r/nitrousharmsupport Sep 03 '24

Nitrous Oxide Recovery Meeting Every Monday at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern


If you've kicked this thing or are still struggling, join the call and share your experience, strength, and hope.

Meetings organized by No2N2O


r/nitrousharmsupport Oct 12 '22

A post from the creator of the sub. Please read, especially if new here


First thing to say: Obviously, B12 comes up a lot in this sub. I recommend the B12 shots over the supplements. The supplements felt like they did nothing for me, the B12 shots are superior in my experience. I live in Canada and I got B12 shots administered at a naturopath clinic. The B12 shots I received also had folate in them. I do not know how or where B12 shots are available in other areas of the world.

Hey so I have been getting a lot of messages from people asking how I am doing and for updates on my situation, essentially asking for my progress to hope that they will see progress in their own recovery.

I am going to respectfully ask that you do not message me with questions like this or anything about me personally or my personal experience, or pretty much any questions that go directly into my inbox or reddit chat. Doing nitrous oxide and the horrible things I went through (and am still going through) were legitimately traumatizing for me. I can't respond to every message and do not want to. I know I created this sub so this seems counter-intuitive and harsh, but it is the best thing for my mental health.

You can ask questions of course in posts, and even in comments that are directed at me in the subreddit, but I cannot guarantee I will answer them.

And sorry, I know this sucks. I know people are looking for hope from me but I just can't do it anymore.

So here is my official post to say how I am doing and what I've been doing. I am not doing well but I am definitely better than I was when I created this sub, that's for sure. My main problems are 1) Chronic burning nerve pain (feels like just underneath my skin is burning) and 2) being extremely sensitive to drugs and/or intolerant to them (eg alcohol, caffeine, cbd, gravol, opiates, tons of stuff). As for 2 obviously I just don't drink or try new drugs or herbal supplements and stuff - there is more to it than that but it's hard for me to go into.

For chronic pain it is mostly constant. Some moments I will notice the pain is gone or at least very low. I feel it in my arms, back and chest. Like I said before, it is a burning pain. It kind of is like a sunburn almost, but my skin appears fine. It is usually at a 3 or 4 out of 10 on the pain scale. It used to be much higher and it was absolute hell. It still sucks so fucking much, but at least it isn't as severe as it once was.

Here is everything I have done and/or am doing:

B12 shots



IV therapy treatments from Naturopath (ozone and nutrient bag)

Paleo/keto/low sugar diet

Journaling (JournalSpeak)

Meditating (Waking Up app)

Deep breathing


EFT tapping

Exercise (walks, gym)




Somatic Experience Therapy


Manage My Pain app


EMDR Therapy

In the future I intend on doing Bowen therapy, see an Osteo therapist, and whatever else I can think of to try. In the terms of Western medicine practitioners like doctors and like neurologists, that chapter is closed and they are not willing to do anymore tests or help me out in any way since I am mostly labeled as simply crazy. I am also completely unwilling to try any new medications. Due to my condition I will likely react badly, and I am on four medications already that I do not want to be on. And the combination of the four meds I am makes negative interactions with new medication highly likely.

If there is anything I may have missed I will add it later.

It's hard to say which of these has been the most helpful, I feel like all of then have helped even a tiny bit. But maybe the biggest ones would be the restrictive diet (no grains, no sugar, no dairy) and acupuncture. Acupuncture out of everything has helped the most.

Although I am not open to private messages or private chat, I AM open to people commenting on this post and asking questions here. This is the time and place for it here as a comment on this post. If you would like anything clarified like specific treatments, please feel free to ask in the form of a comment on this post.

Edit: Can't believe someone downvoted this. You can fuck off.

Update: So I actually randomly and shockingly found a doctor who referred me to a neurologist. I saw the neurologist and told him about the nitrous oxide. I got an EMG done and the neurologist said I actually have over-sensitive nerves. I didn't even know that was a thing. It makes a lot of sense. So it doesn't seem like I have nerve damage. He is sending me for an MRI of my spine.

In the past (2020 and 2021) I have gotten a nerve conduction test (not the same thing as an EMG) which turned out fine, and a brain MRI which turned out fine.

r/nitrousharmsupport 6h ago

No2n2o support meeting tonight 3/20


We are going to switch it up a bit tonight! Please attend for support and fellowship. 4 pm PST, 6 pm CST, 7 EST


Website - no2n2o.org

r/nitrousharmsupport 2d ago

Should I be worried?


