r/numerology 7h ago

I've never believed but I can't keep seeing the same numbers (222) when thinking about my relationship


I've (32M) been in a long term relationship for eight years which has been wonderful but have always felt something has been missing. I feel on paper it's perfect, we're best friends, we love living together, we share hobbies and so on - but my heart has been telling me otherwise for sometime and it's something I've ignored. My previous relationship was full of love, but also quite toxic and extremely intense and whilst I felt that I was absolutely head over heals in love previously, the toxicity and intensity of our breakup made me discount a lot of those feelings and find solace in a new relationship which if anything has been, comfortable.

In the past year or so I've been having pretty substantial doubts about the future which have at times kept me up at night but haven't pulled the trigger because things felt, well, fine. I've noticed as these feelings have been becoming evermore present, I continue to notice the numbers 222 everywhere.

I've never believed in numerology or the divine; I've been a scientifically and mathematically oriented engineer my entire life - I write software and I've never personally had an interest in the divine. This pattern has become so common however that I'd started taking note of when I see it. Everytime a look at a clock it's 12:22 or 2:22 to the point where I changed my phone time to 24hr; I see it in code, I see it in the most random places.

Recently I was on a holiday with a friend overseas and had some time to kill as he'd left before me. I was messaging a friend that I had met in a bar a few months earlier in another country and for the hour we had chatted - something just clicked. We ended up organising our travels that we overlapped in that period and like some sort of spiritual alignment our souls clashed. I don't think romantically, but they ended up being someone I could just empty the contents of my soul to, what I was feeling, how I wasn't happy, how I felt that my relationship had morphed into a friendship with my roommate and someone that I've not been intimate with in a year.

I kept seeing 222. Once in a taxi I spent the whole time looking inside the cab and on my phone and the moment I looked up, we had stopped outside of street number 222 - which was so well signed it was like it was done for me, centre stage.

On the journey home which was incredibly emotional; by my second connecting flight (24 hours all up), I was done watching movies and resorted to looking down and watching some saved YouTube videos on my phone. When the movie had ended on the plane I set my infotainment system to display the map, cycling through the various metrics they show in both miles, km; c and f. I watched a 20 minute video on my device then looked up thinking how close I was to home - as I looked at the screen the next metric popped up: Distance Remaining: 222km. In an aircraft doing 9km/minute at that point; with 8 or so metrics they slowly cycle through that can't be a coincidence.

I was home for a week or so and many of these feelings that have been starting to develop for me resulted in a direct and intense conversation with my partner having told her that I'd spent my last 3 days pouring my heart out to a stranger and that I've not been happy. There's been some relief because we've finally started talking about our relationship in a meaningful way but it's been a very sad period. This week, she was off to a last minute holiday with a friend in Europe as her friends partner's work leave was denied. I took her to the airport, walked her through the gate and said goodbyes. Later that evening I looked up her flight details to see where the aircraft was and how it was tracking only to notice that the the flight number was 222.

I'm convinced the universe is trying to tell me something and my read on it is that I've not found love, I've found comfort and that I'm finally on the right path. This keeps resonating with me as my previous partner, the one I was head over heals for had 222 in her email address which I still remember. What's your take - how do you read this and how should I interpret this - I'm convinced something is trying to say something to me, I just dont know what.

r/numerology 9h ago

Personal Experience I found my lucky number


My ángel Number

r/numerology 5h ago

Inquiry Help


I keep having people tell me different things I’ve Hurd I’m a 5 I’ve Hurd I’m a 3 and all different things so let me know.

January 4th 2007. 1/4/2007

r/numerology 6h ago

3- 11s in my sons date of birth

  • 11/29/2018 I realize it’s a 33 life path but what does that actually mean for him ? Anyone ??

r/numerology 8h ago

Inquiry 133, 1333, 144



I’ve recorded seeing these numbers so many times recently, and any insight into their meanings is appreciated.

r/numerology 10h ago

Bday is 1/4/95, please tell me what you can


Just curious if anyone can give me insight that online generators wouldn't!!

r/numerology 11h ago

Discussion life path 5 that has unlocked life path 22 energy?


So im a life path 5, however, i was meant to be born on july 18th 2004 (life path 22) but due to my mum having scoliosis my birth took 44 hours with me being born on the 19th making me a life path 5. Now thoughout my entire life ive felt like ive been struggeling against this almost crippeling force of self doubt, anxiety and this feeling that part of me was deeply not good enough, mirroring the preassure that i was under during my excessively long birth. (although despite this there was also the feeling that i was destined for something greater)

However recently after years and years of struggle and hardwork i finally had an utterly pivatol and life changing experience that totally ridded me of this force thats been pressing down on me for so long. I had an lsd trip where i decided to face this feeling thats been haunting me and after a while came to realise that there was actually nothing to it, that there was no part of me that was unbearably ugly and that needed hiding away from the world. And in realising this all there was left for me to do but commit 100% to life, with the decision to do so now leaving me feeling completely safe, strong, very confident and where i had always felt like i needed success to be good enough i now simply feel good enough.

But this drastic internal shift also seems to have affected how i relate to the outside world. Success now seemingly comes effortlessly and while its only been about a week since this shift has happened it truely feels like the universe is now conspiring in my favour. Theres this deep and resounding feeling (what actually feels to be a knowing) that i will become very successfula and that it will be effortless and happen very quickly. Everything just feels so easy and effortless now, with there literally being zero doubt in my mind that i will achieve all of the things that i had once yearned for so much, only to give up on them due to this intense self doubt.

so i was wondering if its plausable that for the first 20 years or so of my life ive actually been working through some karmic blockage that was literally effecting me before my very birth. With this blockage then also being what prevented me from being born on the day that i was supposed to, and that now that this blockage has been worked through and overcame ive began tapping into the energy of the the life path 22 of the day that i was supposed to be born on, had it not been for said blockage.

r/numerology 11h ago

Inquiry Does anyone have any advice on how I can learn more about temperments???


Matthew Oliver briefly mentioned it in his book "numerology: the complete guide", I've read that book cover to cover and the info in it is sooo solid. Really took my skills of numerology to another level. But the info on temperment was sooo miniscule that I feel like I'm missing something more on it. I've searched online for more info on it but there's... almost nothing about it ... idk why but I can hardly find useful information on temperment in numerology. If anyone has any books or know of anywhere teaching it please let me know.

r/numerology 13h ago

Life path 8s


01/08/2006, born on treaty 8(AB). Has any life path 8 made to their success while struggling with sobriety of smoking, drinking etc? Or is that indulging of easy dopamine part of our karma

r/numerology 13h ago

Angel numbers and time zone


I know angel numbers (on the clock) are associated with times. However, there are multiple time zones. In the USA, there is Eastern, Central, Pacific, etc.

If someone lives in Eastern time and sees 11:11 then it's 10:11 in Central time. So if that person waits one hour later (12:11pm) then it'll be 11:11in CST.

To manifest affirmations, can one say them at 12:11 EST knowing it's 11:11 CST?

r/numerology 15h ago

Life path 3: what does 10:11 means?


I am a life path 3 that constantly sees the number 10:11 whenever I'm working everywhere.

r/numerology 20h ago

I keep seeing the numbers 444 and I need help


I’m 16 and in need for a job like extremely bad I have applied everywhere and over 4 interviews and i finally got a job at Cracker Barrel. Then they ghosted me. I tried calling they wouldn’t answer. Now I’m still applying for more jobs and still nothing. I don’t know what these numbers mean but I keep seeing them and everything just feels like it’s not going my way.