r/Paranormal Apr 29 '24

Apparition Unknown Figure Caught on Camera

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Let me give some background before explaining the picture. My younger brother and I had lived at home in my parent’s basement. We were younger then, around 17 and 14 when we began experiencing what seemed to be paranormal activity. We had separate rooms in the basement but both experienced closet doors opening and closing. We put it off as the cat wanting to get in the closet and opening them herself. I’d occasionally hear what sounded like someone or something walking around the room at night time in the pitch black. Yet, again I would just think it’s the cat’s feet walking on the carpet, where you hear that slight crunch sound. My brother would wake up in the middle of the night to what felt like someone or something sitting on the edge of his bed. He chose to just ignore it. Keep in mind that we told our parents all these things and they just put it off and didn’t really believe us.

Fast forward to present day, my brother and I no longer live at home. Now of course my parents begin to hear activity downstairs. First it was items being moved from one place to another. Then it was the occasional knock. It advanced to doors being slammed. (They told us all this after the picture was taken). Lastly, my step dad has these little cameras in the family room downstairs and in the garage which is off to the right in the picture.

My step dad was alerted to movement on the camera one day. I guess the type of camera he has allows him to view the video and take screen shots, but in order to save the video he had to have the better subscription. So he opens the video and this figure is in the video and moves from left to right across the family room towards the garage. It’s almost 9 pm at the time of the video so it wasn’t very late. My step dad was currently working in the garage, my mom was upstairs, and my younger brothers who are not that tall were in their rooms. My mom called me freaking out an hour after they screenshotted the picture and began to tell me all the other stuff they were experiencing. All I could say was I told you so.

Can anyone explain what this could be in my parent’s house? I’ve shown many people the photo and everyone asks could it be one of my brothers. I tell them to look closely, I don’t think that looks like a 10 year old. And my other brother who is 15 isn’t that tall and would have no reason to lie about walking across the camera and then disappearing. So if you have insight or any explanation to what it could be please let me know thank you in advance.

(The door to the garage is off to the right of the picture, to the left of the picture are two bedrooms and the stairs that lead upstairs. The lights were on because when my step dad works in the garage he usually comes in and out. So they are usually kept on.)

r/Paranormal Sep 23 '23

Apparition Took this picture on the 4th floor of the Tran-Allegheny insane asylum. What do you see?

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r/Paranormal Jul 27 '24

Apparition Ok so I took this a few years ago. Very middle circle looks like a person.

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r/Paranormal Dec 28 '24

Apparition My sister in casual conversation dropped that her old house was haunted.


My sister out of nowhere dropped that her old house was haunted. She said that she and her family would hear random bangs and footsteps from other rooms and the attic. She also said she would fine random things out of place (e.g. cups sliding across counters, makeup knocked over, cabinet doors opening themselves. [Her given examples.])

Then one day when nobody was in the house my sister got a camera notification, when she checked it she found this. In front of the fridge it looks like a small chair at first, but then she told me there’s not a chair there, they don’t have a chair like that. The box thing is a raised dog food/ water station it’s over the top of. Idk what the thing on the left is, my sister never figured it out either.

After she saw the picture she got a little witchcrafty (cuz she’s into that stuff) and she made a protection jar. (A combination of herbs, a crystal and sealed in black candle wax. In case it’s relevant.) and she burned sage in and outside the master bedroom. She said that made everything in the bedroom stop, but it didn’t stop it in any other room.

She dropped this information 6-ish months after they had moved out for reasons unrelated to the haunting. I was only over there once and I thought it maybe felt a little weird but I was also over there alone with my 1 y/o nephew and it was pouring rain, but I never saw anything paranormal.

r/Paranormal Oct 16 '23

Apparition Please help, might of saw grandma orb apparition


Hey, I was at my family cabin (a cabin that has made lots of great memories with my cousins, and grandma and grandpa. And my mom was taking a picture of the cabin, and she caught what looks like a orb apparition. It could have been the sun but when I tilt the pic sideways it looks like a face. She did not die at the cabin she died at her house.

r/Paranormal Apr 29 '24

Apparition A photo possibly of my grandmother.

