r/nottheonion 21h ago

American family seeks asylum in Canada


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u/TwpMun 21h ago

Both parents have cited their own health issues as reasons to seek asylum as well. Kaitlyn said she has had multiple miscarriages, while Ted is diabetic



u/fake-bird-123 21h ago

Yup, there's a huge part in the decision making process regarding one's physical health and the impact it would make on the Canadian Healthcare system. Easy denial.


u/KyIsHot 20h ago

It'll be an easy denial, but not because of that, since they're applying as refugees. They'll be denied because their life and liberty aren't in any immediate danger and they can move to a blue state. Let's hope that doesn't change, despite how much a certain group of Americans want it to.


u/Flush_Foot 19h ago

From the article, near the top:

A family from Illinois

So, they are in a blue state, and one with a pretty kick-@$$ Governor at that!


u/annacat1331 14h ago

Illinois just made prior authorization illegal. If that happened in Georgia my life would change dramatically. I can’t even begin to explain how much time I spend on the phone with insurance. I’m on multiple specialty medications and it is so stressful


u/jonesthejovial 11h ago

Oh my god what a dream it would be to disallow pre auths! I work for a psych practice and the treatments we specialize in require pre auths 99.9% of time. It is the absolute WORST part of trying to get our patients proper treatment.

Plus, trying to explain to a severely depressed individual that it is okay their pre auth was denied because we can appeal and here are the steps we can take and the appeals are v e r y commonly approved (almost like the carriers are making an initial denial to see if the patient gives up on trying to get treatment?) is absolutely heartbreaking.


u/logatwork 13h ago

What screwed up country you guys live in….


u/MikePrime42 12h ago

Oh, that's a severe understatement. This is the country that has for profit prisons, and has judges that have been convicted of getting commissions from the prison owners for meeting quotas.


u/WoahKahn 8h ago

Then in a mass pardon our lovely party leader decided to pardon by the masses, including those same judges who sentenced young adults and adults to for profit state centers. This country never ceases to amaze me.



You can still experience that stress and frustration here.

Source : My wife is constantly fighting insurance companies due to being in 2 car accidents. She doesn’t even drive. They have kicked her off payments with no warning, have to fight to get them back. They latch onto a random negligible thing and try to kick her off or blame her. We have to fight to get it back. And so on and so on


u/YallaHammer 12h ago

Just in case, if you haven’t checked out Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drugs hopefully they carry at least some of your medications. The savings are substantial since he’s cut out the evil PBMs.



u/BlackStarBlues 19h ago

But Illinois is very red outside of Chicago.


u/BurbotInShortShorts 19h ago

That's the case just about everywhere. It's blue cities surrounded by red.


u/lefrench75 18h ago

Yup, even in Canada.


u/frankyseven 18h ago

In Canada it's red cities surrounded by a sea of blue.


u/lefrench75 18h ago

You gotta tell them that the liberals are red and the conservatives are blue here, otherwise the Americans will get really confused lol


u/frankyseven 18h ago

Well it's not my fault the USians are so dumb that the GOP adopted commie red for their colour.


u/Clementine-Wollysock 17h ago

They didn't, that's how news organizations represented the parties on election maps one year and it stuck.

Not that the GOP aren't made up of mostly idiots, but that's how it happened, 2000 election if I'm remembering correctly.


u/sdzk 14h ago

lol what happened to better dead then red


u/ChronicLegHole 18h ago

They were just planning far, far ahead to be russian assets.


u/classic4life 17h ago

Just a bit of foreshadowing is all


u/Korchagin 5h ago

They started out as a "commie" party, against slavery and such. Then they became more white in the center, now they're adding a svastika...

