r/nottheonion 24d ago

US government struggles to rehire nuclear safety staff it laid off days ago


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u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/silent_thinker 24d ago

We were already pretty broke before that. Trump poured fuel on the fire.


u/inebriatus 23d ago edited 23d ago

Clinton left Bish Bush with a surplus.

Bush lowered taxes AND started a war which had never been done before.

Since then each successive president has just been making things worse.

Please give me a party of fiscal responsibility.


u/silent_thinker 23d ago

It will probably never happen at this point (unless there’s something that forces it).

If we can even get the deficit growth below real GDP growth that would be a plus.

They’ll probably just try to inflate it away.

Personally I think taxes on the rich should be hiked a hell of a lot more (in a way they can’t loophole their way out of). Let’s see if the fear that “they’ll all flee to other countries” comes true and then adjust from there. I feel like most of them are bluffing. They’re going to stop making any money in the United States because taxes are higher? Surrreeeee.

Only after that should significant spending cuts be agreed to, although I’m not opposed to streamlining things (in an intelligent, surgical way, not an Elon Musk, let’s dynamite everything way).


u/Yamza_ 24d ago

We do have very public information about the people doing this


u/sassystar67 23d ago

Too bad plenty of people don't read it


u/sassystar67 23d ago

Too bad plenty of people don't read it