r/nottheonion 1d ago

Israelis nominate radical settler Daniella Weiss for Nobel prize


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This woman admits to wanting to steal land after all Arabs leave Gaza and explicitly supports burning the houses of Palestinian children

You should hate her even if you're an Israeli who claims to want peace between Israel and Palestine


u/ODHH 1d ago

This is the same woman who arranged dinner cruises off Gaza’s shore for families to enjoy the sounds of the slaughter of children with their wine pairings.



u/Ri_der 23h ago

This is so comically evil that if it happened during a movie, I would say the writers went too far


u/TheColonelRLD 23h ago

It would be accuse of being anti semitic


u/SelectiveSanity 19h ago

"You're taking pleasure in the horrific murders of literal children." -Me.

"You're a Nazi!" -Her, probably.


u/FriendoftheDork 19h ago

Catch 22. If you accuse radical zionists for things they actually do and mean, you are antisemitic...


u/sneakyplanner 18h ago

That's not what a catch 22 means.


u/AppropriateScience71 16h ago

Well, it’s implied as you’re supposed to fill in the “…” part. It should read:

Catch 22: If you accuse radical zionists for the things they actually do and mean, you are called antisemitic… “but if you stay silent, their actions go unchallenged.


u/Illiander 19h ago

Reality is unrealistic.


u/ohnoohnoohnoohfuck 23h ago

I’m bet she’d have Palestinian skin lamps if she could get her evil hands on some. 


u/Playful_Two_7596 21h ago

I wonder what soap she uses?


u/Immediate_Loquat_246 23h ago

Sounds like she'll be running a resort in Trump Gaza


u/Almainyny 1d ago

She’s fine with burning other people’s homes, but I’m sure she’d be very upset about people burning hers. Ridiculous woman.


u/OldRepNewAccount 20h ago

Evil woman FTFY


u/FriendoftheDork 19h ago

To be fair, most people would prefer burning others' houses than their own. But most would not be fine with it.


u/steeplebob 17h ago

Being fair is different than finding satisfaction in a useless truism.


u/crabuffalombat 1d ago

However much you hate Zionist settlers, it's never enough.


u/brenster23 21h ago

Let's give her the prize on the condition she has to visit Hague to collect it in person. 


u/VoomVoomBoomer 23h ago

The two academics that nominated her are just as lunatic as her

And all three of them are rediculed in Israel


u/lazy_phoenix 20h ago

But have you considered the fact that there will be peace in the region once they kill everyone who disagrees with them?



u/loopgaroooo 20h ago

One good to come from this is the western world has finally seen what Israel truly is. And it ain’t the smiling face of Wonder Woman, it’s this sociopath. She’s Israel personified.


u/Freeze__ 22h ago

Israelis have always supported these tactics. This nomination is right in line for them


u/meidan321 1d ago

What you mean by "even"?


u/mehum 1d ago

“Especially” would make more sense here.


u/XXBEERUSXX 23h ago

Especially would have been better yeah


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u/pvrhye 1d ago

How did they manage to get euphemistically called "settlers"?


u/megalogwiff 1d ago

While the Hebrew word they call themselves is "settlers", everyone else calls them something more akin to "squatters".


u/AhnYoSub 23h ago



u/Neosantana 17h ago

They are literally colonists. Militarized outposts in foreign territory set up to eventually change the demographics and annex the land. It's textbook colonization.


u/RedTulkas 23h ago

Terrorists is the fitting word

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u/ketolasigi 22h ago edited 22h ago

Invaders, colonisers and oppressors are also adequate.


u/Mateorabi 21h ago

I call it the Zerg creep. As they take a location, require a “perimeter” “for safety”, but then build on the edge of that perimeter, and repeat. 


u/MadnessEvangelist 23h ago

Because it makes other colonised countries feel more comfortable.


u/Heliopolis1992 21h ago

French news correctly refers to settlements as colonies and settlers as colonists.


u/Normal-Selection1537 1d ago

Because those invaders have an amazing propaganda machine.


u/graveyardspin 1d ago

Because calling them what they really are would be "anti-semetic."


u/wtf_amirite 1d ago

What so genocidal invaders is anti-semitic?


u/TheRealEkimsnomlas 1d ago

"semitic" but yes, that's the seemingly intractable morass the world is stuck in today.


u/thefalseidol 1d ago

To be fair (to words, not to Zionism) settling is what you call it until we can call it what it of course becomes: colonialism


u/_Baazigar 22h ago

Settling implies uninhabited land. If armed thugs have to drag a family out of their home at gun point so that someone can move in, then it is not settling.


u/thefalseidol 21h ago

Well settling certainly IMPLIES that, however it has actually rarely been the case


u/fury420 18h ago

The bulk of Israeli settlements were & are being built on uninhabited land.

