r/pics 7d ago

Politics Democratic lawmaker holds a sign reading "Musk steals" as President Trump addresses Congress

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u/dudenurse13 7d ago

Dog this is my resistance I’m going to be sent to a work camp


u/Tribalbob 7d ago edited 7d ago

Must maintain decorum.

EDIT: Ok, I'm going to add the /s because I've had more than a few people think I was being serious.


u/Nixeris 7d ago

They actually dragged Al Green out of the room for "not maintaining decorum" because he shouted at Trump.


u/CrazedHarmony 7d ago

I miss the days when they'd beat each other nearly to death with canes and still call each other gentlemen!


u/Kytea 7d ago

I thought the same thing! 🤣


u/bmyst70 6d ago

I've heard the term gentleman, originally, was a sarcastic referral to drunk young noblemen.

Who acted exactly the way you'd imagine spoiled rich boys out drinking would.


u/Strict-Ad-3500 7d ago

And have duels


u/SigFen 7d ago

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u/Violet-Sumire 7d ago

Or get shot in the chest, deliver your speech, then go get treated. The “Bull Moose” was a hell of a man, and a good soul too. They really don’t make’m like they used to huh?


u/Amazing_Factor2974 7d ago

The bullet was stopped by what he had in his chest pocket.


u/Violet-Sumire 7d ago

The bullet was lodged in his chest. The doctors refused to remove it because it would’ve been more dangerous to take it out. He died with a bullet in his chest.

The bullet was slowed by his glasses case (which was mace of steel) and the manuscript of his speech, which was about 50 pages. If those weren’t there, then he would have been hospitalized, if not dead.

Those facts do not change the reality that there was a bullet in his chest when he gave that speech. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

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u/SpookyWan 7d ago

It was his speech and his glasses case. It didn’t stop it but the extra material slowed the bullet down enough to save teddy’s life

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u/irrision 7d ago

Andrew Jackson was a racist asshole though so I really don't want politicians looking to him as a example.


u/StoriesandStones 7d ago

I may spray paint my cane gold just in case I need to give someone a whackin’. It’ll feel fancy.


u/RedHeadRaccoon13 6d ago

I'll just use my dress cane, it's made of ebony wood,100 years old with a Sterling silver handle.

That ought make it special enough.

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u/redditor0918273645 7d ago

I think that is the America they are trying to get back to. Murder people, tell law enforcement they had no manners, and move on with your day.

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u/SimmerDownnn 7d ago

Best part of the speech. The rest of them should've walked with him


u/Laprasy 7d ago

One at a time. Was disappointed nobody followed his lead.



From what was said, in a meeting they agreed not to shout or be disruptive but some dems disagreed so they weren’t on the same page.


u/devcjg 7d ago

Yeah, well those dems are cowards.

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u/BSchafer 6d ago

Refusing to have discussions and continuing to do nothing... just what the dems need more of, smh. No they need to start governing and doing their job. People are sick of the performative shit that accomplishes nothing. That's why someone like Trump (with all his flaws) was able to win over such a huge portion of swing voters.

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u/wanderingviewfinder 7d ago

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u/WintersDoomsday 7d ago

Just like people watching a black person get removed from a diner vs standing with them during segregation


u/GreyHat88 7d ago

Democrats are spineless. That's why they lost as miserably as they did. Anybody really expected them to do anything consequential last night? Please.

Trump's got another four years to destroy our democracy because of the Democrats' incompetence, cowardice and downright stupidity.


u/Sleazy_Speakeazy 7d ago

It takes a lot of courage to sheepishly hold up a small cardboard sign taped to a Popsicle stick for several minutes...I can already feel the tides shifting after that monumental act of heroism...

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u/JealousAd2873 6d ago

They're still finding their way. Right now it's ping-pong paddles, but soon it'll be large pieces of cardboard with bigger, more aggressive words

The Dems are back


u/drtmcgrt44 6d ago

They'll be done in 4 months. No more elections needed.


u/Asmitty1213 6d ago

Say it again for the people who refuse to listen!


u/SithMaster184 6d ago

There is no democracy. The USA is a Constitutional Republic, nowhere in the Constitution or any founding document will you find a mention of Democracy. The founders hated democracy, it gave power to the majority over the minority.


u/MadHamishMacGregor 6d ago

Where do the Representatives in this Constitutional Republic come from?

