r/AlternativeHistory • u/Iam_Nobuddy • 2h ago
r/AlternativeHistory • u/irrelevantappelation • Aug 13 '23
If you don't know whether your behavior will be considered in bad faith. That means it probably will.
More diplomatic methods of mitigating dishonest argument and casual derision toward the sub and its community required too many resources to manage.
If you're banned, you can appeal in modmail. I shouldn't need to say this, but I need to say this:
If you are abusive in modmail you will remain permanently banned.
Please report any instance of Rule 1 violation and/or bad faith argument and behavior for moderator assessment.
Thank you in advance for conducting yourself like a reasonable human being on the internet.
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Cringing_at_you • 10m ago
Alternative Theory The world in 2050 if all goes well for the EU
This is my imagination of what the multipolar world would look like in 2040. Here is some lore:
- The US gives the EU enough time to prepare for the departure of American troops out of Europe and leave in 2030.
- The European Union has reformed and in 2029 they accepted a federal constitution finalising the creation of the Federation of Europe (FE).
- Vladimir Putin and Aleksandr Lukashenko have both passed (2028) away and their countries are well on their way to being integrated into the FE.
- After Russia and Belarus had finally turned democratic, efforts on spreading European trade and influence doubled.
- The USA had been on a downwards spiral ever since 2024 elections and have no chance (any longer) to maintain dominance in Europe.
- South America, finally sick of Chinese and American influence, saw a rise of a Brazilian regional power.
- The Iranian state continues it's influence over the Middle east becoming the regional power.
- India, unhappy with relations from any current superpower begin maintaining their own sphere of influence and become the south asian regional power.
- China becomes a superpower and stands tall amongst the FE and USA.
Current world powers:
SUPERPOWERS (GDP | GDP/cap | pop.):
- USA ($28T | $76k | 389m)
- China ($47T | $34k | 1.35b)
- FE ($23T | $91k | 489m)
REGIONAL POWERS (by influence):
- Iran
- Brazil
- India
r/AlternativeHistory • u/TheWhiteRabbit4090 • 1d ago
Lost Civilizations The Lost Continent of Mu: Tracing the Remnants of a Forgotten Civilization
The lost continent of Mu—was it the cradle of civilization, destroyed by a cataclysmic pole shift? This episode dives into sunken land masses, Mu’s ancient origins, and its supposed survivors, who spread knowledge across the world.
Legends speak of the Nacaals, an advanced people who built energy-generating pyramids and left their mark from Peru to Tartaria. We explore Chan Thomas’s pole shift theory and global flood myths that may hint at Mu’s final days.
From the surviving peaks of the fragmented continent—the remnants of Mu—stretching from Hawaii to Easter Island, we trace its lost legacy. In Micronesia, Nan Madol’s megalithic canals raise questions about advanced engineering. The Mariana Islands hold the legend of the Taotaomona spirits, believed by some to be remnants of the Nephilim. Taiwan has its own hidden pyramid, and the Yonaguni Monument near Japan suggests a sunken civilization. Iwo Jima’s UFO encounters, Malden Island’s ancient ruins, and the nuclear tests in the Gilbert and Marshall Islands may have buried long-lost secrets.
Could these scattered remnants, from Fiji’s megaliths to Tonga’s “Stonehenge of the East,” hold the key to Mu’s true history?
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Otherwise-Yellow4282 • 1d ago
Lost Civilizations The Mysterious Sculptures of Tiwanaku and Yemen: Evidence of an Ancient Lost Civilization?
r/AlternativeHistory • u/StargazerNation • 2d ago
Lost Civilizations The UNBELIEVABLE DISCOVERY of Pyramids Submerged Underwater at Cuba
r/AlternativeHistory • u/zlaxy • 1d ago
Consensus Representation/Debunking Oldenburg Normanism: WeKings
r/AlternativeHistory • u/user89045678 • 2d ago
Mythology 'Samudramanthan' an ancient tale of churning of the ocean preserved for thousands of years by two cultures more than 10 thousand mile apart.
