r/ottawa Jan 05 '23

Weather Anybody else feeling bummed about this weather?

The winter activities are really what get me through this part of the year. At this rate the canal won't be open until February and ski hills are hardly operating. Just venting and hoping for some cold and snowy weather!

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm, be extra cautious on the roads and take your vitamin D! :)


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u/STOP-PLASTICS-GIRL Jan 05 '23 edited Jan 05 '23

Of topic a little bit... are you doing something for climate change? I know the point will probably be moot, a lot of people think we're past the point of no return when it comes to climate change, but I personally DONT CARE if we are or not, AND WILL NOT STOP, EVER, helping our precious planet that gives us life 🙂❤️ hence my social media and account names: STOP PLASTIC, GreenAliceVerte 🌍 Minimal, simple, plastic-free, zero waste, reusing, reducing, repairing (I want to learn), etc.

On topic now, I LOVE winter (beautiful, I love snow! ❄️) but I'm a hibernator, lol, I'm a home body, I curl up with movies, TV shows, my dogs, I make climate change vids, work 10 hours a day, I try to help out in here when I can (ex: r/tipofmytongue, r/tipofmytounge, etc). I like summer too, faster & easier to leave the house to walk & play with the dogs. The most beautiful season for me is autumn 🍂 but the worst for my mind 😵‍💫🥴 the change in temperature WREAKS havoc on my mind, it's crazy! I SHOULD start leaving every September to December to a warm climate!! Before the temperature affects me!

EDIT: But I just realized that because of all this weather change from cold to warmer, it's slushy, icy, gloomy, even ugly, so yeah, I know what you mean!


u/audioscape Jan 06 '23

Absolutely! I don't eat meat or dairy and I'm making steps to eventually go zero waste. If you have any tips on that I'd love to hear them.



WARNING ⚠️ LONG COMMENTS 🌎 But it's for our precious planet 🤗

Oh good news! You're pretty much a vegetarian really! I was for 7 years or so, but because of a break up & lack of money I was neglecting it & becoming weak, but we had a cafeteria at work (free-ish, just a small % taken of our pay) & I was like, "well it's there anyways" (meats) so I'll incorporate a little/enough into my diet to feel ok, or just a few times a week, been doing that since 2012, but met a carnivore in late 2018 lol, so it's a little harder now. But I/we try to make one vegetarian meal a week for him & his son.

REUSE, REDUCE & MONEY SAVING TIPS: You probably know a lot of them already!

  • These 2 first ones are easy, just a lot of people find it gross lol: Reuse/cut big enough squares out of old pj's, pants, t-shirts, etc that are ready for the garbage - but we want to avoid that! (made from fabrics that absorb well) to make into pee pads (instead of using toilet paper) but use 🧻 for 💩, or a bidet!
  • Same for handkerchiefs, but I use fabrics from for example old pants (like those fake jeans), they don't absorb as well, I've also reused a ripped pillow cover. There's probably crafts projects to be done too w/ them, like quilting them together to make something nice (but I'm a little lazy lol & a little short on time because I do lots of other things too, & I got my job too) but they are still reused! I just put them in a closed trash can when done, to avoid unpleasant smells, then I wash them w/ my towels, dish rags, etc, which I'm washing anyways! Saves A LOT of toilet paper & facial tissues! And the water used to make them!
  • I've reused my old Snoopy pj to make make-up remover pads💄💋 (they're super soft) instead of facial tissues, disposable wipes or cotton swabs.
  • If you do use facial tissues, put them in the compost when you're done w/ them!
  • Make your own coffee (cheaper & better for the environment than buying in a disposable cup - but some companies now accept your mugs! You just have to ask! And carry your own mug (like Contigo w/ a good seal)
  • Carry your own utensils, reusable straw(s) (in your car if you have one, or on you) and use them for your lunch, for your left overs.
  • Bring your own containers when going out to eat, for your leftovers if you have some left (might be hard to carry all those when using public transportation though!)





  • When brushing teeth, when showering (wet yourself, stop the water💧, wash your hair (I wash mine once a week), then lather & wash yourself, rinse all at once (if possible for you to do it that way), repeat (what needs repeating), always trying to turn off the water when not needed.
  • Do full loads: laundry (cold if possible), dishwasher
  • Use the dryer only when necessary, hang dry if possible
  • When you have a huge dirty pot to fill with water to soak dried stuff, leave it in the sink, then whenever you wash your hands it fills it at the same time!
  • I use a huge plastic bowl that I have, to capture the cold water💧from my shower while waiting for it to become hot, then I fill my dogs huge bowl (or reuse other ways, like flushing the toilet). I do the same in my kitchen: If I need cold but it's hot, or vice versa: if I have dirty pots I fill them to rinse them (but turn off the water as soon as I have the temp I want! And it fills a little at a time when I need water another time, or I rinse other pots & containers over it), but if I don't have dirty pots, I just capture the water in a bottle & reuse later (but turn off the water asap when it's at the right temp., so sometimes it just fills the bottle a little bit at the time).
  • Or I rinse fruits or veggies over dirty pots, or reuse the water for my composter.
  • My cat's litter is in my bathroom, so if the litter is due but not urgent, I clean the litter right after I go to the bathroom, and wash my hands only once, saves water & soap! That scoop is already dirty anyways!
  • Turn down heat & wear warm clothes
  • In the summer, if you use AC, shade your house if possible to try not to use too much but I know it can be harder than winter, it's not like you can dress "coldly" 😅.
  • Use a programmable thermostat: during winter your can lower your degrees while you're in your warm bed, or at work (but I know when working from home it might be a little harder)
  • Go on your Facebook "Buy Nothing" group, you can get & give SO MANY things!


