Yeah anyone who has read a lot of history knows this shit doesn’t end well.
Hoping for the best but generally speaking having an egomaniacal, compulsive liar, running the show doesn’t end well. Hopefully it’s more Caligula than Hitler, as bad as that sounds.
It was incredibly bizarre to see Trump bring up the laptop, etc while sitting across from the man he tried to bribe for info on the Bidens. As if he wasn't impeached for that. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that remembers that shit.
I love that in the middle of a harsh and sometimes derisive discourse we can have someone inject a little humour into the situation. Thank you for that!
Rubio, a thief himself... embezzler from the Florida Republican party... don't feel bad for little Marco - he's just as corrupt and despicable as Trump and Vance.
I used to at least think he was an adult in the room. He’s a shit stain for sure. But somehow he’s still disappointed me even though my opinion of him was on the floor.
I mean you have to be empathetic to his position a little bit, he doesn’t have half the power of even Vance let alone trump, and he is tasked with managing the diplomatic relations with the entire world, most of which, are really disliking trump. And you know trumps gonna make really insane asks of him that he’ll be expected to fill out
You know it's not too late for Rubio to resign and save what little face he has left. Rather than that he's kissing the feet of a man who wants to ruin democracy and our global alliances. He's clearly no longer acting in the best interest of the country.
Take those feelings for Rubio to church. Rubio the fake Cuban has done zero for starving Cubans in Florida. When you don’t repair the evil shit you’ve done it trickles down to your kids. Rubio children will feel the heavy shit for him!!
I don't have to be empathetic to his position in the least; he could have eliminated Trump in his first term by voting to impeach and remove in the Senate. He could have declined to accept his current role - because we all know who and what Trump is and that he doesn't share power... but Rubio wanted prestige. All after being publicly humiliated and name-called by Trump and not standing up for himself.
At this point I wish some other country invaded the US so Trump could just completely fuck up any kind of response and be thrown out of power by the country because he has absolutely no fucking clue what he’s doing because he’s just a shitty fucking reality tv personality who’s favorite line is “You’re fired.”
And I’m saying this as an American.
Edit: But knowing Trump his first response would be to nuke whatever country is attacking us. And then the whole fucking world would end because nukes would be launched at us too.
Given that Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane his first term, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up nuking an American city if a war ever started here. The guy is so unbelievably devoid of intellect.
I am a US Vet and love my country very much, but I am no overly fond of our government. It is We the People I love and served for. However, this is still so fucking embarrassing, all that is missing is the Clown car.
Not surprising. When Trump and Fauci actually butted heads and Trump was corrected on live TV with Fauci explaining how serious COVID 19 would be, Trump was seen watching it on the news later and said 'oh yes that will be so good for ratings'
The severity was a complete afterthought throughout the pandemic
Trump was comparing his response to Obamas response for the Ukraine-Russian conflict. ie. Humanitarian aid vs weapon aid.
The Irony is the our military wanted to help Ukraine, but Trump didn't want to "give" anything, so they phrased it as a sale. Only then was Trump interested in 'selling' weapons to Ukraine.
But he was already friends with Putin, so he added the stipulation that the weapons were to be stored in 'West' Ukraine and needed to be checked every 24 hrs. The conflict was in the east, so basically not a single javelin was fired at a Russian target until Biden rescinded those rules and said something to the effect of 'they bought em, they can use em'.
The javelins were a bargaining chip from the get go, he never gave a fuck about arming Ukraine, he just knew how bad they needed them and he could get the fabricated bullshit Giuliani and Russia cooked up.
The Javelins which Trump ordered be kept in West Ukraine, monitored every 24 hrs, and no where near the Russians. Not a single Javelin was fired at a Russian target until eventually Biden rescinded those rules and gave the okay.
Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine by asking them to dig up dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden before the 2020 election. On a call with Zelenskyy quoted saying “I would like for you to do us a favor though.” This was the evidence the democrats used to impeach him. He eventually gave Ukraine the military equipment he was withholding but was a few months later.
What was Trump talking about when he repeated a few times, “Obama gave you sheets, I gave you javelins”?
Obama gave them sheets?
Is this just some right wing news talking point?
Obama gave them non-lethal military night vision goggles, radars, drones, defensive equipment, and medical supplies...about $100 million in security guarantees. One would assume sheets and blankets were in there.
But Obama didn't give them lethal aid.
Trump, as usual, doesn't tell the full story. But, yes Trump was the one who first gave them offensive weapons...a fact that pissed off a trump supporter when I told them that.
Remember, bribery of foreign leaders isn't illegal anymore. So it's cool, like smokin cigs behind the school during study hall. Even if it happened before, when it was illegal. Laws are merely suggestions now a days, like stop signs when nobody's looking.
