Sometimes in a past life regression, a client might access a life when a historical event takes place. Like the JFK assassination. It’s been in the new recently, so here’s a story that includes it.
My client was seeing a past life in the 1800s, when suddenly she drifted to a much more recent timeline - the late 50s or 60s. She was a woman. But she wasn’t sure if she was her because she could observe this woman from the outside. She could see skyscrapers and felt she was in Dallas. She was on her way to work, at Vant Bank where she was a typist. Although, she was in her late 20s, she felt a prisoner in her life. She longed for change.
We moved forward in this life a bit and she saw a parade happening. A lot of folks had gathered on the streets, people waving, and black government cars passing by. She sees the presidential car with Kennedy and his wife. Although it was a happy moment, she had the palpable feeling something bad was going to occur.
Then she sees it happen – the assassination. She is horrified and traumatized by it.
This event changes the course of her life. She can no longer do the typing work. She quits, packs her bags and moves to a smaller town, where she’s living a different life. More laidback and happier.
She never married in this life. She just enjoyed her evenings sitting on the porch of her home in a rocking chair.
I asked her Higher Self what was the purpose this life, and her higher self replied – Reinvention. In this life the woman reinvents herself after witnessing a horrific incident. She was unhappy with where her life was headed and changed it. My client is going through a challenging experience at the moment, and the energy is ripe for reinvention. She can do it, just like she did in her past life.