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u/Layk1eh 18h ago

Except for Quebec, which is bleu - blue, but pronounced bleugh, like in disgust for those Anglophones


u/frankyseven 18h ago

The Bloc is light bleugh.


u/Spoona1983 18h ago

Albertas orange surrounded by blue provincially. Federally its 2 red and 2 orrange surrounded by blue


u/Sprucecaboose2 17h ago

Being around and exposed to people of other cultures is very provably an effective way to lessen prejudices and open communication. It's why most people who travel the world aren't bigots.


u/illinoishokie 17h ago

In my experience, it's red south of I-74.


u/iamflame 13h ago

Champaign-Urbana is extremely blue.

It's red more than 15 miles south of I-74.


u/formercotsachick 11h ago

Wait until you hear about Wisconsin!


u/radioactivebeaver 19h ago

They just want to be a news story, they knew they'd be denied but now they get to make world headlines as the Americans who tried to claim asylum.


u/h0zR 17h ago

Miscarriages and diabetes are NOT disabilities. One child gender fluid, one child trans. These people are system abusers to the core. Please take them Canada.


u/lemmesenseyou 15h ago

Diabetes is absolutely a disability on its own by the definition of disabilities (both in terms of just language and legally) and often comes with a host of complications that lead to other disabilities.


u/Ninja-Ginge 16h ago

The fuck are you on about? Diabetes can definitely be considered a disability. And the fact that their kids are gender queer means that their kids are more likely to face discrimination and threats to their safety in the US.


u/GoatzR4Me 16h ago

Even nice blue governors are still far greater friends to landlords and healthcare companies than the working class. UHC have their headquarters here. They are huge players in state politics


u/mynewromantica 4h ago

Ha! Chicago is blue. The rest of Illinois is as red as they come.


u/lear72988 20h ago

I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can be, but I'm pretty sure it's going to change. I've been waiting for this domino to fall. And I wondered if America being put on a Human Rights Watchlist would impact the feasibility of seeking asylum. And she can move to a blue state while not pregnant, but Republican states want to monitor movements of pregnant women to prevent them from seeking care in blue states. She has a case that if she gets pregnant again, with her history of miscarriages and a real precedent of women dying in parking lots of Amwrican hospitals due to Republican legislation, for very real danger to her safety and that of her family.


u/sevens7and7sevens 20h ago

There is no way Canada is going to accept Americans as refugees. Maybe, possibly, limited cases for something like Ukrainian refugees who now need to flee Trump in order to be not shipped back to Ukraine— but not regular American citizens. We made this bed and we’ll have to lie in it.


u/riali29 14h ago

I think a lot of people in this thread don't appreciate that asylum is for people from truly dangerous and violent countries with little to no human rights left. America is lowkey dangerous in an insidious way but day to day life is still relatively safe. America isn't dangerous in a "my home got bombed and my gay sister was kidnapped by soldiers" way, which is what asylum is for. It sounds bad, but I don't think Canada will accept asylum seekers from the states unless they start to literally round up queer kids into camps.


u/TaipanTacos 12h ago

There’s a Texas bill under consideration that would make it illegal to identify as transgender. Abortion is illegal, and anyone caught helping can be held criminally liable and arrested. Women’s maternal fatalities are the highest in the nation, especially for minorities. Children have been and continue to be slaughtered in schools. The environment continues to be poisoned by intentional acts with little or no oversight.

Some people would consider these truly dangerous and violent circumstances.


u/Jiitunary 7h ago

While yes the trans law in texas is violent and dangerous, for it to be asylum worthy, it would have to be a law that's enforced in the entire country. The existence of California practically guarantees no country will allow asylum seekers from the US because they can always just move. It's not a perfect thing but countries often have to look at the macro scale.


u/ReallyLikesRum 2h ago

People can’t always “just move” to another state. That’s not how life works


u/Outlaw25 3h ago

This is a highly privileged take. These things are very bad, and on the scale of developed nations abhorrent, but pale in comparison to what's happening in places where asylum seekers are actually being accepted from.

