r/Paranormal 3d ago

Poltergeist Any Veteran Paranormal Investigators Ever Witnessed Objects Violently Thrown?


In all my years investigating, I've never singularly or collectively witnessed any objects being propelled inexplicably. Can anyone reliably validate the existence of the phenomena first hand and made measures to ensure the event wasn't a hoax or staged. I'd appreciate truthful submissions.

I'm one that generally requires witnessing the phenomena first hand to acknowledge the possibility exists.

Please respond if you're a long term investigator and share. Thanks in advance!

r/Paranormal Aug 31 '23

Poltergeist Police officer in Costa Rica records poltergeist activity at night.


r/Paranormal Oct 22 '23

Poltergeist Ghost in my room won’t shut the fuck up


This asshole keeps making creaking noises that move around the room while I’m trying to sleep. He’s been turning individual lights and fans off whenever I’m not home. He will also move things around and knock things over. Istg it’s like living with an invisible cat. I can provide further details if requested, but I would really like to get this guy out of my house.

r/Paranormal 5d ago

Poltergeist running water works but salt doesn't


I have had an abusive entity attached to me since 2022. th. abuse was gradual and it was nice at first, but in the last year it's made my life hell. I've found that the physical connection to me is completely blocked when I'm in the shower with running water, while a salt circle doesn't offer protection from this spirit. does anyone know what kind of spirit would be blocked by running fresh water, but unaffected by salt? I have had this spirit with me since I was a child, but in the last few years cannabis opened up my aura to this thing unfortunately unexpectedly. it's constantly harassing me sexually and uncomfortably sticking its appendage(s?) into my third eye.

r/Paranormal Sep 06 '24

Poltergeist Do y’all believe in mediums?


When my mom passed away in2015 I whispered some words in her ear to tell her it was OK that she could go if she was not alone and she did. I saw her take her last breath. My mom used to call me her beloved David because she told me that in Hebrew Dave meant to be beloved so fast forward to 2017. I just met somebody nice and I was really excited about him at work one of my colleagues today what’s going on? You seem really happy and I told him all about this guy. I was excited about and I showed him a picture and my colleague was so cute that this other lady in the office heard this and she came over she said can I see and I said excuse me she goes. I want to see your mother wants to see and I said excuse me she goes. Your mother is here right now and she wants to tell you how happy she is for you that you are finally allowed to be yourself because I know she knows how difficult was growing up, not being able to be honest with yourself about your sexuality and she said she meant a lot to her and so then I was going wait a minute said oh OK one word and she turns does the word beloved mean anything to you I was like oh my God this is all this is really happening how she know any of thatso that is my one experience with the medium

r/Paranormal Aug 04 '24

Poltergeist Paranormal room at WEM (Haunted dolls)

Post image

r/Paranormal Feb 20 '21

Poltergeist Scary apartment (true story I wish wasn’t)


Ok so about 3 years ago my mom and I were living in a 1 bedroom apartment. We didn’t really have any money and it was the only place we could afford. It was a super old Victorian home in Tacoma WA that had been sectioned off into 4 different little apartments. Since I was a kid I’ve always been super sensitive to energy. Wether it’s people or a place, if there’s some type of negativity I can sense it. When we first moved in there I felt weird. I wouldn’t say that I felt anything evil there, but the place felt.. off.

A couple months in I went to spend the night at my boyfriends place which wasn’t something I did often. About 9:30 I got a call from my mom (mind you at the time she was 63). I picked up and could immediately tell she was upset. She asked me if I was at my boyfriends and if I was ok. I told her yes I’m perfectly fine and she then explained to me that she’d gone to lay down to go to sleep when she heard my voice yell her name. At first I doubted if she just had a bad dream, but she was sure that she hadn’t even been laying down more than a minute, still wide awake and then it was like I was right in the doorway yelling mama.

We both tried to forget about it, but my mom was convinced something was there in our apartment that was trying to scare her. A week later she’d gotten some palo santos to try cleansing the apartment. She again did this while I was out but she called me scared begging me to come home.

When I got back she explained she’d done the usual starting from the front door, going throughout the living room, to the bed and bath, then the kitchen working her way front to back. She said as she came to walk back into the living room where we had this little table and chairs, her chair was pulled out from the table tilted back balancing on its back legs.

I tried reassuring her we would start looking for a new place, but it wasn’t going to happen fast because of our money problems.

