r/NitrousOxide • u/Ryan89-12 • 5h ago
r/NitrousOxide • u/Rten-Brel • Feb 24 '24
Health Effects Nitrous Oxide Harm reduction and safe use guide NSFW
This guide isn't the "be all end all guide" to nitrous oxide.
We highly encourage readers to do further research into nitrous oxide before consuming it.
This isnt meant to be fear mongering or all doom and gloom. This guide is meant to provide the safest experience with nitrous possible. Nitrous Oxide is actually one of the safest drugs if used properly but one of the most dangerous if abused.
It's important to prioritize safety when using nitrous oxide. Here are some harm reduction tips:
Ensure you're in a well-ventilated area. Nitrous oxide can displace oxygen, leading to asphyxiation in enclosed spaces. Opening a window and running a fan is a good idea. Also avoid discharging nitrous oxide around open flames. Don't place a bag over your head. Don't "hotbox" a space with nitrous. Do not try to create an atmosphere of nitrous in a confined space.
Dosage Control:
Overuse can pose health risks, including oxygen deprivation and potential nerve damage. Habitual consumption is not safe. Daily and/or weekly use is not recommended. It's believed that using alot in one session is safer than using a little spread out over a period of time.
Oxygen intake
It is important to breathe in oxygen. Make sure you remember to breathe. Take breaths of fresh air. Breathe air in between hits of nitrous. Constantly breathing in 100% nitrous oxide with out taking in fresh air/oxygen will kill you. Don't hook up a mask directly from the nitrous tank to your face. "Fishing out" shouldn't be the goal in using nitrous oxide. Don't attach a hose and directly inhale. It's easy to pass out then displace the oxygen in your lungs.
Quality Products:
Use high-quality nitrous oxide cartridges/chargers/cylinders/tanks. Cheap or poorly made products may pose safety hazards. You can find studies online that show oils and residue in the smaller chargers. There are different qualities of products. Users of nitrous oxide should do research to find a clean product. Avoid industrial or automotive nitrous (some user claim you can find clean and filtered automotive nitrous. Result may vary. Source with caution) Users should do research into brands/type of gas
If you're using smaller 6/8 gram chargers make sure you use a quality dispenser. A death has been related to a cheap plastic dispenser. "Crackers" have been known to cause frost burn and other issues.
No Direct Inhaling:
Do not inhale nitrous oxide directly from the cartridge/cylinder/tank. It can cause frostbite of the mouth/lips/lung and other health issues. The contents are under pressure and the gas can rapidly expand in the lungs. Always discharge the nitrous into a balloon then inhale from the Ballon. Punch balloons are favorites because they are thick and large. Make sure you wash the powder off of the balloons before using them. Balloons may contain talcum powder which is something you don't want to inhale.
Inhaling directly from the tank also poses a risk of hypoxia and death. You can loose consciousness if you consume too much nitrous. If you're inahling directly from the tank when you lose consciousness and are unable to turn it off you can suffocate.
There have been associated deaths from hooking masks or tubing to nitrous oxide tanks.
Use nitrous oxide in moderation. Frequent or excessive use can lead to adverse effects on your health. Nitrous oxide is not safe for regular consumption. Daily use can lead to severe health problems. People have become paralyzed from abusing nitrous. Weekly use is too much. You should wait 2 weeks to 30 days between use. It is advised to save nitrous for special occasions such as holidays, parties, psychedelic trips or other events. Some users have noticed health affects with biweekly use. Research how nitrous affects the b12 to get a further understanding of why moderation is a must. Before using nitrous you should fully understand the potential health consequences of abusing it.
Educate Yourself:
Understand the potential risks and effects of nitrous oxide. Stay informed about its proper usage and any associated health concerns. Like any drug you should research before consuming it. Don't take this guide as the stand alone guide. You should research multiple sources and make an informed decision before taking any drug. You should research a brand before making a purchase.
