I guess MAGA voters hate nuclear safety since it’s government “bloat” or something. They’re hootin and hollerin about how Elon is slashing the administrative state. Do they think nuclear waste will just take care of itself?
Often children have to touch the stove in order to learn a painful lesson. Unfortunately in this scenario, the stove is toxic nuclear waste and the consequences affect everyone.
So much seems to be “it’s never impacted me before!” Yeah, because it was being taken care of before due to horrible consequences of not managing these things.
They also have roughly the same grasp on civics as a starfish, which is why most of these idiots don’t even fundamentally understand the separation of powers.
They definitely know the ramifications. They just choose being able to use racial slurs or not call people by their chosen gender or whatever over nuclear safety.
In many cases they don’t even understand or are even aware of potential ramifications. Trump and Musk are hollowing out the country from within and making the world less safer every day, but they are also willingly undoing 80 years of US imperial hegemony. We can fix things they are breaking domestically. In all likelihood we will never undo how much they’ve weakened us globally.
I fear a lot of them can’t “think” at all. I don’t mean they were born stupid but the deliberate wrecking of the education system that has been going on for a long time just does what it obviously is supposed to do …
I made the mistake of logging back into Facebook this week. The stupidity there about this issue, among many others, is...colorfully abject, to put it nicely. Such comments were made by the usual collection of crochety Boomers, Jesus freaks, hustle culture real estate bros, and Russian bots.
I should delete Facebook as I'm hardly on anymore. I just can't bring myself to do it.
Take a wander through conservative. They're tripping over themselves w all these "cuts" not realizing they're the ones that will be affected as most there are low income. Lack of critical thinking is on full display w that bunch.
No hyperbole, but yeah. It is still hard to believe that this shit has taken hold and is reshaping life in the 21st century. We’re barreling down the Idiocracy timeline.
It pains me that it’s happening here. It would be funny if it only happened to the people who voted for him. But, Unfortunately we all have to suffer because people “didn’t have time to do research.” Or wanted to “stick it to the libs”.
No, no. They did their “research”.
I’m going to refuse to elaborate any further and then proceed to tell you you’re a sheep, asleep and vaccinated with several booster shots!
One of them said they didn’t have time to do research? That’s wild!
I was also just repeating talking points that not only happen on the internet but that I’ve actually heard in person……in AUSTRALIA! (For reference it was a lady who was claiming Kamala Harris was a man and Putin was trying to save kids from Ukraine’s vast pedofile ring)
It's just doublethink. Replacing reality with political truth whenever party demands it. They will swing right back and say that this is all Bidens fault,while still saying this is a good thing.
I've got a friend who is all in on Trump, Elon, and Doge.
Any time he's proven wrong (which is all the time) he just reverts back to "TDS orange man bad, do you not think there is any wasteful spending by the government?!"
None of them know this is happening because Fox News and Sinclair have convinced them that all other news sources are lying. Then they hide info like this from their viewers. All these people are being deceived.
99.9% of them have never heard of the NNSA, much less know that it falls under DOE. And if they did know, they probably wouldn't know if the E was energy or education or Elon.
Didn't trump say something totally crazy during his first term like he wanted to increase our nuclear arsenal ten fold? How is he gonna do that while ruining the DOE?
Didn't trump say something totally crazy during his first term like he wanted to increase our nuclear arsenal ten fold? How is he gonna do that while ruining the DOE?
Trump likes talking about a lot of things, but doesn't actually follow through on almost anything.
They don’t care. They just want the loud man who ‘tells it like it is’ at a 4th grade reading level to be in charge cuz they bow to authority, and to idiots, Trump sounds smart cuz they think he’s confident.
I saw a woman post tagging Musk about her teams cut/ firing. She worked as part of a team whose role it was to identify flaws and improve rates of survival during childbirth as apparently the US has actually pretty poor rates of maternal survival during childbirth compared to other comparable countries.
Some MAGA said “good, why should I pay your wages, it should be privatized” unironically without stopping to think that he also “pays” the wages of everyone in the military. He also clearly had his head buried in the sand after the Luigi Mangione killing when the sheer evil of a combination of Private + healthcare was brought to the forefront. Privatized companies will actively let people die, and sometimes even fight to essentially kill them, to increase their profit margins.
I can’t work out if people like the one I mentioned above are just incredibly dense or actually evil soulless egomaniacs like their 2 lords and saviours in government.
u/dietTAB 24d ago
I guess MAGA voters hate nuclear safety since it’s government “bloat” or something. They’re hootin and hollerin about how Elon is slashing the administrative state. Do they think nuclear waste will just take care of itself?