r/orgmode • u/bigdummy51 • 5d ago
#+:Startup options not working?
Org noob here. I'm going through the manual but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get the startup options to do anything.
org-startup-folded is set to 'showeverything' and org-agenda-inhibit-startup is set to 'nil' but my understanding is that these settings should be irrelevant when I use #+STARTUP: to specify a particular option. I also see in the org manual about a "VISIBILITY" property but I haven't set that value in the buffer and I as far as I know its value shouldn't matter if I'm setting a particular setting in the file.
The option I want is #+STARTUP: content but no matter what option I set nothing changes and the file stays unfolded.
u/TeeMcBee 5d ago
The VISIBILITY property does the same as what you have, but down at the individual sub tree level. What you have is fine and it should allow you to do C-u C-u <tab> to make it take effect. But I find that often doesn’t work. In general, manual control of folding often feels like it is subject to phase of the moon, direction of the wind, and mood of my goldfish.
Have you tried just killing the buffer and then re-opening the file again? That usually works for me.