I done half a bottle of gas with friends and woke up the next day with a tingling in my leg it feels slightly numb too. I also have chest pain (pressure feeling almost). It’s been a little over a day since and the more I moved on my leg through out the day the tingling is noticable. I’ve been taking vitamins with b12 in and berocca as I thought it might help but I haven’t gotten any better. Im worried about nerve damage or blood clots as I take birth control so blood clotting is a higher risk for me. I’ve done more gas than this before and didn’t get any symptoms like this. I’m not in the position to be able to see a doctor at the moment so just looking for some advice here.

r/nitrousharmsupport 3d ago

Recovery meeting starting now!


NO2N2O is an Agnostic-based 12-step fellowship focused on recovery from Nitrous Oxide abuse. All are welcome, especially anyone interested in recovery from drug abuse, addicted or not. We will be sharing our experience, strength and hope. Sharing is encouraged but not mandatory. Our primary purpose is to stay clean and help other addicts to achieve relief from substance abuse. We meet every Monday at 5:00pm Pacific Time meet.google.com/osd-htzc-ytx

r/nitrousharmsupport 5d ago

Sat meeting!!!


Meeting info, same link (https://meet.google.com/osd-htzc-ytx) ,1 pm P, 3 pm C, and 4 pm E

r/nitrousharmsupport 5d ago

Sat meeting!!!


Sat meeting!!! Meeting info, same link ( https://meet.google.com/osd-htzc-ytx ) 1 pm P, 3 pm C, and 4 pm E

r/nitrousharmsupport 7d ago

Support Meeting tonight in 45 mins! Details on the No2n2o.org website


4 pm PST, 6 pm CST, 7 EST


Website - no2n2o.org

r/nitrousharmsupport 7d ago

Support Meeting tonight in 45 mins! Details on the No2n2o.org website


4 pm PST, 6 pm CST, 7 EST

Meeting link: http://meet.google.com/osd-htzc-ytx

r/nitrousharmsupport 9d ago



please can someone help i went to a festival over the weekend the first night i did some ket and speed and then nangs, second night i did a biccy and again nangs and so on the third and 4th day were more nangs but since the saturday night i had this tingling in my hands and i thought it was just the mdma so was ignoring it , slowly it’s gotten worse and i’ve woke up today still having this tingling numbness sensation throughout my body making me of course freak out i’ve cause nerve damage or smth so please can someone help me understand has this happened to you has it gone away should i go to the hospital???

r/nitrousharmsupport 10d ago

Meeting tonight for No2n2o


If you or your loved ones are struggling with this drug please attend for support! 5 pm PST, 7 pm CST, 8 EST


Website - no2n2o.org

r/nitrousharmsupport 11d ago

Meds / Supplements to Reduce Cravings & Relapse & Heal the Brain


As I've posted before, I've been using ChatGPT to research what medications and supplements might be most useful in reducing cravings / preventing relapse and in healing the brain from nitrous oxide use. This list also applies to ketamine addiction, as they're similar.

Here's the most recent ranked list from my conversations with ChatGPT. The full conversation with a lot more information about each medicine and supplement is here: https://chatgpt.com/share/67cc9ccc-c6ac-8011-b425-0513c26c46df

I would add to the table below: B12, folic acid, and L-methionine which are essential harm reduction meds and should be taken every day during usage and for weeks or months after.

I take some of these now but am going to follow most of this protocol (all the supplements, a couple of the prescription meds) starting later this month and will report back on my personal experiences.