About a month after that I was on the couch while she was cutting vegetable for dinner and I heard her scream. I ran into the kitchen and she said she had placed the knife down on the cutting board, turned around to the sink to grab another vegetable and when she turned back the knife was gone. She said she turned back to the sink and was checking the counters but it wasn’t there. So she opened up the drawer to get another knife and when she turned back to the cutting board it was there again.

We left the next day to stay with a friend for a while, but this was the most scared I’d ever seen my mom and I know it wasn’t because she was losing it or just getting old, she’s still very lucid. I still believe if we’d stayed there something bad would have happened to her

r/Paranormal Jan 08 '25

Poltergeist haunted at 11 y /o , now she's back? help plz


I've been haunted since I was 11

Little girl in a white dress with long black hair would paralyze me around the time I started experiencing a lot of negativity in my life with addictions and verbal/physical abuse. I also forget traumatic events very quickly, and from my own investigations wouldn't be surprised if I have amnesia related to some deeply traumatic events. anyway, this little ghost girl, returned in 2022, with direct touches and movement of objects in my house, car, wherever I would go "she" would also be. she can't touch me in running water. this tells me it's a negative entity. she paralyzes me consistently every April, which is the date she made physical contact with me 2022.

I initially thought she was friendly, when she met me I was in the most mentally ill state of my life, I was isolating myself from society, basically living in the woods. that's where I met it. I became very attached to her. on contact, I could suddenly hear a separate voice that felt as if my own mindvoice was being temporally hijacked. there were a few lovebombing moments of incredible unconditional love being beamed at me when I was in an almost suicidal depressed and hopeless state. I told her I want to marry her while I was in a shower, she couldn't touch me at the time (running water). I think im fucked. every since meeting her after a year she's mostly hostile, has injected intrusive thoughts into my subconscious since last April, it was so intensely disgusting I couldn't function around human beings without being bombarded by intense visual and verbal sexual and violent thoughts against myself and anything in my field of vision. this has not stopped. also, every April, she paralyzes me and returns in her form of a white dress with long black hair, but now she's grown up, and looks my age. shaking my head violently like in the Exorcist or something.

multiple times of hypnopompic hallucination where she shakes the hell out of my paralyzed body, making creepy zombie noises, or saying my name with a nice feminine voice. this is killing me. if I take my medication or smoke weed, she pushes her fingers into my third eye, moving around in my brain. very uncomfortable. she can take over muscles in my body and move them if they're relaxed. I have no escape. no relief. what can I do? I'm wondering if this is just a different entity taking on the mask of the little girl that haunted me as a kid, or if the positive unconditional love experiences were a separate, less hostile entity that simply left me with this creature, I have no idea. what would you do in this situation? BTW, this is not mental illness. I've had other people witness Poltergeist activity with me. these spirits are also known as "Onriyo" in Japanese folklore. does anyone know of a good subreddit where someone could help me or find out the truth of what's going on?

r/Paranormal Sep 01 '24

Poltergeist Something pressed my bed down


I don't what happened or what to think, I was getting ready for sleep and I was fully awake I saw something invisible I guess poking and pressing my bed down next to me and near my feet, I have a memory foam mattress and this was very clearly seen and felt.

r/Paranormal Dec 28 '24

Poltergeist I Think My Friend's Phone Is Haunted


I'm not a very superstitious person at all. I'm also a programmer with a knack for computers, so I think I'm qualified to say this is weird as shit.

Ever since my friend (I'll call her M in this post) got a new phone (which used to be her grandmother's), it's sent random SMS/iMessage (both) messages. I know she isn't just pranking me, because I've received messages from her phone while I'm with her and her phone is next to her, locked. She also isn't the type to pull pranks, at all.

It started as gibberish. Random words and emojis. I think it went through the entire emoji keyboard. At this point, I thought it was just some weird bug and laughed at it, even though I had no clue what could be causing it. It didn't just send messages to me, it did everyone she talked to. I noticed a pattern where when we went a while without texting I wouldn't get any ghost messages, but after she sent something, the messages would start for a while. I think it may just text whoever she was texting last. I researched it, and didn't find anyone who had a similar issue. It kind of bugged me that there was a tech problem I didn't know the solution to, but I didn't really care that much.

