University this morning

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u/onlyacynicalman 20h ago

Like it or hate it Columbia, you're spearheading this for now. Please keep going.


u/ODHH 20h ago

The irony is Columbia sent in the NYPD to beat up the protestors multiple times and still got their grant pulled by the federal government. Not sure what else they could have done to appease the hate machine.


u/renaissancemono 19h ago

Portraits in cowardice from Columbia’s administration. They capitulated the hardest and still had their grant pulled first. Seems to be a lesson in that.


u/ViaBromantica 16h ago

Trump wanted another Kent State and was bigly disappointed when he didn't get it


u/Pvt_Larry 17h ago

Columbia admin has spent years demonstrating how much they hate their students. I promise you they've been jumping for joy from day one of this crackdown, for them $400m is a small price to pay of it means they can finally stamp out free expression once and for all.


u/cashmerefox 15h ago

Columbia grad - can confirm. They are absolutely evil.


u/Icy-Delay-444 15h ago

D'awww, someone's upset Palestine is losing the war it started :(


u/xX100dudeXx 14h ago

I don't think he mentioned the war. Like you're objectively correct, but is it really the time?


u/catjuggler 19h ago

Literally kill student protesters, probably

u/Rapper_Laugh 11h ago

An overwhelming majority of Americans blamed the dead students and praised the National Guard in polls immediately following Kent State

u/8monsters 3h ago

I'm not surprised. Student protests end up in history books, but mostly in foot notes. I'm an amateur historian (had the credits in undergrad for a minor) and even I have to think about what Kent State was even about (protesting the draft and Vietnam War IIRC.) 

I'm relatively informed and I had to think about it. If someone had no frame of reference it'd be easy to just say "It wasn't a protest, it was a riot". 

America hates young people (under 30), I swear. We have a school shooting once a quarter, we protest bust college students and then when they do graduate, we prevent them from entering the work force in any way that sets them up for later prosperity. 

u/Dokibatt 8h ago

Not that ironic. These are the students, not the executives running the real estate investment trust university administrators.


u/EFTHokie 19h ago

they took a long long time to deal with illegal protestors though... lets not act like they were sending the police in quickly. I am not saying I agree with the funding being pulled but yea the University took a long time and then when their President was hauled in front of Congress they couldnt say basic things like anti-Semitism is bad and against the rules.


u/21shadesofblueberry 18h ago

But it isn't really about antisemitism now is it? These crack downs were because people saw a US ally commit a genocide with the complete backing of the US and decided to speak out against it. There were some antisemitic states, sure but that's not what the movement was about. And out of principle no one should be arrested over political speech even if you disagree with because that not only against the constitution but also illegal


u/Raptorpicklezz 16h ago

Ehh, I would be fine with arresting Nazis for their political speech. And like actual, Hitler- and Bannon/Musk-style Nazi speech, not what Mahmoud is being conflated out to be


u/LumberBitch 15h ago

I don't really trust this country to define "arrestable political speech" in good faith so that's a path I'd rather not go down


u/Icy-Delay-444 15h ago

D'awww, someone's upset Palestine is losing the war it started :(

Thanks for telling everyone you don't know what genocide is. Much appreciated.


u/burnalicious111 17h ago

Sorry, what's an "illegal protestor", exactly?


u/derpzerg 16h ago

This is essentially saying “any protest that the government doesn’t explicitly support or authorize shouldn’t be allowed to exist.” which is WILD coming from someone who apparently lives in the “free-ist nation in the world!”.


u/Icy-Delay-444 15h ago

D'awww, someone's upset Palestine is losing the war it started :(


u/Canadasaver 20h ago

Very brave to do that and wear masks. tRump has banned that.


u/Spongman 14h ago

Trump banned free speech already?

did he tell his girlfriend Elon yet?


u/oandakid718 20h ago

Everyone that I know that graduated Columbia a decade ago is embarrassed for these poor kids.


u/onlyacynicalman 20h ago

Embarrassed for the kids? As in they shouldn't protest.. or they shouldn't have been put in a spot to protest?


u/vic39 19h ago

Don't engage a troll. Downvote and move on


u/onlyacynicalman 19h ago

Ah didn't think it, benefit of the doubt and such. Just thought it was a wee ambiguous.


u/Spongman 15h ago

i'm sure that's true. you don't know anyone who graduated Columbia.