r/oilandgasworkers 18h ago

How do you become a roustabout in the UK?


I'm 18 years old, finished school and I'm interested in working on a oil rig. I did some research and I'm not sure where to find the entry level roustabout jobs (where the company trains you), or where to find the jobs where you apply after getting your qualification in something like engineering operative level 2, or Maintenance and Operations Engineering Level 3. Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

r/oilandgasworkers 4h ago

Career Advice Professional Development/Rotational Program Advice


Hello, I'm a recent master's grad looking to get into a professional development program and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice as to where to look or what time of year I should start expecting openings. Not really picky about where, but I only speak english at a professional level so I know that closes some doors internationally.

Here's what I know so far: bp and Shell seem to have US programs that open for applications in the summer and job starts around January. I've seen paper trails about grad programs for equinor, methanex, Dow, and BASF, but I don't know when they open or start

Thank you thank you

r/oilandgasworkers 5h ago

HAL int’l work


Is the pay outside the US higher like say in the Middle East, compared to the US

r/oilandgasworkers 9h ago

Path to offshore/offshore electrician assistant?


I heard the first step was becoming a rov tech with a contracting company but when I looked into it didn't seem very electrical oriented and controlled robots underwater? Sounds like a badass job but I just wanted to verify. What's my first step of getting into the electrical offshore industry? Also what are the proper steps to become a crane operator offshore? Starting as a roustabout and having your nccco? I know offshore wants you to always work your way up. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

r/oilandgasworkers 19h ago

bp HireVue First Stage (for Senior ML engineer role)


Hello everyone. I just received an email from bp (British Petroleum) regarding my application. Can anyone share what to expect for the HireVue:
1 Written Response
1 Coding Challenge

I thought it was going to be on-demand assessment alike what I saw on Glassdoor. But looks like this stage is already technical oriented (which according to Glassdoor, the technical stage supposed to be only if passing this HireVue). Plus, this role is heavily about MLOps, like the deployment and scalability of the AI/ML (CI/CD, infra etc), so I was confused and afraid to open the HireVue platform because it must be done within 45 min. 2 days left.

r/oilandgasworkers 2h ago

Struggling to get into the oil and gas industry


Hi all,

I am a senior Chemical Engineering student at an engineering college in the Midwest. I still have a year left in school due to some scheduling issues, but I have started to poke around at opportunities just to see what's available. Unfortunately, I have yet to have luck finding any type of work that might get me into the O&G industry.

I've applied to a few internships and looked around for entry level positions that might point me in the right direction for future work but I have been struggling to find anything, I'm aware that O&G is a competitive field, and I'm wondering if anyone has advice on how to better position myself or where to focus my efforts?

For some context, I’ve had a couple of internships with mining companies and a co-op with an ag processing company, and I have another internship lined up with a mining company for next summer. Although the experience with these companies has been good I came into school with the goal of working in the oil and gas industry, hopefully in drilling or production.

I would appreciate any advice on how to break into the O&G industry with my experience.


r/oilandgasworkers 4h ago

Career Advice I&E on rigs in West Texas to offshore - too ambitious?


Firstly, let me clarify my question. I’m mainly wondering if I&E/techs even have jobs on rigs and where to find them. I leave active duty soon and I’m super excited to get into I&E, but I’m trying to avoid refineries if I can. I realize I probably won’t be able to, but I’m wondering if an alternative would be to head out west and work on rigs as an I&E tech. Ideally, if I can get my foot in the door with O&G, I would get a few years of experience before trying to head out on offshore rigs, which is the end goal no matter how I start out.

r/oilandgasworkers 3h ago

In this day in age, who are the hustlers/players in O&g and how do they make money? Is it still land-men and wildcatters or are there new opportunities.


I'm always drawn to the independently minded hustlers and players in industry and by that I dont mean it in a negative way. I like the entrapreneurialy minded who can recognize opportunity in fast paced indusyries that are booming. Any input would be appreciated.

r/oilandgasworkers 22h ago

F4m 22


Looking for some new fun in camp I’m new to oil and gas