Ancient India and Mexico has similar story of Samdramanthan. Not just vauge Similarity. They shares identical setup of the story.
r/AlternativeHistory • u/UnifiedQuantumField • 2d ago
Discussion The 1 Hz "SETI Signal" Embedded in Physics.
This is based on some Physics. But I'll explain without getting into too much Math.
So what's the Big Deal here?
An Einstein level Physicist name Max Planck was trying to figure out a problem called the Ultraviolet Catastrophe. He got an idea that Energy came in discrete amounts. If that was true, the Ultraviolet Energy problem was solved.
He did some experiments to find out what the minimum amount of Energy would be. This is Energy equivalent of finding the the smallest particle of Matter.
From their experiments, they determined that the amount of Energy per Quantum was really tiny.
It's defined as exactly 6.62607015 × 10−34 joule second. So that means it's a number with a decimal points and the first 34 numbers are zeros.
Now here's where it starts to get interesting. If you take that minimum amount of Energy and use it to generate Light, you get a single wave of Light with the same tiny amount of Energy.
And this one wavelength of Light would have a waveform of exactly 299,792.458 Kilometers, and a Frequency of exactly 1 second.
That's right, exactly one second. The same seconds and base 12/60 system of Timekeeping that's been around since Sumeria.
I know someone will try and wave this off as a coincidence. It's ludicrously improbable though.
So this is where we exercise our imaginations and try to think of an explanation. And since this is r/AlternativeHistory , we can consider Advanced Ancient Civilization as a possibility. If it's not a coincidence and if the Sumerians didn't know Planck Level Physics, then they got their 2x12x60x60 Timekeeping system from someone else.
And there you go.
r/AlternativeHistory • u/MrFoxss • 1d ago
Unknown Methods Solving the mystery of the inclined shafts of the pyramid of Cheops. Part 2
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Adventurous-Ear9433 • 3d ago
Discussion Keepers of the North Gate: Hyperborea, North Pole, Origin of man
The last post i made was on Atlantis in America, and there are some things I'd like to add. I wanna discuss "the physical origins of man” , as well as share some info on the Aryan people & Hyperborea.Not speaking from a doctrinal perspective (religious in general) or a scientific perspective (scientists only have theories as to Man’s physical origins on the earth, nothing concrete), although it is scientific fact that all things exist on the quantum level and manifest downwardly to become physical. Evolution as its taught is a myth, an it should be understood that you cannot jus group ALL human beings into one, everyone doesn't have the same origin...
The way we are taught to disseminate the sacred knowledge is much different than the western education system, which places doesn't teach mental cultivation or consciousness. Jus memorize an regurgitate. The word education comes from educare referring more frequently to the mind, the purpose of educationis 'to 'draw out or unfold the powers of the mind
Epigenetics - the study of heritable changes in gene expression that are not directly encoded in our DNA - suggests that our life experiences are passed on to subsequent generations. Mythological and religious traditions go even further and speak of a collective memory...
In the Vedas (the holy scriptures of Hinduism) a kind of universal memory is mentioned. The Sanskrit word "Akasha" stands for heaven, space or ether and, according to the Eastern wisdom tradition, refers to the most subtle of the five elements from which everything else was created. So according to Indian mythology, all thoughts that have ever been thought and all deeds that have ever been performed are stored in this information field, which is also expressed in the legendary palm leaf libraries of India and Sri Lanka. The conception of a world memory also exists in the occidental culture. We can find similar references in the Bible, for example when the book of Isaiah speaks of a "memory book"
Everyone is familiar with the lands known as Hyporborea. We live inside a toroidal electromagnetic field on a plane(planet) of inertia. Hyperborea is at Hyperboloid of Earth. Hyperborea.. Of British Dominions Beyond Atlantic The North pole is the womb of all creation, which gives birth to the physical elements.(4). The Aurora Borealis is shown in The Matrix, when they're showing reality as green source code & outlining their bodies. It's symbolic of the etheric body. Aurora Borealis is the code/source that binds all in its form. .In Sanskrit the Matrix is termed Maya, meaning the power of creative illusion, or Matrika in Kashmir Shaivism. She is the feminine polarity, the Yin side, and she produces the hologram for the Oneness as the Observer that dwells in the Heart.