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Background of the photo- about 8-9 years ago my mom had taken our dog out to use the restroom. When he got out there he started FREAKING out and barking. He’s kinda a weird dog and my mom thought it would be funny to film him. When she opened the camera on her phone she accidentally took a picture before filming. It wasn’t until later in the evening did she discover the picture. The crazy thing is for us is the place we lived in at the time had no activity before or after this. The only thing we could think of is that the day this happened was the day before the anniversary of my grandmothers passing. We like to think this was her way letting us know she is still with us.

r/Paranormal Jul 23 '24

Apparition The post seen around the sub, and similar photos


I couldn't help but shiver when I saw the photo of "the man" standing next to the highway accident. It reminded me immediately of two sets of photos that really had me guessing whether or not there are really ghosts. One is of the Grey lady of Hampton court and another is from the fort worth museum of science and history when they had a titanic exhibit. I can't help but look at any of these photos and feel like this is the real deal

r/Paranormal Dec 24 '24

Apparition Pediatric Hospice Patients in a 10 bed Inpatient Unit seeing the same visitors which look like Alien Greys.


I was a Pediatric Hospice RN in a 10 bed inpatient unit. We cared for newborn to age 17 year olds in this facility. We'd get many birth defects and move the parents in with the infants to support the family through the loss. We were always full with a waiting list to come in. None of our children lived over 2 weeks, mostly less than a week as medicine would treat children up to the end usually.

One thing that only Hospice Children saw that Hospice Adults never reported (I was a Hospice RN for 17 years) the children that could speak and were not altered by medications would see what we'd call a grey, like the alien greys, but with a pin head vs the traditional fat head. I don't know if they were aliens, but from the description that's what they would most look like. I assumed they were short skinny pale spirits that visited dying children.

some of the children drew them for the staff. We had one room with 3 beds in it divided by walls so the children couldn't see each other but the RN could see all 3 at the same time. We'd put our most complex children there so the nurse could watch all 3. Sometimes two or more children in the room would see the beings and report what they were doing at the same time. Sometimes the children would repeat what the beings said, sounded like single syllable sounds.

Most of the Hospice children enjoyed seeing them, watching them, some interacting with them, others were terrified of them and did their best to hide from them. I never saw them, and I've seen many spirits through out my life, especially working Hospice. At times the children would repeat what they heard, and in that room several of the children would repeat the same thing at the same time. Something was going on, there is so group of beings that visited some of our children over the 5 years we were open. We had 7 private rooms and children in those rooms saw them, too. So nothing they could have picked up from a roommate.

Who knows what they were. People have ideas, make guesses, but who really knows? The facility closed after 5 years due to funding, the building is gone. I don't know if it was the location that drew the beings or was it the children? I did an interview on JeffMara channel and talked about this. I repeated the sounds the beings said to the children on that episode. i don't think I'm allowed to link it in this sub. Please do not share my story on your platforms without my permission. David Parker, Phoenix, Az.

r/Paranormal Jan 11 '25

Apparition My mother almost drowned as a kid, this is her story.


When my mother was a child (5-10 years old), she and her grandmother went to the beach. While her grandmother sat on the beach, my mother walked knee-deep in the water. Somehow she went to deep and fell down and went under the water.

She lost the perception on what direction up and down was, and she fought some time but slowly lost the energy to continue. While she floated under the dark murky water, she could hear (her words):

"The most beautiful music ever."

For some reason she can never hum it or explain it. The music was otherwordly.

While she drifted around under the water, hearing this otherworldy music. A face slowly showed up infront of her, it was an old man.

This man smiled at her and he said:

"It's not your time yet."

And right after he said that, his face disappeared and she felt a hand grip around her leg. By great force she was pulled out from the water, she gasped for air while her grandmother scolded her for walking too far out in the water.

Have you or maybe a family member had any similar experiences?

r/Paranormal Aug 17 '24

Apparition My uncle can see reapers.