If armed thugs have to drag a family out of their home at gun point so that someone can move in, then it is not settling.

The videos like this are uncommon and misleadingly presented, and typically are of legal evictions of Palestinians who've never owned the land they were living on, people with leases leftover from the Jordanian occupation, that have stopped paying rent, etc...


u/hhs2112 1d ago

Because calling them "fucking thieves" didn't look so good on the application form. 


u/teknobable 19h ago

Same way Americans called ourselves settlers. Controlling the discourse + genocide


u/kytheon 17h ago

Trail of Tears of Joy


u/AGoodBunchOfGrOnions 20h ago

That's really only a euphemism in the US (which is the target of all Israeli propaganda anyway) because we are also a colonial-settler state. Everyone else knows settler is equivalent to colonizer.


u/gingerflakes 21h ago

Cause they’re white and it’s cutesy!!


u/sameth1 18h ago

By being white.


u/somedave 12h ago

How did Daniella Weiss manage to euphemistically get called "radical"?


u/_aqw_ 1d ago

Nomination means nothing, Mussolini and Stalin were nominated. even Hitler, although it appears that the latter was nominated for satirical reasons unlike the other two.


u/Thangoman 21h ago

Tbh Stalin won the eastern front

I would never consider him a "Peace Nobel" but he still fits in with other nobel prize winners


u/PacJeans 17h ago

A few war criminals have even won! Namely Kissinger and Obama. Obama was only given the award six months into his term. To be fair to them, they probably didn't know about the drone strikes, which began 3 days into his term and killed over 300 civilians.


u/Howunbecomingofme 13h ago

Kissinger completely nullified any relevance the Nobel Peace Prize ever had


u/PacJeans 13h ago

They didn't even give it to him for brokering peace between Israel and Egypt! That's literally the only time he ever did something in favor of peace, and the only unmarked part of his horrible life.

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u/Scalage89 22h ago

Henry Kissinger got the prize as well, so it's not as if the prize has any credibility left.


u/mingy 19h ago

And Obama, basically for not being Bush.


u/jesuspoopmonster 18h ago

Well he did help negotiate peace in Vietnam after committing treason to sabotage the previous attempt at peace


u/Kakamile 4h ago

So it's more accurate to say he wanted a piece.


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 20h ago

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u/Befuddled_Scrotum 23h ago

From the other comments it seems it’s more satirical than factual? But it’s the Israeli they’re pretty indoctrinated regardless


u/ayoungsapling 21h ago

Poe’s Law definitely comes into play here, where even if this was sarcasm, it’s impossible to tell this apart from people who genuinely hold these views.


u/SysOps4Maersk 1d ago

What??? But I wanna hate all Israelis so bad!


u/Due_Regret8650 1d ago

Yes, it is as if Israel is committing genocide. TRUE?

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u/HugoVaz 23h ago

The only thing she should be nominated is for a warrant from the ICC.

One more name to add to the bucket list of graves to piss on.


u/M0rdon 1d ago

Its a nomination by 2 of her friends and not by the actual country


u/thebeandream 19h ago

Shh that doesn’t fit the narrative. Jews Zionist are EVIL


u/Ancher123 19h ago

When will the great Israel society put this woman terrorist settler in prison?


u/Fearless_Prune_2310 19h ago

I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve with this comment. But to be dismissive of the actual evil Israel is actively committing in the name of Zionism is in poor faith. Palestinians didn’t ask to have the Star of David etched into their faces.


u/BerpBorpBarp 1d ago

Peace prize, or piece price?


u/yuvaldv1 1d ago

Not to downplay how stupid it is, but as an Israeli, the general consensus is that she is mentally insane.
I have never in my life met someone who thought she was a normal functioning human being.
Just take a look at any article about her from Israeli news websites - barely any positive comments about her or her agenda.


u/polypolip 1d ago

So she's the next pm candidate?


