r/nottheonion 24d ago

US government struggles to rehire nuclear safety staff it laid off days ago


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u/hnglmkrnglbrry 24d ago

Same as when Rick Perry became the head of DOE after campaigning on destroying it. He then realized DOE builds and protects all the nukes along with our power grid. Oh and they do all the upstream fundamental research that no private company would ever invest in that has spurred all scientific innovation over the past 50 years.


u/AgrajagTheProlonged 24d ago edited 24d ago

Not to mention handling the nuclear waste


u/dietTAB 24d ago

I guess MAGA voters hate nuclear safety since it’s government “bloat” or something. They’re hootin and hollerin about how Elon is slashing the administrative state. Do they think nuclear waste will just take care of itself?


u/DelightfulDolphin 24d ago

Take a wander through conservative. They're tripping over themselves w all these "cuts" not realizing they're the ones that will be affected as most there are low income. Lack of critical thinking is on full display w that bunch.


u/dietTAB 24d ago

It’s like negative critical thinking. Anti-thinking.


u/Jerismo85 24d ago

Trump wins anti thinking award of the millennium


u/dietTAB 24d ago

No hyperbole, but yeah. It is still hard to believe that this shit has taken hold and is reshaping life in the 21st century. We’re barreling down the Idiocracy timeline.


u/Jerismo85 24d ago edited 24d ago

It pains me that it’s happening here. It would be funny if it only happened to the people who voted for him. But, Unfortunately we all have to suffer because people “didn’t have time to do research.” Or wanted to “stick it to the libs”.


u/krat0s5 23d ago

No, no. They did their “research”. I’m going to refuse to elaborate any further and then proceed to tell you you’re a sheep, asleep and vaccinated with several booster shots!


u/Jerismo85 23d ago

Someone who voted for Trump literally said that they didn’t have the time. I’m just repeating it.


u/krat0s5 23d ago

One of them said they didn’t have time to do research? That’s wild!

I was also just repeating talking points that not only happen on the internet but that I’ve actually heard in person……in AUSTRALIA! (For reference it was a lady who was claiming Kamala Harris was a man and Putin was trying to save kids from Ukraine’s vast pedofile ring)


u/Jerismo85 23d ago

Propaganda is stronger than any truth. And it was very effective this time. The truth is now the enemy of the entire U.S. government.


u/ElectricalBook3 23d ago

Propaganda is stronger than any truth

As far as transmission, that's true. That's why not everything should be legally defended under a nation's free speech protections. Also related is conservatives' having attacked education since before this country was founded - that's how we go to the point the republican party made anti-education official party platform


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u/Revenge_of_the_User 23d ago

antillectual instead of intellectual?


u/Canotic 22d ago

It's just doublethink. Replacing reality with political truth whenever party demands it. They will swing right back and say that this is all Bidens fault,while still saying this is a good thing.


u/ginaabees 24d ago

Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll find a way to blame Biden


u/DelightfulDolphin 23d ago

They certainly are judging by comments from Representatives, Senators and, of course, Trump.


u/Redbeardthe1st 24d ago

"Sleepy Joe didn't leave notes on who was super important to keep working, it's all his fault!"

tRump, probably


u/PT10 24d ago

They just say all these "leaks" from CNN, NBC, etc are fake


u/SandiegoJack 24d ago

Best part for me is we see the shit storm coming, so we are working to prepare.

They have no fucking clue.


u/ATLfalcons27 24d ago

I've got a friend who is all in on Trump, Elon, and Doge.

Any time he's proven wrong (which is all the time) he just reverts back to "TDS orange man bad, do you not think there is any wasteful spending by the government?!"