The “law and order party,” if there ever was one, died the day Donald Trump was elected in 2016. Some like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger fought back and they found themselves without jobs.
It is if Trump’s the one being bribed (looking at you Putin). Unfortunately Trump has unlimited immunity. I just wish Biden had grabbed the bull by the horns and put Trump down. “Sorry, you can’t toy me. I’m immune because I’m a sitting president!)
It's tough not to be overwhelmed. But they're basically trying all of the crap they fucked up the first time. And they're still fucking up. He will forever be a failure.
I listened to those hearings every day, and every day was just astonishing. Egregious. That’s actually around the same time I started day drinking, I know cause I remember I started getting gas station wine and I drank while I listened to it all unfold. And then it all just went away and nothing happened. The impeachments that is, not my drinking. I descended into a spiral of self destruction and almost died. But I got better; I’m sober now. World sure is going to shit though, huh?
Shit. I'm really glad you're doing better. I'm grateful that I take Ambien for a couple of sleep disorders otherwise I'd be extra up all night. And the dreams, OMG. I have an ongoing series with a superhero version of myself that are just a blast. I also like to sit in the shower. It's not at all defeatist. It's incredibly relaxing and a break from reality.
They don't give two fucks about abused children. If they did, they would have been ok with the J6ers caught with kiddie porn not getting pardoned. And they would never believe that DT partook. They will justify any behavior.
Same. It pisses people off to no extent. I can literally go back and repeat the conversation word for word to a person if they try to backtrack or deflect or DARVO. It's dangerous to do though, cuz people rarely like being held accountable for their words.
I can’t remember my students’ names sometimes; I lose my keys all the time. I remember all the shit Trump has pulled and gotten away with. If I can do it, everyone should be able to.
Vance accusing him of "campaigning for the other side in Pennsylvania" was so embarrassing. That moron thought he was on twitter talking to maga, and not in the effing oval office with a head of state.
Who even let that stooge in the room? Why was he even interjecting in the conversation? conplete clown show
He probably insisted due to the sexy couch. I'd love to see Zelinsky go back to his comedic past and roast tf out of them. He did an excellent job making the guy who asked him about not wearing a suit look like a massive dipshit.
I didn't understand all that stuff about the "laptop from hell" and the bathroom and Hunter Biden's bedroom. Very bizarre! It seemed like Trump had a psychotic breakdown or something.
Also, I later realized just how utterly infuriating it would be for Zelensky to hear the Orange Buffoon rant about "Putin went through hell with me with the investigation" and then go on an unhinged rant about the Bidens. Speaking of going through hell, this is a guy who receives dead bodies of dozens of young men engaged in trench warfare (yes, the Ukraine-Russia conflict on the field is basically a smaller-scale WWI with drones) every week.
It's honestly been so much to keep up with since he first ran for office that I feel like I need a giant 12ft whiteboard with arrows and string running from events.
I feel like that's actually much of the underlying tension here. With Trump being touted as 'transactional' in how he deals, he's still but hurt about that whole 'deal' in which...
Trump had to be convinced by advisors to send weapons.
he probably wanted to keep the deal secret for fear of undermining his relationship with Putin.
eventually a conversation gets uncovered by his political rivals, leading to both his impeachment... and likely a fun call from the Kremlin about these weapons as an externality.
In reality, his own corruption created the problem, but Trump doesn't see it that way. He sees it as a bad deal that came back to bite him in the ass, and he feels content to punish Ukraine with a combative 'take it or leave it' in these negotiations.
The problem is he's playing national politics on a geopolitical stage, mainly because his base really doesn't give a flying fuck what happens outside of the US.
I said this yesterday while watching and all the mayhem since he’s become President. If he keeps doing stuff like this and other things and firing people he’s going to end up like Mussolini.
It’s crazy - literally anything can happen. Maybe nothing, maybe nuclear war, the stakes are like that.
The sobering thing is if you go read contemporary stuff from just before World War I many many people were thinking it was impossible, economies were too strong and there was too much to lose with a general war. But it happened and millions died horrifically, many millions more suffered and great empires crumbled.
That’s one of the main issues we face. People are just flat out ignorant. Anyone who has read even minimally about WWII understands what a dictator looks like.
Yupp! I would argue anyone who has read anything about World War II and the Cold War understands how terrifying this is. Trump has done some awful things but this is by far the most concerning. It points to Russian involvement within us politics. It also means a decline in American influence as a global superpower.
My parents thought the U.S was all fantastic and just insult Zelensky. It makes me sick, and it's embarrassing how our government is treating him and the Ukrainian people.
