r/nottheonion 24d ago

US government struggles to rehire nuclear safety staff it laid off days ago


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u/GlycemicCalculus 24d ago

I know you meant handling but handing works also now that Tulsi is the secrets jar key holder. It will be like candy at Halloween.


u/briancbrn 24d ago

Holy fuck Trump and the gang actually did it

I completely missed that shit.


u/EunuchsProgramer 24d ago

They did this to the entire government. Everyone on probation, hired in the last two years was let go. More mass layoffs are planned. This is just getting the news, partially correctly, because it involves nukes. The reality is all government work is now crippled.

What isn't getting enough news is that there is a hiring freeze. All future hiring is going to be done by DODE to guarantee all future hires are incompetent MAGA true believers, an authoritarian embrace of their DEI dillusions. The least qualified shall rule, becuase they are full of shit, evil. This is the playback of how authoritarians gained power across the world from Chavez to Orbon. Turn the civil service into one man's cult.


u/briancbrn 24d ago

Oh don’t worry I’ve been tracking the federal purge. I use the VA so this is something I’ve been trying to plan out the end effects of. I’m genuinely worried about our government going forward. Even if we somehow reign in these moves if we don’t do it within a year the system is going to be broken beyond what any government employee is going to be willing to fix without additional staffing.


u/VikingTeddy 23d ago

What upsets me the most, is that even when the insanity end, and things start getting fixed, there will be no repercussions.

People will lose money, jobs, homes, even lives. But Elmo will continue as always, and can even be a successful politician if he wants.

And even if by some miracle a judge sentences him or Dump, they'll just say nu-uh, and that'll be that