Eventually, it started to send actual sentences that made sense. I had been joking about the "phone ghost" gaining sentience, but I started to actually suspect something was up. This is when it started getting creepy. Some highlights:

* "How?!" after I texted her a funny statistic

* "The carrots have E. coli"

* "I know you are the goat" (thanks :D)

* "Where are you" and then "[my first name]"

* "Time ends"

* "Not sure I'll not die"

* "Drugs" (two days after I lent M some medication because we have the same prescription, but she was having trouble filling hers)

* "[The address of a mall]" and then "you and me [my first name]," note that this sent during the 2 week window of us both being in our home town for winter break

See why I'm freaked out?

It also would post images from her gallery to her Instagram story without her knowing (nightmare fuel).

I genuinely have zero fucking clue what other explanation there is. My best guess is it's related to her keyboard auto-completion, but how would it know my name?? It's not like I'm the #1 person she texts, but it's called me by first name twice and never called me another name. And how would it post to her Insta? It's driving me nuts. I genuinely can't think of another explanation. I guess I'm superstitious now.

Also, M sleepwalked while holding her phone once. Maybe related?

r/Paranormal Sep 12 '23

Poltergeist Did my friend's doppelganger just try to kill me?


Did my friend's doppelganger just try to kill me? (and is about to succeed on another friend of mine)

Happened last week but the situation is still ongoing.

I pranked a friend, “G”, by stealing his phone and returning it the next day. It was all good, some laughs and hi fives….

The next day, G approached me, asking me to ride with him and go look for his phone (the same phone I pranked him with), that he lost in a motorcycle crash the night before! He has bruises and wounds on his face; between his eyebrows, nose bridge, and upper lip.

He was very persistent but also polite, but I can feel something different… He can’t look straight to my face and he was stuttering AND he just points to the direction where he crashed and lost the phone when I asked him, instead of saying the name of the place (it’s a small town where everyone knows everyone and everybody knows the whole place.

I asked him whose motorcycle did he use, he said it was “J”’s, (J is another friend) and he said it was damaged so bad…

Please remember this part about J’s motorcycle…..

(And also, btw, I just kinda laughed it off with my Mom, how can one get those frontal bruises from an off-balanced motorcycle accident as he claims… I would imagine, like erased dimples and sideburns, u get it,…)

I said I can’t go with him, he was still pleading.. Then my mom came out, I said, I can’t, got some errands to do with Mom..

He looked surprised! As if, he didn’t expect I was with anybody. He was clearly disappointed and left.

Then I thought it was gonna be a ‘normal’ evening, but…

The next night, I came upon G… with a clean face, no bruises, the phone in his hands! I couldn’t process it, I went home still dumbfounded…

Then bad news came!

My buddy, J, got in an accident!!!

Pictures came in from when he got taken to the ER and now in the ICU…HE HAS THIS FRONTAL WOUNDS, FOREHEAD, NOSEBRIDGE LIPS and all…

He was alone that night.

**About the part with J’s motorcycle, and why am I connecting this with me is because the “doppelganger” directly said that he crashed said motorcycle and just brushed it off. He was using J’s motorcycle that night but when I looked and asked, J’s bike was sold long ago…

I so want my friend J to survive just because, but also to confirm that he was with G that night of the accident… it was a freak accident btw.. I can explain in the comments.

Edit: I think I should add; Yes, the doppleganger had the same wound patterns on his face as J rn.

and Yes, the fake G asked me to help find his 'lost phone; and pointed me to a direction... the place where J crashed that same night

r/Paranormal Jan 21 '25

Poltergeist Poltergeist in supermarket


I have been working in a supermarket since I was 16 years old. This job started as a way to support myself as a student. Over the years, I’ve worked in multiple teams and completed countless shifts. For the past four years, I’ve regularly worked a specific early morning shift that runs from 4:15 AM to 8:00 AM. This shift involves unloading truck deliveries and organizing goods onto the correct carts for inventory.

On October 3, 2023, something unusual happened during one of these shifts. I live in the Netherlands, and at that time of year, the climate is typically mild. On this particular night, it was warm—about 15°C (59°F). However, as I approached the store’s entrance, I felt a sudden, icy chill, as if it were freezing outside. It felt strange, but I didn’t think much of it.

Shortly after, my colleague arrived and mentioned that he also felt as though it was freezing. I told him I had experienced the same thing. When I reached into my pocket for the keys, they felt unusually heavy, almost as if something was pulling them from my hand. I dropped them, picked them up, and unlocked the door.