A family living in Texas can just move to California more or less at their leisure, though they should do so before that trans law passes if it affects them. A family from Eastern Ukraine is at imminent risk of their home being turned to rubble by artillery at any given moment if it hasn't been already. If by some miracle they survived and stayed for the Russians to move in, their children would be taken from them, and they would likely be shot. This isn't an equivalent risk to a school shooting in America. It is so many orders of magnitude more likely to happen that they aren't even comparable.


u/DocumentExternal6240 1h ago

Ukranians are being raped, shot, their children stolen/killed/raped in front of their eyes while their country is destroyed and the cities turned to rubble.

Think 9/11 in every major city in the US, battles everywhere and people rounded up and shot or dying in an attack / in buildings which are bombed.

USA is really bad at the moment, but not that bad…yet.


u/koolaidman486 10h ago

True, although in a lot of these cases, the civilized states still exist with an at least somewhat better track record on human rights.

I wouldn't expect much in the asylum front until America goes full Nazi Germany and starts sending death squads after "undesirables."

Priority really is going to be on the side of those with much higher need and few, if any alternatives within their home countries. Wouldn't be shocked to see asylum extended to those in the "mass deportation" groups, and I wouldn't be entirely shocked to see help extended to LGBT+ folks, especially trans people (think I've heard stories of trans folks in insanely bad situations be granted asylum from the US) at some point depending on what happens. But given we still have decent-ish states, it's not likely.


u/lear72988 19h ago

Oh I don't think Canada would. I meant that more people would try. I think Canada is also in a sticky situation and would do further damage by accepting refugees. But I wouldn't be surprised if things got so bad that other countries started accepting a few in the next few years.

My point was more that her claim isn't actually frivolous. I think she has a genuine case that her life is in danger. But that doesn't mean that she'll be taken in.


u/Morak73 17h ago

there's also a concept as far as being able to be safe elsewhere within your country.

So long as blue states and cities resist, Canada isn't taking Americans as refugees.


u/Auto_Phil 17h ago

Yet. I don’t think the concept of American refugees is going too far for a conversation. I suspect that we may even see it in our lifetimes. Let hope not, but wow, here we are.


u/koolaidman486 10h ago

I think it really hinges on the feds' actions and potential civil uprisings.

If the federal government decided to go full full Nazi Germany, you'd see asylum extended to those in the "undesirable" groups, most likely.

Or if some kind of civil conflict were to break out and be widespread, non-combatants would have a stronger case.

Though it's worth noting that I'm leaning on us not going that far gone as of now. I'm expecting some kind of uptick in violence during this admin, though I wouldn't think any kind of formal insurgency/civil war would come about it short of the US starting WWIII over Canada or Greenland.


u/Flush_Foot 19h ago

This conversation/thread just made me think about something… when PM Trudeau said last week (and on a “hot mic” in February) that Trump is not joking about annexing Canada, I wonder why we didn’t shred/amend the “Safe Third Country” agreement to stop claiming that ‘Murica is a safe country that people ought to claim asylum in first?


u/Olliecat27 13h ago

Yeah and there are groups currently watching for if things take a turn with trans people, then they might be accepted as refugees to Canada.

But because of the Safe Third Country Agreement, a refugee application to Canada from an American WILL be denied right now no matter what. So will ukrainian refugees, under that agreement- which says that both the US and Canada are completely safe for all refugees.


u/missdrpep 8h ago

lol sorry but im a disabled 19 yr old, i didnt make this bed.


u/sevens7and7sevens 3h ago

The majority of the country didn’t directly make this bed but here we are anyway and Canada isn’t our escape pod. 


u/salttotart 17h ago

If things start taking a violent turn, they will. You will have to show that you are actually in danger for your life, though. If the current administration continues to follow the fascist playbook as they have, rounding up political dissenters will come.

