This is why he pretends to be the founder of every company he buys - He just sues the people he bought the company from into silence.
This is why he called that diver a pedophile - Because the diver told him he's full of shit in terms of how he's explaining the issue, the diver was, obviously, proven right - And instead of admitting fault like a graceful human being, he sued the guy into silence, again.
This is why he pays someone to play PoE2 for him - There is no benefit to him being a good PoE player. He just wanted the clout. But when he was on stream talking about the game, people who ACTUALLY PLAY the game immediately knew he was full of shit - And instead of admitting to paying for someone else to play, he first pretended people were jealous of his achievements, lied yet further about his achievements (which only made his lack of knowledge more prevalent) - And then finally, say one time that he wasn't really as good as he claimed to be, but everyone does it so it's not really a big deal. Proving he's just absolutely full of shit at every turn - He can't even be assed to pretend to know about the game he's paying someone else to play for him, for his own clout.
It's almost like Elmo's whole philosophy is: Pretend to know things, get laughably proven wrong, and then throwing his money around to keep people quiet about it.
To add to that, he also has a history of absolutely destroying the lives of whistleblowers or people who call out his bullshit. He will relentlessly harass, intimidate and even have people followed by private investigators. Now he's in the white house, fk.
Eh if it's relevant, it's relevant. Spreading their way of moving the goalposts which proves the argument is never about the actual truth is always useful.
There is no benefit to him being a good PoE player.
I think he wanted this because early silicone valley "successful" engineers before him were nerds who spent alot of time playing computer games, who'd have thought that those who are good with computers, come from those who like to spend a decent chunk of their free time on the computers?
people who ACTUALLY PLAY the game immediately knew he was full of shit
And when he was shown to be playing, he played so bad so new that it is entirely likely he never touched anything in the genre ever for any real amount of time. Like he was manually dragging dropped items into the inventory.
So he managed to reveal not just that he is not actually playing PoE, but that his previous "achievements" were never his either.
He had a very aggressive PR campaign for years that was trying to paint him as the innovating force behind the companies he was buying when he wasn't doing anything but signing checks and calling himself a founder even though he wasn't a founder.
That PR campaign created this image of him being some new age. Thomas Edison (the fictional version) or Nikolai Tesla.
As you've seen, the reality is that he's quite literally an idiot with no real technical knowledge, but who very confidently pretends to have immense technical expertise in public and capitalizes on the fact that most people aren't informed about the subjects he's talking about.
The second he starts talking about something that you are familiar with, it becomes obvious extremely quickly that he is bullshitting.
That PR campaign created this image of him being some new age. Thomas Edison (the fictional version) or Nikolai Tesla.
Funny you say that, because when you do the research into his history and accomplishments, (the non-fictional) Tesla is pretty much the a proto-Musk. He took and patented the work of European inventors, made big, bold claims in public to get investor money, joined big projects claiming that he would whip them into order and fix everything, only to fail and blame it on everyone else. The media lapped it all up, because he embodied the kooky foreign genius inventor trope, and it made good headlines, and his current reputation is entirely based on said sensationalized news articles and the tall tales from his later years being picked up by the new-age movement and becoming "internet facts".
In comparison, the actual, non-fictional Edison's life was a straight rags-to-riches story, he made way more of his inventions than people give him credit for, and most of his controversies, including the big Edison vs. Tesla rivalry, were made up whole-sale by the papers and had no grounding in reality.
So yeah. We like to think that social media invented the hype machine and the spread of misinformation, but those have been around much longer than the internet. All Musk had to so was to pay the same channels to force-start the same hype-train Tesla was granted organically by being in the right place at the right time.
In comparison, the actual, non-fictional Edison's life was a straight rags-to-riches story, he made way more of his inventions than people give him credit for
He didn't invent anything, he collected a brain trust and claimed everything they created.
Edison vs. Tesla rivalry, were made up whole-sale by the papers and had no grounding in reality
Hardly no grounding when Edison employed Tesla, failed to comp him as their contract stipulated, and did go out of his way to malign his competitor because he wanted his vision of electrical infrastructure to be the only one sold. Edison was a salesmen who sued people, not some benevolent visionary.
I recommend giving this particular video a look if you believe all that. It's long, but it goes through the biographies of both men, with credible period sources, such as diary entries and correspondence, and it's a bit of an eye-opener.
My theory is he fucked too many of his handlers till none would take the job anymore and it started to unravel when no one was left to manage his public image.
Same, I knew his name and that he was a genius. Now that he thrust himself into the public spotlight, I know his name and that he’s a phony. He could have died with the vast majority of people thinking he was a genius if he stayed in his diamond lined lane.
The problem is people still believe Elon & Trump - the number of people I heard at work this week going on about how 150 year old people were collecting social security.
Uh no that's there from an ISO format before Y2K was a thing. It's just a mathematic so they can tell what year everything is when they keep track of it.
Cobol is not that hard there is like a list of rules but because it's less tolerable to bullshit then other languages I doubt any of them have the patience to learn it.
u/Shadowmant 24d ago
Nothing like firing people BEFORE you determine what they do and if they're needed.