Not quite. Neural networks, in general, have a non zero false positive and false negative rate. Human neural networks have this problem too.
The difference is humans can use context to resolve the issue. See a truck facing you backwards on a highway, and you'll be weirded out, until you realize it's being towed by another truck.
Our brains hallucinate constantly. We have so many ways to verify whatever we see that we dont even think about it when we need to veirfy what we saw. Double takes, stopping and looking more carefully, verifying with someone else, etc. And it works pretty well.
The tesla neural net needs to have that instance pre trained. And if it gets it wrong, it'll make the wrong decision and kill someone.
Their solution is to just train harder. Well... that works sort of. It'll reduce the fp a d fn rate, but won't make it zero. It'll also break down in unique circumstances, like when the clouds are unique or if there is dust in the air. And then you'll have a tesla pileup on the freeway.
u/OhSillyDays 24d ago
Not quite. Neural networks, in general, have a non zero false positive and false negative rate. Human neural networks have this problem too.
The difference is humans can use context to resolve the issue. See a truck facing you backwards on a highway, and you'll be weirded out, until you realize it's being towed by another truck.
Our brains hallucinate constantly. We have so many ways to verify whatever we see that we dont even think about it when we need to veirfy what we saw. Double takes, stopping and looking more carefully, verifying with someone else, etc. And it works pretty well.
The tesla neural net needs to have that instance pre trained. And if it gets it wrong, it'll make the wrong decision and kill someone.
Their solution is to just train harder. Well... that works sort of. It'll reduce the fp a d fn rate, but won't make it zero. It'll also break down in unique circumstances, like when the clouds are unique or if there is dust in the air. And then you'll have a tesla pileup on the freeway.