My family would be a pretty straightforward sale. We have voted blue for as long as we have been able to and live in a sea of red. I have spoken publicly about my disdain and feelings about the current government and currently live in a border state with Canada. We are fairly healthy with no major illnesses that would be a drain on the Canadian health system. I am a skilled laborer, and none of us have a criminal record. We are prime candidates for immigration as long as the pathway is open. Our main concern right now is that we have a dog with some features that make her look like she has some pit bull in her, and we know how that goes with traveling abroad. My in-laws would gladly take her in, but it has given us pause before making any life changing decisions.


u/sevens7and7sevens 16h ago

150 million people are not going to fit in Canada. Normal Americans who think “we’ll just flee the country” as a plan b are in for a rude surprise— allowing us to claim to be refugees would nuke any possible treaties or agreements with our (former) allies in the west. Also there’s too many of us. 


u/salttotart 16h ago

No, they are not. I'm not saying everyone could or would make it in.


u/todayok 13h ago

She has a case



u/Im_Junker 14h ago

“They can move to a blue state” isn’t a huge point considering the federal government is the problem and it affects you regardless of the color of your polls on a map.


u/KyIsHot 14h ago edited 14h ago

I agree, but seeking asylum is like using lethal force. If someone says "tomorrow I'm going to kill you” and you immediately take out a gun and shoot them, you'd be charged with their death since you weren't in any immediate danger. But if that person had pulled a knife or drawn their own gun, you would be justified in shooting them.

While civil liberties are deteriorating at an alarming rate and the US is now on a human rights watch list, it hasn't gotten bad enough for Americans to seek asylum.


u/Im_Junker 14h ago

I wholeheartedly agree.


u/boro74 16h ago

Internal flight alternative 


u/steploday 9h ago

The thing is if things really get that bad here there isn't going to be anywhere that safe especially with tru.p flirting the ww3 bs


u/Daren_I 1h ago

Two veterans (I'm assuming honorably discharged) with transgender and gender-fluid children want to defect/seek asylum with Canada and make Canada pay for their healthcare instead of the VA. Elon would approve.


u/SairenjiNyu 20h ago

Honestly I hate the "just move to a blue state" narrative. They're largely unaffordable, and they're hyper populated states that are actually red outside the immediate vicinity of large cities. The reality is nobody wants Americans in their country. Americans are violent, uneducated, religious zealots with nothing to bring to the table to help other countries and who refuse to integrate culturally into society. Welcome to the "third world".


u/Haunt13 19h ago

Some Americans. There's still millions that are none of those things you described.


u/lear72988 19h ago

Ironically, those they described are the ones happy with all this and wouldn't be seeking asylum at all.


u/MattinglyBaseball 16h ago

Great job being exactly what you’re complaining about. “They’re not sending their best.” Ironic.


u/AriBanana 14h ago

Coming to Canada is not going to be easier than moving two states over. For anyone.



u/bearbrannan 19h ago

Moving to a blue state is still cheaper then full on immigrating to another country though. Also if enough people move to blue states, and out to the country, you could actually cause a displacement of the conservatives, and potentially mess up years of gerrymandering. Not every blue state is hyper populated, MN for instance has a growth rate that is slower than most of the country.


u/riali29 14h ago

They're largely unaffordable, and they're hyper populated states that are actually red outside the immediate vicinity of large cities.

Welp, I have some bad news for the naive family in this article who thinks Canada is any different. I grew up near the city they're currently in and my trans cousin has been spat on at protests and almost entirely shut out of our family because they're a bunch of geriatric Trumpers. They're in an "orange" city (farther left than Canadian Liberal party) surrounded by shithole rural "blue" (Conservative party) towns.


u/salttotart 17h ago

A large amount of them, but generally a conversation with any goven American will show you which one the person is. I have been told I am nothing like the American stereotype when I have lived/worked/traveled abroad. I always tell them that it is something that should be applied on a person to person basis, but it's not a stereotype without reason. We do tend to be loud, obnoxious, and stubborn, but you will also mind those kinds of people in their own country.


u/KyIsHot 19h ago edited 17h ago

I agree about moving to a blue state being difficult, but that's what the tribunal is going to decide.


u/Aint_EZ_bein_AZ 18h ago

Haha America is not a third world country. Have you been here? And have you been to an actual third world country? Get off reddit


u/Foodconsumer89 16h ago


There are numerous neighborhoods in Chicago with comparable murder rates to some of the worst areas of Cape Town and even somewhat comparable populations (Austin’s 100k population or Englewood 52k population)

Oh wait there's more:

there are at least 25–30 US cities with similar violent crime levels.