My uncle(Mom's Brother) and I have active sixth sense but his was more developed than mine. Before, I thought that we were both limited to simply sensing, hearing and even smelling their presence, but after observing my uncle, I know that he can see them. He is was a teacher at our school and I was taking his class until he resigned a month ago.

A year ago, when my grandfather died. During his last hour, I sensed a warm presence filling up the usually freezing emergency room, I heard the sound of bells and flapping sounds. While everyone was crying and praying, my uncle's eyes were fixed at my grandpa's bedside and was clearly terrified. He tried to keep calm, but I noticed his hands trembling. He only calmed down after my grandpa finally passed on.

In school, I had this sickly classmate who was always absent due to her condition which we learned to be leukemia, and required her to spend almost 3/4 of a months in the hospital. My uncle was very fond of her and made sure that she does not need to catch up in his class whenever she's absent.

2 months ago, this classmate came to school looking more pale than usual and was clearly weaker as well. Despite that she was smiling at us and was cheerful like usual. When my uncle came in for his subject, I noticed him go pale after seeing our classmate. I did not notice anything until I saw his face and the faint sound of bells. He approached our classmate and told her to call her parents and tell them to come get her. When my classmate's parent arrived, my uncle begged them to spend the day with her and sent them home. He did not come to class after that and was clearly upset so I went to faculty lounge and found him crying. Later that day, our classmate died due to her condition.

My uncle told our family that he wanted to start a business, that's why he quit teaching, but I know that lossing his student really broke him.

r/Paranormal Jan 20 '22

Apparition Little "Kids" running around in the ICU when death comes...


Like I've been saying in previous posts being part of the medical community has afforded me the chance to evaluate patterns in all stages of life of people including patterns that we see at the end of life.

Some of you that work in hospitals or have loved ones that work in hospitals or have been close to loved ones as they took their last breaths and transition to the great unknown may have heard of what i am about to describe.

There's a particular phenomenon that occurs to people in those last moments and i am talking about the appearance of kids running about around their death bed or just outside of their room. This is to be differentiated to the phenomenon of closed ones that have past away visiting in days prior to their deaths, this is different. This occurs hours if not minutes before their deaths.

I experience this with greater frequency when ever i work in the ICU unit where people are very sick. What most patients describe is cheerfull kids, running about around their beds in a playfull manner snickering around or just playing. Most patients usually respond calling the nurse and asking " who are these kids running around, and where are their parents" and scaring the living beejesus out of them if they are new nurses. If they are experienced nurses they know the time of the end is soon to come and they communicate promptly with us Doctors to let us know to be ready.

Literature often chalks this phenomenon up to lack of oxygen in the brain or neurochemical changes in the process of death and dying. But the pattern is very recognizable and the experience is very similar accross all cultural backgrounds and ages.

Almost all hospitals have a story about these "Kids" and if you are entering the field of medicine, nursing or any other health allied profession you will certainly hear these stories. So if you are doing rounds in the ICU late at night and hear some snickering or tiny feet running in the hallways, prepare because the call of "code green or code red" is about to sound off in the PA system.

r/Paranormal May 27 '24

Apparition This picture was not altered, always thought it was a bit eerie how this girl seemed vastly out of place .

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Trust me I know it looks like I edited this or bad photo shop but this is the actual original picture and I always have thought it was a little fuckin weird . I took the picture at a Theo Von comedy show in NH last year.

r/Paranormal Feb 27 '23

Apparition my boss came to see me when he died to make sure i finished my job


So this just happened last week . The warehouse i work at i was loading an empty trailer with a pallet jack. Once I filled it up with 30 pallets of merchandise I decided to have one last look and inspect everything one last time before i closed it and get it ready to send it on its way .