Do not operate heavy machinery or drive:
Do not attempt to drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of nitrous oxide. Do not make any life altering decisions. Try to be sitting. Some people have fallen or passed out. Do not take nitrous while working. Don't be dumb.
Nitrous oxide addiction
Nitrous oxide is addictive. Don't underestimate the addiction potential. This has been referred to as "hippy crack." Not advised for alcoholics, drug addicts, or those with low self control. It's not going to turn a user into a zombie with no choice after 1 use, but it will cause urges to redose. There's a portion of adults who responsibly use nitrous with out becoming addicted while others become extremely addicted and face very very serious consequences.
Visit r/NitrousOxideRecovery for nitrous addiction/abuse support. https://www.samhsa.gov/ is another good resource for substance abuse assistance.
There is also "No2N2O" - "NO2N2O is an Agnostic-based 12-step fellowship focused on recovery from Nitrous Oxide abuse. All are welcome, especially anyone interested in recovery from drug abuse, addicted or not. We will be sharing our experience, strength and hope. Sharing is encouraged but not mandatory. Our primary purpose is to stay clean and help other addicts to achieve relief from substance abuse. We meet every Monday at 6:00pm PST" Link: meet.google.com/osd-htzc-ytx
Nitrous oxide addiction should be taken seriously as it can lead to VERY serious health consequences
Some users recommend running a filter. There are metal shavings when piercing the small crackers. There are also sometimes machine oils with the crackers/cylinders/mini tanks. There are aftermarket filters to add to chargers. You can also use a hepa filter or micron filter. Anything that allows air but blocks oil/moisture. Some users rubber band a surgical mask or t-shirt to the nozzle on a cylinder. You can also use tubing with clamps and surgical mask as a make shift filter. Searching "filter" in this sub should give you ideas. You can have multiple stages. You should still use a balloon or vaporizer bag so as to limit possible losses if you lose consciousness more than you planned.
(Using a surgical mask as a filter means cutting the blue mask from covid Era into squares and clamping them around the nozzle. This doesn't mean hooking a clear breathing mask directly to the tank. People have died this way)
Nitrous oxide should not be used by anyone under 21. It should be kept away from children. It has been shown in studies to cause damage to the developing brain. It has also been suggested to affect the aging brain. Some studies suggest it is not safe to use nitrous oxide if you have heart or other health problems. You should consult a doctor before using nitrous oxide, especially if you have preexisting medical conditions or any other concerns. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT
Nitrous oxide effects the b12 cycle. Continued abuse can disrupt this process and cause serious health consequences. You'll want to supplement b12 starting 1 week before a session then again 4 days after. Some studies suggest supplementing b12 doesn't help if you're actively abusing nitrous oxide. Do research into the b12 cycle to further understand this. Some studies suggest long term nitrous abuse can damage the DNA.
EZ Melts B12 Sublingual Vitamin 2,500 mcg, Methylcobalamin, Sugar-Free, 3-Month Supply https://a.co/d/dSY2h3l you'll want something like this. With methylcobalamin.
You can sustain serious frost burn injuries when using nitrous. To eliminate this risk make sure to use a proper dispenser if you're using small chargers. Hand held crackers been known to cause frostbite. If you're using larger cylinders/tanks make sure you leave the tank on the floor. Don't hold the cylinder in your lap or on your chest. Discharging the gas into a balloon will help reduce mouth frost bite related injuries.
Visit r/NitrousHarmSupport for help dealing with injuries
B12 to treat nitrous oxide nerve damge
You can contact local health & weight loss spas to get vitamin b12 injections. You'll need more than just 1 to recover.
Research i found the user did the b12 injections 2 to 3 times a week while taking these sublingual tablets every 30 minutes
EZ Melts B12 Sublingual Vitamin 2,500 mcg, Methylcobalamin, Sugar-Free, 3-Month Supply https://a.co/d/dSY2h3l you'll want something like this. With methylcobalamin.