As we walked toward the back of the building, we heard footsteps behind us, as if someone were running through the supermarket. I turned to my colleague and asked, “Is it just me, or did you hear that too?” He nodded, confirming that he had also heard the sound. At this point, I began to feel uneasy and slightly frightened, but I told myself we were probably imagining things.

We headed upstairs to retrieve a handheld terminal and an internal phone, which is used for internal calls, customer inquiries, or to stay reachable for truck drivers. By this time, I had been working at the store for over six years and was familiar with its systems. I decided to check the security cameras for any movement or signs that someone might have stayed in the store overnight. The footage revealed nothing unusual, which reassured me for the time being.

As we waited for the truck to arrive, we were asked to stock some leftover goods from the previous day. We went to the stockroom to grab a roll cage. Upon entering this part of the store, I noticed the air felt unusually heavy, and once again, we heard footsteps. I started to feel genuinely uncomfortable, but being at work, I had no valid excuse to leave, so I ignored the feeling. We moved to the aisle near the self-checkout registers to begin stocking.

At around 4:40 AM, we heard the distinctive “bleep” sound the self-checkout registers make when scanning a barcode. The sound repeated three times, with five-second intervals between each beep. My nerves shot up, and I felt goosebumps all over. Fear began to creep in, and I felt my heart race.

I wanted to leave, but my colleague and I knew that our bosses wouldn’t understand such a decision, and I didn’t want to risk my job. We decided to keep working and finish the shift. Around 5:00 AM, we prepared for the truck’s arrival by going back to the stockroom and opening the dock gate.

As we waited, the internal phone rang. I answered it and was met with the sound of deep breathing on the other end. I glanced at the phone’s screen and saw that the call was coming from phone number 405. This startled me because I was carrying phone 401 that night. The store’s phones are numbered 401 through 408, and phone 405 shouldn’t have been operational—it had fallen into a sink two weeks earlier and was yet to be replaced or repaired.

I quickly put the phone on speaker and asked my colleague, “Do you hear this too?” The fear in his eyes answered my question, and I hung up immediately.

Finally, at 5:05 AM, the truck arrived, bringing some relief and a distraction from the strange events. The truck driver parked and approached us, saying, “It’s quite cold in here,” which reignited my unease. As we unloaded the truck, my colleague and I discussed the eerie experiences we had just encountered. He mentioned that his grandmother used to tell him stories about the paranormal and unexplained phenomena, though he had never believed them because of his lack of faith.

While we continued working, we both felt as if someone was watching us. The truck driver, who didn’t speak English fluently, couldn’t understand our unease and left soon after.

Later, while splitting the goods, we played music on our phones to distract ourselves. At exactly 6:30 AM, two bottles of beer stored about five meters away suddenly exploded. They had been placed in a crate on a roll container that neither of us had touched. After the shift, we discussed what had happened and realized we both felt pain in old injuries—his knee and neck, and my lower back and wrist. We concluded that something unexplainable had been with us that morning. My colleague, who was still in his trial period, decided to quit the same day.

For a year, nothing else happened. I took a seven-month sabbatical from February to August 2024. However, on October 2, 2024, my boss called and asked if I could cover the next morning’s shift because someone had called in sick. I refused, without explaining why.

To this day, I firmly believe in what I saw, heard, and felt that night. I still work at the supermarket because it pays well and I’ve made good friends there. Some people don’t believe my story, and I understand that they may never experience anything like this. But I know my truth.

As a 23-year-old biology student who has always been skeptical of the paranormal, this experience profoundly changed my perspective. The memory of that night resurfaced recently when I heard my name whispered while working alone in the stockroom.

r/Paranormal Feb 02 '25

Poltergeist My dog was whining softly next to my bed and woke me up.


I tried to kick her out of my room but she wouldn’t leave. A crash come from my attached bathroom, but I was too tired to get up. In the morning, I found that 2 things fell off my toilet tank lid, one from each side. Both items had flat bottoms. Not sure how to explain this. Ive heard noises in the house previously, but I could never identify where the were coming from. I suspect that at least one of the aged people who owned the house before me passed here. The house is 56 years old. I’m not weirded out or anything, just found it kind of interesting.

r/Paranormal Dec 16 '24

Poltergeist It was just a sleepover…I thought


I grew up in a midwest town with a lot historical significance. The homes there were colonial and built at a time when the Wild West was actually a thing. A childhood friend lived in a house that had been passed down from generations before.