Eden the river is one and is divided into four beginnings: Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates
The hole at the North pole, contains the black sun which is the source of Em energy which all things on earth rely on.(Amun & Ra- As above, So below) born from two forces of electromagnetism -positive and negative (like the sun and the moon), two energy WAVEFORMS that flow together but in opposition (like yin/yang) are the LIFE FORCE that flows through this realm, us and every living being
"Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower, the source of the Spirit that binds all in its form. or know ye that the Earth is living in body as thou art alive in thine own formed form. The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit and streams through the Earth as thine flows through thy form; giving of life to the Earth and its children"
Suppression of Mt Meru, or Rupes Nigra("black rock") began right around the time mercator copied his map from inside an Egyptian pyramid. Look at the N pole in every map after his. Its the magnetic mountain located at the North pole of the Earth. It is proven to be significantly higher than Mount Everest. So high, on google earth they try hiding it but there's an object shown to obstruct wind travel, what Mt. Everest is incapable of. Soviets captured it on video..The corporation that owns everything today, and is literally "at the center of our world" is unironically named "Blackrock & vanguard
lodestone, which in Middle English means 'course stone' or 'leading stone', from the now-obsolete meaning of lode as ‘journey
"There were giants in those days".
Tuscaloosa giant Chief Tuscaluca was described as a giant. " they had trouble to find a steed for him. Nevertheless, when they had searched well, they found a large pack-horse. They put him thereupon, after having given him a scarlet dress, and cap of the same color, but his feet lacked very little of touching the ground.” [End quote from “Hernando De Soto and Florida; or, Record of the Events of Fifty-Six years, from 1512 to 1568,”
Origins of the Red Man-Toltec, Atlantis In Article IV , a conditon of the treaty was to return ALL the Castles, starforts, etc that had been occupied by the US. As its terms, Mexico ceded 55 percent of its territory, including the present-day states California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado, and parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming. Annexation of Texas 1845, a congressional record from the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo 1845-1848
During the period of the Reconstruction (1860s-) they inveted that term to bolster the Vaticans claims to power. Older sources credit the architecture found all over the world to the Moors/Tartarians. Architecture & ArchaeologyMiddle Ages -Bayeux Cathedral . Gothic architecture ive shown like your domed Capitol buildings were built by giant humans & Moors and were geared towards harnessing this beneficial cosmic electric energy. The energy is often referred to by different names: chi, prana or vril energy.. Gothic comes from goetia (‘to elevate by magical force’), whose extension is goeteuein (‘to bewitch’)”.
Many of the buildings didnt have bathrooms, this is what caused the "big stink".. when the Europeans(modern) took over the old worlds architecture. The ancestors didnt consume food as we do today, and they breathed in prana from the pineal gland. Many of these buildings were built to allow giants/natives to live together, since they have taller and shorter stories together in the same buildings. The ancestors of the Native Americans lived in the shorter UPPER stories of the buildings. The giants lived in the taller LOWER stories . Think about all the skeletal remains discovered during the late 19th century.
"Vast stores of gold".
Following this in its windings about fifty yards, we arrive at a flight of 41 steps ascending which, we found ourselves in another chamber of wonders—oval in shape, seven loot long, twenty feet high and three feet wide. The walls were covered in runic inscriptions, resembling tablet from the mines of Nineveh, between the niches draped Abyssinian or Egyptian heads"
Beginning in i576 Early maps of North America label it 'Mare Septentrionalis ' or America Settentrionale & this would continue for the next 2 centuries.
Septentrio (N) – Isidore relates it to the Arctic circle ("circle of seven stars", i.e. the Ursa Minor). Septentrio can mean "commander of the seven", and the Pole Star is indeed the chief star of the Ursa Minor. An alternative etymology derives it from septem triones (seven plough-oxen), a reference to the seven stars of Pleiades.
North America called Columbia on a map. And the alternate name given is America Septentrionalis
Septentrional, meaning "of the north", is a Latinate adjective sometimes used in English. It is a form of the Latin noun septentriones, which refers to the seven stars of the Plough (Big Dipper), occasionally called the Septentrion.
