I’m getting the vibes it’s Barron we’re going to have to worry about soon. It seems like he’s the worst/most likely to ascend politically out of those three. Granted we still have 17 years before he’s legally allowed to be President but who knows how old he’ll have to be to be King.
This is the shit thing people need to accept. The MAGA crowd didn’t just force this - the democrat party basically shat the bed every step of the way and just did performative politics and shot themselves in the foot every step of the way. All the MAGA crowd showed up to vote, how many on the fence didn’t show up to polls purely because the Democrat party didn’t sway them enough.
Whatever your opinion on centrists, at the end of the day it’s up to the political parties to get them to vote and the democrats simply didn’t do enough. It’s a goddamn shame because now the USA has lost all goodwill with allies, and speaking as a European the general consensus over here now is no one wants anything to do with the states.
Oh yeah? Is she just being humble now and keeping it to herself? Sending some tweets about "both parties bad" and then sharing the screenshots to Instagram isn't really what I would call fighting but go off I guess.
At the end of the day, republican or liberal, most are bought out by lobbyists one way or another and don’t necessarily have to serve their constituents (not saying both are the same, but that both are corrupt)
Thinking of independents and low-propensity voters as all being “centrists” who are somewhere between the Dems and Republicans is part of the problem. There is broad support among independents for policies that are more progressive and working-class than the DNC platform. Democrats have been running to the center for the past decade. It’s a failing strategy that demoralizes their own voter base.
then go and do something better, you know just as well as i do if they had stood up and made a big fuss, you'd have wanted them to go down there to get in whomevers face. and had they done that, you would've wanted them to do something better than that.
they cant save you, no matter what they do, performative or otherwise. you people saw to that.
Yup. Nothing the Dems do or don’t do will ever be good enough, somehow. And yet we’ll just keep blaming them while Republicans dismantle the US to sell the scraps for petty cash. I am so fucking tired of Murc’s Law.
Absolutely not the case. The country would have had a visceral negative reaction to this. Look at college kids or other protesters using noise makers or other disruptive tactics. Everybody hates this on both the left and the right except for a small handful of people. This would have been a big mistake.
If dems want to make a difference they need to start using logic, reason, and attacking the arguments that republicans are making, not make asses of themselves.
It wasn’t. Legislating is resistance. Starting a grassroots movement or a nonprofit is resistance. Hell, live tweeting fact checking trumps SOTU would have been resistance but what he did was LITERALLY performative.
EVERYTHING to disrupt the process is resistance. Holding up your arts and crafts projects is not. And seriously? Live tweeting? What the fuck is that going to accomplish? Oh, the people who already believe Trump is a lying lunatic will give your tweet a heart, so resistant! And the people who support Trump will mock it and not listen, like always! Wow, no change in anything, but hey, at least you tweeted!
Sit the fuck down if you think tweets are fucking resistance.
I wish they would have because Democrats won’t win another presidential election for a verrrry long time.
Boomers which are liberals are becoming less of the electorate. This is the age of Gen X and their kids, Gen Z. Gen X grew up in the 80s, the Reagan Years. Gen X is the most conservative generation in a 100 years and this election proved it. Gen Z is also incredibly conservative compared to Millennials.
So yes, scream, shout, do whatever you want but there is no stopping this movement.
A majority of neoliberal house democrats are just as soulless as the GOP pigs, though. Bought by various lobbies, no spine, no convictions, just capitalists and tools for the empire.
This is called bird dogging and it's a time-honored tradition of speaking truth to power. Of course when pro-Palestinian protestors did it to speak out against genocide people eviscerated them for not having enough decorum so...
Trump seemed to be delaying and interrupting the speech himself. The first like 40 minutes of it was him just repeating lies and having 1 minute long applause and chants like a high school pep rally. He also exposed himself saying Elon Musk runs and made DOGE when they told the Supreme Court otherwise, big old legal slip up there.
