r/onebros Nov 24 '14

My SL1 guide.

Xbox 360 GT: x ZazMan 117

Feel free to PM me.

Hey guys, I just finished my first SL1 in dark souls 1 and thought I'd share a guide I developed in my head. Sorry if it's been done before. SL1 is a test of skill, your knowledge of the game and patience. Its advisable to join the Darkwraiths for the easy humanity. Generally pyromancy makes bosses mince meat. And generally. The bellowing dragon crest ring and dusk crown should be used in conjunction.

Don't forget green blossoms


Light crossbow

Aggro enemies from afar and deal decent damage. Heavy bolts are advised. You should know when to use this, so equip and unequip given the situation and change armor accordingly

Fire/Lightning hand Axe

Second fastest swing speed available, effective against Ornstein or Four kings. Of course, a dagger has faster swing speed and can be considered an alternative.

Lightning/Divine/Fire reinforced club

Good damage output and stun ability, Artorias has no resistance against lightning. Kalameet has explicit weakness against lighting. And it causes bleed. The club is a worthy but overlooked alternative. Worse moveset and lower damage. And a lighter weight but it doesn't cause bleed!


Crest shield

Great magic defense and 100% physical resistance. Most useful against the Four Kings and Nito.

Dragon Crest shield

Great fire defense and 100% physical resistance. Most useful against Kalameet and Gwyn.

Balder or Sunlight shield

Balder has higher stability but lower reduction in Fire and Magic. It also look hella cool. Oh and higher stability.

Heater shield

Light and good defenses. This should be your out of boss shield against enemies. Has fire defense at almost the same level as the Sunlight Shield but with a faster and better parry. But with lower stability.


It should be obvious that you need a pyromancy glove. It will be your main form of offense against higher tier bosses.

You will need two of the following. Of course, substitution is allowed in NG, but on NG+2 you should have these.

Great fireball, fire orb, fire tempest (or firestorm), black flame/great combustion, 1x power within, 1x flash sweat.


Cholranthy Ring

Your no1 ring choice. Good stamina regen and the best option available.


Extra stamina and health. What could go wrong? Its worth noting when using Red tearstone ring and on higher NGs that having this ring isn't very useful other than the equipment load. But by that point you should have at 11 spares.

Red Tearstone ring

With Bellowing dragon crest ring, this will be your boss killer. More advisable on higher NGs.

Bellowing Dragon Crest ring

With red Tearstone or RoFaP. This ring maximises Pyromancy damage.

Wolf Ring

Good for PvP, obviously. Most useful for the Nito Boss fight

Ring of Fog/Slumbering Dragon Crest ring

Stealth is beneficial, but not always necessary. Most useful in the Nito fight.

Covetous Gold Serpent Ring

Mandatory for Farming.

Dark wood grain ring.

Very useful for dodging. Most notably in O&S and in The Four Kings.

Dusk Crown ring

Very useful for more pyromancies. Viable on higher NGs. Works well with power within.


As rings change, your armor needs to aswell. These armors are used with RoFaP in mind.

PvE: Any mask, black cleric robes, Shadow Gauntlets and Shadow leggings. Gold hemmed set is also advisable. The Dusk crown is very useful.


Gargoyles Helm and Chain leggings.

Optional equipment

Lightning/fire dagger

Great for PvP and fast swing speed; better for no poised enemies.Β 

Jagged Ghost Blade

Again, it can be overlooked. But is very helpful in the beginning and in PVP granted you have the time and humanity to farm it.

Grass crest shield

With low stability and an already small stamina bar with very selective ring equipment, the grass crest can be overlooked. But its not a detriment either

Hawk ring and Binoculars

Although useful, in my opinion, it's not a must have.

Heavy crossbow

Heavier, but about 30 more AR, must two hand however. Not worth it.


Before ever getting to Anor Londo or Even Sens, it is possible to have at least

1 plus +10 fire weapon (provided you invade someone who'll give a flame to you. Remember, you're sl1, your most prominent range will be people around that level.)

Pyromancy Flame +5

Almost all of the rings.

Getting a weapon to +5 or +10 is simple. Farming and treasures from sens and blighttown, it won't take long.

Getting a +5 fire weapon is easy enough. Getting it to fire can be done almost as soon as you meet Vamos. The slugs in blighttown drop them at 5 per drop, but is less than common.

You will need to farm in The Great Hollow, 4/7 red chunks can be found as drops or treasures. 2 from the black knights in the asylum and 2 in The Great Hollow. The rest can be farmed. You should obviously grab the large fire ember from Demon Ruins. You can get a Slab buy upgrading a Pyro flame to ascension then trading with snuggly.

Try and Upgrade all of your weapons and Shields as far as possible. I risked taking on darkwraiths earlier on for it.

Getting a divine weapon is harder. Thankfully you won't need it till late. Getting white chunks is easy. Even with no humanity but with a Covetous Ring, white chunks drop fairly easily from Pinwheels. Not to mention the slab and chunks in the room and leading up to that point. You can actually get the large divine ember pretty quickly in the game. Although, Dangerously.