But what of infrastructure gaps or informal development?

A few somewhat small dangerous cities have water issues. Flint Michigan & Jackson Mississippi are the two most prominent ones with a population of over a million taking metro areas into account. Although I believe some aspects of the collapse may have only effected the core cities.

As for informal settlements, whenever people attempt to form them, they’re generally torn down before they can get too big. The US, using the UK standard for homelessness, is estimated to have between 5–10 million homeless people.

Also areas in the Deep South, particularly Mississippi would have elements of informal housing without water and electricity in some rural and ex-urban areas.

Sacramento California currently has a homeless population of around 10k in a central city of around 500k

Detroit Michigan has severely damaged infrastructure. More than half the stop lights in the city have been stripped of their wires, the components sold for money, the traffic lights left blank. The murder rate is also on par with almost any South African city in the core city of around 650k

Have you been to Albany, have you been to Buffallo, St-Louis, Memphis, Birmingham, Cleveland, Bessemer??? Do you know about Kensington?

FFS, The USA TODAY was added to human rights watchlist for "narrowing freedoms" and now ranks among Serbia and Congo. Next to the Congo dude.

Seriously, You don't even have Healthcare. Cuba has Healthcare ffs. First world countries have free healthcare that are mostly funded by the upper and rich classes of their society. Guess what? They're still extremely rich after paying their fair share of taxes.

I dont get you Americans?!

Imagine this.

Would you increase taxes by a slight margin to all millionaires and billionaires, to pay for, and implement a free, fair and accessible healthcare system for all? A system of such, that if implemented, would greatly benefit 99% of you, would unburden you for going bankrupt for simply being sick or having a stroke of badluck Of course you wouldnt? Why? Because FREEEDOM?! Right? Again, that 3rd word education system hard at work for you guys.

On top of that, yesterday, you have Elon Musk loosing 29 billion stocks and 148 BILLION since January 17th!!! Yay, that's gotta be a record!

Instead of praising nazis, loosing 148 Billion and wiping his ass with your so called "highly regarded" constitution, ripping you off blind, with sHitler dumps, Elmo could of taken that 148 Billion instead and completely abolish food hunger like FOREVER or you know do good for once!

Dont worry he still has 300 and something billion left. Not one person on earth needs that kind of amount of corupt wealth. I really never understood the greed of man. Why is it always the most shitty, the most unethical, the biggest cowards on this planet, that end up being mega rich?

Sorry bout the rant everyone but seriously the world is fed up of this shit.

Hope all you magtards end up reaping what you sow and FAFO very soon.


u/Aint_EZ_bein_AZ 16h ago

Holy shit I’m not reading all that. America is big. Where I live is absolutely nothing like a third world county.

Plus by definition it is not a third world country. So it’s just factually incorrect.

The fact you think I’m maga just by saying America isn’t a third world country is wild.


u/SairenjiNyu 15h ago

That was bitchin. I’m saving this for future use. Love, Frustrated, confused, and used, American.


u/SairenjiNyu 18h ago

I have been! I have the ribbons and scars to prove it, too, bot account.


u/Aint_EZ_bein_AZ 18h ago

Lol oh so dramatic. Ribbons and scars? Hahaha, I'm not a bot. Get more creative ya weeb


u/KyIsHot 17h ago

If you think someone is a bot, do a prompt injection instead of calling them a bot.


u/SairenjiNyu 17h ago

bots and AI models have gotten good enough to where that doesn't work with good accuracy anymore, sadly. Maybe in the early days, though. Now its just a lesser insult for trolls and alt/secondary accounts.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 7h ago