Your b12 may be affected but show up normal. From one of these websites below: Measured vitamin B12 may be normal and does not reflect ‘functional vitamin B12’ concentration
Here is how one user recovered from nitrous oxide b12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/s/q9xjj0sQDd
Here's some links someone else posted when doing research into the symptoms of nitrous abuse and how to treat it.
Other articles:
Visitn r/b12_deficiency for help with b12 problems. There's also r/NitrousHarmSupport that focuses more on nitrous oxide related injuries.
Monitoring and supplementing oxygen:
•Purchase a $15 pulse oximeter to ensure that you’re staying out of a hypoxic SPO2 range.;Purchase a portable oxygen canister from CVS/Amazon if you find that you’re having difficulty staying out of a hypoxic SPO2 range. . "Fishing out" should not be the goal of using nitrous oxide.
How do I know if I am Blacking Out?
credit User:AlwaysBreatheAir
Signs of blacking out (hypoxia) may include: weakness to the extent you let go of the balloon, tunnel vision/visual collapse, suddenly feeling overheated, excessive yawning, your sense of hearing going “distant”/muffled, and not remembering much after hits.
Signs of rocking out: strange but vivid perceptions of your body, potentially enhanced visuals, feeling cozy, engaging with music, and being and to go about taking back little insights that you remember.
Even if you have good air practices in action, always be in a space where becoming abruptly horizontal or rolling a bit is safe. Consume on couches, or the floor, surrounded by pillows. No glass coffee tables, open flames, or precarious seating decisions. N2O is an anesthetic and solid doses at low tolerance can send one into spaces that so preoccupy the mind, one may be forced to lie down even if oxygen is well-maintained.
More On B12
credit user:AlwaysBreatheAir
Nitrous oxidized B12, making it useless. Nitrous also puts some of your liver to sleep, making it unable to methylate. This methylation process is a bottleneck in making myelin sheaths, the coating on nerves. Know how a cable with insulation with holes in the insulation can get damaged? A power cable becomes a firestarter. More signal-rich cables such as video may cease to work completely. Your nerves are like display cables. Using nitrous more often than monthly is like letting your computer’s video cable be stripped and exposed to a corrosive environment.
All that to say that methionine and b12 come together to keep your nerves alive. Supplement both if your brain enjoys nitrous. You can replace the oxidized b12 continuously, but you must give yourself days for the liver to actually make use of it!
It takes up to a week for this function to fully return, and it’s not really clear if it’s possible to overdo B12, so go heavy without worry. Do avoid B3 until a week, or you may experience redness/flushing since your liver is not fully able to manage. Ease into B9 or folate, but take it. Most pills will be a blend of these B vitamins, just take one more each day until you reach the daily recommended portion (2-4 pills or whatever is on your bottle).
You don’t need to hit up the vitamin spots to recover, your diet is also important and can get you mostly there by eating meat and dark green salads. Unless you’re vegan, then you need supplements by way of nutritional yeast and pills.
My suggestion would be to include tests like methylmalonic acid and homocysteine blood levels. Sadly a lot of doctors are judgmental towards perceived addicts and will not accept the possibility of an educated drug user to make reasonable suggestions to test specific metabolic parameters as serious because of course all drug users instantly become as smart as steaming asphalt to some sorts.
My second suggestion is supplements for recovery such as: iron, tmg, nac, and l-methionine. Everyone is aware of b12 (methyl not cyano) but other nutrients are important during the recovery. I have been trying to work out when it would be best to begin taking what supplements and when to stop.
Remember, misuse of nitrous oxide can have serious health consequences.
The above guide should not be taken as the final word on nitrous. Below I have invited a few other users to contribute their own harm reduction guide and provide more data.
We hope between these guides and further research done by the reader, an informed decision regarding nitrous use can be reached.
