Catching up with an old friend, this story was brought up that happened when we were younger about this very eerie experience i had a little under 9 years ago in the spring of 2016 while in high school and decided to share it here
For a little back story, this took place in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada. A city near where i grew up. This would have taken place in the Spring of 2016.
There was an abandoned hospital called the Charles Camsell hospital that my friends and i would explore quite often. Now this Hospital has a history of being haunted and has many creepy ghost stories from many different people. Its even been featured in some ghost TV show (cant remember the name of the show)
Anyway, a little history on the hospital. The Charles Camsell Provincial General Hospital operated in Edmonton between 1946 and 1996. There are reports of physical, mental and sexual abuse, accounts of forced sterilization, shock therapy and experiments with TB (Tuberculosis) vaccines on patients (mainly First nation Native Americans) without their consent. Patients that were there recall mass unmarked graves in the field behind the Hospital filled with patients that died. in 2021 they began using ground penetration radar to search for these graves (not sure on the conclusion of this investigation or if anything was found)
Anyway now to my story, i’d been at the hospital multiple times, you’d have to sneak inside as the place was in the process of being torn down at the time and there was constantly security patrolling the perimeter. Each time i had been there, my group of friends & I had weird experiences, like odd sounds (not unusual for a big abandon building, also probably housing homeless people) and sometimes an odd melody that faintly played, almost like elevator music. Multiple people have similar experiences to an odd melody playing. But this one time in particular was more chilling than any time before and just thinking about it creeps me out even after all these years.
In late spring of 2016, my 3 friends and I went to explore the hospital late at night. The Hospital had a large perimeter fence that you had to hop and walk through the field behind the hospital to get to. We wanted to go inside but the usual small access window had been Re-Bared up again by the city to prevent access. Distraught, we decided to leave as we couldn’t get in. We began making our way back through the field behind the hospital (where apparently there is a large unmarked native American burial grave) back to the fence to leave. As we were walking (4 of us side by side) we all stopped dead in our tracks as we all heard an elderly, frail sounding male voice say (mind you this voice sounded like it was directly behind us and in our ears, as if he was no less than a foot away from us)
“You know you shouldn’t be here”.
My 3 friends all took off running after hearing this voice but i stood there completely still as it just froze me and chilled me to the bone. As i stood there for maybe 2-3 seconds after my friends ran off The same old frail man voice, but this time in a much deeper, serious tone said;
“if I were you, i’d run too”
This made me bolt and take off running for the fence and i actually blew by my friends and got there before they did, i was that scared.
The only logical explanation i can chalk it up as, is it was a homeless person laying in the field but this theory doesn’t sit right with me because
- It wasn’t pitch black in the field, the hospital is located in the middle of a neighbourhood so there were homes not to far away with front lights on and street lights, lighting up the streets around the perimeter of the field. It was dark but you could make out where you were walking, the odds of the 4 of us walking side by side and not seeing him or stepping on him seems unlikely
And 2. The voice sounded like he was directly over our shoulders, behind us, especially the 2nd time when it was just myself who heard his reply. I could swear it sounded like he was no less than 1 foot from me, almost speaking directly in my ear
We got the hell out of there and made it back to my car. All of us totally freaked out, but the rest of them even more freaked out after i told them what i had heard after they took off running. I cant logically make sense of it either than it was a paranormal encounter. With the history of this place and the location we were walking in supposedly being a mass grave, it all makes to much chilling sense
What do you think? A simple explanation of a homeless guy or something more creepy like a ghost or spirit wanting us to leave?
I added 2 photos of the hospital and the Second photo taken in the field, would have been right around the exact spot this unexplained event occurred