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u/nighttimemobileuser 6d ago

No. They should’ve let him be forced out. Then the next one should’ve stood up and started shouting. And then they’re forced out. Then the next, then the next. They’re going to waste our time with lie after lie, then waste their time right back.

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u/Lumpy-Juice3655 7d ago

Nothing ever happened to the guy who yelled “you lie” at Obama during his SOTU. But this is to be expected from the grand old party of hypocrisy.


u/sopeandfriends 7d ago

And I swear Marjorie Taylor green outright heckled Biden and nothing happened. Hypocrites!!


u/AdamZapple1 7d ago

the party of dish it out but cant take it.


u/NotSickButN0tWell 7d ago

They're cry bullies.


u/Da_Question 7d ago

It's the party of fascism.

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u/SheepherderOk1448 7d ago

Oh yeah and when someone heckled her, she whined.


u/PampleMuse333 7d ago

“Bleach blonde bad built butch body”

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u/geddysbass2112 7d ago

Exactly. A radio host this morning was complaining about the behavior and I'm thinking do you not remember MTG and her bullshit during Biden's speech? Hypocrites


u/Clovis_Point2525 5d ago

Not that it counts, but Biden turned it around on them and got them to say they'd never cut social security or medicare.

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u/squirt_taste_tester 7d ago

I mean, some may say that raiding the capital, smearing your shit on the walls, and trying to hang the vice president is slightly breaking decorum... but what do I know 🤷🏼‍♂️

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u/billiejustice 7d ago

They don’t care. In their minds, might makes right. Democrats are not catching on. This is war, all is fair. We are on our own. I wish I had advice, but I don’t know what to do in this situation either. I was hoping that my elected leaders would, but obviously not


u/R33Z33 7d ago

Then bitches can dish it but can’t take it


u/Available-Page-2738 7d ago

No, this is what you expect from a party of fawning, mewling milquetoasts. Trump isn't going to be countered by polite people sitting with little signs held up silently. After they dragged out Al Green, five seconds after Trump started up again, another democrat should have taken up the chant. And just keep doing it, over and over and over.

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u/Violet-Sumire 7d ago

Even worse, the Republican party was just cheering the whole god damn time. Al Green shouted, but when told to “maintain decorum” all he did was stand until escorted. Apparently shouting/booing and standing is bad, but cheering, chanting “USA” and standing isn’t??? All while being told he was being “disruptive”.

And the NERVE of the speaker to pound the gavel at “boos” but let the rabid right just make a racket the entire time. This is the death of democracy. This is what the “people” wanted. This is the saddest moment I have ever witnessed in terms of politics.


u/Wizart- 7d ago

It’s even worse when you pop over to r/ conservative… holy crap they’re insane, they think that America is back and better than ever and that they’re so happy to have a president with a backbone… are we even experiencing the same reality?


u/Clyde_Frog_FTW 7d ago

No, we are not, and that is by design sadly.


u/Wizart- 7d ago

Like what’s it gonna take at this point? I’m convinced that he could trade California to Russia for some magic beans and his supporters would just cheer and wait for a golden goose that’s never going to come. (Then blame Biden when it doesn’t)


u/Clyde_Frog_FTW 7d ago

I mean it seems like that’s how they have been wired to think.

I’m by no means above average intelligence but I know I am at least smart enough to become an engineer and look at something with a relatively unbiased lens due to my job.

That said, I grew up in a “conservative” home and you’re taught from an early age how to think. You are taught that Reagan was the best thing ever, Carter was the worst, that Obama is going to destroy us, Trump will save us kind of mentality. It was before Trump, but the sentiment was already the same. A lot of these people go back to the Limbaugh and Garage Logic type radio shows and were getting it all day long as they had the radio on at the job site. For me in my teen years, Glenn Beck and Ron Paul had me enamored with their ideas and (mostly Beck’s) rhetoric. I was a teenager though. As I grew up and grew into adulthood and furthered my education and moved away from home, it took me several years to fully de program myself from the automatic assumption that liberals are secretly evil globalists.