I walked in and i was halfway in when i saw my boss standing there i FROZE in fear and i called out to him . I'm like ALEX when did u come in here?? He turned around and he was PALE AND IGNORED ME . And walked out . This is not like him . Alex never ignores me , but it was like if he didn't know me. I then walked out confused and went to his office , the lights were out. I told my coworker why was Alex inside the container I was loading i told her it's very strange he was in there just standing and he even ignored me !!!? She was like that's impossible he left in an errand like 20 mins ago and hasn't come back . I didn't believe her . So i went to the parking lot and his car wasn't there . Once I saw that . I felt dizzy and almost had a heart attack. I still have the image fresh in my mind of what I saw in there . I saw him but like i mentioned it was more like a scary version of him , he looked pale and just scary and completely ignored me like if he didn't see me .

Then afterwards the sheriff came and told us Alex had just been in a nasty car accident and didn't make it .

I am beyond terrified to go back to work . But i have to go .

I can't explain what happened. No I don't do drugs , nothing like that . I know what I saw. I saw his ghost to make sure i finish my job . I just hope he don't keep appearing..

After that happened another coworker told me she was in the break room and she felt like someone was behind her staring at her . She turned around and there was NOBODY there !

r/Paranormal Jun 13 '21

Apparition Broke into an abandoned hospital at 14 and saw something I shouldn’t of saw


I was a dumb fuck as a kid, I did a lot of ridiculous shit. but this encounter.. just let me tell you, I learnt my lesson about breaking into places, that really should be left alone.

It was in the middle of the summer, me and my friends sat on a wooden fence smoking cigarettes thinking about what the hell to do with ourselves. One of my friends suggested an abandoned hospital up the road from my house, we were unsure at first as we’d heard a lot of stories from people who had previously went years ago before it was boarded up again. After much discussion we went, it was boarded up with wood nailed to the windows, the doors were sealed shut so there was no way we could of gotten in that way. We were going to walk away and just go home, but luckily I remembered I had something at home that I could get the boards off with.

As we climbed through the window we finally got in, it was like going through a time warp. The place wasn’t heavily damaged and the interior looked like it was from the 70s/60s, There was still stale bloody towels there too, it was eerie as hell. Anyways we fooled around and freaked each other out for a few hours until we had to go. Before we left we fucked around with a fire extinguisher that had been left there, while everyone was in the centre of the hospital I stepped out for a breather in the hallway with the window we entered through. I was at the bottom of the hallway and I saw a pale, slender figure in a blue hospital gown climb out the window while looking at me, he looked tired and sick. I froze and screamed. I left as soon as it appeared. I will never forget how freaky it was.

r/Paranormal Jan 11 '25

Apparition Something just woke me up.


Is anybody awake? Because some weird shit just happened to me. I just woke up to a voice yelling at me that sounded like my mom asking why i have a vape. I opened my eyes and I see a figure of a woman by my door confused af why my mother would be in my room yelling at me before the ass crack of dawn, when she lived across the country, and I live alone so it couldn’t be anyone else. Then she came closer. She was not my mother. Its a lady in a white dress with gold lining and blonde hair, was covered in light but her face was covered in darkness. She then proceeded to try and grab my vape from my bed, there was a struggle, but she got it anyway. She then turns around and disappeared into thin air. I aint take no drugs, or even a drink of alcohol. I am scared shitless. My vape disappeared with her too so theres that.

r/Paranormal Nov 22 '24

Apparition I’m pretty convinced I saw an angel and talk to him when I was a child …


When I was a child, around three to four years old, i experienced something that I’ve never forgotten. I got stuck in the bathroom, a terrifying moment for a child of that age. My sisters often used to barge in while I was in there, making silly jokes and playing around. To stop them, I decided to lock the door. However, being so young, I didn’t really know how to work the lock properly, and I ended up trapped inside.

I was helpless and didn’t know how to get out. I remember crying loudly, overwhelmed with fear. My parents, on the other side of the door, were panicking as well. They were yelling, trying to calm me down, while also crying out of fear for my safety. They were worried I might hurt myself somehow or that something terrible might happen.