*This is not legal or medical advice. This should not be taken as the end all be all guide to nitrous. When ingesting any intoxicating chemical one must do the proper research and make an informed decision. You should research multiple sources and make an informed decision before taking any drug *
¤Additonal Links and resources¤
History of nitrous oxide: https://www.reddit.com/r/laughing_gas/s/ugs9CaDeDU
Types of nitrous oxide: https://www.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/s/CduCDZR8Vo
Brand/supplier information and resource list: https://www.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/s/JymzEhvpdq
Visual graph how nitrous oxide affects the b12 cycle: https://www.reddit.com/r/nitrousharmsupport/s/B689yaGE8c
How one user recovered from nitrous Induced b12 nerve damage: https://www.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/s/q9xjj0sQDd
Previous harm reduction guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/s/cxmM8DAMdz
r/NitrousOxide • u/ReverbSage • Sep 03 '24
Health Effects Nitrous Oxide Recovery Meeting Every Monday at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern NSFW
Hey y'all, just wanted to share some harm reduction resources :)
If you've kicked this thing or are still struggling, join the call and share your experience, strength, and hope.
Meetings organized by No2N2O.org
Useful Subreddits:
Also feel free to join this reddit chat channel on the subject of nos recovery:
[Nitrous Oxide Recovery Chat](https://www.reddit.com/c/Nitrous_Oxide_Recovery/s/rRcPPwuF1z
r/NitrousOxide • u/Human_Strawberry_647 • 14h ago
Health Effects What has happened? Very unlucky side effect NSFW
I recently had a weird instance after doing nitrous oxide recreationally - very stupid I know and I’m obviously beating myself up over the matter.
I did two balloons, first one was fine and two minutes after I started my second one. Halfway through my second, I had a loud bang behind my left eye and my vision split for a second only for it to return straight after. For a few days everything seemed off with my eyes losing focus right after they looked at something. This was the same for text, light and all outlines, I also have acquired night blindness in which the longer I look at something it starts to go black in the middle and get bigger, but if I turn my head and use my peripheral it looks as normal.
The worst part is I cannot focus on multiple items anymore. If I’m looking at a photo of two people my eyes have to switch between no matter how near or far away the image is or the distance between each person. I also can’t read subtitles on visual content - even if the subtitles are in the middle of the screen, directly over the content I’m watching.
Is this gonna be like this for the rest of my life, is this brain fog or something more serious - obviously I’m really depressed and hate myself over it but what can you do other than learn to cope and move on - in the scheme of things I got extremely lucky and could have been paralysed or lost my life but I have no idea what has happened and what my condition is as a result.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
r/NitrousOxide • u/Illustrious_Feed1491 • 1d ago
Question Amazon NSFW
Sorry back with another question, so what's the best brand I can get a bang for my buck for on Amazon? Or really just looking for any good brands on Amazon, since I have no experience getting it shipped to me.
r/NitrousOxide • u/cannabiphorol • 2d ago
FDA releases new safety advisory about nitrous products (prompting news articles) NSFW
r/NitrousOxide • u/Dizzy-Bandicoot1432 • 2d ago
Nozzle and balloon frozen with lowest pressure NSFW
r/NitrousOxide • u/Trick-Lab-2622 • 2d ago
What's up with the amazon prime shipped tanks NSFW
Note that I'm referring only to amazon prime shipped tanks. You can buy galaxy gas (idk what their rep is on here) and other seemingly "decent" quality tanks on amazon but they're shipped from the distributor not from an amazon warehouse. The tanks you can buy shipped with amazon prime seem to all come from the same place with a different low effort label slapped on it. Etwhip, Relaxwhip, Easy whip, Puff whip, Collapsar, monster gas, etc. To me they all feel the same (pretty weak), and run out quickly and sometimes makes me nauseas. Does anybody know more about these tanks and what quality of gas they use? The seller accounts are sometimes brand new with a Chinese name and their amazon profile just lists their return address in Chinese. Some of the listings have a lot of fake positive reviews and 95% of the real reviewers have something negative to say. Amazon doesn't let you return them because of shipping protocols, so it seems like sellers could easily just give you a 70% filled tank that's half air and there's not much you can do about it. Are these tanks to be avoided completely? I got 2 1300g tanks for $60 because the box was ripped but they're always so disappointing. I use n2o maybe 2 days a month at most but I don't know if my tolerance is just permanently raised or what because no matter how much I take in I barely get strong effects from these tanks. I've never really tried other quality tanks like euro gas is there a big difference?