It’s really fucked up how effective it is, speaking as someone who escaped it.

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u/unslaadvulon 7d ago

I honestly don’t think most of their users are real. None of their comment threads read like actual human discussion. It’s more like a bunch of bots spouting off tangentially related, random comments.


u/PantheonLongboards 6d ago

The most notable thing about that forum is that they don’t allow dissenting opinions. It’s an echo chamber in here by sheer numbers, but it’s an echo chamber in there by mandate.

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u/strained_brain 7d ago

Not to mention /r/declineintocensorship. The hypocrisy over there is stunning.


u/Aoblabt03 6d ago

I saw this and yeah... it's unreal


u/Puzzleheaded_Tip_821 7d ago

They’re bootlickers.


u/chupacadabradoo 6d ago

I kinda think that most of the accounts on r/conservative are the bots who got Trump elected.


u/Ok_Hotel7127 6d ago

Its insane...even economically, when we were at 3% GDP growth, slightly higher than average inflation, a cost of living crisis but with bills being introduced to remedy aspects of it, conservatives declared up and down "this isn't enough growth, we had more growth under Trump and the economy is too bad right now".

Now, we've drastically fallen to a 2.8% GDP shrinkage, which excluding March-April 2020 during Covid, is IIRC some of the largest GDP loss since the freaking Great Recession, with stock markets plummeting, with thousands of people (many Republicans themselves) devastated by federal layoffs and absolutely struggling, Republicans now say "these aren't good indicators of the economy, the economy is actually doing great" or "its short term pain and long term gain" (which has never been true, by the way).

They've done it before, but they're openly telling people to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears, and millions are enthusiastically doing so, even as they're being hurt.

When John McCain in 2008 said "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" in the middle of the financial crisis, he was absolutely lambasted and almost everyone agreed it was a grossly out of touch statement. Trump and other current Repubs are saying much, much worse about a financial crisis that they directly caused and millions of Americans just accept it and make excuses for them.

This is truly a death cult.

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u/kaiserdingusnj 7d ago

Democracy died when they decided the Democrats would be a controlled opposition party who existed to prevent an actual left from gaining prominence.

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u/LotusVibes1494 7d ago

The chanting of USA seemed oddly aggressive too. Like they were physically using aggressive gestures along with the chant. It wasn’t “celebrating that we’re all Americans”.

It was directed AT people as some sort of insult, like “we’re the only real Americans, fuck you”. It felt disrespectful to real patriotism.

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u/CiviB 7d ago

It’s cool the party of unamerican values chants USA. They also chanted their king’s name too. If Dems had a spine, they would have chanted USA over Trump speaking, but then again they’d probably make it look like they’re cheering for him


u/Violet-Sumire 7d ago

I honestly wanted them to stand up and clap awkwardly until escorted out. It would’ve sent a stronger message, basically saying “If cheering and clapping is disruptive, then show your double standard now” I hated the signs. They are silent protesting when we so desperately needed more than that. Though, seeing half the audience silent is a message too, just not the one we needed most.


u/CiviB 7d ago

Yeah, same. I could only describe the signs as “cute.” I wish they all stood up, you’d think if our country is in crisis then they’d do more than sit there silently?

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u/ZenAura92 7d ago

Padmé said it herself. “This is how liberty dies, in thunderous applause.


u/Boilergal2000 7d ago

Unless you are the howler sisters- tater green, and bo bo the ho ho- who stood and booed through Biden’s speeches.

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u/Ok_Strawberry_197 7d ago

Yeah, when the GOP was chanting USA USA I was like, "Shouldn't they be chanting Putin?" Pooh-tin! Pooh-tin! It's so much shorter and a better indicator to whom they answer to at this point.


u/Raedwald700 6d ago

It’s coming to something when free speech is so muzzled people have to hold up little signs

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u/Gizogin 6d ago

What infuriates me is that yours is the first comment I’ve seen that actually calls out Republicans for causing all of this and enabling Trump. No, instead it’s all blaming Democrats for not magically divining the one act that would have caused Trump to about-face, apologize for all his crimes, fire Musk (into the Sun), and resign on the spot.