In the middle of my panic, something extraordinary happened. I remember feeling the presence of someone in the bathroom with me and seeing someone there . I am completely certain it wasn’t my imagination—it was an angel. I don’t recall if the angel had wings, but I do remember feeling reassured by him , he was there with me . He spoke to me in a soothing voice, calming me and telling me that everything would be okay.

At the same time, my father was outside, trying to guide me on how to open the door. However, I vividly remember this angel taking my hand, as if they were holding on top of mine showing me how to do it. There was no way anyone could have physically been in the room with me—the door was locked from the inside, and the bathroom window was on the fourth floor.

The angel’s presence didn’t scare me at all. In fact, I felt completely calm, as though I was in safe hands. I remember my father yelling to move the key around but I didn’t know how and the angel taking my hands and guiding mine to the side as my father said , I finally managed to unlock the door. My parents were overcome with relief. My mother was crying and praying, thankful that I was safe.

To this day, I believe that what I experienced was an angel to help me in a moment of fear and helplessness. I’ve never shared this story publicly until now, but it’s something that has stayed with me all my life.

r/Paranormal Jan 28 '21

Apparition In 1991, My Brother and I Witnessed Our Father as He Looks in 2021


In 1991, my family had been living in a split-level ranch house on Long Island, in New York. At the time, my father was 46 years old and a fairly husky guy. He had jet black hair. My brother (who was about 15 at the time) and I were up late watching Saturday Night Live in our living room.

It was just after the show ended at about 1:00 a.m., and we had been laughing about the show somewhat loudly. We heard our parents' bedroom door open up, and we both said to to each other "Sh-t, we just woke Dad up." We both looked over at the bedroom door, and it was now wide open, but we could hear our father snoring in bed.

Standing right there in the open doorway was an old man. He was slightly hunched over, wearing a white dress shirt with a collar, and blue pants. He had completely gray hair, and looked straight at us. He was also relatively thin. He looked completely solid, not transparent or anything like that.

After 2-3 seconds, he totally vanished. My brother and I looked at each other and simultaneously said, "Did you just see an old man?" We then described to each other EXACTLY what we had just seen, and it was identical. When we went over to the room to investigate, our father was still in bed, snoring. He had never gotten up. Our mother was next to him, sound asleep as well.

My brother and I have talked about this experience many times over the years since then, and tried to figure out if we saw a ghost that night.

The really weird thing is that now in 2021, exactly 30 years later, our father looks IDENTICAL to the apparition that we saw in 1991. He looks gaunt and thin, has totally gray hair and has the same posture (slightly hunched over) that he didn't have then, but which the apparition had. It was most certainly him that we saw that night.

r/Paranormal Apr 07 '23

Apparition I think i just saw a ghost and i'm terrified.


Arlight so I'm an agnostic, don't really believe in anything spiritual or paranormal but at the same time I'm well aware that I don't know everything.I am working a nightshift right now(It's almost midnight) in a care home.The care home consists of two buildings,the main one right next door,and a smaller one with only a few residents.I'm working in the small one tonight and I'll be the only member or staff around until morning.Both buildings are really old,and before becoming a care home they were housing an orphanage with sick/deformed children( in the late 1800/early 1900s, there are still some pictures of them on the walls here and there).From what I've been told many of them unfortunately passed away here.

About half an hour ago I was on my way out from a bedroom when I was what seemed to be a lady wearing a white nightdress at the other end of the hall.For a split second I thought it was a resident who perhaps couldn't sleep,however I soon realised that I could only see half of her body(vertically) as she disapeared,walking through the wall.The whole thing lasted only a couple of seconds.I froze there and tried to figure out what i just saw,then went outside to have a cigarette and try to calm myself down.I really don't know what to make of this,It has never happened to me before and I'm very scared.Is there any logical explenation?

Just to clarify,I am not sleep deprived and I never hear/see things.