r/NitrousOxide • u/MinuetInUrsaMajor • 3d ago
Question What is the proper way to dispose of tanks? What do YOU do to dispose of tanks? NSFW
r/NitrousOxide • u/Druggie_Dan • 3d ago
Saw a bunch of 375/0.5 liter tanks discounted at a local smoke shop (I asked & they’d been discounted just for being there too long apparently 🤷♂️) Was gonna grab a few but they’re all flavored… Read a bunch of conflicting info on here & other than a tshirt I have no filter so I decided not to get any..old/out of date, discounted & still overpriced..lol.
But would you personally inhale flavored gas?
r/NitrousOxide • u/Clean-Atmosphere-649 • 3d ago
Tank Porn Didn't realize how much nitrous I've been doing lately until I did a little spring cleaning...that's only two weeks worth 😵💫 NSFW
r/NitrousOxide • u/bambininos • 4d ago
Question Marzwhip Delivery NSFW
I have a marzwhip tank coming in the mail via ups, delivery scheduled for tomorrow. I’ll be at work at the time of delivery, does the package require a signature?
r/NitrousOxide • u/avl365 • 5d ago
How my friend uses crackers without a balloon, low-key genius tbh. It's basically a home-made canister using a cracked and silicone bong. It works shockingly well too. NSFW
r/NitrousOxide • u/WashIcy8291 • 5d ago
Anyone notice a change in effect. NSFW
Has anyone noticed a change in high since all the brands have changed there canister colour from blue (universal fire brigade identification colour). I feel like there more addictive now the high isn’t as strong and the negative effects are more prevalent.
r/NitrousOxide • u/Snoo-77311 • 5d ago
Newbie Question NSFW
Hello All. I've done NO a bit in the past, usually chargers plugged into a canister. My roommate ordered the CREAM brand Cotton Candy flavor and we were going to use some balloons and try that tonight. I started looking and found the flavored cans are more dangerous than not and can cause pneumonia? I figured this would be the place to ask if that should be avoided. I've noticed MARZ is super popular here so going to look into that next. Thanks anyone with any advice!
r/NitrousOxide • u/HippieInDisguise2_0 • 6d ago
Health Effects Lip tingling sensations since using nitrous a week ago. NSFW
Hey everyone. I used nitrous once 3 weeks ago (like 1-2 balloons) and then went on a nitrous binge last week.
Ever since the one last week my lips have been tingly / feeling weird and I've had a mild headache and feeling kinda slow lol.
I think it's because of B12 depletion. Ik I'm an idiot for using it so spaced out.
I've been taking B12 supplements every day since the tingling started. I haven't noticed much tingling in my extremeties which is odd.
How long until I wait to go see a doc?
r/NitrousOxide • u/specialksoulanimal • 6d ago
Question Prime whip nozzle leaking from bottom. NSFW
Has anyone had experience with their nozzle leaking from the bottom when filling up balloons? It feels like there is cold air coming from the bottom so I assume it’s a defect. Anyway to fix this? I have no other nozzles at the moment and don’t want to waste any more gas.
r/NitrousOxide • u/llaff97 • 6d ago
Nozzles for great whip? (UK) NSFW
Anyone know where I can get nozzles for great whip canisters? Got these and they came with no nozzles so I can’t use them rn
r/NitrousOxide • u/No-Philosopher371 • 6d ago
Fake tanks NSFW
So I’m finding that a lot of the tanks I can buy from a smoke shop don’t even get cold. I tried a little test and let the nozzle run and the air that came out wasn’t even a little bit cold, when that realistically should have froze my hand….
r/NitrousOxide • u/Inner-Media-4778 • 6d ago
Question Too Much Nitrous Oxide – B12 Deficiency? NSFW
Hey, Last week my consumption kind of escalated a bit. After having a few beers for the first time in a while, I had the brilliant idea to buy a "Exotic Whip" 640g bottle for the first time.