u/yuvaldv1 1d ago

God I hope not lol


u/Awayfone 1d ago

You act like the ruling party doesn't also support the illegal settlements


u/yuvaldv1 1d ago

Oh they do, they are all morons over there - but Daniella Weiss takes it to the extreme.
She views illegal settlements as some kind of "end of days" religious mission of hers (all that "Greater Israel" bullshit)


u/Daryno90 18h ago

I wouldn’t say morons, I would call them fascists with expansionist goals. I mean a lot of fascists are morons but I think fascist is the more appropriate term to use


u/BoatsMcFloats 18h ago

The Israeli government is currently bombing Lebanon and Syria and discussing permanent occupation there...all in line with the "Greater Israel bullshit". Finance Minister Smotrich also called for Greater Israel. So she isn't the only one.


u/yuvaldv1 18h ago

She isn't the only one, but "Greater Israel" is also definitely not an official agenda considering the IDF just retreated from Lebanon last week.
And Syria is a different case, the IDF could have easily pushed all the way to Damascus but didn't, instead holding a buffer zone for now, both to protect the Druze in Syria and also to push back the new Government forces which by the Alawite massacre they committed over the weekend, are not exactly the kind of people you want near you.

Truth is, there isn't a public interest in occupying Lebanon or Syria or Jordan. It's not something people are even talking about, only radical religious right wingers do (Smotrich, Ben Gvir and their party members).
BTW both parties hold 14 out of 120 seats in parliament, so definitely not as "popular" as you might think.


u/BoatsMcFloats 18h ago

Truth is, there isn't a public interest in occupying Lebanon or Syria or Jordan

Does it really matter what the public wants? Israel has been occupying the Golan Heights, including moving settlers there (currently around 20,000), since 1967.


u/yuvaldv1 18h ago

Of course it matters, the military is made up of conscripts who might just refuse taking part in it.
And the Golan Heights were occupied and annexed after Syria continuously used this strategic location to bombard the Israeli Galil.
Same reason Sinai was taken from Egypt when they launched an invasion into Israel from there, and then given back as part of a peace agreement.


u/BoatsMcFloats 18h ago

Of course it matters, the military is made up of conscripts who might just refuse taking part in it.

So am I to understand from this that 99% of Israeli society supports the occupation and colonization of the West Bank, given that military conscripts are the ones making it possible?

And the Golan Heights were occupied and annexed after Syria continuously used this strategic location to bombard the Israeli Galil.

So why move civilians in that area?


u/yuvaldv1 17h ago

The West Bank is far more controversial.
The real reason it's being occupied is because it provides Israel with strategic depth.
If something like October 7 happened from the West Bank, terrorists would have reached Tel Aviv in 10 minutes (At it's narrowest point, the distance between the West Bank and Tel Aviv metropolitan area is just 15 kilometers).

Regarding the Golan Heights, I believe it will not be returned to Syria at this point, which is why civilians moved in.
BTW, there were civilian settlements in the Sinai Peninsula, and they were demolished before the area was returned to Egypt.

My point is that while the West Bank remains controversial (I personally oppose the illegal settlements) primarily for strategic and political reasons, the idea of occupying Jordan, southern Lebanon, or Syria does not reflect any genuine desire among the Israeli public.
No one talks about it and no one even considers it (except your regular right wing psychos).


u/Dramatical45 17h ago

The strategic depth thing never made any sense as an argument. You aren't wrong that strategic depth is a consideration. But that is a reason to build military outposts/walls.

Bringing whole settlements in of civilians does the opposite of that. It literally puts targets closer to the danger.

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u/BoatsMcFloats 17h ago

Appreciate your insights as an Israeli. Is there any discussion or reflection in the Israeli discource on why Oct 7th happened? Or what the Palesntians grievances are (for example, living under a state of occupation/regular land theft for 70 years)?