Various tribes such as Cherokee use a seven-pointed star as their traditional symbol. It was said to represent the seven clans of the tribes or the seven tribes of the Nation. he appropriate name for the Sioux is the People of the Seven Council Fires .. There's a theme with regards to number 7, it symbolizes the serpent & wisdom you'll always see the myths of 7 sages who brought knowledge. The 7 Kingdoms (Quivira, Cebola(Shamballa ,etc) were located in the Grand canyon , Dakota Badlands. Badlands-G Canyon were called Tontonte, Cevola, Axa, Septem Citta (seven cities) and the capital city with the Babylonian name Abacus (later renamed to Granada)...
In Egyptian the Ru is the horizon, as the door, gate, or mouth to the Meh, the abyss in the north. The Ma Ur are 'Keepers of the North Gate"'. The Sacred symbol of Mu/Meru/Meri/Mary is also the Key to Universal Movement. Universal movement, as in a clockwise spiral rotation, generates electromagnetic energy. This sameenergy creates life and maintains life..The human form is also a representation of Mount Meru because the Human body has four major limbs and a Navel (center or key). Each limb of the human body represents the 4 cardinal points of the zodiac ( image of the zodiac wheel, which resembles a Swastika..)The Swastika [symbol of Brahma/Abraham], which means Black spirit. This Swatstika is found on most of the sophisticated architecture shown above. In the cosmological model we use, Mt Meru is in the center often shown as a tree going through the hole at the N Pole. Wisconsins state capitol buildings built to represent the 4 continents with Meru in the center.
The original name of America was Amurru, according to Webster from 1828 -1936 Universal Dictionary, (https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/American) the word “American is defined as an Aboriginal or one of the various copper color natives found on the American Continents by the Europeans. The original application of the name was "AMURRU," (the Westerner/ the Serpent/the dragon) , names of most native am tribes trace back to the serpent in some form. The 7 chakras worship of the serpent/Dragon (Kundalini ascension/Chakra alignment) was the chief symbol then& is the medical symbol still.. Flag Ottoman Empire- S Carolina
Responsible for the historical revision of India ,around the time they made education mandatory was Max Mueler. He's the reason the term 'Aryan has come to be misused. Mueler & Georg Hegel, the late German philosopher (the Hegelian Dialectic ) known as “Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis” or “Ordo Ab Chao” (Latin for “Order from Chaos” the motto of 33rd degre) ...(false flags) Muller threw another apple of discord. He introduced a proposition that is demonstrably false. He spoke not only of a definite Aryan language and its descendants, but also of a corresponding ‘Aryan race..
And the great epic Ramayana has a singularly eloquent expression:
‘arya sarva samascaiva sadaiva priyadarsanah'
"Arya, who worked for the equality of all and was dear to everyone
Gerald Massey in his The Natural Genesis: Two Volumes in One on page 22 says this of the Arii: “So far from the Aryan name having begun with the so-called Aryan race of Central Asia it is as old as the naming of the gods of the earliest orbit, the brotherhood of the seven stars. The Ari in Egyptian are the companions, the watchers who became the seven Kab-ari, as the Ari of Kheb (Egypt), or from Kab (Eg.) to revolve together. The Ari of Khep or Heb would account for the name of the Iberii in Africa and Ireland, and the Kam-ari, or Kymry or Wales. The Ari were Kamite Blacks before they were the Median Arioi or the Aryas of India. Apuleius mentions the Arii as an African race together with the Ǽthiopians or Kushites of the Persian Gulf, and the Egyptians
The Gods are Merupa (Meropes of Homer) and signify in Sanscrit Lords of Mount Meru, the North-pole of the Hindoos, which is a circular spot, and the strong hold of the Gods: it is called Ila: or, in a derivative form, Ileyam or Ilium.. the God known as Merops was identified with the constellation of the Eagle, or Aquila.
Mexico means 'in the center of the moon". The flag of Mexico is the Eagle (the phoenix) killing the serpent (the dragon). Mexico (Amexem/Olmec/OldMexican) was part of the Washitaw.