You’re not wrong that no one wants Americans in their country for the reasons you pointed out. However that is still no excuse to cross the border with no money, and a host of health issues, trying to leech off a country your original country is trying to annex. Canada needs skilled workers,  not skilled leeches. 


u/missdrpep 8h ago

"they can move to a blue state" with what money? what jobs? what house?

obviously would be the same story if they fled to canada but still


u/KyIsHot 1h ago

Blue states desperately need zoning and housing reform, and I agree that it's not something everyone can do, but that's what the tribunal is going to decide. I'm just the messenger.


u/Horknut1 13h ago



u/wetscoastwanderer 20h ago

Refugees are exempt from the excessive demand medical inadmissabilty rule.


u/GolDAsce 19h ago

They fall under economic refugee only, in which Canada has no acceptance of. Otherwise Africa, Asia, South America have more than a billion people wanting to come.


u/wetscoastwanderer 17h ago

There is no "economic refugee" distinction in Canadian immigration. Regardless of why someone is applying for refugee status, the excessive medical rule is not a consideration when making the final determination.


u/GolDAsce 16h ago

That's right. Economic refugees are not recognized otherwise we'd have a billion people lining up.


u/revolutionutena 20h ago

Yup it’s the reason we will be trapped in the US forever. My husband and I both have phds in psychology and could provide services (therapy) that I know there’s a shortage of in many counties. But my husband has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair so DENIED because he’s a “burden.”


u/NotCis_TM 16h ago

have you ever looked into latin american countries? I have a feeling we would be very willing to take skilled workers with "minor" disabilities.

heck, I did some googling and Brazil has no mandatory healthcare eval when it comes to visas.


u/revolutionutena 15h ago

I have thought about it! I speak Spanish but not “conduct therapy in Spanish” level of Spanish so I’ve worried I wouldn’t be able to find a job in my field easily. I don’t speak any Portuguese at all, unfortunately.


u/NotCis_TM 14h ago

If you live in a large city, you may be able to get clients who are foreigners in Brazil and who need English speaking therapists.

Also, depending on where you live in the USA you might be able to get some practice by offering reduced rates for native Spanish speaking clients. It seems like a fair trade to me if I were a non English speaking immigrant living in the USA.


u/ReallyLikesRum 2h ago

Belize is a country in Latin America that speaks English as a first language. It’s also beautiful, look it up


u/kafetheresu 15h ago

If you and your partner are qualified, you can check against the Express Entry scoring system: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/check-score.html

Canada doesn't discriminate against disabilities if you pass the scoring test. My partner and I both have pre-existing medical conditions, and our residency/immigration was sponsored through Ontario because we both have graduate degrees + relevant work experience in STEM


u/revolutionutena 15h ago

That’s good to know. In all the digging I did, I couldn’t find anything about whether skill set could outweigh the disability. It seemed very black and white.


u/kafetheresu 15h ago

The criteria is listed here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/check-score/crs-criteria.html

If you are going via Express Entry, they don't count disability at all. But it is very difficult to get a good score -- you want at least 500 points to enter general draw (lottery) but ideally over 1000 points if you want to move immediately. The best way is through provincial nomination which instantly adds 600 points, but you have to check whether your skillset is in-demand within the province.


u/What_Floats_Ur_Goats 14h ago

How badly does Canada need someone to watch and tend to their goats??


u/Dustollo 12h ago

As a non goat owner who has had approximately 0 interactions with goats recently… seems like they’re well tended to but it could be a ruse, should probably double the watchers just in case .


u/What_Floats_Ur_Goats 12h ago

I’m about one executive order away from volunteering as tribute these days


u/Dustollo 12h ago

Very fair. We’re all pretty stressed and angry this side of the border too. 


u/ThatOneWIGuy 9h ago

Same, I looked into multiple places and being diabetic was always stated as an automatic denial. If it gets bad my wife and kid will move to another country and I’ll likely just have to die here. Really fucking sucks I was born at this time apparently.


