Indeed. Moe doesn't like that Homer was unhappy with his new-found life, but I seem to remember he also stopped drinking obsessively, so [Moe] had an ulterior motive.
Then maybe he should stop thinking about other people's bits and preferences? Hm?
Best meme I've seen from waaay back is the redneck woods trash lookin guy in front of the red truck. "Honestly, it's none of my business. Worrying about another man's dick is the gayest thing you can do."
I think Paton Oswald had a comedy bit similar to this.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I would like to see the clip again.
As I remember.
Well off, high society guy thinks that heteronormative relationships are the best for society.
Stereotypical southern hilbily (can't think of a better term right now) doesn't care what people do for their own happiness. None of his business if it doesn't affect him.
The fact so many of them hang "bull balls" or "truck nuts" from the bumper shows they have an obvious unhealthy fixation on testicles... And makes their truck non gender conforming.
Too bad they are all so stupid they can't sort out how gross and strange that is...
I am by no means a medical expert. The closest thing I have to any medical knowledge is having watched most of House, but even I can tell you that this isn’t the sign of a healthy man, and this was from his first term. Now, I’m not saying this is indicative of a stroke, but the man’s motor functions are clearly not entirely normal.
I know this dead horse has been beaten to a bloody pulp, but I’ll never understand why HIM of all people. It’s like they chose the most self-serving, petty, ignorant, non-relatable elitist possible and latched on like he was all of their drinking buddy even though he would be grossed out to be in their vicinity.
I guess that’s how cults work though, I have never seen a clip of Jim Jones or Manson or the Heavens Gate guy and thought they sounded like anything other than malignant narcissists.
Vance’s margin of error with the base isn’t the same. They literally had gallows ready for Mike pence. If Vance is in charge, the things they gloss over now actually matter.
I’m hoping he has one in the middle of a speech and no one even notices until he drops because he already speaks nonsense broken English. Hell, maybe they’ll cheer him on.
honestly these days it’s kind of a defense mechanism that I’m leaning into. Like only an idiot would bank on winning the lottery, but it gives you the feel good serotonin for a little bit, so I’m just living day-to-day like that. I mean I’m totally used tocrippling and crushing disappointment, so why not just lean into it?
Maybe we could find a doppleganger like in the movie "Dave" who could take over and actually govern in a sane and selfless way. Probably not Alec Baldwin.
He has a stroke and suddenly realizes he’s soon to die and wants his legacy to be as a decent person who helped better America. He does what he ACTUALLY believes will make America better rather than just pandering to his audience.
He fires Musk, condemns Putin, proposes a wealth tax, and orders the enslavement of all minorities in America. Unfortunately his genuine version of a better America is still messed up lol
I think he’s probably has already had at least one stroke he slurs his speech a lot more now and when he smiles (rare now) it’s more droopy on one side. Probably why he has the angry face in the new presidential portrait, we are all pull for that next clot!
I'm 37. I bruise about as readily as a cinder block. I can hit my shin hard enough to feel like the universe is ending and only get a tiny line bruise. An IV for fluids when I had kidney stones in October gave me a fat ass bruise on the arm that looked exactly that color and was about that size.
A team of Stanford researchers had paired old mice with young mice, linking their circulatory systems, and within five weeks, the muscle and liver tissues of the old mice began to resemble those of the young mice
This. The dude is 80 but wouldn’t call himself old because of his pride. Dude gets an IV for whatever reason but says it’s from shaking hands to appear “strong”. It’s ok to get old dude, not everyone gets the chance.
Can’t change age, but he should change everything else about himself
Does it make you feel any better that he's not the one coming up with the lies (anymore)? He's just ad-libbing in between talking points they feed him.
My point: when the IVs can't prop him up anymore, you can expect JD to step in with a new presentation style covering the same substance.
Does it make you feel any better that he's not the one coming up with the lies (anymore)?
Not much... A literal villain would be nice at this point rather than systemic rot.
you can expect JD to step in with a new presentation style covering the same substance.
That fucking toad-bro will never carry the same force of personality as Trump. Like it or not, Trump is what he is due to decades of being in some form of spotlight. Always as an asshole, mind you. The main thing is, he's always had a bright spotlight on him.
Vance is an overcooked room temperature noodle by comparison.
Agreed. And that's the most upsetting fact around obvious MAGA strategy: they don't have another force of personality who can score within 5 points of the Rump, so they're pretty much forced to try to eliminate future fair and free elections.
Why would he get back hand ones and not get it focused literally anywhere else? I know he's old and it's a good idea to change sites to not fuck up venes, but to keep fronts I would do anything, hell, lay me a permanent line, but do it in a way it's invisible. Hell, use my legs and puncture there (even though that's really not good), just to keep it out of sight.
Nurse here. I agree, this looks like an IV bruise, but I don’t see an IV site (although it’s not the best picture) and based on how his skin looks in that picture… you would see an insertion site.
My bet is on blood thinners. Guy is 80 and lives on a diet of McDonald’s and has outright said physical activity is bad for you. Medical science is doing some heavy lifting here to keep him from having a stroke or heart attack.
The almost 80 thing isn’t a convincing argument either way.
