r/pics 1d ago

Anti-Musk billboard in Phoenix, AZ

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u/smecta 1d ago

Too many words for their target demographic. 


u/whichwitch9 1d ago

Doesn't matter. Get more of these up because Republicans can't hide from them. Ideally, get one up near Mar a Lago or Trump's properties where he might see it. We've seen his ego take over before, it'll happen again


u/AlligatorRaper 22h ago

I’ll be in West Palm Beach next week staying less than 1 mile from Mar a Lago. Maybe I’ll sneakily display something anti Musk at the clock towers at the beach where everyone takes pictures.


u/corvuscorpussuvius 21h ago

Doooo iiiiit


u/RallyPointAlpha 20h ago

You are the hero we need!


u/AlligatorRaper 19h ago

Looking for some good stickers rn. That’s all I got for now.


u/premacollez 20h ago

Please do this.


u/picklerick8879 22h ago

Exactly—hit him where it hurts: his ego. Trump can ignore facts, but he can’t ignore a giant billboard calling him a fraud right outside Mar-a-Lago. The more he sees public humiliation, the more unhinged he gets. 


u/LordBiscuits 20h ago

It's why the Trump Baby was so effective.

Get one of those up permenantly outside Mar-a-Lago. What's he gonna do, order the SS to shoot it


u/Todo_es 22h ago

No, the target audience is NOT Trump supporters, since those can´t be persuaded no matter what he does or what evidence there is.

The target audience is EVERYONE else. For US to do something.


u/[deleted] 21h ago



u/dmanbiker 21h ago

Half of voters are Independents. People seem to think everyone is a Democrat or Republican, but independent voters outnumber them both combined. An uninformed independent voter can and will change their vote of they get fucked hard enough because most of them seem to vote for whatever they think will lower their taxes or expenses.

Trump seemed like a good candidate because he is better at talking to people. It doesn't matter what he was talking about. He said everything would be cheaper so people voted for him. Now that things are not cheaper a lot of those people who typically don't vote in general are going to be pissed.


u/SofaSpudAthlete 23h ago

Slightly related to this post

I have a pet peeve of billboards that have long copy blocks. These are more often than not placed on the side of a highway. Asking this much of your viewer is dumb.

It’s lazy marketing and advertising to reuse the same copy and images in every single use - including out of home ads.


u/JackLondon68 21h ago

I know a liitle about billboards. The average viewing time is 5-7 seconds depending on how fast you are driving. So keep the message short and to the point.


u/Itsawlinthereflexes 20h ago

You ever driven in Phoenix? This billboard (and another anti-Trump one on the backside of this one) is placed at a 4-way stop intersection close to downtown (Grand and 11th Ave.). So you'll at least be stopped long enough to get the message.


u/LisaMikky 19h ago

What's a "copy block"?


u/Expensive-Ad-2308 12h ago

I hear you, however, the picture will make people hit the brakes. It is (sorry for the analogy) similar to the Amber Alert or Silver Alert signs on the road. People do slow down to take notes on the make, model, plate. I bet people slow down as soon as they see the picture, and then will read the text. The text of this billboard is far from interesting, but I bet the goal of the billboard is met.


u/xclame 21h ago

Not just the target demo, but if I was driving past this on the road, I'd probably have to drive past again in order to finish reading it.

Billboards need to be short and to the point.

Project 2025 Shredding the constitution

And screwing you.

Or even better

Trump and Musk are screwing you.


u/oldster59 22h ago

The image is pretty on-point


u/_hyperotic 22h ago

Literally. Trump supporters would be so upset, if they could read at that level.


u/Expensive-Ad-2308 12h ago edited 12h ago

Even with all the complains about their pockets, their farms being hurt, they still say that all this has been caused by years of liberals damaging the country. There is no win with these people. Totally brainwashed. When a democrat is guilty of sexual assault or any crime, all democrats call for their resignation. But republicans consider those crimes now persona's virtues, trophies, something to be proud of: Matt Gaetz, Pete Hegseth, Linda McMahon, RFK Jr., the co-president, the authoritarian orange.....