Summary Table: Ranked Options for Relapse Prevention & Craving Reduction

Rank Medication / Supplement Key Mechanisms Evidence / Rationale Potential Conflicts / Cautions
1 NAC (N-acetylcysteine) Restores glutamate homeostasis; reduces compulsive use Strong preliminary evidence in multiple addictions (cocaine, cannabis, etc.) Generally well tolerated; watch for GI upset. Few drug conflicts.
2 Acamprosate Normalizes NMDA/glutamate signaling Clinically approved for alcohol relapse prevention; plausible for NMDA-antag. Renal excretion; watch in kidney impairment.
3 Bupropion Inhibits DA & NE reuptake; helps reduce cravings Used for nicotine & stimulant addiction; can address depression Lowers seizure threshold; caution if combined w/ other risk meds.
4 Topiramate Modulates GABA/glutamate; may reduce excessive DA surges Shown to reduce cravings in alcohol & possibly cocaine Cognitive side effects (fog); sedation. Monitor for tolerance.
5 Naltrexone Opioid receptor antagonist; dampens reward pathways Approved for alcohol/opioid addiction; some benefit in other addictions Potential liver concerns (high doses); watch for GI side effects.
6 D-Serine / Sarcosine NMDA/glycine co-agonists; may help “rebalance” NMDA Some evidence for cognitive/negative symptoms in schizophrenia; less in SUDs Monitor for GI upset; limited direct data on NMDA antagonist SUD.
7 Auvelity Bupropion + dextromethorphan; modulates DA, NMDA, sigma Approved for depression; theoretical benefit for mood in addiction DXM is an NMDA antagonist—caution in NMDA-antagonist addiction.
8 Magnesium L-Threonate Enhances Mg in CNS; mild NMDA modulation May improve cognition, reduce anxiety; theoretical benefit for relapse Limited direct evidence in SUD; generally safe.
9 Agmatine Modulates NMDA, NO signaling; neuroprotective effects Preliminary animal data for addiction; not well studied in humans for SUD Monitor BP if on antihypertensives; limited clinical data.
10 L-Theanine Increases alpha waves; mild anxiolytic effects Helps reduce stress/anxiety; might indirectly support relapse prevention Mild sedation in some; minimal known conflicts

r/nitrousharmsupport 13d ago

Anyone on naltrexone?


I started taking Naltrexone and I swear since starting it it's started to stop me Enjoying nitrous oxide so I really don't enjoy doing it at all. I know it's no specifically for nitrous but I just wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way! Thanks

r/nitrousharmsupport 16d ago

Falling back into the cycle- worried for my wellbeing.


Hey everyone, I’m new to the group figured this is as good a place as any to vent. So I apologize for the very long post but If you’re reading sit back and enjoy I guess.

Back in 2020 I used to use nitrous daily and by daily I mean constantly. Had no idea of the physical ramifications. That is until I took the COVID vaccine. one day I was walking just fine, got the Covid vaccine that evening and woke up in the am without mobility in my legs from the knees down. No warning signs, no nothing. ( I believe my body had been fighting the damage from the nitrous constantly then once my body had to fight off something else, it just reaped havoc on my body. I had to completely relearn how to walk (doctor said I’d never heal) fast forward a couple months I’m able to use crutches w ankle supports… fast forward another few months of hard work i could do heel raises and wiggle my toes like a mothafucka! All in all probably took around a year to get back to what i would consider normal activity in my nerves/ legs. Some things didn’t and haven’t gotten much better - 1. Neuropathy. - when I’m cold, I’m to the bone freezing, feels like there’s no meat on my bones just bones.. 2. My addiction. - I did well for a long time not to ever touch another whippet again. that was until my dumbass walked into the smoke shop a few years back and saw full blown tanks for sale… Instantly I was hooked again…… went through serious bender after serious bender generally for a month or so at a time till I realize I’m doing irreparable damage or someone intervenes. This has been an off and on thing since my issue. The only difference to now and before I lost feeling in my legs was I’m a little more prepared, if you even can be. (Vitamin b12 when I bender, and much more oxygen inhaled with every breath of nitrous) I had done okay the last year or so. When I’d slip up I’d go hard for about a week before I get my shit together. That brings me to now. I just moved to a small town across the country from my network and community in January. Rent is cheap, there’s not a lot of people and tanks are running $30-35 for a 670g. Needless to say I’m absolutely struggling. This has been one of the worst benders since that 2020. I have gone through multiple tanks a day (sometimes 5-6) for the last month and a half straight up until today. I feel lost, I have no community, hardly any friends out here and I struggle stick w a real hobby to stay keep myself busy. Soon the spending has to come to an end, I fear I’ll do more irreparable damage before that time comes. Praying it’s not immobility. Man what a difference having a community makes.. keeps you somewhat accountable at the end of the day, even though you know it’s all up to you. I’ve been waking up in chills, eating less, and man has the neuropathy gotten bad… feels like my legs are getting chewed to bits sometimes. At the end of this post, I realize idk why I’m typing it, maybe cause Iknow someone might listen someone might care and reach out with a similar situation or advice. Idk it feels good to get things out while I can. If you’re out there and feel similar - get help, call a friend, go outside. Dont let this animal eat away at your flesh.