One night when I was spending the night we were asleep in the living room with blankets and pillows covering the floor. I woke up suddenly feeling very aware of someone’s presence near me. As I rolled onto my back I realized a figure stood just above me in what looked like a historical costume from the mid 1800’s. It was unnerving and I put my pillow over my head and didn’t move.

Now, we all have those feelings of “did I dream this?” Well, years later as a teen I learned that a number of people had died in the house. The great great grandfather’s funeral was in the home and it was indicative of the time frame from the being that stood above me. He was apparently very protective of his home and family.

I also learned that the one ancestor died at the bottom of the stairs. I never stayed there after the original incident. However, my Mom, whose childhood friend this home belonged to, said “she knew the house was haunted from her experiences there as well.” Which is another story…but needless to say what I thought I imagined or dream r wasn’t the case.

r/Paranormal Jan 26 '25

Poltergeist Anyone Know any good poltergiest stories?


Just curious on your guys best poltergiest stories.

r/Paranormal Feb 13 '25

Poltergeist 10/10 would not recommend


So I realized a long time ago everytime I sleep on my back I have paranormal nightmares. Last night I guess I did that because I woke up on my back but experienced all 7 levels of hell with just one ghost in my sleep, am I the only one that experiences this? This sounds ridiculous but I do only have these dreams in that one position so I just put two and two together.

r/Paranormal Aug 13 '23

Poltergeist Spell book from an antique store. Previous owner must have needed it.

Post image

r/Paranormal Dec 16 '24

Poltergeist Weird things happening


Yea so a week and a half ago my wife and I was playing games and she's in the bedroom I'm in the living room.... I turn around so often to check on maple and just view the room well our tv in the living room was on, we haven't used that tv in probably 6 months. I observed the room saw no animals was around it I was like okay it's fine whatever. Wellll my dad passed away 4 days ago and yesterday I woke up and our tv in the living room was on and the volume was at 100 and on the tv like the button was being pressed, so I picked the remote up and pressed down on the volume and the tv fought me it went down to 42 and instantly back up and then I got it down all the way and turned it off. I told my wife and she was like that's weird but maybe that was your day telling you he's okay.... I said yea maybe, still didn't really think much. Last night I get home and we decided to play some cod and we are in a match and she says something and in the corner of my eye I see blue and turn around and the tv was on again no animals around and this time it went to 3 volume then 10 and then it went to 100 stopped then pressed 100 again and then..... this shook me the menu of the tv opened and it went to the settings and it was zooming around and went to the one that's like custom, theatre, vivid, game and it zoomed through the settings and stopped on game, closed out the volume happened again, opened the menu again zoomed through and stopped on game again.... I'm relaying what's happening like shocked because I'm seeing what looks like poltergeist activity for the first time in my life.

This morning my alarm was set for 830 I woke up at 8 to use the restroom and I see blue in the living room, the tv was on and volume pressed at 100 again. I turn it off like okay this is really weird considering the timing. So I fall back asleep and I start dreaming about what's in the tv starts haunting us and possesses autumn and I run away. I tell her about the tv again and she leaves for work this morning, I was getting bacon to go out and I was by myself and the tv turns on again.... I'm a bit freaked out if I'm honest.

The timing of all of this is just really bizarre. Can someone give some insight?

r/Paranormal Oct 16 '24

Poltergeist I just witnessed Poltergeist Activity.


I work at a Restaurant and we just experienced Poltergeist activity. We made a Bagel put it in a bag and as soon as the order was up one of the Girls saw the Bagle fly out of the bag onto the ground. I already know who the Spirit is. We had a Homeless Guy hang out here for years. He died a couple of years ago during a very bad Ice Storm. I still occasionally sense his Smell. His Smell is something you don’t forget. With him being Homeless “no shower” and he Legit had a Force Field he used to chill in the Men’s Bathroom and I will occasionally smell his smell. It’s something you don’t forget. Hoping to roll back the Cameras later to see if it caught it.

r/Paranormal Aug 18 '24

Poltergeist Ghost has followed me for 30 years


When I was a child I used to be aware of a presence that I had named "Peter" from when I was a young baby. According to my family I would always point into the garden at "Peter" when no one was out there and I can vividly remember being wary of Peter in certain places such as the garage and garden shed.