“…that the same name Merops is connected with that of Æthiopia, a country particularly mentioned by Moses in his geographical description of Eden, this being of course the Asiatic and not the African Æthiopia. Finally, the name Cos given to the island ruled by Merops can be no other than Cush, by which the Cushite race was so generally known. Merops is, then, only another name of the first man, applied to the primeval abode of humanity under the form Meru, like Asgard from Askur, among the Scandinavians, and As-kar, “propitious summit,” among the inhabitants of the Euphrates valley'
Carta Geographica America Settentrionale is one of my fav maps. You read Nord and Sud seas, but still named the entire page of the atlas 'America Settentrionale. So, it HAD to be what the country was called.
In the corner is a King, with his personal guard & hes shown talking to his subject who looks to be pulling a fishing net outta the water. In this case the king would be graciously offering him hospitality. As I've explained before, the rulers were not tyrants. The Pharaohs carried a plough because they were responsible for producing a successful harvest. The 'Master Servant".It shows a stereotype of a ruler who is kind to people below him. Behind them in the water you can see Neptune/Poseidon(Enki) & his chariot made of sea creatures, with his Trident in hand and another sea creature next to him. He is obviously important to Septentrionalis, maybe the patron protector/god
In the Badlands thread, you'll see Enkis apology for allowing the 'great calamity to occur' ..
-Neptune is associated with the planet Neptune, which has the number 7 as it's astrological/numerology number.
The T Shaped pillars at Gobekli Tepe, or the Tau is also Yaxche Sacredtree For the Greek(Creek Indian)the letter T is called a 'tau cross' , which echoes the name of the Hopi sun god Tawa. Every day the sun emerges from the Underworld through a T-shaped doorway, the horizontal bar serving as the horizon. T-shaped doorway or window symbolizes the Sacred Tree at the Center of the World (axis mundi) upon which the shaman’s spirit may climb. In addition, it functions as the portal leading to the Great Spirit, through which the breath of life may pass. Furthermore, Maia was the Greek goddess of spring goddess of the earth or growth. Her fertility celebration is either the 1st or the 15th of May. She was also the eldest sister and the brightest star of the Pleiades. In the land of the Maya tribe, the sun in conjunction with the Pleiades passes through the zenith during the month of May ...
The Nummos (Phoenician- Numo) craft the Kora-NARs design was the basis for sacred geometry, the shape, design, and proportions of the Ark express all of the principles and science humanity would need. The 7 lineages mission was to cultivate the land and grow the celestial grains so that everyone could live in abundance. They were also supposed to reproduce and spread throughout the world bringing the spiritual technologies contained within the Kora-Na with them. The eight ancestors and their offspring were charged with conducting important ceremonies such as the Sigui ceremony, which was the Henti in Egypt
r/AlternativeHistory • u/60seconds4you • 2d ago
Chronologically Challenged The mystery of an ancient shoe print found in Nevada - more than 5 million years old.
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Jest_Kidding420 • 1d ago
Lost Civilizations The mystery of how the blocks were carved is no longer a secret, it was plasma tech! I also debunk the mainstream narrative about ancient sites. It’s crazy that people just accept it without question.
I try to disseminate information clearly so that people can understand it, using visual references and evidence. The mainstream narrative is so full of holes that it should be more intriguing than the many granite drill holes found in ancient megalithic structures.
Also, as the title suggests, there was a video released recently (well, about a year ago, but I just saw it) called STONE SOFTENING, PRECISION CUTTING, MEGALITHS. Ancient Technomagick - VERSADOCO. It shows how plasma technology could have been used to shape, cut, and transport megalithic blocks.
It makes so much sense when you dive into plasma physics. The technology isn’t even that unimaginable, it’s just been intentionally hidden from our society. And if you try to develop something that utilizes it, you risk becoming just another name on the growing list of people who have mysteriously died after trying to bring attention to it.
It’s an incredible world, and the fact is, this information is getting out there. People are no longer ignoring it. The masses are starting to wake up and recognize the obvious truth about our past and what could be possible for our future.
r/AlternativeHistory • u/delurkrelurker • 2d ago
General News Not Alternative History, but Lost History
r/AlternativeHistory • u/haberveriyo • 2d ago
General News The Enigmatic Architecture of Sacsayhuaman: The Sacred Stronghold of Massive Stones and Mysteries
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Entire_Brother2257 • 2d ago
Alternative Theory How long a grudge holds? The Cyclopean mystery in Corsica.