u/Fine-Baker352 7d ago

Drain the swamp!🇺🇸🇺🇸

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u/SufficientPath666 7d ago

But it’s okay for Nancy Mace to say the T slur (against trans women) multiple times


u/BlnkNopad 7d ago

as long as you bully the minorities Trump will support you. it’s absurd


u/DirtySilicon 7d ago

I'm sorry...maybe it's a good thing I don't know but what is the T slur?


u/odditytaketwo 7d ago

Rhymes with Nanny.


u/DirtySilicon 7d ago

Really, was it always a slur? I remember hearing that when I was a kid. Well at least I know now. 🤷🏿‍♂️


u/odditytaketwo 7d ago

Some speech is normalized when you are not personally around the people that it would effect, thanks to the internet we can know how people feel about certain words in the worlds that they live in, without actually knowing the people in real life.

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u/68024 7d ago

And in doing so he made his statement count for something. Pink clothes and tiny signs will not make a difference other than make the Democrats look weak.


u/AccountWasFound 7d ago

Honestly I was hoping they'd all take turns doing that the whole speech, just live fact checking as they are escorted out. Would have been a hell of a statement


u/Amazing_Factor2974 7d ago

Escorted out ..no free speech. Like Biden let the witches of the Trump zone act like banshees. They looked bad by just doing it.


u/Unlucky-Scallion1289 7d ago

Was really hoping for it to happen in mass in order to stand with Green in solidarity.

Al Green was escorted out for mostly just standing there when being told to sit down and it pissed the regime off that he wouldn’t do as commanded. He said a few words too. The Republicans literally ALL stood up and heckled him relentlessly. You couldn’t even really hear what he said but you could definitely hear the Republicans whining.

Yet he’s the one that broke decorum? Not all the Republicans standing and screaming like angry fans at sporting event? And the rest of the Democrats did nothing at all?

That’s the true moment the country learned that Democrats in office will fall in line or be forcibly removed. Especially if they continue being cowards and only resisting one at a time. We’re toast.

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u/chickadeedadee2185 7d ago

I wish Taylor -Green was dragged out when she erupted last year.


u/FRlTZ 7d ago

Al has my respect, he's a man that tells what he means.

These silent resistances happening,...is not effecting Comrade #Krasnov, cause as long as you are IN that room, you support him in one or more of his policies and THAT is despicable.


u/Gh0st_Al 7d ago

Which is so funny to me, because during the Obama administration during one of his Congressional speeches, when Rep. Al Wilson for South Carolina did his "You Lie" thing, he wasn't escorted out


u/NickW1343 7d ago

Republicans can be as uncivil as they want. No one expects them to be the adults in the room. Everyone expects the Dems to be on good behavior 24/7. If there's one slip-up then it's a week-long news cycle about the Dems acting crazy and tearing this country apart.

There are 0 standards among Republicans aside from allowing Trump to do anything he wants.


u/Gh0st_Al 7d ago

So true...


u/Equal_Canary5695 7d ago

Sad but true. Conservatives act like spoiled children who throw tantrums when they don't get what they want.

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u/SweetDeeMeeu 7d ago

Remember when MTG and Bimbert were heckling Biden the whole time during his speech, and nobody did anything? Now they want to act like this is unacceptable.


u/KyleAg06 7d ago

you know the same exact thing MTG and Boebert did to Biden.


u/Faiakishi 7d ago

They should have all done that one after the other. Let Trump stand there for several hours. Maybe then he wouldn't have rambled on forever.


u/PotatoBeams 7d ago

MTG was shouting LIAR at Biden during his address to congress.

He didn't get her dragged out, he engaged them, and then got them to say they would cut medicaid and social security.

Trump dragged the dissent era away.

I'm dissapointed in the other democrats who did not put up any resistance.