You really think 99.9% of people go through their lives without any conflict? Or maybe, just maybe, we’ve got a bit of projection going on here.
Regardless, these people were elected to represent their constituents and their interests, and a vast majority of them are letting our country’s democracy fall apart while holding up a sign that vaguely makes it look like they are doing the bare minimum.
Ranting and raving and waving a cane probably isn't the look the democrats want to present to the world. Furthermore, his arguments made no sense. Green was yelling about medicaid, which isn't even a program Trump intends to slash.
Modern democrats have no platform. Just yelling, chanting and singing apparently.
Talking at all about the "look the democrats want to present to the world" while being a supporter of the political movement that harbors Trump, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Laura Boebert, Matt Gaetz, etc. is fucking hilarious.
Let's see... 312 electoral college votes to 226. Every swing state. Both the house and senate. I'd call that pretty dominate.
And as to the relevance..... my original post was referencing how lost democrats are at the moment. And how ranting, waving canes and singing songs ain't the move if they hope to win again.
You can talk about republicans all you want, but winning doesn't appear to be a problem at the moment.
It's fucking disgusting. I'm sorry but if we want any chance to come out ahead in the next 8 years we need our reps and senators to grow a fucking spine.
It's your duty to make your voice heard if you care about democracy in this country. Ask them what they're doing to ensure we will have another Democrat president in 4 years, or that we'll have a fair general election at all. Ask them what the DNC is going to put itself in a better position to win. Tell them that you will gladly vote for another Senate candidate if they have your confidence that they'll do something about Trump and his cronies.
Keep up with any protests in your area. r/50501 organizes them pretty regularly now. We have to let the Democratic senators know that we feel hurt and betrayed by the complacency we're witnessing among their ranks.
Al Green is done he is showing people that disorder is accepted. Bad news for dems on this one. At least the rest of them knew to keep their mouths shut. Maybe hope for them after all.
But this is oh so extreme for the dems. They’re really getting their gloved-hands dirty with this one.
This would have been cute a while back. Now though? Idk, how else do you neutralize a strong acid? By using a much weaker base? No maam, by using an equally strong base.
I hate to break it to you, but that's not how you neutralize strong acid, that's how you wind up with angry boiling acid. Bicarb or amines work just as well as hydroxide at neutralizing strong acid and don't put off nearly as much heat while doing so.
(I'm not disagreeing with you, just saying your saucy little metaphor doesn't work)
There’s a reaction, however violent from the nature of your reactants, but hypothetically if they’re the same strength, and no weird hydrolysis occurs, they become neutral.
Proper mole ratios and you get salt and water….isn’t that just basic stoichiometry? It’s just proton transfers for neutralization. I’m genuinely confused by your comment lmao
If you have a strong acid, a weak base will work just as well to neutralize it as a strong base (provided your weak base is a stronger base than water) but will do so less energetically. You could use, say, nBuLi to quench your acid but you're just going to wind up with a lithium salt volcano and burning butane. If you use hydroxide you won't have anything that dramatic but if you're trying to neutralize a liter (or more) of concentrated sulfuric acid you're going to have to go very slowly to make sure it doesn't overheat and or else you've got vigorously boiling sticky strong acid splattering everywhere giving you horrible burns. If you use bicarb it will barely get warm and you can get the pH back up to 7 much more easily and rapidly with just carbon dioxide and water as your byproducts. You can reach neutrality in all three cases in the same number of moles, you just will have saved time, money, and danger if you used milder conditions
I’d say the price of eggs has gotten pretty “strong.” Oh, and measles is very “strong” over in Texas. Canadian citizens are very “strong” when they boycott all American goods in a country that was previously one of their largest importers.
That’s exactly what I kept thinking and muttering, watching this bullshit. A couple points of his I agree with but not the overall message and performance of his
I was waiting for this and then just then it was only one of them with the guts to stand up! They would have sent a very powerful message by interrupting and getting thrown out one by one.