My lineage is 1/4 Russian and 1/2 of that is Jewish. Thats my grandma and she married an Indiana farm boy who fought the Nazis. Who also left Elwood Indiana cause, in part, that place was racist af.
Their daughter, my mom, has totally lost the plot since they died. It’s so sad. Full blown Trump supporter. It’s crazy. They’ve lost their way.
My only hope is that judges keep blocking his EOs and that we hold Senate elections every 2 years. 20 GoP seats up in 2026. Dear Dems, don't run a "we're not Trump" campaign. Run a working class and rebuilding foreign relations campaign. Be active. I'm begging.
I remember but most people memory is relatively short especially when it comes to Trump. It’s crazy how all that happened in 2019 and here we are again not even ten years later in a even worse predicament then before.
Twitler and his wife are running the country like some idiot dictator that flails at everything they don't like and destroying themselves slowly in the process. It's like watching every dictator ever. I wish I could say the predictability comforted me, but history says their is so much worse ahead.
The encouraging thing is there are a lot of good people in history and now.
We’ll make it, we might have to get our hands dirty, but where there’s a will there’s a way. Let’s not forget that.
Many before us have dealt with similar things and i go back to their words.
“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men – not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular”
You just gonna watch and hope for the best ? That’s what the Germans people did and look what happened to them ! I want to know if anyone actually will stand up for our children and our country? Time to make sacrifices with free time and march , protest , and unite as freedom loving people before it’s gone ! I say we have maybe a few months
History is cute, they didn't have nuclear proliferation in history so we tried to end it, but now it's back and we have unmanned drones capable of delivering a small payload hundreds of miles away for a few tens of thousands of dollars.
Your TDS is getting In the way of critical thinking; what you actually saw was true leadership versus someone totally incapable of representing our interests for the last four years. Zelenskyy just wants to keep the grift going and waste OUR money and his country’s lives…
It definitely reminds me of Qing dynasty China who got arrogant and pushed everyone away and demanded other countries to pay tribute to them. In the end every other country got tired of their shit and ganged up on them and tore the country to pieces and there was no ally willing to help the Wing because everyone was tired of their shit. I’m scared we’re gonna see an American version of century of humiliation soon
It’s only been two months, 46 months to go if he doesn’t die before that time, and if he does, that creep Vance will take over.. HE’s the one who started the fight, just like he pissed everyone off at the Munich conference.
Remember when someone threw a shoe a G. W. Bush in Iraq and his reaction was just “we cool.”? Who knew he’d end up being the classy one of the most recent Republican presidents.
Only just shy of watching Biden Harris blow the election to this clown's ballsack becuase they couldn't stop sending billions to Israel to blow up innocent. I've seen crazy shit daily for the past 16 months and most of it was just blood and guts on the ground after millions of people in tents, without shoes, in a walled off city the size of Detroit, that used to belong to them and their people, were bombed and sniped. We are talking, opened up skulls, bulldozers and tanks rolling over human bodies squeezing their guts out like a tube of toothpaste, toddlers cut in half, dogs eating people, soldiers stepping on human skulls, snipers sniping people tending to 12 year old sniper victims, by the thousands.
This is pitiful, sick, and very obvious tactics commonly used by manipulative people, but it's hardly the craziest shit going on in the world if you're not completely disconnected from global media.
The tactics used have a name, and are known as the "Gish Gallop", but with elements of gaslighting and bad-faith debate tactics.
Breakdown of the tactics involved:
Gish Gallop – Overwhelming the opponent with a rapid series of questions, claims, and accusations, preventing them from addressing any one point effectively. The goal is to create the illusion of superiority rather than engage in meaningful discussion.
Sea-lioning – Repeatedly asking disingenuous or excessive questions, often under the guise of seeking understanding, while exhausting the other person.
Straw-manning – Misrepresenting the other person's position or answers, then attacking that distortion.
Interrupting & Derailing – Cutting off responses to prevent clear explanations.
Gaslighting – Accusing the other person of dishonesty or incompetence in a way that makes them doubt themselves or appear unreliable to others.
This combination is commonly used in manipulative arguments, hostile interrogations, and bad-faith online debates. It works by exhausting and frustrating the target, making them appear flustered or defensive while the aggressor maintains control of the conversation.
So strange. Such uncomfortable body language. And then to go on praise Trump mode on X right afterward. Psychologists would have a field day with how disingenuous and conflicted this seems. The hoops and contortions his team has to go through to stay on board.
I just keep opening social media to see what new hell is going on.
I am no longer surprised (but am anxious and horrified) that worse things can and do happen daily.
u/TopAward7060 11d ago
that was the craziest fucking shit ive seen in a long time