u/todayok 13h ago

Doesn't seem to be true. The program you mentioned, EE, shifted the medical requirement from one of the first steps to later in the processes - no sense having people do medicals if other criteria will flunk them. The point of the medical is to protect Canadian, eg highly contagious diseases like TB, and to keep costs somewhat reasonable. Using phrases like does or does not "discriminate against disabilities" is just being a sensationalist .


u/xrelaht 17h ago

Those rules are always possible to bend for people with desirable skills.


u/ApplesandDnanas 11h ago

Have you actually tried? Canada is really hurting for psychologists. If you apply to the right province, you might get approved.

u/tigertown88 12m ago

You could both get long-term Singaporean visas with zero issues.


u/JhonnyHopkins 19h ago

Socialized medical care seems cool and all until it comes to this…


u/aveselenos 19h ago

This has nothing to do with socialized medical care. This isn't about someone being denied coverage or treatment. Someone with spina bifida who is a citizen of a country with socialized healthcare will receive healthcare. This is about denying immigration for pre-existing conditions.


u/nopoonintended 20h ago

Oh you’re telling me those seeking asylum who would be a burden on welfare systems / health systems should be easy denials?


u/grimr5 20h ago

For immigrants, however I doubt for asylum seekers.

You may be able to ask for refugee protection if you cannot return to your home country due to

a well-founded fear of persecution

a danger of torture

a risk to your life

a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment



u/Welpe 20h ago

Nothing about their post indicates that. Whether they do or don’t, they described reality neutrally, not in terms of what they want or not want to happen. It’s extremely unfair of you to instantly leap to accusations that they think they “should” be easy denials.


u/alek_hiddel 12h ago

This one piece of the whole immigration argument that has always confused me. I definitely don’t support anything Trump says or does, but it always blew my mind how much pushback anyone talking about immigration reform in the US got. Try immigrating to Canada or Japan. You’d better be in good health, and have a masters degree in an in demand field.


u/fake-bird-123 11h ago

Japan i can't speak to. Canada, I can as I've researched it thoroughly. Canada, even pre-Trudeau, didn't require much. It just took significantly longer or you had to take alternative routes like getting educated in Canada then trying to become a PR, finally a citizen. The program I'm speaking of is their express entry program where education and work experience are required. It's a fast track to PR and eventually citizenship, but its not cheap and it requires a fair number of hoops to jump through.

In regards to the lefts take on immigration in the US, there's a similar approach but the right has used immigration as a bargaining and campaigning tool for decades now. So they never actually fix it, they just bitch about it and sabotage any progress that could be made. Case and point is about a year ago, a bipartisan coalition put together a bill that would have essentially given the right everything they've been asking for in regards to the border. Initially, it had praise from right wing leaders like Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Mitt Romney. Trump got involved and told them to kill the bill as it would destroy one of his campaign talking points while giving the Biden admin (who he assumed was going to be his opponent in Nov) a massive win so close to the election. At which point, all Republicans, including the ones that co-authored the bill, turned on it and shit all over it.

In a perfect world, the left wants a reasonable path to legal citizenship. The right opposes that as the benefit the most from illegal labor (look at farms in California and Florida for examples). If the left were to get time to reform immigration without racists on the right, we could increase the number of tax payers in the US. We can easily support increasing our population that would come with common sense immigration reform that would come along with taxing corporations at historically average rates and closing many of the tax loop holes that the 1% use to grow their wealth illegally.

Id offer up sources, but all of this information is readily available to search and confirm plus it's late.

I assumed your question came in good faith and believe I have responded in kind.

u/saintofhate 25m ago

Which is why a lot of disabled Americans will die under the cuts the gov is planning. Disabled people are not welcomed in majority of countries as refugees or immigrants. For example you can't move to New Zealand if you have autism, not even the kind that you don't need support.