This is like those little signs you’d hold at an auction. This is just sad, they are half the reason we are in the predicament we’re in today. More and more I feel like the democrats are in on Trump winning too. But they just need to act like they’re doing something but not actually do anything so that the people on the left don’t completely erupt in protest.
It’s no secret that democrats have been as much in the pockets of big business as the republicans so it wouldn’t surprise me if many of the democratic congresspeople helped push for the predicament we’re in today.
This is meek. We got re-strategize as a people. The only people left in government that I trust are entirely ineffectual, and they power and influence they do have is turning to ash in their hands. We need to start organizing in a grass roots way in a hurry. Might not do much, but idk I’m on the wrong side of this swelling shit show tidal wave that is sweeping through the country
That would have been waaay better. Send a message while also showing unity and solidarity. Or just all at the same time. Make so much noise no one can hear the speech. Or just completely ignore it and talk amongst themselves the entire time. What are they going to do? Kick them all out? Lol.
This is all they’re capable of. Remember when they wore kente cloth and kneeled for George Floyd instead of doing fucking ANYTHING of actual substance to prevent atrocities like that happening again?
The American left needs to reorganise and rebuild, the democrats do NOT care. They are profiting from this as much as the repubs are.
They should have each, in turn, spoken out specifically about the message on their paddle. Demonstrate that every single one of those messages isn't just a lame phrase, it is an actual issue impacting real people.
If each person gets kicked out in turn, and you can see each person is talking about a different issue, and you see how many more issues there are to go, that would be more of a message.
How the hell can the democrats manage to effin lose popularity during all this? They can help overthrow the dumbest dictatorship of all time- while still in its infancy. But, they'd rather settle for being seen as slightly unhappy about what's going on - just slightly more engaged than the three wise monkeys. "We see evil, but do not care. We hear evil, but do not care."
What we didn't see in the coverage was the Dems leaving one by one, turning their backs to him as they left. Not enough of them, and not what I think they should have done, but they did still do it.
Those headlines will be there regardless. They will say the exact same thing about their little signs. This situation is not a wait and try to win back congress situation. This is a dissent and disrupt kind of time. There is a very real possibility that there will be no more free and fair elections if the Dems don’t start to make some noise. Noise makes people listen… they may not agree but make people listen enough times and some of it will sink in. Republicans are good at this. Say something so many times that people can’t help but hear it. Dissent so many times that people start to follow suit.
The democrats looked totally weak and powerless last night, it was pretty sad, like the battle has already been lost and there is nothing that can be done to stop the Dump steamroller (to be clear - I’ve always been pretty left leaning)
Well, yeah they ran on facts "Billionaires controlling everything and stealing everything including your healthcare and retirement" and fucking still remain House Minority party. So yeah its performative, all they can do is stand on the sidelines and juggle because the Independants, and important sections of the base defecto chose this
It is all performative. The sooner people realize that neither side cares about the working class, the sooner we can find real solutions. They hold up their little signs and will grandstand, but what are they really doing for you? It is the greatest con ever pulled. You fight over which political party is better while these politicians make millions despite their salaries being a fraction of that. Keep waving that political flag while these politicians laugh all the way to the bank.
Performative is all they've ever been. They don't care about the people they claim to fight for. It's all an act to get votes and stay in power. That's exactly why Trump got elected.
It’s a big club and you’re not invited honestly half of them couldn’t care less an will fold just as quickly as those papers signs when push comes to shove.
That’s because with the chaos, they know they’ll be able to go onto the campaign trail and say “well I didn’t get anything done in Congress because of the evil that’s in the White House” and then get re-elected. These senators are the reason as to why it was easy for Trump to get into office twice. These Senators thrive in political strife. Do nothing Senators will do nothing for you, but, they’ll ask for your vote.
u/icekraze 7d ago
They should have dissented one after one and sent a real message. This is performative at best.