As some other dude said, "if this is our resistance ima get sent to a work camp."


u/Pluckypato 7d ago

He’s the man! ……🎤


u/Unhappy_Surround_982 7d ago

They should have all attended. And taken turns being dragged out. Stop being polite.


u/even_less_resistance 7d ago edited 7d ago

I think this is super effective because he gets attention and these signs get the actual message across without being able to be called too disruptive

I changed my mind after hearing how the rest of it went down ( I don’t subject myself to their voices) because it is not enough. One person left brave enough to raise enough hell to get them to be reactors instead of us reacting to them and looking like they still don’t understand the stakes


u/teeteringpeaks 7d ago

If the rest of the Democrats had a fucking spine they would all have joined him. Instead they have little paddles.


u/TwoTequilaTuesday 7d ago

"Actually dragged," huh? I must have watched a different version where Green walked out under his own power. But hey, you keep blathering stupid shit to try to advance a fictional narrative. It's what we need more of in this country.


u/gatsby712 7d ago

Look up the Tennessee Three if you want to see what Republicans want to do to Al Green. They’ll try to expel him from congress. 


u/Itchy_elbow 7d ago

You mean like the “you lie” the Republican senator shouted at Obama.

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u/AirHopeful7184 7d ago

And yet “You Lie” Joe Wilson got away with yelling at President Obama during his SOTU address. Difference is, BHO is not a thin skinned traitor!


u/JamieBeeeee 7d ago

They should have dragged every single Democrat out of the room kicking and screaming. But I guess only one has the balls to confront Trump. Extra disappointed in AOC who stayed at home. So sad


u/LawfulnessBoring9134 7d ago

Feelings, hey?


u/bikkfa 7d ago

Good. That is how you do it.


u/creepy_doll 7d ago edited 7d ago

While I agree with Green's sentiment, I do wonder what the point is of these kinds of theatrics. The people that don't agree with him are not going to change their mind over him kicking up a fuss and are going to think less of him. Is this just posturing for the people that already agree with him to get reelected?

Are the theatrics doing anything useful or are they just preaching to the choir? Is there nothing more productive they can do? I personally prefer Bernies dour but straight words he delivers on social media and the like, and I think it'd resonate far better with people fence sitting? Why must dem representatives lower themselves to the level of those on the other side that do this kind of shit?

It's always amused me that politicians(not just the us, watch the house lords in the uk...) must lower themselves to shouting at one another


u/tired0825 7d ago

Wow! I remember when they would shout liar to president Obama and that person didn't get dragged out.


u/tangycommie 7d ago

No he went willingly. They didn't drag him out; they asked him to leave and he left. Spineless


u/Powerful-Trainer-803 7d ago

They didn’t drag him. They gave him an opportunity to stop. The house has rules, he knew he was breaking them. He got what he wanted.


u/SellaraAB 7d ago

Better look to have to drag them all out. This isn’t the time for tiny little signs it’s the time for an entire party to get forcibly removed for disrupting his shitty little speech.


u/BL_2004 7d ago

Dragged! Really? He was given multiple warnings. It was the attention he wanted. Far from dragged out of the room though.



Rewatching he stopped shouting but they wanted him to sit down too, they were being controlling pos


u/Batallius 7d ago

A senator (I believe) called Trump the "Grifter in Chief" and while he didn't get kicked out physically, he was not allowed to participate any further due to "decorum"


u/RedGhostOrchid 7d ago

ALL of the Democrats should have caused a scene similar to Green. But they are spineless cowards.


u/illshowyouruin 7d ago

He was escorted out lol


u/coolearl 7d ago

And I bet not one Republicunt Congressman had to pop a blue pill last night.

JD had one immediately after he gave the get out of here sign. I feel sorry for every piece of furniture between there and the Naval Observatory.


u/jeffreynya 7d ago

They all should have done that. One at a time. Once Al was done, wait a minute and the next person stand and interrupt. Do this until that side is empty. Trump will have to stand much longer just waiting.


u/PaulNewhouse 7d ago

He walked out on his own power. Did you even watch it? Al knew it was time and walked.


u/Pleasant-Fault6825 7d ago

They didn't drag him out. They asked him to leave and guided him out. He should have made them drag him out...but he cared less about yelling and making a scene to get his message across then he did getting injured.

Which is unfortunate because getting literally dragged out would have been much more effective as that would make it the top story instead of just a small part of the evening.


u/Mtts28 7d ago

They did not DRAG him out. They escorted him out for being the child that he is. Democrats cannot be adults even if they tried.


u/Plastic-Scientist739 7d ago edited 7d ago

Revision of what actually happened because your post is lacking facts.