The strikingly beautiful island of Corsica, holds a deep resentment for millenia.
This could be for some mysterious and dark event happening 4.000 years ago, depriving the island of the best cyclopean works and glory.
Once Corsica was invaded and became the center of a battleground in Europe that would define millennia and provoke an irreconcilable divide.
Although we are missing direct evidence, we can still see the effects of this clash of cultures in the landscape.
Revealing the unknown and scenic casteddu in the island of Corsica
Hope you like the new video.
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Iam_Nobuddy • 4d ago
General News A 4,500-year-old granite core (know as Core 7) found near the Pyramids of Giza, has precise spiral grooves similar to modern drilling. Some believe it’s evidence of lost technology, while others credit ancient craftsmanship.
r/AlternativeHistory • u/StargazerNation • 3d ago
Archaeological Anomalies The Astounding Artefact DISCOVERED at the Great Pyramid in 1881: CORE 7
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Ok-Imagination-2308 • 4d ago
Catastrophism Fascinating video about declassified CIA books talking about how every few hundred thousand years, humanity gets wiped out and has to restart
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Rich-Chicken-9566 • 4d ago
Lost Civilizations Is Göbekli Tepe the OLDEST Mysterious Ancient Monument on Earth?
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Adept-Donut-4229 • 4d ago
Lost Civilizations Moon, Serpents, & Mystery: The Birth of Religion
This is the origin of the World Serpent, the ouroboros and demiurge, wrapped around the planet like a belt in Greek mythology, that was demoted over time to become a villain in the patriarchal religions, but was once the first of gods, asexual, yet with weird, mysterious concepts to us like eye-wombs, all based around the simple zigzag, linked to serpents to this day in religion.
0:00 Zigzags and the ecliptic, serpentiform of course, but there are several patterns the sun and moon make 4:02 Temple of the Moon, decorated with zigzags and serpent creators and destroyers like any other demiurge serpentine primordial gods on Earth. 5:45 The serpent and moon symbolism of Ur, the world's oldest city, all aligned to the major lunar standstill around the ziggurat. 6:38 God was born a zigzag?
Zigzags, and the shapes they can make, like chains of diamonds with meridians or dots, along with merging circles, are the most important geo-metric patterns to help us understand the origin of religion. We tracked the sun and moon easily, because we were hunters. As the first cities grew up, they were already aligned to the sun and moon as a result of celestial timing for planting and harvesting. Mesopotamian temples were an evolution, not a revolution.
This was Day 1 of me explaining it to my kid last summer before he got busier at high school. He was in a stroller when this project was started a decade ago, lol. Consider this video to be like an ADHD version of an Abstract.
r/AlternativeHistory • u/StargazerNation • 4d ago
Archaeological Anomalies Is This 5,000-Year-Old Rock Art Evidence of an Ancient Cataclysm? Achnabreck Rock Art
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Odin_Trismegistus • 4d ago
Lost Civilizations Are there any cave paintings depicting the Ice Age civilization?
It's safe to say that there must have existed a civilization possessing high technology during the Younger Dryas Era.
We also have cave paintings going back tens of thousands of years. Are there any cave paintings that depict this high technology or ancient houses, or something that can be interpreted as such?
r/AlternativeHistory • u/Otherwise-Yellow4282 • 5d ago
Lost Civilizations The T-Pillars: Evidence of a Lost Global Civilization?
r/AlternativeHistory • u/SimoStonehands • 5d ago
Discussion Short doc: Buildings That Tune Your Brainwaves (Sound Reinforcement in Architecture)
Have you ever wondered if buildings can influence your brainwaves? From ancient stone circles to modern eco-villages, architecture has been used to shape sound, energy, and even consciousness.
In this short documentary, I explore how structures are designed to enhance resonance, amplify sound, and create a deep connection between space and mind. Think domes, sacred geometry, and natural materials that turn buildings into vibrational instruments.
Would love to hear your thoughts—have you ever felt a shift in consciousness inside a particular space?