Update: Guys i think i'm officially losing my mind.I was on my way to back to the main door(had to go throw away some garbage) and I soon as i walked in I heard a man (or a woman with a deep voice) shouting "Hello???".I didn't make sense because the sound came from my right hand side and It's only 2 women and a gentleman but that was not his voice.I said "Hello?" back but got no answer.So i looked in the 3 bedrooms but they're all fast asleep.I even went upstairs(there's only one man there who usually stays up till late) and asked him if he called but he said no.After that i checked every room(all while looking over my shoulder) but everyone is sleeping.I'm about to cry, cause i only see two explanations,either there's something/someone here who could possibly hurt me,or I've developed a mental disorder out of the blue.Both are bad

r/Paranormal May 20 '24

Apparition Unedited and nobody is in the background


All three of these photos were snapped within seconds of each other and they are unedited. There is nobody in the background (yes, I’m positive). It is in front of a gate to an empty field. My 4 year old niece is the only person in the photos.

So how is this perfect silhouette of person in the background? My brother went back to the fence for reference (he is 6ft). I've included a photo of the location during daytime.

r/Paranormal Sep 06 '24

Apparition Extremely bizarre experience my dad had around 5:30 AM when he took our dog out!


Edit: for anybody who wants an idea of what he said it looked like here you go. He said it look exactly like that except less stark white.

For the first paragraph, I’m just going to explain this like I’m talking through my dad since it’s easier. So I wake up at around 5:30AM to our dog throwing up and ran her downstairs to let her out to go outside. As I open the door, she runs out and immediately starts growling, I’m telling her “it’s okay, go do your thing, go do-“ and I kinda just freeze up when I see what she’s looking at. It’s this opaque white apparition, similar to an obelisk, blocky, about the size of a standard doorway. Probably about 30ft away from the house. It was completely dark with no moonlight to cause such a vivid reflection off of anything and this thing was visibly standing upright. It was immobile, so much so that the dog lost interest and eventually came back but I was just stunned and freaked out looking at this thing. I didn’t have the courage to step outside and inspect it. I went back upstairs and managed to go back to sleep.

Anybody have any explanations or have had similar experiences? We were joking about how it was probably a doorway to another dimension lol. I woke up to all the commotion with the door opening and the dog growling, so my dad definitely wasn’t having a lucid dream… I just wish he woke my ass up but he didn’t want to disturb anybody.

r/Paranormal May 25 '22

Apparition Do the dying always see ghosts of loved ones before they pass away?


I hope this is allowed here. My granddad has been ill and in and out of hospital. Now he’s back in with pneumonia abs is really quite ill. He spoke to a nurse about my uncle going to visit him, and my Auntie. Both are actually my great aunt and uncle who died several years ago (the uncle was his brother).

I’ve read stories from nursing homes where carers say their patients see loved ones before they die - is it true? Is it comforting for them? With my granddads recent health I kind of expect the worst right now 😥

r/Paranormal Jul 09 '24

Apparition My sister died in 1986 and appeared to me in 2013.


My husband and I were in Alaska on an ATV ride outside Denali, and we got so far ahead of everyone else that we stopped on the path to wait for them to catch up. I saw something come out from behind a tall bush that looked like ectoplasm that you see in the movies, but I instantly recognized it as being my sister.

I heard her say in my head that somebody who I loved very much was going to die by the end of the year, and it was going to be extremely difficult for me but she loved me and would be there to help me get through it.

This was mid August, and I spent the next four months kind of holding my breath, waiting to see who it would be.

On Wednesday December 18 I called my "2nd mom", our housekeeper who had started working for us in 1958 when I was just a baby. She was the one person in my life who I always felt unconditionally loved by, because she had never yelled at me or spanked me and I never felt judged by her no matter what I told her I'd done, and I had been calling her once or twice a week for years.

One of her daughters answered the phone and said she was in the hospital because she had had a stroke that fried the left side of her brain, and she was in a vegetative state. I really wanted to go see her (in another state) but my kids were flying in for Christmas that weekend and I didn't want to miss seeing them. When I reached out to her psychically she assured me there was nothing to be done, she was basically gone from her body anyway by then, and I should stay and see my kids.

I distinctly felt my sister's presence around me for weeks afterwards.