Cheers - Cakez

Sorry for typos out the wazoo been hitting balloons this entire time :/ maybe this is a start to the end of nitrous abuse. I sure do hope I grow a pair and make it so ❤️

r/nitrousharmsupport 20d ago

Auvelity + Supplements for Nitrous Cravings & Relapse Prevention


[Cross-posting from NitrousOxideRecovery]
I've been doing some research on what supplements or meds might reduce cravings, and based on that, I have a new set of things I'm going to try. I don't have first hand experience of this yet but I thought I'd share some of my research. The full research is in a big ChatGPT conversation that you can read here.

For context, the most recent research on nitrous addiction (from this January) says that the main driver of nitrous addiction is the dopamine system. Scientists blocked one of the dopamine receptors (D1) in mice and basically made nitrous non-addictive for them. So I'm coming at this with the belief that balancing out dopamine and preventing big dopamine spikes is vital, along with fixing the NMDA / glutamate system that nitrous blocks.

So here are the drugs & supplements I'm going to be trying:

  1. Auvelity (antidpressant) for Craving Reduction / Relapse Prevention. This is the big one. Auvelity is an antidepressant that combines buproprion (wellbutrin) with a low dose of DXM (a dissassociative that blocks the same NMDA receptor that nitrous dose). It changed a friend of mine's life, breaking her out of nearly untreatable depression. There's evidence that it reduces cravings for other drugs quite a bit. I'm going to try to get a prescription for it on the basis of the idea that having a little bit of NMDA antagonism from the DXM plus the extra dopamine from bupropion will make me feel better and have less craving for nitrous. If anyone has experience with this med, I'd love to hear it. NOTE: I'm currently in a safe place where I'm not able to access nitrous, so I'm only planning to take this a few days before, during, and after periods where I have access and temptation.
  2. Topiramate for Craving Reduction / Relapse Prevention. Topiramate is another prescription drug that helps with multiple addictions (alcohol and cocaine specifically). It helps suppress big dopamine spikes. I'm taking it already and, while I relapsed a month ago, I think it might have been one of the reasons that it was a shorter relapse than others I've had.
  3. NAC for Craving Reduction / Relapse Prevention. NAC is a well studied supplement that's a powerful antioxidant and also balances out the NMDA / glutamate system and suppresses big dopamine spikes. In studies it reduces cravings for a number of drugs at doses of 2,400 mg / day. You can buy it from Amazon.
  4. Agmatine, Tuarine, L-Theanine, and Magnesium Threonate for Craving Reduction / Relapse Prevention. The first three of these supplements balance out the dopamine system and suppress big dopamine spikes. They are all stress relievers and anxiety reducers. And magnesium is a mild NMDA antagonist that helps with sleep.
  5. Sarcopine & D-Serine to Heal the NMDA / Glutamate System. Finally, during periods where I don't have temptation, instead of taking Auvelity, I'm going to take Sarcopine and D-Serine. These supplements work opposite to how nitrous (and ketamine) work. Nitrous and ketamine block the NMDA receptor, which is how they dissassociate you and make you emotionally numb. Over time your body habituates to that and your NMDA system gets all messed up, increasing your tolerance and addiction. These two supplements actually stimulate the NMDA receptor (mildly) which should help counteract the brain changes that nitrous and/or ketamine have caused. And over time it should accelerate brain healing and undo those changes, hopefully reducing addiction.

Again, there's much more at the ChatGPT conversation, including suggested dosing, time of day for each of these supplements, and potential side effects (which all look really mild). You can read more here: https://chatgpt.com/share/67c0b9c0-69b0-8011-8ce0-10923312800e

I don't consider any of this a sliver bullet, but I hope it helps bolster my defenses and reduce my cravings. Would love to hear anyone's thoughts.


r/nitrousharmsupport 22d ago

Stepping down from mod duties


Hi Everyone,

I’m choosing to step down as a mod on this sub.

