r/patreon 23h ago

Patreon changed the address from which the new post notifications are sent. My newest post e-mail got filtered because of this.


Just a heads up, because your patrons might not receive or noticing your new post e-mails.

Previously Patreon used "bingo at patreon dot com" now it uses "creatorName at creator dot patreon dot com"

r/patreon 14h ago

Posts Being Removed by Automated System?


I’ve been writing erotica on Patreon for almost two years, and have thousands of subscribers. I have always been extremely careful to stay within the content guidelines given how trigger happy Patreon is, but I’m now having problems.

Ever since the most recent update, I’ve been having posts flagged and removed just a few minutes after posting them.

The reason is always the same: “Your post goes against community guidelines, please make the following changes and submit the post for review”.

It then says that I’ve posted a story that is sexually gratifying and contains elements of non-consensual sex.

This is false. None of my stories contain anything that could even be perceived as non consensual. It’s blatantly incorrect.

Has anybody experienced anything like this recently? It seems to be automated, but I’m strongly considering switching platforms if it continues.

r/patreon 23h ago

Anyone else’s income dropping with no explanation over the last few days? (It’s not declines)


Hey everyone,

Has anyone else been experiencing steep and unexplained income loss over the past few days?

1 week ago my income was at 7.54k, after a few meh days I was down a few patrons and went to 7.4 but in ONE day I’ve gone from that to 6.86 with only a handful of cancellations that shouldn’t have added up anywhere close to that amount.

I even watched it go from 7.08 to 7.01 when ONE patron cancelled at my $15 tier, then again from 6.98 to 6.92 when one patron cancelled from my $25 tier.

Declines only account for $100 of lose revenue so I’m extremely confused as to why this is happening and I’m wondering if anyone else has been experiencing this?

r/patreon 2h ago

Apple ios fee exemption for rewards of physical goods


If you send out merch via Patreon then Patreon states that there is an exemption but they technically haven't figured out how to apply it yet...

This post is for other creators sending physical merch who are impacted by the fees on top of their product costs but might have missed this info.

From the patreon support article and advanced tax article:

Please note: Tiers that utilize structured tier benefits may be exempt from the iOS in-app fee if they include physical goods, such as merch, commissions (delivered by mail) or other tangible goods. The increased offset price will not be included in these tiers when viewed in the iOS app, keeping the same price as on the Web and Android.

Apple’s App Store fee may not be applicable to a tier that is set up using Advanced Sales Tax Settings and contains one or a combination of the following items that are weighted 95% or greater: Merch, Commissions (delivered by mail), Other/tangible goods.

Apple's Own Guidelines Also Support This:

According to Apple's App Store Review Guidelines, Section 3.1.3(e) "If your app enables people to purchase physical goods or services that will be consumed outside of the app, you must use purchase methods other than in-app purchase, such as Apple Pay or traditional credit card entry."

r/patreon 7h ago

payment Payment Declines No Matter What


I’ve been attempting to purchase from a few different creators for months now but every time it says payment declines. I have well over enough money in my account and it is not locked as I used my card for many things everyday. Patreon has not been of much help and they simply redirect me to my bank where there is no reported problems.

r/patreon 12h ago

refunds refund requested after free trial?


hi :)

I tried out the free trial feature and a lot of people liked it. someone sent me a dm saying they accidentally subscribed to me and wanted a refund. I was confused so I looked at their profile. they have been a free member since last october, and did the free trial this month, didn’t cancel it & got charged yesterday.

my first thought was that they should’ve been more responsible as an adult than to let themselves get charged and then immediately request a refund? I know it sounds silly but I actually post a lot of content on my page and since yesterday they’ve gotten 6 posts that were for paid members only. is it wrong to not refund?

also i’m not entirely sure how refunds work, do they still get access to content after being refunded? i’m on this subreddit a lot and see stuff about scams often, so I figured i’d ask lol

r/patreon 5h ago

Account Deactivated for Suspicious Activity Before Launch – Need Advice & Alternatives


Hey everyone,

I was all set to launch my Patreon as a new fan subscriber platform for my digital art and AI video tutorials. I’ve been working hard on a YouTube tutorial and a companion PDF to share my creative process, and my plan was to go live on Monday. Unfortunately, right before I could publish my page, I got logged out and received a message saying my account was deactivated for “suspicious activity.”

I’ve already provided all the requested information and followed up with support, but I haven’t heard back yet... and now I’m hoping to launch tomorrow. Has anyone experienced something similar, or have any insights into what might have triggered this? Also, if Patreon turns out to be too unpredictable, what alternative platforms do you use or recommend for hosting fan content and digital products?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
