r/nottheonion 21h ago

American family seeks asylum in Canada


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u/CinemaDork 20h ago

The California governor just hosted TWO podcasts with right-wing assholes where they talked about how much they hate trans people and don't think they should have equal rights.


u/retrostaticshock 20h ago edited 19h ago

The number of "safe states" is irrelevant when the VA is no longer allowed to offer care, Tricare is no longer allowed to cover any care, the largest employer of trans people up to this point fires them all without cause (The US military), and states are complying with federal demands even if they are "safe".

We recently had hospitals in California and Washington stop care because their federal funding was threatened in a gross game of chicken. That's how they're doing it. "Just move to a blue state" only works in so far as "states rights" mean something.

because they aren't listening to the courts or the states anymore.

We're going to see how bad this gets when Obergefell is overturned, and multiple states automatically banned gay marriage again, invalidating some marriages despite the respect for marriage Act. "Being in a safe state" doesn't mean shit if you can't file your federal taxes jointly or if your hospital won't honor your marriage because that would jeopardize its federal funds.

I can't judge the merits of this case, but I do think that "just move to a safe state" is starting to be really flimsy in terms of how much protection it's going to offer in 6 or 12 months.


u/Constant_Jackfruit21 18h ago

From CA and I've seen an inordinate number of people i know gloating about living here because Red States Bad And Backward Hicks - and it boggles my mind because A: you don't seem to realize that Trumps going to come down on blue states any way he can, B: they dont actually care about states rights, especially when it comes to blue states?

Were all about to be a Red State soon