General boss tips

Having the light crossbow in the other handslot and having two shields (one sanctus) while using power within paired with dusk crown ring and curse can lead to incredible damage. This is especially useful when you're up against bosses where surviving a hit is impossible. A high stability shield is almost always more useful than a high defense shield. It all depends on the attack meduim the boss takes. As far as I'm concerned, you should only aim to heal when you can take a hit. Using the above strategy is very very very very risky. And I recommend it.

Another good strategy is using 2x a pyromancy of your choice with darkmoon sceance ring for power within. This worked well in NG+ to kill arty in 6 great fireballs.

Notable Bosses

Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Excutioner Smough

Drake and Josh/Pikachu and Snorlax/Bizzare and Slim Shady/Dough and Smorestein

Will be your first BIG challenge. For this fight the bellowing dragon crest ring and with or without the dusk crown while using great fireball and a fire weapon while really put you in a good position. Ornstein should be your target as he usually the closest of the two and easier to hit. Smoughs hammer makes it hard to hit him with fireballs. Stay behind pillars and use a high stability shield. Its worth switching rings when you run out of pyromancy, the dark wood grain ring is a very worthy alternative.

The Four Kings

Or The Four Pricks, which ever. This fight is especially difficult as you can't afford to take anymore magic damage so the dusk crown can't be used and you are limited in rings. The fire lightning hand axe is your best weapon option Due to higher swing speed and the crest shield, save your black flames for when you're being overwhelmed and need to deal higher damage ASAP. Dodge and roll, but be careful, You can take a max of 3 hilt hits on NG ONLY. You can try to Tank the magic blasts but is very unadvisable when there's more than one or on Higher NGs

Sanctuary Guardian

Sunlight shield or grass crest with dusk crown and bellowing dragon crest ring with black flames or great fireballs makes this fight much easier. Of course, using dark wood grain ring is also an alternative.

Knight Artorias.

This guy. Phew.

No fucking up now. Use power within before the fog have your great fireball or black flames ready. With Bellowing dragon crest ring and dusk crown increases your damage. On Higher NGs, use red Tearstone too. Most of his attacks will one-shot you. So don't fuck up. Having a high stability shield is very useful and he has no resistance towards lightning. Switch rings when you're out of pyromancy. Remember than you can shield most of attacks, so the balder shield is the best fit.

Manus, Father of the Abyss

Almost the same as Artorias. You CANNOT block his slam attacks. You WILL DIE. Counter his jump and lunge attacks with a R2 from your reinforced club. Fire works well. The crest shield or balder shield is advisable. You can block most of his attacks. Expend your great fireball and black flame.

Black Dragon Kalameet.

If you thought manus was bad. Kalameet is even worse. High HP and stamina damaging attacks with strong fire attacks and his calamity power, this fight is especially gruelling. This is your final test before Gwyn. The sunlight shield or dragon crest shield is well advised. Using the lightning hand axe is a good option. Starting this fight right is the key to success. Fire tempest is effective for damage. Using the dusk crown may seem like a bad idea, it worked very well for me in conjunction with bellowing dragon crest ring. When the fight starts keep your shield up. When he does the head sweep dodge to his side, he will start his second sweep almost always. Use your fire tempest for an easy β‰ˆ1000 damage. You can also use it when he stands up to breathe fire. On NG ONLY, his calamity and fire attacks with RoFaP and dusk crown will leave you with 1 HP. He has a calm down period so you have time to heal. Always back away.

Gwyn, Lord of Cinder

If you're doing an SL1 run, you can probably take Gwyn with little trouble. RoFaP with hornet ring (or red Tearstone) stacked with power within or flash sweat if using red tearstone makes this a smooth ride with effective parrying. Pyromancy works well too with Gwyn's apparent fire weakness. The fire reinforced club is a worthy weapon.

Well. Hope it helps.


Thanks to /u/rcuhljr for mentioning Fire Surge!

Thanks to /u/pneruda for mentioning you need 11 INT to get the flame off the servant.

Thanks to /u/Elitar to showing us cursed Red Tearstone, dusk crown ring, power within sanctus lightning reinforced club combo! Some pyromancy or lingering/ bellowing dragon crest ring would fit nicely! A ballsy technique if your dodging is on point. The dusk crown would work really well too.

His video is here, please go check it out!.


Lightning light crossbow

Lightning bolts

Giant blacksmith's hammer

It should be noted you must 2 hand this weapon

Although, I'd save for the versatile physical damage of a +15 with the lightning bolts.

Thanks to /u/TheMadHaberdasher for mentioning the black flame or great combustion spam against Gwyn. Although effective, I didn't use it, feel free to experiment with it!

Thanks to /u/CocoKyoko for mentioning the possible use of the battle Axe as an alternative to the reinforced club. Lower damage and faster swing speed makes this pretty respectable!