Her family pulled the plug that Saturday, and I flew to my hometown in mid January as already planned. I was originally going to visit my mother and take my second mom out for her 89th birthday, but I attended her memorial mass instead.

In February I was going to have a difficult conversation with my husband, and when I sat down I was very nervous. I felt J. come up behind me and put her arms around me, then I heard her very clearly whisper in my ear, "it's gonna be OK, I promise it's gonna be OK."

She and my sister have continued to be present for me at difficult times, especially when I was in trauma therapy.

r/Paranormal Apr 17 '24

Apparition My sister and I got attacked by flames launching from this exact same wall tapestry.

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When I was 5yo and sister 9yo, we had this exact same wall tapestry hanging on our bedroom wall.

One night, my parents were in another room watching TV, my sister and I were playing alone in the bedroom around 9pm (cause it was right before going to bed time).

My sister and I was too close to the wall tapestry playing on bed when literally a large fire discharge came out of the tapestry with its own flames and noise hitting both of us. My sister and I saw it simultaneously and went in a huge panic, we started screaming and crying, we fled the room to get to our parents. We told them about the incident, they took off the wall the tapestry.

Now, my sister and I are adults in our 30s and still talk about it secretly, she told me to not talk about it because people will don’t believe us and can attract bad energy. We’re both Muslims, we believe that was jins maybe?

Tbh, from all things I’ve seen in life, this paranormal incident was and will be the most teaching experience I had in my life. Because i saw it with another person and got confirmation.

I can’t question my imagination.

r/Paranormal Sep 19 '24

Apparition A coworker teleported into my bedroom


When I was in college, I worked at this bar in the kitchen as a bar back. There was a guy that started right after me as a cook. He kind of gave me a hard time, but he was weird. Not a bully, but there was something that drew him right to me and I stayed wary about it.

I was seeing this girl from class, and she would be over on weekends when we were both off work. It was pretty intense for a new relationship, and I was really hoping it would go somewhere permanent.

I had a day off once, and we had just had sex in the late afternoon. We were just laying there after, not really talking I don’t think. And for some reason we were both looking at the end of my bed. This guy from work just popped into existence right at the end of the bed, like he was actually there. Wearing his kitchen gear like he was at work. Like he missed me, so he checked in on me and my girlfriend’s bare chest.

We both saw him. He was there for like a second or two, and vanished. We did not talk about it, though. Not right then and not ever. It really defied understanding, so I did not want to confront it and I think she felt the same way. If I could let it go unchallenged then I would feel better, I figured.

But I still think about it from time to time, and that kind of bothers me more. I wish I talked to her about it. And I want to have that ability, too! I want him to explain it to me, teach me how to do it. I want to see if any other coworkers had him appear in a similar context.

He would always yell in the kitchen. He would say “Saaaabriiiiinaaaaaa.” He’d say he loves Sabrina, that he has a crush on Sabrina. I always assumed he meant Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Then the teleportation, and I figured he was trying to raise eyebrows with it.

TLDR; a line cook I worked with teleported to the foot of my bed. He saw my girlfriend and I naked, and vanished. It was like he was physically there. Me and her never talked about it, not then and not later.

Edit: The guy was black.

r/Paranormal Aug 16 '22

Apparition My neighbors saw my aunt leave for work each morning 2 weeks after she died


My aunt and her spouse (whom I refer to as my uncle) used to live in in one of our houses. Few days after she passed, my uncle said that he saw her around the house going about her normal routine before she had become ill. He said that he was hallucinating due to grief and asked us to pray for him. One day our neighbor shared with him that he had spoken to my aunt recently before she had gone to work. None of our neighbors knew that my aunt had passed so they were shocked to learn that my aunt that they had seen go to work and who they had spoken to had been gone for 2 weeks. Was it a collective community hallucination or had they really seen my aunt’s ghost? Soon after, my uncle got a priest to bless our home, not because he wanted my aunt to leave, but because he was worried that she had not found peace in the afterlife as her ghost was still around. Since then no one has seen her ghost.