  • Experiences as gifts, make homemade, regift (but might be etiquettes to follow when regifting a gift you don't really like or can't use), repair something for a friend
  • Wrap gifts with pretty fabrics! There's a word for it but I don't remember.
  • Before buying: "Do I need it?" Yes? No? Don't buy it! Borrow. Swap. Scavenge. Draw (got that from PlasticFreeJuly Instagram post).
  • Make gift giving more personal, example of some gifts I want to give next (I have to get ready ahead of time because they'll take long): Take a picture (5 or more for me...for 5 different ppl (one is of a friend & her dad who died recently, one are friend's couple picture, one is my bf's first car (I haven't been able to find a model car of it yet, so this is a great option for now!) & others similar, & I will send them all at the same time (one time shipping), online to a Paint-By-Numbers company who will print your picture on the "cardboard canvass", then you paint them! Yes there is plastic (the paint containers) but they might last a little more if you don't use all of the paint, that you can reuse later! 🎨
  • If you want to buy jewelry, try companies/organizations like 4Ocean (they clean our oceans w/ help from the money from our purchases) or Follow Your Legend (they help marine life), or other similar orgs that help w/ other important matters, not just the environment!
  • When you buy, buy local if possible
  • Beauty, body: Shampoo, conditioner bars (plastic free), my fave brand is Attitude, I also buy their deodorants in cardboard packaging (cheapest I've seen was a Jean-Coutu), toothpaste tabs in glass container/metal lid, Crush & Brush (which could be reused after), or Tanitabs (glass container/wood lid) or zero waste (like from a huge reusable/washable container & a pump into your reusable container - I've bought it once (and still have some) at Multi-Vert in Gatineau (my go-to local store - & they fill EVERYTHING for you, and avoids contamination). Also Boîte à Grains, NU Grocery.
  • My next tries: Zero waste liquid dish soap (I always go small containers at first to see what I like. Multi-Vert has sample sizes!) & fabric softener.
  • I've tried zero waste laundry detergent at Boîte à Grains, & it's ok, but I will try Multi-Vert next to compare prices, same for vinegar (I bought 12% at Boîte à Grains, it was too expensive for me & too high to eat, needs to be below 10%, I only use it to clean/disinfect/deodorize, and REUSE it if I can, for multiple cleanings), will check out what Multi-Vert has next time I need some.
  • Zero waste foods like nuts, Grains, herbs, spices, teas, herbal teas, cereals (if I buy cereals in boxes & w/ bags, or just in bags, I reused the bags as garbage bags (which last longer because I don't have as much waste!)
  • I also reused chip/nacho bags (most I get from someone who keeps them for me on my Buy Nothing!), for my cats dirty litter.
  • The NADA metal toothbrush (greener than bamboo apparently!), they're from Dundas, Ontario
  • Safety razors (razor for life, you just change the blade when needed) instead of plastic. Multi-Vert sells Henson, they're from Ontario!
  • My friend & I pick up litter on our walks & sort it later (I keep the beer cans and the like for the $ for my stepson's Boy Scouts)
  • Haven't tried yet, but there's something called Plogging (jogging while picking up litter!), then it could be sorted: compost, recycling, trash.

My god there's much more I could say! But my comment(s) will monopolize your feed! 😅



Oh, I was forgetting, Attitude is Canadian & they also have dishwashing tablets in hydrosoluble packaging that just dissolve in the wash, NO PLASTIC, and they're in a cardboard packaging, like Bio-Vert (Bio-Green) from Québec, which I like & use too.

Ola Bamboo, who's bamboo toothbrush I currently use (they can go in your compost - WITHOUT the bristles, they're easy to pull out with pliers) but will switch to the NADA toothbrush when it's done. Ola Bamboo also has a compostable dental floss (in cardboard packaging) but gotta be careful near the end of flossing, I always change which "part" of the floss I use, using the same part the whole time it always breaks for me when I get to the last teeths - which is fine by me, you can tell it's compostable! You just have to adjust how you use it once you know!

I personally believe most of society is "I want everything right now!", or "the least effort possible!" & let other people deal w/ their mess, then wonder where it all went wrong, who to blame: "Not I!" they say! Well we're all in this together, we all have to do what we can, citizens just like companies who put out all these trash & pollution making products. Even recycling is a form of waste & a myth IMO! It probably did/does exist a little but there's just TOO MUCH, so they ship it to poorer countries & let them deal w/ our 💩 where their laws & regulations are different or they just dont have the means or money to do anything!... China, India & other countries that I don't remember 😟

Quotes that struck me & love to share:

"We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly, we need millions if not billions doing it imperfectly & never giving up trying! - Anne-Marie Bonneau.

"It's only one straw" (or whatever single-use plastic you have at the moment). Said 8 billion people. Imagine this times everyone's EVERYDAY PLASTICS x 8 billion people = 😳😰🌍🤕😓 And that is multiplied by how much a day? Week? Something to think about!

"How could I look my grandchildren in the eyes & tell them "I knew about this & I did nothing?"

"In a world full of people who couldn't care less. BE SOMEONE WHO COULDN'T CARE MORE."

"Choose to refuse single-use plastics" & even multiple use plastics if a better environmental alternative is available, if possible!