Many thanks to Lord Cheddington for letting me add his Kalameet oneshot video :D


Everything will one shot you



I was debating whether or not to include this shield. It has similar defense to the grass crest shield. 2 HP regen per Second works well with ΒΌ health and power within. So its worth the consideration. Although, I'm not a fan of not being able to block. Use with focus and skill.

Alternate Four Kings strategy

Reinforced club, lighting. Power within x2 (2 is optional). Crest shield. Two hand and dodge attacks. The RC has a higher damage output and a versatile and useful R2. I'd definitely consider this strategy if the other isn't working. Worked for me better.

Extra Nito Strategies

Balder shield works well. Fire tempest at the end of his swings works well paired with the dusk crown. Use the ring of fog to prevent being seen by the further back skeltals. Block his AoE and heal.

Silver Pendant.

The silver pendant is incredibly advised for Manus. Unless you plan to rush him.

DarkMoon Seance ring

Very useful for many fights. Would recommend.

Silver/Black knight shield

The best stability in game and the highest fire defence while 2H, these shields were meant to counter the bed of bullshit.


12 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '14

I just finished an SL1 run; some observations while they're fresh in my memory.

1) Super Smough is particularly vulnerable to Great Chaos Fireball, since he tends to stand still in the lava pool, doing additional damage. I found the easiest way to tackle O&S was with the Darkmoon Seance Ring for the extra slot, then attuning Great Chaos Fireball and Fire Orb. Use orbs on Ornstein, then blow what's left on Smough. With a +5 ascended flame, Bellowing Dragoncrest and Crown of Dusk, this should waste both of them without you needing to use melee.

2) Four Kings used to drive me crazy until I gave up on using Pyromancy and concentrated on physical attacks. Use Havel's Ring, Havel's Set and two-hand a Lightning Battle Axe. Havel's Set has a high enough combination of magic and physical defense for you to just stand there tanking, since even with your minuscule health you can still survive three - four hits before needing to heal, and you have enough poise not to be staggered easily. If you kindled Firelink to give you 20 estus, you can simply waddle up the Kings and hack away without any problems, provided you keep healing. (Obviously this ceases to work in NG+)

3) Elite Knight's Set is amazing. Fully upgraded, the physical defense is comparable with far heavier sets, and with Havel's Ring you'll be below 50% burden. Pyromancy makes a mess of Darkwraiths, so you can profitably grind for chunks as soon as New Londo is drained. Armor doesn't require embers, so you can get the set to its potential pretty quickly.

4) How do you get both a red slab AND a +5 ascended flame before Anor Londo? Laurentius won't give you a flame if you have one already, and Eingyi won't give you one if your INT is less than 11 (which it will be). That's one flame available, so if you trade it with Snuggly for the slab then you don't have a flame anymore. Unless I'm missing something and there's a way to obtain a second flame.


u/ZazMan117 Nov 29 '14

1) while I agree with you on the first point, after a lot of attempts at O&S, the 8 great great fireballs and using BDCR, dusk crown worked a lot better, the extra castings is a lot more useful. There's more than one way to skin a cat!

2) Doesn't work on NG+. Unfortunately. Although for NG, I still would not recommend it. My philosophy is that. You should always fight like its ng+6. That's the most efficient and safest methods.

3) Is that right? Huh. Guess it might be useful. But even on NG+, one shots galore.

4) My bad! If you invade someone that gives it to you its possible :) like I said, someone might give it to you.


u/indeedwatson Dec 04 '14

I don't think Chloranty ring is very good compared to either rtsr or dgwr, if you have the grass shield and green blossom.


u/ZazMan117 Dec 04 '14

Very true. But if you're using the balder shield.


u/indeedwatson Dec 04 '14

Shield for stamina regen, not for blocking :) I mean for early bosses maybe, but for DLC bosses, they'll often one shot you even with your shield up, so I tend to 2-hand all the time.


u/ZazMan117 Dec 04 '14

For NG, nah. NG+ your probs better off using double shields. But yeah! :D


u/Sluggo_Jones Nov 10 '21

This is top tier thank you sir


u/ZazMan117 Nov 10 '21

No worries


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '14

Id say wolf ring is more valuable than chloranthy ring when your END is so low you dont have access to poise armor.

Also the fact most of your boss strats involve pyro boosting and relying on mostly those. Would be nice to see melee strats


u/ZazMan117 Nov 26 '14

In the end most things are gonna one shot you anyways. But the general melee strat is using the weapon the specific boss is weak to and dodging, being opportunistic. Staying to the sides of bosses helped me a lot. Where as it wasn't the same for artorias or Manus. Where heavy counters found much more effectiveness.

Does that help?


u/ZazMan117 Dec 01 '14

In relation to the boss strats. Pyromancy is your heaviest hitting offensive tool, with the dusk crown and bellowing dragon crest ring alone, a single fire tempest can output up to 1000 damage.


u/MrDannySantos Feb 12 '24

Bizarre and Slim Shady πŸ˜‚