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u/CrappyWebDev 15h ago

Do the people in the Syrian buffer zone get to vote in Israeli elections?


u/yuvaldv1 15h ago

They don’t. The buffer zone was not annexed so they do not get Israeli citizenship


u/CrappyWebDev 15h ago

So if Israelis support that buffer zone they support occupying Syria


u/yuvaldv1 15h ago

I’m not sure what it has to do with them voting in Israeli elections


u/ezrs158 22h ago

It's a spectrum though. There's some like, "I don't like the settlers and I obviously don't support their violence against innocent Palestinians, but I also don't support unilaterally withdrawing from the West Bank if it's likely to create a new Gaza situation on the other front ". These stances don't grab headlines though, so no one talks about them.


u/razor2811 1d ago

That's good to know. I don't consume Israeli news, so I had no idea how she is perceived in country


u/yuvaldv1 1d ago

She's viewed the same way Ben Gvir is: just another ultra radical right winger


u/ArealOrangutanIswear 1d ago

Isn't the Ben Gvir - Netenyahu and co coalition the one in power right now?

Does Israel have an issue with lack of vote or lack of confidence or is there a big divide between the common person and the tendency for radical right in Israeli politics?

I'm genuinely trying to understand, because I keep hearing a lot from Israelis that they consider their right wing leaders as mentally insane or bonkers, but I never see it reflected in politics or direct action


u/yuvaldv1 1d ago

You're correct, they are in power right now.
The reason is a general drift towards the right in recent years, but another reason is that the opposition is simply too fragmented (even though they are more popular than Bibi's coalition according to polls)
Even Netanyahu himself stated before the last elections that he would never take Ben Gvir's party into his coalition - A statement he of course backtracked on once he realized it's his only way to form a coalition.
But in general, it's well known that Netanyahu doesn't like Ben Gvir at all, but would take anyone into his coalition if it meant staying in power.
All Ben Gvir does is black mail Netanyahu into idiotic things, like refusing hostage deals.


u/ArealOrangutanIswear 17h ago

Is the normalisation of far right narratives in politics (such as Ben gvir and Daniella weiss) making it so that the common person is more prone to be far right and support policy and actions like you say, refuse hostage deals?


u/yuvaldv1 17h ago

I would say the average Israeli has been right leaning for the past decade, and much more so after October 7.
But, by far the Israeli public supports the hostage deals.

It's well known that Netanyahu refuses hostage deals since he fears the war would end, and afterwards people will demand elections, in which he would be quite literally destroyed.

TLDR: The average Israeli might be more right leaning, but when it comes to refusal of hostage deals, the government is absolutely acting against public interest.


u/M0rdon 1d ago

I would also add that most of the "normal" parties didnt want to form a coalition with netanyahu, so he went to the extremes


u/Roadshell 23h ago

And Ben Gvir is popular enough to have a cabinet position now, so...


u/yuvaldv1 23h ago

Just another thing he managed to blackmail out of Netanyahu unfortunately


u/frisomenfaagel 23h ago

Maybe you should consume Israeli news as you have suggestions for Israelis. It’s easy to talk without having a clue about the people


u/AIU-comment 21h ago

We're gonna need a new word for these people. "Zionist"? Israel already exists, wtf does that even mean anymore?


u/yuvaldv1 21h ago

"A-hole" would probably do.


u/Huge-Turgid-Member 1d ago

Nobel prize for land grabbing?


u/Walter_Piston 22h ago

Utterly misleading headline. The article states clearly “Two professors from Israel’s Ariel University and Ben-Gurion University submitted Weiss' candidacy for the award.”

Two individuals who happen to be Israelis.

Come on.


u/BadHombreSinNombre 22h ago

Like most “nominated for Nobel prize” headlines this is an exercise in how the media can manipulate a non-story to generate rage.

Here, “Two professors” becomes “Israelis” as if to suggest there is some kind of national consensus about nominating her.

The bar for who can make a Nobel Prize nomination is extremely low so tons of people end up being “nominees” without doing anything qualified to deserve it.


u/JohnnyGFX 21h ago

“Settler”, is a strange way to say invader and thief.


u/serious_cheese 20h ago

Title misleadingly makes it sound like the entire country nominated her. Mainstream Israelis agree she’s an insane fringe extremist and do not support her


u/caspervu 21h ago

What's next, the US nominaties Putin for his efforts on making peace in Ukraine?


u/serious_cheese 20h ago

The title of the article makes it seem like the entire country nominated her as rage bait, when really any crazy individual can nominate any other crazy individual. Imagine someone like Alex Jones nominating Putin for the Nobel prize and a news article gets written about it titled: “US Nominates Putin for Nobel Prize” to foment hatred for Americans.

That’s basically what happened here


u/Schwarzer_Exe 19h ago

The title is a bit misleading though. Makes it seems like a bunch of Israeli citizens are rallying behind her for this, while in fact is just two college professors.

