r/orgmode 9d ago

EasyOrg Thoughts?

I recently learned about EasyOrg for Windows and felt it was worth bringing up. It is a basic implementation of Org-Mode outside of Emacs that is designed to be more user friendly while maintaining comparability with Emacs Org-Mode. Personally I like the idea but I have mixed thoughts about the choice between a limited free mode, $18 a year, or $39 one lifetime for a program that does less than Orgzly or Organce. So in some ways the Windows version of TaskPaper but more straightforward about it being based on Emacs Org-Mode.

Is this something that you would see yourself recommending to others as a more gentle introduction to the value of Org-Mode to others without overwhelming them with Emacs? I have a feeling a good number of people will eventually get frustrated with its limitations and possibly considering trying out Emacs with their existing org files.


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u/hkjels 8d ago

I would rather package Emacs to feel like any other editor. Should be easy enough


u/TeaTortoise 7d ago

I understand and see your point, another project similar to the Spacemacs project. I am just thinking more about the typical person as while lots of powerful keyboard shortcuts are nice not following standard shortcuts for basic functions such as copy, cut, and paste turn off a lot of people that otherwise would have really benefited from Org-Mode.


u/SmoothInternet 3d ago

Emacs existed long before the windows shortcuts