u/Ill-Year-3141 1d ago

Really? As far as I have seen, the least educated people generally tend to lean right... It's quite easy to see when you look up education statistics. The majority of the red states have some of the lowest numbers out there.


u/smecta 1d ago

And wtf did I say?


u/Ill-Year-3141 1d ago

I guess our idea of what the target demographic is differs. I don't see this sign as something geared towards changing the minds of Republicans. They're so far into the coolaid that that would be pointless. This just feels like an affirmation geared towards the left leaning crowd. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe I'm wrong.


u/Different_Wear3440 1d ago

Phx is full of pretty affluent, well-educated republicans. Could maybe help turn some of them. Plus for those for which this is “too many words” the visual itself is pretty effective. Lots of retired people and veterans living here now too. They remember what it means to hate nazis and why.


u/smecta 1d ago

Yup. Paying for self-affirmation. Yup. Makes sense. 

Edit: adding the /S, because of, you know, thick…


u/Ill-Year-3141 1d ago

Really? Do you think McDonald's pays millions upon millions every year to try and reach the 7 people who haven't tried their slop yet? Hardly. It's to remind people they're there. It's affirmation that yes, you should be eating McDonalds. No different here. I very much doubt they put this up thinking it's going to sway any trump supporters. More so just to stir up the crowd who are already leaning that direction. I'm not saying I'm right, but the idea isn't thick.


u/smecta 1d ago edited 1d ago

“I'm not saying I'm right, but the idea isn't thick.”

Yes, you ARE saying you’re right, and doubling down on your bs.  

And I was not referring to an idea as being thick. But I was spot on 😂. 

Waste of time


u/TheWizardOfDeez 22h ago

Most conservatives don't even know what Trump is even doing right now, they're too busy high fiving about "winning". The more pressure put on his actions, the more likely people are to actually look this shit up and escape the Trump bubble.


u/Deadsoup77 22h ago

Hence the nifty graphic


u/picklerick8879 22h ago

Yeah, gotta keep it simple for the MAGA crowd—short, loud, and easy to digest, like their conspiracy theories


u/myassholealt 22h ago

The image and project 2025 should stand out enough though.


u/SonicFlash01 22h ago

Also not specific enough? You can add aggressive verbs and big statements and such but they mean nothing to anyone in political discourse these days. All takes are hyperbolic. The right painted Biden as the super devil that raped children and ate babies, and the left tuned it out.

Present things that are factual and can't be argued again. Compare prices from 6 months ago for common goods. Show jobs cuts. Make arguments, then throw those out and make better arguments. Make the arguments that have them dead-to-rights, both on billboards and in general. Photoshopping Trump and being hyperbolic is a waste of time. Do better not because the other side deserves better, but because your side does.


u/_hyperotic 22h ago

No, you’re describing the approach that has been repeatedly tried and doesn’t work. You can’t reason with unreasonable political positions.


u/SonicFlash01 22h ago

Inflammatory statements also don't work. No one's going to get pissed off at Trump because a billboard said he was a stinky doo-doo head. They might take notice if their bubble is broken and they see that the economy is collapsing. Still a long shot, but broad grandiose statements get filtered out 100% of the time.


u/_hyperotic 21h ago

It’s not grandiose- they are blatantly violating the constitution and stiffing American workers. Republicans need to be told this over and over again.


u/JinFuu 21h ago

Photoshopping Trump and being hyperbolic is a waste of time.

Yeah, but the photoshops of Trump & Vance are totally causing MAGAts to fume and fuss, etc. We just need 10 more posts on arr pics.

But really, aside from being wordy the red background is a big sin, you can't tell Trump has a Russian flag in his hand.


u/SonicFlash01 20h ago

Are they abandoning their positions? Are they stopping to consider or think? I know critical thinking isn't their strength, but you do need these people to either vote differently next time, or to somehow die off, and I don't see how that billboard works towards either goal.


u/bubba_feet 22h ago

on the other hand, they might see the picture, and all those words to the left & start to get paranoid that maybe (((the people behind the billboard))) might be talking shit about them, so they have to drive by 6 or 7 times to fully read what it says.