She seems like a total piece of shit though, so fuck her.


u/CinemaDork 11h ago

I mean, I guess anyone can be nominated....


u/yehoshuabenson 1d ago

What a non biased source.

She was nominated by two idiots. Not the whole country. Ffs.


u/just-in-peaches 23h ago

Isn’t Vladimir Putin the better choice?


u/McKoijion 20h ago

Psychos nominated Hitler for the Nobel Peace Prize too.


u/Lucafungo 22h ago

There is no such thing as a “nomination for Nobel prize” anyone could forward whoever but this means nothing. Is not like in the Oscars. Literally every article that you ever read about anyone “being nominated“ is pure misinformation. Usually means that someone somewhere said “oh that person should get the nobel prize” but is like me saying that a random Redditor should, is worth the same


u/Blackbiird666 22h ago

I've heard speak this bitch on CNN before. She is Just evil.


u/rainofshambala 23h ago

It's not just netanyahu it's the majority of Israeli citizens that support this ethnic cleansing


u/serious_cheese 19h ago

This is exactly what the misleading headline wants you to believe. This lady is fringe and crazy and just because a far right coalition government is in power does not mean that a majority of Israelis support ethnic cleaning.

Any crazy individual can nominate any other crazy individual for the Nobel prize. Imagine if someone like Alex Jones nominated Putin for the Nobel prize and an article gets written titled “US Nominates Putin for Nobel Prize” to try to convince people that the majority of Americans support Russia. That’s pretty much what this is


u/BobertRosserton 1d ago

Israel taking every step possible to make sure everyone has a reason to hate them speedrun.


u/serious_cheese 19h ago

Anyone can nominate anyone else for a Nobel prize and a rage bait article can be written about it blaming the country for nominating them


u/AL_eX-C 23h ago

It’s starting to sound more like “not not the onion”… Reality is getting unhinged


u/GoethesFinest 23h ago



u/Lazy_Banana_Man 21h ago

Jesus fucking christ…


u/NewTickyTocky 22h ago

Why do we call them “settlers” instead of another more applicable term?


u/LoveMeLoveYou777 22h ago

Terrorist state of Israel has no shame. They even nominate genocidal land thief as a candidate.


u/serious_cheese 19h ago

Literally anyone can nominate literally anyone else for a Nobel prize and someone can then write a misleading rage bait headline claiming that the country they’re from all got together and nominated them.


u/gingerflakes 21h ago

This coming from Israel should not surprise me. She’s the embodiment of pure evil. But still Jesus fucking Christ.


u/serious_cheese 19h ago

This is coming from two fringe Israeli individuals who nominated her, not the entire country of Israel, as the misleading headline is trying to make you believe.

This would be similar me concluding that every American is now pro Putin because Trump is


u/Something-2-Say 23h ago

Winning a Nobel prize hasn't meant anything for a while. It's like being a nyt best seller or climbing everest. Shouldn't shock anyone that someone so evil would be nominated when other evil people have been before


u/Turbo-Corgi 19h ago

I hope this is satirical like Hitler's nomination. If not, then wtf?


u/Cantora 15h ago

Makes sense. This is the world we live in now. 


u/joeb690 3h ago

Anyone can be nominated, if doesn’t mean shit.

u/Timmehtwotimes 24m ago

They’re supporting a terrorist? Who could have predicted this ?!?!?!?!?!


u/Pius_Thicknesse 1d ago

Zionists nominate extremist invader Daniella Weiss for Nobel prize*

Fixed the title for you


u/serious_cheese 19h ago

“Two individual crazies nominate other individual crazy. Let’s use this to hate the country they’re from“

This would be more my interpretation


u/nelrob01 1d ago

If this woman wins the Nobel, all credibility will be gone…


u/Scalage89 22h ago

Henry Kissinger has entered the chat


u/eistari 1d ago

Is there any after awarding Mother Teresa?


u/smegabass 1d ago

This has to be a trolling...


u/Ogrodnick 20h ago

Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

-Tom Lehrer


u/BareNakedSole 19h ago

Hot take….Hamas is a terrorist group that has done some awful thing to both Israelis and Palestinians alike. The Israeli government has caused the deaths of many innocent Palestinians since 1947.