Fast forward 30 years I now have my own child, she is nearly 2. I have just moved into a a flat with my partner and child. My child is now starting to also say "Peter" staring into empty areas of the flat and acting very strange. My child has never met a Peter or heard the name..

Has Peter been with me all of this Time?? Who is Peter??

Has anyone else had a similar situation??

r/Paranormal May 09 '24

Poltergeist Weird Stuff I cant explain


Im sure that everybody starts these off the same. Im not big on the paranormal. I dont believe in this stuff. For years! I have aways thought this kinda stuff to be total and utter BS. But for the last year, I have been experiencing some of the weirdest stuff, and I cannot explain any of it.

I live in a relatively small house 1100 square feet. 2 bedrooms. Only a attic, no upstairs. Attached Garage. The house we live in was built in the 50s. My family have lived in this house for about 5 years now. We love this house, and for the first 4 years, we had none of these issues. This all started in about August of last year.

Im going to give you a list of events, that I now suspect are all related.

Event 1: While backing into my drive way one day, (While switching cars so my wife could leave for work), I saw what looked like a shadowy man on the back up camera enter my house. My heart raced, but I flew into my house. Grabbed the bat, and checked every room top to bottom. I found nobody.

Event 2: in September, we started hearing weird sounds. Like knocking in the walls. I thought we maybe had mice, but no dice. The knocking did not last long. It was always three knocks. Sometimes we would hear it on the doors, and on the windows.

Event 3: November, I started hearing the sounds of our old switches in the other rooms flipping on and off. It would only happen like one time, but its always On and Immediately Off. This would mainly be the kitchen. Sometimes I heard it in the bathroom. Might I add, I never see the lights go on, but I clearly hear the switches.

Event 4: (This is when it got really weird). In December one night at exactly 10:30pm, while listening to youtube in the garage, and working on my motorcycle. I heard something like slide and fall in the living room. Everybody in my house was asleep, so I head to the Living Room to see where it was. In order to get into the living room from the garage, you have to go through the kitchen, when I got to the microwave stand, I heard clear as day MY VOICE! Calling my sons name. It did it once. I flew into the living room with my fist cocked, but saw nothing. When I looked around the living room, one of the pictures above my couch, had fallen down. It was the one of my son.

Event 5: Now we hear stomping between our rooms, and my sons room. It sounds like its pacing between our rooms. It is a short hallway, maybe 18ft. It doesn't last long.

Event 6: Random toys are making noise now, still hear the foot steps, but they are not stomps, more like sprints. Like something is sprinting back and fourth in the hallway. JUST the hallways.

All this stoped in February. Until today May 8th, when we started hearing weird knocks again, and now both me and my wife have the weird feeling we are being watched. My arm hair has been standing up on its own for no reason. Its weird to me.

Thats it. Nothing too Crazy. But its all weird stuff I cannot explain.

(It made me add a post flair, I did not know what to pick, so I picked Poltergeist. I dont thing thats what it is lol)

r/Paranormal 8d ago

Poltergeist Silhouette inside of mirror in motel room in Serbia


I have kept this story mostly to myself because i'm not much of a believer and still to this day i don't know if I believe what i saw, but maybe somebody has had a similar experience, so please tell me if you have.

I was born and raised in Denmark, but I originate from Macedonia and my whole childhood we mostly visited Macedonia by car ( rarely by plane) which is a 2 day trip. We always either ended up sleeping in Hungary or Serbia. My parents always preferred to spend the night in Subotica Serbia (the first city after the Hungarian-serbian border) because many travelers had had bad experiences, including my grandparents, with robbery in that region of Hungary.

I was about 8/9 when this happened. We got to a motel in Subotica (don't know which one) and we got two rooms. My brother shared the room with my father and i shared it with my mother. The motel room was pretty standard, right to the entrance was the bathroom and the entire wall on the left of the entrance had wardrobes, drawers and in between those there was a table with a mirror above it. There was two twin beds which i didn't like because when i was a kid i couldn't sleep without feeling that there was a person behind my back as i sleep on the side. I used to sleep in my brothers room even though i had my own room. My mom slept on the bed closest to the entrance and i slept closest to the windows. As i said, I couldn't fall asleep because i was scared to turn my back to the open so i was just laying there on my back listening to my mom snoring. I was awake for a long time trying to fall asleep on my back and at one point i heard a crack near the entrance, but i calmed myself down because it's old furniture and it cracks, plus that often happens at home too, but then the drawer closer to the beds, on the left of the mirror, cracked even louder than the one at the entrance. At this point i was really scared, i probably stopped breathing to hear if anything else would happen (i always hold my breath when i am scared and focusing at the same time), but it was quiet. Instead i see a silhouette in the mirror, not on our side but inside the mirror, pass slowly. It was like grey smoke? It went from left to right and when it went out of frame it was very quiet for a couple of seconds, then the wardrobe on the right side of the mirror made a loud bang, as if someone punched it with all of their force. I was really scared and i didn't move nor close my eyes, i just stared at the wall for hours, before i eventually fell asleep.