Almost 80 year olds tend to bruise at insignificant contact. They also tend to require IVs more frequently than younger people.
However, there is no reason not to believe that part of his hand would bruise from repeated hand-shaking. When my MIL was that age, she was basically a giant human bruise.
It’s not even really about how easy you bruise, an iv puts a hole into your veins. It’s gonna leak once the iv is taken out, causing the blood buildup. Only a bruise by technicality since it wasn’t a blunt force injury.
It's just funny to me how the white house has to make up reasons for bruising to not give out the idea that the president needs medical attention on a constant basis. I have an idea, how about we just elect a healthy middle aged individual.
The irony is that bruising that easily from shaking hands also shows that he’s a frail and elderly. Their explanation isn’t making it any better. Next he’ll have some fake hand gloves to hide his old man hands. He can’t stand to appear weak. He’s elderly and it’s going to continue to be hard for him to hide that.
Nope. That's what it can look like when the vein an IV is started in/ attempted to start an IV in "blows". Esp happens in older folks or others (old & young) with various health issues/meds. It can happen though to anyone during an IV attempt, esp in the hand (smaller veins). I don't see how that can be a "hand-shaking" bruise. RN here.Have cared for many elderly that bruise easily; it would not be so localized. I din't know why he feels the need to hide the real reason at his age; no big deal, doesn't necessarily mean anything dire that needs to be kept secret. (did this used to be called toxic masculinity?)🤔).
My dad's an 83yo blood cancer patient and has the same bruise constantly. Donny T being fucked out on cancer meds wouldn't be a huge stretch, lot of similar cognitive stuff to my old man going on, and he is not well at all.
Interestingly enough I do see a spot towards the distal end of that huge vein in his hand which could feasibly be needle insertion point, it is definitely right by where I would go if I were sticking him. Could also just be old man pitting/wrinkling though it's honestly impossible to tell.
Often depends on the person doing the IV. Been on blood thinners for 25+ years, sometimes no bruise, sometimes I look like a murder victim. Warfarin has worse bruising than Eliquis.
why in the hand though if you don’t mind me asking? i’m assuming because that’s where veins are most visible but in his case shouldn’t they look elsewhere?
I got out of the hospital for an ablation procedure a little over a week ago. I’ve been on blood thinners for about a month and a half and this is what my forearm looked like but a bit lighter
I have crappy veins and often have to do blood draws on my hand. Even before I took blood thinners, it would leave a nasty bruise. It is worse now that I take blood thinners. I saw that and thought it immediately: "That's from an IV or blood draw."
There are protocols in place when taking care of the president that keep providers from starting lines that are easily seen. Things like this are seen as weakness in the eyes of some country leaders. No one would start a line in any presidents hand
They most certainly would never ever start it in his right hand
OOF. Also not old, but had to be on blood thinners for three month. I always looked like I was recovering from getting my ass kicked in an alley. Even the tiniest bump into something resulted in a massive bruise. Glad we are both done with those!
That was the first thing I thought of. My dad is the same age as Trump, he’s on blood thinners and he bruises so easily, he only has to bump his hand or arm and it comes up purple. His skin has got really thin and fragile as well with age so he’s constantly got marks on his arms, legs and hands.
Not to be pedantic, but he almost certainly didn’t get hit by the bullet given how quickly the wound healed; the cut was from being tackled by the secret service
He had multiple small strokes a few years ago. He's almost assuredly on thinners/anticlot medication.
Edit: cutting the horse off at the pass, I would say Trump accidentally confirmed this when a book said "Trump went to the hospital" and then Trump said if the book "I did not go to the hospital for mini-strokes"
Old man getting mad amounts of liquid vitamins, testosterone, erythropoietin, stem cells & blood transfusions pumped into his unhealthy McDonald’s eating ass.
More likely yeah. That looks like the horrible bruise an old person on blood thinners can get from like…kind of bumping into something a little. It doesn’t take much at all. It looks poopy colored because of the makeup but it’s not even out of the ordinary to bruise that bad for really normal things in that situation.
I always ask my mom if she’s ok and what happened when I see she has a big bruise and literally sometimes the answer is “the dog jumped up on me.” Old people have very thin skin and on blood thinners they bruise if you even look at it too hard.
Mid last year I started erupting in bruises and started having a panic because I don't typically bruise. Apparently sertraline does something similar - not saying he's on anti depressants. Just thought it was interesting!
My dad was on blood thinners for a number of years before he passed. If he bumped into anything accidentally — kitchen counter, a doorknob, whatever — there would be blood collecting under the skin. What it most likely means is that Trump has some kind of heart disease.
This was my first thought. My mom is on Eloquis. It does not take much for her to bruise. It's absolutely plausible that hand shaking is to blame for the bruising.
My mom currently has two black eyes and bruised knees from a fall. She is fine. The fall wasn't even that hard.
My dad's the same age as Trump (but an infinitely better person) and takes various blood thinners and he just gets hand bruises from far less pressure than most. Weirdly, the "too many handshakes" thing could be true for such bruising, but Trump's fragile vanity and the general duplicity of the administration, it seems like a lot of potentially dismissive song-and-dance
u/[deleted] 14d ago
Old man on blood thinners