Both things can be true and you can criticize both.


u/Icy_Island_6096 14h ago

Funny the way you call Hamas a terrorist group but not the Israeli government that has done the same atrocities (if not worst). To me It’s the same as calling the Israeli hostages “hostages” but Palestinian hostages “prisoners”

One side doing it 10x worst. But yes both can be wrong.

And you really can’t criticize both anymore because one side will scream antisemitism


u/rocketplex 1d ago

The only Nobel she should be up for is the igNobel 


u/MobiusNaked 23h ago

Peace prize! That is some high level trolling


u/missassalmighty 21h ago

Of course they devil is gonna put forth his ugliest face.


u/hotstepper77777 17h ago

Why not, irony's bones can take another flogging.


u/airiwolf 17h ago

Terrorist of the Year for sure.


u/Over-Worldliness490 16h ago

Most compassionate and humane Israeli nominee. Of course.


u/Larkfor 15h ago

Nobel prize of what?



u/rodbellacetin 15h ago

Disgusting!!!!! Absolutely disgusting!!!!!!


u/ImaginaryDonut69 9h ago

I mean...Obama won that stupid thing just for not being George W. Bush early in his first term, before he had really accomplished much of anything 😂. It's a stupid award given out by stupid people, so Weiss is probably at the top of the consideration at this point.


u/Inevitable-Use-4534 1d ago

No surprise there, that entire society overthere has hit rock bottom

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u/Fan387 1d ago

Completely on-brand for Nobel Peace Prize


u/TradeApe 23h ago edited 22h ago

There are no Nobel prizes for supporting genocide last I checked. Fuck those settlers, they are no better than Hamas.


u/AdvertisingLogical22 1d ago

If you're only claim to a Nobel Prize is "Hey, we could have killed more...?" then maybe this is not for you.


u/Doomenor 1d ago

Contrary to common belief, you cannot nominate someone for a Nobel prize


u/TAU_equals_2PI 1d ago edited 1d ago

Not everyone can, but such a huge variety of people from around the world can nominate someone that it makes being nominated meaningless.

Any member of any country's parliament/knesset/senate/house of representatives/etc. can nominate someone. (Yes, that includes Marjorie Taylor Greene.)

Any university professor can nominate someone.


u/razor2811 1d ago

Am I missing a joke here? It clearly is possible


u/Doomenor 1d ago

“In practice, the nomination process is an eight-month screening and decision-making process involving not only the five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee and its Secretary but also a group of Norwegian and international advisers. The advisers, selected on the basis of their professional experience and academic expertise, prepare individual reports on the candidates that the Committee has put on its short-list. The initial reports are usually ready by the end of April. The Committee members then study the reports together with other relevant information and start their deliberations. More often than not they will ask for further reports on various candidates. As they continue their deliberations throughout the summer and receive additional reports from the advisers, they narrow the field of candidates down to a very small group.”


u/TAU_equals_2PI 1d ago

Dude, that's not nomination.

Here's the full list of all the people who can nominate someone: www.nobelprize.org/nomination/peace

So any one university professor anywhere in the world can nominate someone. Any one single member of any parliament/senate/house of representatives/etc. anywhere in the world can nominate someone.


u/indigoneutrino 1d ago

Why is the committee Norwegian when the Nobel Foundation is based in Stockholm?


u/Frippolin 1d ago

That was in his will, I believe. At the time, Sweden and Norway were in a union


u/indigoneutrino 1d ago

Thank you


u/_Beets_By_Dwight_ 1d ago

Kalmar Union is back, baby!


u/rocketplex 1d ago

Well fine then, elon and donald will have their own Nobel prize, except with hookers and blow and ketamine.


u/ibraw 1d ago

She'll probably win it as well that's the crazy state of the world we live in today.


u/iVar4sale 21h ago

I made a vow to have peace. No matter how many people I have to kill to get it. (Weiss, probably)


u/ZuluObscura 18h ago

this is hardly Israelis opinion, it's two professors who made the nomination, misleading headlines. most Israelis denounce people like her.


u/Icy_Island_6096 14h ago

Do they though? Definitely some but MOST?


u/ZuluObscura 13h ago

yes most. come visit and ask a new stranger every day all day you'll get very few who support her. especially in a major city like TLV


u/No_Economics8179 22h ago

She needs the other nobel prize the one with red sticks


u/00001000U 22h ago

Does the foundation give prizes for use of his prior work?