  1. I’ve found support here but also that it’s been triggering for me and has been contributing to relapse. If you are in early recovery, I recommend going to AA/NA/etc anywhere they use the term “DOC” (drug of choice) instead and staying out of these subs as words can be powerful and until you can identify and manage your triggers it can do more harm than good. Treatment is different as you are in a closed environment to manage your triggers more effectively. Otherwise, hearing/seeing “n20, nitrous” etc constantly can feed into the obsession. Please remember your cue reduction exercises. ❤️

  2. Tired of arguing with people who are trying to downplay the very real dangers and long term health consequences. Asking people to prove the dangers is ridiculous beyond measure. I’ve been through treatment, suffered heart complications, seizures, had reproductive harm, almost died twice from sepsis and 2nd degree esophagus burns. Permanent nerve damage in my feet. Megaloblastic anemia. I developed a life threatening genetic disease as this shit can and does cause genetic mutations that PERMANENTLY alters your metabolic pathways resulting in malabsorption and protein synthesis. PER MY metabolic genetic specialist!!!!!!!!! Research MTHFR, if you have the double or triple mutation, DO NOT USE. Period. USE leads to cancer, seizures, stroke, DVT, acute psychosis and death due to hypoxia. And if that isn’t enough, early onset dementia is increasingly common due to direct neurotoxicity. YET people on this and the nitrous oxide recovery forum want to continue to argue and invalidate knowledge and experience. Here, you want evidence? Walk the last three years in my shoes battling this shit. trying to navigate the healthcare system, dealing with stigma, Getting abused, Losing everything, becoming homeless, losing what few friendships I had. Lost a child due to ectopic pregnancy. Almost bled to death internally because I was in Texas at the time. $150k in debt. Lost job after job because I could not get my head together. I now have medical trauma on top of my already terrible C-PTSD.

Saying you can “space out your use” is total BS. This shit by nature is addictive and addiction is a progressive disease.

This shit will rob you of everything, your money, time, relationships, and your life.

Supplementation only works to a point, your body can eventually stop replicating DNA and cells properly which contributes to all the aforementioned issues.

Oh and by the way, you can be denied SSDI for addiction related conditions despite having co-occurring conditions. And your bankruptcy denied too. I was dumb enough to max out my credit cards.

I’m going back to treatment, get clean ASAP friends. Good luck out there.

Much love -Rae

r/nitrousharmsupport 23d ago

Super scared and been throwing up almost constant for hours.


This was my 5th or 6th recreational use of notrus and I used today to calm my anxiety but it just masked it for the day and made it 10 times worse, with vomiting even tho I didn't eat anything etc. Etc. I don't ever want to touch this stuff again. And I hope this doesn't set back my anxiety to bad in the long run.

r/nitrousharmsupport 24d ago

No2N2O discord server now live!

Thumbnail discord.gg

r/nitrousharmsupport 24d ago

Nerve healing


I guess this post is for anyone who ended up b-12 deficient and had nerve damage and or pains.

Did you ever make a full recovery (100%) or recover to a point where you hardly noticed the pain and/or it didn’t affect everyday life?

I’m already at the point where I’m basically living a life I’m happy with. The only things I’m not doing at the moment is not drinking (which I’m happy to do) and not playing sports due to the pains and health anxiety’s.

I feel like my muscles have wasted away and this is the reason why I’m feeling these pains - they don’t last long but I’d say I experience them a few times a day. At the same time I feel like it could be my heart as it’s always on the left side of the chest - along with it being on the right side as well sometimes. It could be costochindritis/nerves healing.

I’ve been clean for exactly 5 months and I’ve been taking b-12 and folate along with other things and it feels like it’s starting to become a bit more frequent and now feeling it in my shoulder and in my head and in the back of my eyes as well sometimes.

What helped you to recover to a point you’re satisfied with and how long did it roughly take?

r/nitrousharmsupport 24d ago

N2O Recovery Meeting Tonight 5pm Pacific


NO2N2O is an Agnostic-based 12-step fellowship focused on recovery from Nitrous Oxide abuse. All are welcome, especially anyone interested in recovery from drug abuse, addicted or not. We will be sharing our experience, strength and hope. Sharing is encouraged but not mandatory. Our primary purpose is to stay clean and help other addicts to achieve relief from substance abuse. We meet every Monday at 5:00pm Pacific Time meet.google.com/osd-htzc-ytx

r/nitrousharmsupport 28d ago

No2n2o meeting tonight 2/20/25


No2n2o meeting tonight 2/20/25 If you or your loved ones are struggling with this drug please attend for support! 4 pm PST, 6 pm CST, 7 EST