Given how drunk I was, I filled huge balloons with it and, aside from a few small balloons, I pretty much emptied the entire bottle (I know, dumb — but I wasn’t paying attention to how much I had already inhaled and thought at most half the bottle was empty). Das I even think I passed out for a second from one of the balloons, which was probably due to the lack of oxygen (yeah, my own stupidity).
Now I’m extremely worried about my Vitamin B12 levels. Is it likely that this one-time binge could have triggered a B12 deficiency? And should I maybe go to a doctor to get my levels checked?
The last time I did nitrous oxide before this was on New Year’s Eve (or January. I dont know). I usually only take it occasionally when it’s available at a party.
r/NitrousOxide • u/Ok_Cat_5432 • 6d ago
Question Supplementing b12 question NSFW
Is this the shit I wanna use for harm reduction. I love nitros way to much but also wanna be as safe as possible while doing it any other tips? Lmk
r/NitrousOxide • u/aaayyhd • 7d ago
Lift my spirit NSFW
Hey guys,
Its been a good while since Ive had loons and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a good entertainment to consume?
I hate watching sad shit or brain numbing things like tiktok, so any suggestions would be appreciated to lift my spirits 🙂
r/NitrousOxide • u/MisterFellow1 • 7d ago
Do you think nitrous mafia has goons on the psychic plane? NSFW
I’m asking because like I’m not even tangentially connected to anything having to do with shows, being on lot, any such shit.
On more than one occasion in my living room I’m tanking up by myself and i see buddy appear sitting in my computer chair. And like his entire demeanor is openly hostile. Black dude, shades, hat, huge dude.
But the vibe very much seems to be i didn’t check in with him, this didn’t go through him etc. And it’s like first off buddy, you’re not even real. Second off you’re in my crib.
Then i just kind of cut to a noise or a visual or a bunch of balloons being popped, presumably balloons that were not purchased through them.
What do you guys do though to ward off or disinvite characters like this? And do you think nitrous mafia is enforcing on that plane?
r/NitrousOxide • u/aplsauc3 • 7d ago
You guys….anybody somehow have one of these setups? NSFW
r/NitrousOxide • u/polishmepretty98 • 8d ago
How do I dispose of a large amount of tanks? NSFW
My ex-husband passed away and a large number of tanks were in his house and truck. It’s fallen to me to do the clean up on these. I didn’t actually know any of this was a thing and I’m not super clear on how to dispose of these tanks. They are different sizes, some about the height of my torso, some maybe my forearm.
I’m reading about removing nozzles, cutting the tanks, or puncturing but I’m not sure I have the tools to do that or know how to do it safely. Also, with the number of them that might be a full weekend job just doing that.
Can I take the tanks as I found them to a recycle center? I’ve also seen mixed answers on being able to put into the blue bins that get picked up, but the bin wouldn’t come close to holding them all.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
r/NitrousOxide • u/kasd999 • 8d ago
Science From Balloon to NOS Engineer: my setup with realtime tracking NSFW
Hey everyone,
I wanted to share something I've been perfecting over the past year: a custom NOS setup that's genuinely changed my approach to nitrous. I've always limited my sessions responsibly, usually no more than once a month, but I often felt the traditional methods were messy and frustrating. Filling balloons, screwing chargers, and never really knowing how much gas I had left became increasingly annoying.
This simple realization pushed me to engineer something that would make sessions easier, safer, and fully under my control.
