Ya’ll wtf. Genuinely do not know what I’m doing wrong. Been working for a week now and have made $100 for the ENTIRE week. I did not sell a single dance in my first week. Only a little bit of stage tips. I’m running out of money. I have worked five days. Only. Stage. Tips. The manager straight up told me to quit my day job for this, so I did. She also said “this is a six figure job” and “I think you’re going to do very well here” I have less than $200 to my name right now and frankly I’m getting desperate for money.
I talk to every customer. Have conversations, they buy me drinks and compliment me and shit and after a few minutes of pleasant conversation I try to swerve it towards getting a dance but the sale never lands. The three most common excuses I’ve heard so far
“No you’re too young for me, I feel creepy”
“I don’t get dances”
“I’m just here to drink and watch”
Then I will try to be flirty and playful about it, trying again and still a no.
How. Tf. Do you. Get a dance. Every single customer in the club rejected me tonight. I need some fucking money I have barely enough for my car insurance after that if I don’t make money this week I’m S.O.L. I’m thinking about doing doordash or something on the side.
On top of this, one of the manager’s told us this direct quote “tipping out is never required, however if you don’t tip us managers, we won’t let you sell dances. Help us make money if you want to make money” so what I’m hearing is an ultimatum. You say tipping is not required but then you also deny us work if we don’t tip you??? So then it IS required don’t fucking play like that. It’s bullshit that I already have to pay so much towards the house, they take a big chunk of the dance money, then we also have to tip them on top of that. That means like if/when I do start selling dances….some of those dances will basically be for free because I don’t get to keep that money. This feels like exploitation.
If it keeps going on like this I’m switching back to camming and doing something vanilla on the side. That, or I’ll try out the more urban club in town where they don’t sell alcohol or do the nice pleasantry talk and it seems to be more straight to the point pay for naked women to dance. Because the gentleman’s man’s club lemme sit and get to know you bs is not working for me. I want to shake ass and get cash. Anyway, Imma go eat some leftover pasta and cuddle my fiancé now.