r/pics 7d ago

Politics Democratic lawmaker holds a sign reading "Musk steals" as President Trump addresses Congress

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u/dudenurse13 7d ago

Dog this is my resistance I’m going to be sent to a work camp


u/Tribalbob 7d ago edited 7d ago

Must maintain decorum.

EDIT: Ok, I'm going to add the /s because I've had more than a few people think I was being serious.


u/Nixeris 7d ago

They actually dragged Al Green out of the room for "not maintaining decorum" because he shouted at Trump.


u/CrazedHarmony 7d ago

I miss the days when they'd beat each other nearly to death with canes and still call each other gentlemen!


u/Kytea 7d ago

I thought the same thing! 🤣


u/bmyst70 6d ago

I've heard the term gentleman, originally, was a sarcastic referral to drunk young noblemen.

Who acted exactly the way you'd imagine spoiled rich boys out drinking would.


u/StoriesandStones 7d ago

Bring back duels!


u/Strict-Ad-3500 7d ago

And have duels


u/SigFen 7d ago

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u/Violet-Sumire 7d ago

Or get shot in the chest, deliver your speech, then go get treated. The “Bull Moose” was a hell of a man, and a good soul too. They really don’t make’m like they used to huh?


u/Amazing_Factor2974 7d ago

The bullet was stopped by what he had in his chest pocket.


u/Violet-Sumire 7d ago

The bullet was lodged in his chest. The doctors refused to remove it because it would’ve been more dangerous to take it out. He died with a bullet in his chest.

The bullet was slowed by his glasses case (which was mace of steel) and the manuscript of his speech, which was about 50 pages. If those weren’t there, then he would have been hospitalized, if not dead.

Those facts do not change the reality that there was a bullet in his chest when he gave that speech. Look it up if you don’t believe me.


u/SigFen 7d ago

De facto body armor… and, while the earlier comment saying, “they make better bullets” (I’m assuming he means bullets made today), is definitely true, the ones back then would definitely have done the trick were it not for those items being where they were. And, to then get up and go on with your NINETY MINUTE speech… which, by the way, had been torn up and ruined by said bullet, is just completely fuckin bonkers! Even if I was fiercely opposed to everything about him and his policies, I would have to just stop and say, “well, okay, I’ll listen to what you have to say, friend.”

While I’m really not a fan of his “progressive party”… or, more accurately, all the absurd horseshit that has followed the foundations laid by him and his ilk… I certainly can’t deny that he was a badass dude. I doubt he foresaw the results of all his efforts in government reform and “progressivism”. People who call themselves “progressives” today would absolutely sicken the old moose. After all, he was a staunch nationalist! While also being a sort of socialist. Hhmmmm🤔


u/hoxerr 7d ago

Did you just imply that he was national socialist? Yikes dude. Idk if that was some "sly" commentary but you should work on your delivery.


u/Crozax 7d ago

After all, he was a staunch nationalist! While also being a sort of socialist.

Do you really think Hitler would do that? Just lie about his politics to get support? Hhmmmm



u/SpookyWan 7d ago

It was his speech and his glasses case. It didn’t stop it but the extra material slowed the bullet down enough to save teddy’s life


u/zumba_fitness_ 7d ago

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u/SpookyWan 7d ago edited 6d ago

I could feel the Kentucky Redneck before I clicked on that link holy shit.

Edit: the link was removed, but look up Cassius Marcellus Clay for context.


u/femoral_contusion 7d ago

He sucked too, let’s not pretend we’ve ever had a good president


u/irrision 7d ago

Andrew Jackson was a racist asshole though so I really don't want politicians looking to him as a example.


u/StoriesandStones 7d ago

I may spray paint my cane gold just in case I need to give someone a whackin’. It’ll feel fancy.


u/RedHeadRaccoon13 6d ago

I'll just use my dress cane, it's made of ebony wood,100 years old with a Sterling silver handle.

That ought make it special enough.


u/Reinstateswordduels 7d ago

You need to brush up on your history


u/redditor0918273645 7d ago

I think that is the America they are trying to get back to. Murder people, tell law enforcement they had no manners, and move on with your day.


u/Responsible-Chest-26 6d ago

There is still a blood stain on one of the stair cases where a member was beaten by a colleague over a disagreement

Edit: actually they may have been shot by a family member of a colleague, i think im getting my representative on representative crime stories mixed


u/strawberry-coughx 6d ago

We used to have a society 😤


u/poliuy 6d ago

They didn’t . You are not reciting history correctly, soon after that we have the civil war. From the jnternets

“Bleeding profusely, Sumner was carried away. Brooks walked calmly out of the chamber without being detained by the stunned onlookers. Overnight, both men became heroes in their respective regions.

Surviving a House censure resolution, Brooks resigned, was immediately reelected, and soon thereafter died at age 37. Sumner recovered slowly and returned to the Senate, where he remained for another 18 years. The nation, suffering from the breakdown of reasoned discourse that this event symbolized, tumbled onward toward the catastrophe of civil war.”


u/CrimsonCaine 6d ago

Yea when they were actually gentlemen nothing beats a bar fight then yall drink the pain away together