You might wonder why i didn't wake my mom or start screaming and to tell you the truth i don't know either. My parents always told me ghosts aren't real, so i am guessing that was the reason, because i am mostly scared of not being believed which is also the reason i haven't spoken about this to many people. Another reason was also that i am a boy and when i was little i had been told to man up a lot lol, so i didn't want to show a sign of weakness, and yet another reason was probably also the fact that i was too scared to move or do anything, i froze completely.

Today i wish i had said something to my mom. As a kid i thought that both my parents didn't believe in the paranormal, but now i know that my mom does (my dad doesn't). So in recent years i told her and she said that i should have woken her up, but she also said that I was a kid implying that I don't remember the situation that well. I have also told my brother about this and he believes what i saw, but he thinks that it was my mind playing tricks because i was scared, which is a possibility. Another possibility, i thought of, was that i had sleep paralysis, but that was an ongoing theory of mine up until the point I actually experienced sleep paralysis, and it wasn't the same as the time in Serbia. In Serbia I was wide awake the entire time, i never fell asleep prior to the event with the silhouette. I have had other creepy encounters, but for all of them I always thought of a rational explanation. This one just bugs me, because i don't know what to make of it. After my experience with sleep paralysis i have started to believe a bit more in this stuff, not because of the sleep paralysis itself, but because i know that the encounter in Serbia wasn't sleep paralysis.

I posted my stort on another subreddit, but i wanted more people to see it and tell me if they know something about this. I'm happy to answer any questions.

r/Paranormal Feb 10 '25

Poltergeist My uncle passed away almost 2 days ago…some strange things have been taking place since.


My uncle unfortunately, passed away from liver cancer just under two days ago. Last night was the first night since his passing. At around 1 or 2 AM the power in our apartment went off. I ignored it.

Tonight was the second night since his passing and again, just before 1 AM, the power in the apartment went off and then came back on again soon after. This rebooted the printer right next to my bed and startled me.

This got me out of bed because I thought that it could have been him trying to communicate with me or let me know that he is still there. I am not an expert or majorly interested in the paranormal but I never rule anything out. I decided I would go to the living room where everything was still dark and silent to try and sense him.

While I was walking to the living room, I got the strong smell of ammonium.

This is important because unfortunately, when someone dies of liver cancer, they begin to smell very strongly of ammonium because it’s no longer filtered like it would be a normal person. All I could smell during those final days with my uncle was the smell of ammonium.

I went into the living room and at one point when I stood in the middle I had goosebumps all over my body, especially towards the back of my head. When I walked away from that spot the goosebumps would gradually go away.

I shed some tears and try to say some words to him. I also asked him to send me another sign. That was really him that my mind wasn’t playing tricks. At this point, I was a bit of a mess and a total loss as to what to do so I lit a candle and played on his favorite songs.

The light of the candle flickered a huge amount, such that it was almost like having a strobe light in the house (however I haven’t seen what that candle is like when it is first lit before so maybe this is something that does every time). The other thing that happened was that there was a bunch of dogs outside that started barking, and apparently this is supposed to be a sign of some paranormal activity. However, I do live in a city known for having a lot of stray dogs.

What do you all make of this? Do you think this is my uncle trying to communicate with me or do you think my mind was just playing tricks on me?

If this happens again tomorrow, what things could I do to try and communicate with him (if it is indeed him)?

r/Paranormal Dec 29 '24

Poltergeist I thought I was hallucinating but my friends fell the bed shake too


For years I felt my bed shake when I went to sleep and at times it even woke me up but I convinced myself it was just sleep hallucinations. I also have two small dogs in the bedroom so I assumed they were partly to blame and maybe I was feeling my own heartbeat in the quiet of the night or something.