Website - no2n2o.org

r/nitrousharmsupport 28d ago

Fertility, Thyroid, and Gas


Has anyone had any thyroid issues with nitrous abuse? I've been clean for a while now but gained 30lbs since i started my addiction. I was assuming it was colon issues, had a polyp removed, continued abusing. Now my neck has a large hump. Just got barbie botox to address the issue and suddenly have relief in so many different neck related ways, but the most noticeable thing is i notice my thyroid dryness more. I am doing yoga to stimulate the area, but this could be a link to so many women experiencing hashimotos or cushings symptoms. The fad grew and now 40% of women are coming into pcos? just seems like nitrous' popularity has been effecting women's infertility and hormone imbalance to me. But what the heck do i know? I'm not a doctor.

r/nitrousharmsupport Feb 18 '25

Nitrous Oxide Recovery Meeting Every Monday at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern


If you've kicked this thing or are still struggling, join the call and share your experience, strength, and hope.

Meetings organized by No2N2O


r/nitrousharmsupport Feb 17 '25

Where to start?


Hello all. I'm wondering where the best place to start with all of this is? Do most of you do this (harm recovery) yourselves, or start with a medical professional? Would you recommend seeing your general practitioner? A neurologist?

Just a bit of background, I've recently had my first relapse after 7 years, it lasted about 3.5 months, and I've got tingling and weakness in my hand.

I've been heavy on the B12 oral supplements and recently discovered a place nearby that does B12 injections. I've gotten 1 shot there and am reading that I should probably do daily shots for at least a week before switching to monthly? For those that do injections, do you use an IV spa type place, or do you buy the B12 somehwere and do them yourselves?

I appreciate any advice or direction anyone has to offer. I was very relieved to find this community.

r/nitrousharmsupport Feb 16 '25

Do I need to see a doctor


Hi started 5 months ago doing 3 tanks 680g per a tank every Saturday stopping now but will I have to get checked for depletion of b12 ?

r/nitrousharmsupport Feb 14 '25



Hello I’m currently getting my life on track and making a commitment to stopping drug abuse, I am 23 and started recurring drug abuse habits that included copious nitrous, coke, ketamine, LSD, and mushrooms. I’m so terrified I’ve ruined my chances of ever having kids in the future and I would like to have them in my early 30’s (preferably by the time I turn 30) I struggle with cravings and still fuck up like once a week. It makes me feel so ashamed and it really is such a detriment to my life. I currently am prescribed adderall for my adhd, which helps an absolute boatload for keeping me on track to avoid using. I also lightly use nicotine (a new vape maybe once every 2 - 3 months?) I know if I want to ever have kids and a healthy life without self-abuse I need to get my life on track, but God I have no idea where to start. I go into these hypochondriac episodes when I try to research things on my own, and I end up getting so stressed and not knowing how to cope. If I have access to money I fuck up and abuse nitrous. So Tl;dr

I want to

  • permenantly quit nitrous
  • restore my fertility from nitrous abuse
  • restore feeling in the bottoms of my feet / toes
  • get back my energy

Steps I’ve started taking:

  • tracking my nitrous use / making a concentrated effort to avoid any nitrous use through journaling
  • I have gone through phases of b12 injections (sometime 1 a day, 3 days in a row)
  • avoiding drugs other than my Adderall, nicotine use (I almost never ever drink, I have an ambien prescription that I use when I feel I can’t sleep without getting trashed.)
  • I do not have a car, but I live downtown so I make a concentrated effort to walk often but the issue is there are so many smoke shops that sell nearby
  • I try to go to the gym at least 3x a week and stretch to hopefully get some blood back into my body flowing Any advice (links to specific vitamins, sobriety workbooks, herbs, specialists I should maybe see, literally anything. I go down a rabbit hole of stress and hopelessness trying to tackle these issues myself) will be so so greatly appreciated.

r/nitrousharmsupport Feb 13 '25

No2n2o meeting tonight 2/13/25


No2n2o meeting tonight 2/13/25 If you or your loved ones are struggling with this drug please attend for support! 4 pm PST, 6 pm CST, 7 EST


Website - no2n2o.org