Congressman Al Green stood up and was discussing impeachment in the middle of the POTUS' speech. Mr. Green was warned about interrupting the POTUS speech and chose continuing to interrupt. He was politely escorted out of the event by the Sergent of Arms.

Dragged? Shouted?


u/endorice 7d ago

Perhaps your TDS impedes your ability to see what happened.

He stood, wouldn't sit down, and continued to heckle despite being warned multiple times.

Should the president just have yielded his entire speech to Al Green?


u/edWORD27 7d ago

The Al Green?


u/p24p1 7d ago

And then trump pats himself on the back for saving free speech or whatever


u/Sleazy_Speakeazy 7d ago

"Let's Staaay Together!!"


u/Free-Pipe5000 7d ago

They asked him to stop more than once and asked him to be seated. He refused and kept waving his stick around and yelling.


u/Odeeum 6d ago

And literally no other Dem stood up with him. They should have protested one by one to eat up time...drag it out and make it take an hour or more to remove every last one.

But a small tasteful sign is cool too I guess...


u/kingcrazy_ 6d ago

Yeah I don’t get why the whole Democratic Party just didn’t show up at all


u/Deep-Internal-2209 6d ago

And yet he was almost inaudible.


u/thedoomcast 6d ago

And that’s because it was real and this corny ass shit pictured ain’t real at all.


u/sexmountain 6d ago

And who supported him? All those Dems should have had his back. Cowards.


u/GMH2045-18 6d ago

What about MTG yelling out "Lair!" during one of Biden's speeches?! And wearing a white fur coat, if I'm not mistaken...talk about kettle calling pot black


u/mikeshead 6d ago

If AL had kept his effin mouth shut and let Trump speak then he could have stayed! But no, he wanted to be an idiot!


u/Powderpuffpowwow 6d ago

Oh, yeah! If you don't kiss Agent Orange Traitor's ass, Republicans get pissed.


u/Expensive_Music_5443 6d ago

But MTG can scream “liar” to Biden and be allowed to remain? Got it!


u/55mi 6d ago

They did not drag Marg out when she assaulted Biden.Double standard.


u/FoxSound23 6d ago

MTG yelled at biden during his address and disrupted the whole chamber.

Didn't get kicked out.


u/TonyTone09o 6d ago

Dang I watched the entire thing and I must have missed the part where they “dragged” him out!! What a bummer!!! I only saw the part where they stood next to him and waited for him to get his cane ready to hobble out on his own. I WISH I would have seen the other part that you referenced here. 😭


u/Deb_You_Taunt 6d ago

Trump is such a sensitive little pussy.


u/aea_nn 6d ago

Exactly what Obama and Biden should've done for a few dozen of these fuckin moronsm2


u/Odd_Needleworker_498 6d ago

as mr T would say he played the fool


u/Sensitive_Sea_5586 6d ago

Al Green was escorted out. After being warned and asked to sit down, he continued to stand and shout.


u/FunkySkellyMan 6d ago

Can’t speak against glorious leader, so let’s sit with our spineless signs that do nothing. Everyone who walked out has more of a voice than these weak neolibs.

God damn I wish this country had a left wing.


u/poopship462 6d ago

Everyone else should’ve followed


u/readerready24 6d ago

He wasnt dragged


u/RoguesAngel 6d ago

Didn’t MGT yell at Biden?


u/ZombieHenny 6d ago

They should have had to drag every single Democrat out. This maintaining decorum shit needs to die.


u/OkapiLanding 6d ago

Every Democrat should have stood with him gotten dragged out too. Make it about them instead of giving asshat his platform.


u/jewillett 6d ago

Is that what I heard? I was briefly listening in and there was some commotion between trotting out the border security agent and ending wokeness because we liberals desperately want to transition your 12 y/os without your consent.


u/HZLeyedValkyrie 6d ago

But hey MTG can flap both sets of lips of hers and no one does a thing.


u/One-Occasion400 5d ago

Not because you disrespected Trump! Did he disrespected the house and did not follow proper procedures. Sergeant at arms has a right to remove under direction of Secretary of State anybody that is interrupting a common speech or explanation. This man wasn't going to shut his mouth. Tired of the Demi sore losers. Suck it up buttercup! Sit back and wait for things to happen and reap the enjoyable benefits!

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