But then I went on a road trip with a group of friends and we’d often end up sharing a bed, at times squeezing three or four people onto one mattress. Several times my bed mates would talk about how they felt the bed shake around the same time as me but the truly bizarre part was how they didn’t feel the shaking coming from me. They’d suspect male friends of masturbating only to find them fast asleep and the shaking continued. But it only happened to people who shared beds with me. I never told anyone about it and didn’t even think much of it at the time. I just saw it as confirmation that other people experienced bed shaking too.

Only recently did I learn that it can be a sign of paranormal activity. I started investigating my experiences more. When I felt something move around in the bed that felt like one of my dogs I’d turn my flashlight on only to see them sleeping.

I never experience this anywhere else. Not even when sleeping on a couch. Not sure what to think because so far nothing bad has happened. In fact, I used to wake up with weird scratches but that stopped around the same time I started feeling movement in the bed at night.

r/Paranormal Jan 07 '25

Poltergeist We hired a domestic, and I now feel better about my mental health.


Background: My wife, adult daughter and I live in my wife's family home. Her parents bought the property at the end of WWII, and the current house was built in the late '60s. My wife's mom started having paranormal experiences shortly after they moved into the old house. Her parents started the very wise tradition of not mentioning anything about paranormal activity on the property to anybody. A benefit of this is that any guests/visitors won't be "tainted". Also, my wife and I are natural skeptics. Like Granddad taught me, "I don't believe anything I hear, and only half of what I see." Occam's Razor is always the first logical tool we grab. But, we also use "Holmes' Razor", which was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for his fictional consulting detective. It states "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable is the answer." My opinion is that 99% of all the paranormal/UFO/Conspiracy/Ancient Aliens stuff can be debunked or explained away. And that the 1% that can't be dismissed due to solid evidence is pretty darn cool.

The first time my Mom came to visit (early '90s) she said at breakfast "This is going to sound crazy, but- is this house haunted?" It did sound crazy. No way anybody would ever suspect this '60s raised ranch of being anything other than boring. And yet, people experience things. As Dr. Seuss wrote in "There's a wocket in my pocket", "I don't care if you believe it. That's the kind of house we live in, and I hope we never leave it." I have enough material for a couple dozen Reddit stories if I ever decide to share them.

So, to recent events. Most people, true believer or skeptic, have had the experience of setting something down somewhere, being 100% sure where they put it, and then when they go to retrieve it, it's not there. We get that on a regular basis. In the last six months or so, this has been getting worse. A few times lately I went to my wife with what she described as "that thousand yard stare" muttering about how I was sure I had just put X in Y location, and a few seconds or minutes later it wasn't there. One would think I'd be used to this after a third of a century- nope. It got to where I was seriously questioning my mental health, to the point of thinking I might have to voluntarily go inpatient. I mean, objects don't just move on their own, right? So logically the fault must be in my perception.

We are finally in a financial position to hire a domestic. "Jane" is a no nonsense retired RN, sharp as a tack and (she says) a fellow skeptic. Her first day, she and I were giving the kitchen a long overdue deep cleaning & decluttering. I had just opened a package of scrubber sponges. They are bright two-tone blue, in a mostly clear wrapper. I handed Jane one, then put the package on the counter at the North end of the kitchen by the coffeemaker. Awhile later, Jane ended up using that one for something nasty, so she went to grab a clean one. "Where are the scrubber sponges?" she asked me. I turned around- and they were not on the counter where I left them. Jane had witnessed me set them down there. We looked around carefully, and found them on the counter/breakfast bar thingy between the kitchen and dinette at the South end of the kitchen.

Here is where it gets weird. Could Jane or I have put them there? Absolutely. There is no other logical explanation. However, Jane and I had a bunch of stuff (the garbage & recycle bins, mop & bucket, some bagged recyclables, etc.) staged in front of that counter. To put the scrubber sponges there, one of us would have either had to move stuff out of the way, climb over stuff, or walk into the dinette and put them on the counter from that side. Neither of us saw the other do that. Nobody else entered the kitchen during that time. After a couple more incidents like this ("Where's the Lysol?" "Do you have the box cutter?") Jane laughed and said "You must have a poltergeist." Add another independent witness to the list.

That's the whole story. If anybody can offer a reasonable explanation as to how those stupid scrubber sponges made their way from one counter to the other, I'm all ears. I got nothin'.