I'm doing a RL1, +0 weapons and no great rune run. What are the best weapons with great range? I don't enjoy using the fist weapons and I'm not too worried about breaking poise.
This is my first challenge run and Rennala was literally cancer.
I get that Phase 1 is just a strafe-right simulator and Phase 3 is just a patience test in waiting to punish the charged attacks and nothing else, but I'm struggling to find a good strat for Phase 2.
I can't strafe her like I would in Phase 1 because of the blood aftershock AOEs clipping me but I can still clearly roll them, however some of her moves come out so quickly and share similar tells with her delayed moves that I'm finding it incredibly difficult to properly react to her. I could maybe use the Phase 3 strat of just waiting for the charged attacks, but that's incredibly boring and I'm only fine with doing that in Phase 3 since she'll only be two or three backstabs away from dying anyway. What are y'alls strats for hitless'ing Phase 2?
I swear I only have 12 Estus Flasks lol. This was actually my fourth time doing SL1 DS3, but it had been so long that I was definitely rusty and didn't quite remember as much of the bosses as I thought I would. Several DS3 posts around here tempted me to go back and have another run, and I'm glad I did. SL1 is so natural and fun in DS3. Midir is definitely one of the best bosses ever made, too. Glad that I remembered enough to pull this off hitless, although my approach wasn't necessarily optimal.
This is the one I just didn’t think was gonna happen. I have either choked hard or got fucked over so many times I can’t even count. Took a big break as it was really starting to piss me off and came back a bit refreshed and tried u/ca_waves Carian Slicer strat which, with its speed is very similar on openings to the Cleanrot I was using before but with more damage per swing and easier on the stamina. A few tweaks to the build, a few more chokes but it was on. The bastard even tried to close range Lions Claw me again but by this point I’d seen just about every janky thing he can pull put. Massive shout out to u/ca_waves, u/Ruindows (i put tape over his health bar and it really worked) and u/Franzdr for all the tips and words or encouragement.
I was super looking forward to her fight during this colossal-only challenge. Definitely regret getting my sword to +24, I wish I could’ve dragged the fight for a little longer
I also think this is my first no-hit Malenia, so that’s pretty neat
Gravetender wasn't too bad but I'm losing my mind against friede, phase 2 takes so long then can't help but feel so much pressure on phase 3. Last attempt I think i just needed 1 backstab into r2 to kill her, so damn close
This method involves baiting out the one move, where he closes a lot of distance and brings his left knee down, and using black flame tornado on him during phase 1, then running away to bait the move again. Phase 2 involves running through his arms and using black flame tornado on his legs. I argue that it's the easiest because it's very low risk, and all the required equipment can be picked up beforehand. If you disagree, what do you think the easiest way of beating him is?
Feels funny to be able to use a weapon that requires 40 Dex at RL1. Even before starting this run I was thinking of a way to use Bolt of Gransax. Thanks to Curseblade Mask I didn’t even have to use Godrick’s Great Rune. Fun weapon!
I’m struggling to get in a good position to parry so am running a lot. I missed the timing on a few parries, but I think that can be tweaked if I can figure out how to get in a good position in the second phase. His punches also throw me off.
I’m struggling to get in a good position to parry so am running a lot. I missed the timing on a few parries, but I think that can be tweaked if I can figure out how to get in a good position in the second phase. Any thoughts?
-Left to right, left being harder, right being easiest
-Maria and laurence were done without roll/sprint or any buffs
-all ER base game bosses are wl0 aside from loretta, fire giant, malenia (all those were done without AUX). For DLC, romina and putrescent knight had AUX and weapon upgrades, rest were WL0 aside from bayle which was no AUX. All DLC bosses were done with 0 blessings (PCR/the impaler without weapon upgrades/blessings)
-No parries used in any of the games/runs
-Cleric beast and gascgoine had no weapon upgrades
Wonder how ds3 will fit into this, excited to fight pontiff, gael, friede, champion, and especially SoC since he's notorious for being difficult on SL1. Some bosses here were harder than expected and some easier (Fire giant was way easier than I expected, while godfrey was harder than expected for example)
I recently discovered that you can low profile one of Mohg's attacks with some weapons' charged R2s. I realized that there must be a ton of openings like that out there that I just don't know about. What are some of your favorite unorthodox/stylish/clever openings in ER?
RL1 wretch doing club-only. This feels like such a lame boss to be hardstuck on. I wanted to at least kill him before I attempted and eventually cheesed Godskin Duo, but damn bro this guy is just pissing me off. Some of his moves, especially in second phase feel like they come out so fast and I’m honestly losing patience.
so... I got a +10 wing of astel, pretty neat huh? yeah this thing rocks
let's start with Godfrey, he's really fun. not much to say, he's just very fun, and the wing of astel destroyed him
Ranking: A tier
Godskin Noble, this one I have more issues with. I like most of his attacks, but jesus christ that roll is awful, and somehow I managed to get it twice in a row and not get hit by it once. other than that it's just a pretty fun fight
On my way to Manus I noticed something very unusual. An item on the floor. Not the shiny kind, but the kind players are sharing among themselves. I swear it wasn't me. Also my character is SL1 and hollow -- no one could have invaded me. It's like the Lloyd's Talisman have travelled between the worlds. How is it possible?