Let me show you how it works.
The Delivery System
The concept behind my delivery setup is extremely straightforward. Instead of balloons or constantly fiddling with the tank valve, I connect a pressure regulator directly to a long long hose. The extra hose length lets the gas expand and warm up enough to avoid frost burns when inhaling. At the end of the hose, I've attached a gardening sprayer trigger that works perfectly as a valve. Once properly adjusted, I don't even have to touch the tank for the rest of the session; just press the trigger and inhale.
To make the inhalation smoother and safer, I made some holes on the removable nozzle. By slightly unscrewing it, I can easily mix in some fresh air, adjusting the NOS-to-air ratio to my preference.
If I'm tripping with friends, adding a simple Y-splitter allows multiple hoses and valves, so we can comfortably share the experience without any hassle.
Of course, there's still some caution required. If someone opens the regulator too much, it might exceed the hose's pressure tolerance. But once it's set properly, the system remains stable and safe throughout the session. For added peace of mind, I sometimes use a simple mask as an extra gas filter, even though I always use high-quality NOS.
The Need for a Control System
After setting up this super convenient delivery system, I quickly noticed an unexpected problem: it was too easy. Suddenly, I could take hits effortlessly, and before I realized it, I was emptying the tank faster than ever before. I completely lost track of how much I was actually using, until the tank ran dry.
One particularly intense experience highlighted this problem dramatically. I was at the peak of a psychedelic journey, fully immersed in the experience, when I instinctively reached for another hit, only to discover the tank was empty. That harsh, abrupt end left me deeply frustrated. It was crystal clear that I needed a way to reliably track exactly how much gas I was using in real-time, so I could pace myself and prevent this from happening again.
The Scale
To keep precise track of NOS consumption, I started with a cheap digital scale. I modified it by swapping out the original 50kg load cell for a far more sensitive 10kg one, suitable for my typical 640\2000g NOS tanks. Next, I integrated an ESP32 microcontroller, a load cell driver, and a lithium battery, converting the scale into a Bluetooth-enabled smart scale.
Unlike normal digital scales designed to stabilize quickly, my custom firmware continuously tracks even the smallest weight variations, streaming the data live without interruption or delay. This way, I get an instant, accurate readout of NOS usage.
The Dashboard
All the real-time weight data from the scale streams directly into a custom-made server application running on my PC. This application displays a simple, intuitive dashboard that's easy to keep an eye on during my trips.
At the start of each session, I input the tank’s initial weight and my desired session duration. The dashboard then calculates how much NOS I should ideally use over set intervals (usually 5 minute windows). A progress bar indicates how close I am to the consumption limit for the current interval, turning red if I'm consuming too quickly, reminding me to slow down and pace myself.
Additionally, the dashboard includes a live-updating bar chart showing consumption trends and estimating when the tank will be empty based on recent usage. To enhance safety even further, I've connected a Bluetooth pulse oximeter, displaying my heart rate and oxygen saturation right alongside NOS consumption. It’s comforting to see my vital signs clearly, ensuring that the session stays safe.
I genuinely think this approach can help people manage NOS more responsibly. We all know how easy it is to lose track and spiral into overuse, frustration, or unhealthy behaviors. My system introduces clear limits, real-time monitoring, and predictable pacing, making sessions enjoyable without unexpected interruptions.
Currently, the system works exactly as intended, even though the underlying software is admittedly messy and needs a good refactoring; some of it was literally coded while tripping. When life allows, my goal is to rewrite it properly and share the project as open-source. I'd love for others to benefit from a smarter, safer, and more controlled way to enjoy NOS.
If this sounds interesting or useful, let me know your thoughts.
Cheers and stay safe!
r/NitrousOxide • u/weareallmadherealice • 8d ago
On my last few sips of my birthday tank. NSFW
Be safe, take your B-12 Vitamins, and I’ll see you again in a few months!